in the hotel

After Song Fengwan washed up, he reviewed the attention points emphasized by the teacher in class, checked the things to be used tomorrow, and waited until ten o'clock before receiving Qiao Aiyun's call.

"Late night."

Song Fengwan obviously heard the whistling wind on her phone, "Mom? When are you coming back?"

"There's something wrong with Yutangchun's inventory here. I'll come and take a look. It may be later. You go to bed first, don't stay up late, what do you want to eat tomorrow morning..."

"It's all right." Song Fengwan knew that she didn't want to say more, so he didn't ask.

The two talked a few more words before hanging up the phone.

Song Fengwan thought about the jade store's inventory, and there would be no major problems, so he didn't think much about it.


Brocade Capital

After Fu Chen and Song Fengwan sent the good night message, they turned their heads to look at Shifang opposite.

"How are things going now?"

"It's a big mess." Shi Fang spread his hands.

"Fuck, you don't even understand. Those few people are not people who can afford jade at all. Although the family is not poor, they are extremely greedy for money and stingy at closing the door. They will never spend thousands of dollars to buy jade bracelets."

"It's clear that someone deliberately messed up."

On Fu Chen's wrist was an agarwood Buddha bead, and he was stroking the hanging hibiscus stone with his fingertips, without saying a word.

"When I got there, I couldn't help but smashed the shop first and injured a few shop assistants."

"The security didn't stop her. When Ms. Qiao passed by, she was scratched a few times, as if her neck was injured."

Fu Chen narrowed his eyes, "What's the situation over there now?"

"They were all taken away by the police. This kind of thing can only be negotiated to pay in the end. This family is usually so stingy, but now they are generous. They agreed to pay compensation immediately, saying that they don't want to go to jail."

It looks like someone designed it.

"Heh—" Fu Chen lightly sneered.

If they don't pay for the compensation themselves, they can earn a lot of money by going to the police station for a drink of tea. Naturally, someone will do this kind of thing.

"A family of five, and a boy who is only 15. The boy should be sent home later." Shi Fang was speechless.

"It's so fucking wicked. If you can't do it, you will come to trick it. It's still at this time, what the hell."

"If you say it's a fake, you can make trouble and smash the store?"

Fu Chen rubbed the Furong Stone, "How is Aunt Yun doing now?"

"After getting out of the police station, I went to the hospital again to see the injured employee. I should go back to the hotel later."

"Picking up my daughter to take the exam, and doing things during the busiest time, isn't this intentional to make people feel safe?"

"If Ms. Song knew about this, she would definitely feel uneasy. If she delays the exam, it will ruin her future intentionally..."

Fu Chen's deep and stern eyes narrowed slightly, "Destroy her future?"

"I can ruin his life."

"He has already declared war. I'm afraid this matter will not end well, and it may just begin..." Shi Fang shrugged, with a helpless expression on his face, "For the sake of property, what about it?"

"If you don't involve interests, you won't expose your humanity." Fu Chen raised his eyelids, his eyes were unclear.


next day

It may be that the exam is coming soon, so it is inevitable that I am nervous and anxious. The alarm clock did not ring, and Song Fengwan woke up. He turned on the phone and checked the time. Fu Chen's message had already arrived.

[Don't be nervous, come on for the exam. 】

There is also a refueling emoticon pack at the back.

Song Fengwan smiled softly, sent him a nodding expression, and hurriedly got up to change clothes and wash.

When she walked out of the room, Qiao Aiyun was preparing breakfast.

"It's not time yet, why did you get up so early?" Qiao Aiyun was still wearing yesterday's clothes, the temperature of the air conditioner in the room was as high as 20 degrees, and she still had a scarf wrapped around her neck.

Although he was smiling, his expression was obviously haggard, his eyes were cloudy and bloodshot.

"Mom, is something wrong?" Song Fengwan walked to her side.

"I'm still nervous about your exam. I couldn't sleep when I came back last night. I'm afraid I'll miss the time." Qiao Aiyun smiled, "Hurry up and check your things again. Don't forget about the admission ticket. You can eat right away. .”

