As soon as Fu Chen got on the plane, he received the latest news.

"Third Master, Ms. Qiao has decided to hold a press conference at eight o'clock tonight." As soon as Shi Fang received the news, he glanced at the people beside him.

Fu Chen had already opened a copy of "The Great Ming Mantra", his expression was gentle, and he remained calm.

"Well, the time is fine, almost everyone has arrived."

"I don't know how much evidence she has, but I'm afraid that if she doesn't make it right, she will lose her wife and lose her army." Qiao Aiyun's previous behavior was too gentle, and Shi Fang was inevitably worried.

"It's not that Aunt Yun doesn't have enough means, it's because she's always been useless. She thinks too much about things. If she is like Song Jingren and ignores human relations, have you thought about Wanwan's current situation?"

Shi Fang was taken aback.

Parents get divorced, all kinds of conflicts, and the children are the ones who get hurt in the end.

"Yan Wangchuan beat Song Jingren before, but he didn't pursue it. He definitely couldn't swallow it in his heart. He must be holding back his big move."

"He dared to publish the photo, so Mr. Yan is on it, so he is not afraid that the Yan family will pursue him?" Shi Fang couldn't understand this point.

Fu Chen turned a page of scriptures.

"He used tricks to spread the news to Yan's house, and Yan Wangchuan had to go back to Nanjiang first."

"Now when it comes to extramarital affairs and cheating, if Yan Wangchuan doesn't come forward, no one will know who that man is? Once this kind of thing goes deep, everyone will naturally feel that there must be something tricky between the two of them."

"Besides, the two had a marriage contract. Yan Wangchuan's private life has been very clean all these years. If he jumps out, it will be a blow to him and the Yan family. I'm afraid his mother won't agree."

Shifang didn't think so deeply at all.

I also feel that Song Jingren is simply bold, and he is looking for death.

After Fu Chen's analysis, he felt that Song Jingren was intertwined and tried his best for this day.

"So once Mr. Yan jumped out, everyone thought he was having an affair with Ms. Qiao, and they might not be able to tell if they had something to say."

"Damn, the methods are really dirty."

"Now even Ms. Song is involved, and some people even suspect her life experience, and they even help him clean up, saying that the two of them play their own games, and they are not the same."

Fu Chen looked down at the Buddhist scriptures, Song Jingren's tricks were as bright as a mirror in his heart.

"Furthermore, in traditional thinking, a man's cheating is easy to be forgiven. It seems to be a matter of course. Once a woman cheats, she should be immersed in a pig cage, and the sky will be struck by lightning."

"Third Master, you don't even understand, how ugly the netizens are talking about now."

"Grandma, Song Jingren deserves to die."


Fu Chen sighed, can't he calm down?

"Sir, I'm sorry, please turn off your phone." The stewardess came over to remind, "Please keep your voice down, thank you for your cooperation."

Only then did Shifang stop talking, and Fu Chen just felt that the world was quiet.

If Qianjiang hadn't injured his right arm a few days ago with a slight fracture and needed rest, he would not have wanted to take Shifang out.

When a man opens his mouth, he is noisier than five hundred ducks.


The entire city of Yuncheng has been on fire after the events of [Yutang spring sale] and [Qiao Aiyun's derailment].

Through Qiao Aiyun's voice, a press conference is going to be held. In the cold winter, the public is full of enthusiasm, and they are all looking forward to the follow-up. Many netizens are also waiting for her voice.

【Yutangchun】is a century-old jade store founded by the Qiao family.

Decades ago, the country experienced wars, just restored peace, established diplomatic relations with foreign countries, and even presented it as a national gift to foreign countries. In addition, Mr. Qiao's life story was uncovered, and the entire Qiao family was targeted.

"The Qiao family has really fallen. It's a shame to sell fake goods."

"You don't know the truth, so don't jump to conclusions."

"It's not unreasonable for Yutangchun to go downhill for so many years."


Regarding Qiao Aiyun's offensive remarks, it is simply unsightly.

Even words like slut began to appear frequently.

"I'll keep an eye on the press conference for you. Go and pick up your daughter. But there are many reporters outside. Go behind and stay out of the way." Geng Ying was summarizing the materials.

Today's press conference, either you die or I die.

directly related to subsequent divorce events.

She has to pay attention.

"I understand, I'm sorry to trouble you." Qiao Aiyun bowed to her before turning and leaving.

Geng Ying stared at her back for a while, then sighed helplessly.

Because she helped her with the divorce lawsuit, she had already received threatening messages from different channels. If she were another lawyer, she might have retreated.

As a woman too, after reading the information she provided, Geng Ying decided to take the case. She is capable of adversity, and when she is rich, she is scheming in every possible way, and the ugliest side of human nature is completely exposed.

Qiao Aiyun just wanted to go out through the back door, but found that even the back door was blocked by reporters.

Just when she was in a hurry, she received a call from the Fu family.

"Hello, Mr. Fu." At this moment, Qiao Aiyun was so embarrassed that she didn't know how to deal with the phone call from her elders.

"I've seen the news."

Normally, he wouldn't pay attention to this kind of news. If Qiao's family was involved, he would definitely have some snacks.

"I'm sorry for my father, for letting his life's hard work be ruined." Her voice trembled.

Song Jingren really stepped on her bottom line every time this time.

"I can't blame you for this. Someone deliberately designed it, so it's impossible to prevent it." Everything happened so coincidentally that Mr. Fu could see the key at a glance.


"I asked the third child to go over to help. At least don't worry over there in the evening. I will let the third child take care of it. If you need any help, I can ask the second child and her wife to help."

"No, I can do it myself, thank you." When Qiao Aiyun heard that Song Fengwan had Fu Chen taking care of her, there was nothing more reassuring than this.

"Thank you very much for helping me at this time."

Mr. Fu smiled, "Without your father back then, our Fu family would not be where it is today. These are just a matter of effort."

"Your temperament is not at all like your father's. His personality is gray and strict. If he is here, I'm afraid that kid won't survive tonight."

Qiao Aiyun couldn't help laughing out loud when she heard him teasing her father.

If his father heard this, he might jump out of the coffin and argue with him.

"Okay, go get busy, I won't bother you." Mr. Fu said and hung up the phone.

Anyone can make the icing on the cake, but giving charcoal in the snow is the rarest thing.

Qiao Aiyun's eyes were flushed, and it was Fu Chen again, I really owed him too much.

But if he picks up Wanwan, she won't worry over there.


Fu's old house here

The old lady stayed next to Mr. Fu, listening to him finish the phone call.

"This guy named Song is really not a thing." The old lady was very angry, "I have never seen such a bully, even my own daughter, really wicked."

"Okay, just wait for the news quietly."

"Fortunately, the third child notified us, otherwise we would not have known what happened."

The capital city is thousands of miles away from Yuncheng, and the two old people don't use the Internet, so some news is naturally blocked.

"I hope the third child can catch up and help a little." The old lady sighed.

Mr. Fu rubbed his phone, "Old lady, do you think the third son is too concerned about the Song family's affairs?"

"Except for his few friends, he doesn't even care about the accidents of his own juniors. According to his temperament, even if he receives news, he should ignore it."

"I still go there in person, I always feel that something is wrong."

When the old lady heard this, she immediately exploded.

"What do you say about your son, the third child is such a cold and heartless person in your eyes?"

"Is something wrong? I think you are just too busy. What time is it now? Do you still think there is something wrong with the third child?"

"Now the fact is that something happened to Qiao's family. Isn't it right for him to inform us? He is kind to our family and there is a problem with helping? Even my own son is suspicious. Did you not take your medicine today? You are an old fool."

Old Fu was speechless.

He's just talking about what's on his mind. Her cold-eyed look seems to be eating him.

too frightening.

Can't afford it.

"I'm going to take my medicine." He got up and left the sofa.

The old lady snorted coldly, "That's your son. Who do you think he is, your political enemy? Something wrong? Could it be that he has other motives for helping?"

"Song Jingren, a bastard with no conscience, has done nasty things that no one can see."

"It's normal for him to help, but if he sits idly by today, I won't recognize my son."


Mr. Fu poured water and took some antihypertensive medicine to minimize his presence.