"Hmm." Song Fengwan was full of suspicion, feeling that something was wrong.

Before the exam, all the exam rooms were locked down, and you couldn't get in if you went too early. Song Feng had breakfast late, stayed in the hotel and read a book for a while, and left the hotel 40 minutes before the exam.

Qiao Aiyun sent her all the way to the school gate, where the examiners were directly sent in.

"It's over in the morning, go back to the hotel directly, I'll prepare a meal and wait for you."

Song Fengwan nodded.

"Don't be nervous, trust yourself." Qiao Aiyun told her for a long time before letting her in.


Art exam only one day

In the morning, the sketch test was accelerated, and in the afternoon, it was gouache. After Song Fengwan entered the examination room, he naturally had no other distractions and took the test seriously.

Back at the hotel at noon, Qiao Aiyun was fine, and even cooked a fish for her.

The exam time has always been very tight, Song Fengwan barely took a breath, and entered the afternoon exam.

Qiao Aiyun sent her into the examination room, and let out a long sigh of relief.

After her figure disappeared, I took a taxi and went straight to the lawyer's office. There are still many follow-up situations that need to be resolved urgently.

It was nothing more than a matter of compensation and payment of employee medical expenses. It was related to money issues. This matter also involved some civil liability. Qiao Aiyun contacted a lawyer in the morning to help deal with it.

When she went to the law firm and was about to go to the police station with the lawyer, she found that things had developed in an unexpected direction.

The female lawyer named Geng Ying, in her early forties, wearing a small suit, put a video in front of Qiao Aiyun.

There are only 6 of Qiao's jade shops in the country, all of which are located in the Jinwangpu in the city center. The incident of smashing up last night has been photographed and posted on the Internet.

The intercepted part is the picture of the family questioning them about selling fake products and arguing with employees.

Netizen comments are all opinionated.

"Yutangchun is a time-honored brand. How can I buy fake products? I buy things there every year as gifts, and I have never found any fake products."

"I think this family is going to blackmail, after all, you will pay ten for a fake one."

"In such a big store, there may be some defective products. People like me who don't know jade are just fooled by them. I used to spend tens of thousands of yuan on a piece of jade when I was traveling. I went home and asked someone to appraise it. They said that at most Two or three thousand. There are too many fake jades."

"Maybe I bought it with a mix of good and bad. After all, there are many people who don't know the goods. I didn't expect something to happen this time. Besides, Yutangchun's things are really expensive."


Geng Ying crossed her arms and looked at Qiao Aiyun, "Why didn't you contact me immediately last night when such a big event happened?"

"It happened too suddenly." Qiao Aiyun frowned as she watched the netizens' comments.

"You are now in a divorce lawsuit. If your reputation is damaged, the other party can use this to attack, and some testimony may not be credible."

"The use of testimonial evidence by judges is bound to consider the credibility of the parties involved."

"Yutangchun is run by you, but now you are selling fake products. If this matter is not handled properly, the other party will say that you are a liar full of lies. I am afraid that the credibility of all the evidence you provide will be greatly compromised."

Qiao Aiyun was busy last night until three or four o'clock in the night, she didn't sleep all night, and her head was a little dizzy.

She had thought that there was a behind-the-scenes pusher behind the whole thing, who deliberately sabotaged it, and didn't connect it with the divorce lawsuit at all.

Compared with the compensation of hundreds of thousands, the division of over 100 million property involved in the divorce lawsuit is a small amount of money.

"Bastard!" Qiao Aiyun trembled with anger.

"This matter is fermented on the Internet. If you don't tell the truth about the matter, it will definitely be bad for your reputation."

"I see."

"Then I'll go with you to the police station to deal with follow-up issues." Geng Ying picked up his coat, and the briefcase followed her out.


As soon as the two left the lawyer's office, they were immediately surrounded by a large group of reporters.

The group of people obviously waited here for a while, and when they saw Qiao Aiyun coming out, they immediately rushed in with long guns and short cannons.

"Ms. Qiao, are you really cheating?"

"Do you really have an affair with the man in the photo? Now that you are filing a divorce lawsuit, you have been emphasizing that Mr. Song cheated first. Did you start playing with each other a long time ago?"

"Yutangchun broke out with fake products. I heard that you still keep a pretty boy. May I ask how to proceed with the divorce lawsuit?"

"Who is the man in the photo? How long have you been together? Is Miss Song really Mr. Song's biological daughter?"


Qiao Aiyun was in a daze for a moment.

She thought that this group of reporters came over and asked about Yutangchun's counterfeit products, so what was this sudden cheating and bad boy?

It wasn't until she heard someone mention Song Fengwan that she immediately exploded.

Completely ignoring Geng Ying who was standing in front of her, she raised her hand and knocked down the microphone in the reporter's hand.

"This reporter, there are some things that cannot be said indiscriminately."

"Are you getting angry from embarrassment?" There are colleagues all around, and everyone is still carrying the camera, "You want me to do it?"

"I'll fight with you, so what?" Qiao Aiyun's face was livid.

"Are you not afraid that we will call the police?"

Qiao Aiyun smiled, "Call the police? Even if the police come, if you dare to tell me that my daughter is wrong, I will not let you go!"

A group of reporters obviously didn't expect Qiao Aiyun to dare to get angry in front of the camera, and took two steps back, not daring to step forward.

"You can say anything about me, don't bring children."

Geng Ying dragged Qiao Aiyun to the car, but the group of reporters did not dare to catch up and could only watch the two leave.

Geng Ying drove the car and heaved a sigh of relief after making sure that there was no car following him.

At this moment, Qiao Aiyun's mobile phone has already sent a lot of news.

Most of them belonged to her and Yan Wangchuan, but his face was all mosaiced, and it was impossible to recognize who it was, only hers was exceptionally clear.

Everything is linked together, if you still don't know who is behind it, Qiao Aiyun will really lose his mind.

"Song Jingren, you are so shameless!" Qiao Aiyun's eyes were red with anger.

"That man..." As her lawyer, Geng Ying naturally had to be clear about the relationship between the two, otherwise, if the other party presented any fatal evidence during the trial, the case would be over.

"We are just friends, he is my senior brother, there is nothing between us." Qiao Aiyun squeezed the phone tightly.

"The other party has designed it. I'm afraid that if this continues, it will be very difficult to fight for custody in the event of divorce."

"It's just nasty!"

"Let's think of a way." Geng Ying sighed. She has fought many divorce lawsuits, and it is rare for her children to be involved in the end.

For some money, it's really heartbreaking.


Nanjiang Yanjia

Yan Wangchuan got the news from his assistant and ran down the stairs without changing his clothes.

When he got downstairs, he saw his mother sitting in the living room, as if waiting for him.


"To Yuncheng?" Mrs. Yan looked up at him.

"It's already involved me. You were right before. I wanted to help her, but the timing was wrong, and someone took the blame." He stood there with a cold face, standing upright, and remained motionless.

Her eyes were firm, as if nothing she said could shake his decision.

"Our Yan family pays attention to reputation. He is sure that it is impossible for me to let you stand up and admit that the 'adulter' is you, and it is also a trick of the organization."


"Don't look at me with a dead face, make me look like a wicked woman, go and go." The old lady looked displeased.

"Thank you, Mom." Yan Wangchuan said as he drove out and went straight to the airport.


He was not the only one who set off from the airport.

Inside the waiting hall of Beijing Airport

Fu Chen was flipping through a magazine casually, with a relaxed look on his face, no matter how the wind and snow came, he would not be surprised at all.

"Third Master, Mr. Yan has set off from Nanjiang." Shi Fang bent down, clung to his ear, lowered his voice, and whispered a few words.


"The Qiao family has also gone out."

At this moment, the broadcast prompts that the flight to Yuncheng has started to board.

Fu Chen closed the magazine and hooked the corners of his mouth.

When he arrived at Yuncheng and rushed to the school, he just caught up with her to leave the examination room, and all the time was just right.

Cough cough, I'm going to abuse the scum, some people are very jelly~

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