Later, the relationship between Fu Chen and Song Fengwan was exposed...

Only then did the elders realize that Fu Chen had tricked them many times in order to facilitate the "secret meeting" with the little girl, using them as a cover.

Under the banner of helping, I went to see Song Fengwan aboveboard.

So when the incident broke out, Mr. Fu almost fainted from anger.

When they fell in love, they used him as a cover, and their fame throughout their lives was completely ruined by their own son.


Song Fengwan finished the gouache test in the afternoon, and when he walked out of the examination room, the sky was gray and gloomy due to the early darkness in winter.

The dark gray sky, the cold wind blowing, the coolness, making people very uncomfortable.

She put on her scarf and hat, and went to the bathroom before walking out slowly.

Many candidates are still discussing how they performed in the exam in twos and threes.

Song Fengwan turned on the phone, and before he could check the unread messages, Fu Chen called.

He really gets stuck on time.

"Hey——" Song Fengwan's fingers were red with cold, the air conditioner in the examination room was not heating, and the windows were still ventilating, which almost froze her to death.

"The exam is over?"

"Well, it's already out." She had to queue up to go to the bathroom just now, which wasted a lot of time. Many candidates had already walked out of the school, staggering the peak flow of people.

"Where did you go?"

They are all students, and it is winter, they are all covered tightly, and it is impossible to tell who is from whom.

"I haven't reached the door yet, what's the matter?" Song Fengwan lowered her head and wiped her nose. The tip of her nose was frozen with clear water. She lowered her head and turned over a tissue to wipe her nose...

"Have a cold?"

Song Fengwan was taken aback for a moment, then raised his head subconsciously, and saw Fu Chen standing at a distance from the school gate. His height was superior, and he stood out more and more in the crowd.

Her heart became hot, and as soon as she took two steps towards him, Fu Chen had already walked towards her even faster, and without waiting for her reaction, he hugged her into his arms.

"Hmm—" Song Fengwan was shocked.


Qiao Aiyun promised to come to pick her up, if she sees it, it will be over.

"What are you doing, let go quickly." Song Fengwan stretched out his hands and pushed, his voice changed in anxiety.

Fu Chen smiled lowly, and rubbed her wool cap, "What are you afraid of? Aunt Yun can't come because of something, I'll pick you up."

"my mother……"

"It scared you so much that your face turned pale." Fu Chen let go of her, pulled her scarf up an inch, and walked out holding her hand.

"Third Master..." There were many people around. She was so ashamed that she had never held hands with anyone in public.

"It's the third brother."

Song Fengwan's face was slightly hot, and he looked around timidly, for fear of meeting someone he knew.

When is this, why is he still paying attention to calling this kind of thing.

"Hands are cold, I'll cover them for you." Fu Chen held her little hand, and gently rubbed the back of her hand with his fingertips.

Song Fengwan wanted to take her hand out, but it was too warm, and she was reluctant, so she let him hold her hand.

When passing by the school gate, I met many reporters. Song Fengwan only showed two eyes. When they saw Fu Chen, they took a second look. After all, such good-looking people are rare, so they didn't pay attention to follow him. The one who got on was the one they were waiting for.

Song Fengwan made a phone call with Qiao Aiyun, confirmed that she was busy, and entrusted Fu Chen to leave with him.

Fu Chen sneered: You girl, do you think he is a human trafficker?

At that time, Qiao Aiyun was afraid that she would be too tired after the exam, so she booked a room for two nights, so her things were still in the hotel.

Song Fengwan and Fu Chen naturally went back to the hotel first.

She just took out the room card to open the door, and the room card was just inserted into the groove on the inside of the door to control the power supply.

She was suddenly pushed in by a strong force, the room card fell off, and all the lights that were turned on just now went out...

Song Fengwan subconsciously exclaimed, and his whole body was pressed against the wall.

With a sound of "嗙——", the door closed.

Third Master, I think now...

Cough cough, it's not the time to flirt with girls, what do you think?

If Mr. Fu knows that he is being plotted by his son, he probably needs family law to serve the third master, haha, the third master passed in a fair and honest way, very strong [cover face]

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