Heartwarming Aristocratic Marriage: Influential Master’s Wife-Chasing Strategy

Chapter 172 Scum Abuse: Let You Never Turn Over (3 more)

Hotel room, quiet and silent.

A ray of light seeps in from the curtains that have not been completely closed, weak and faint, and only the outline of the room furnishings can be vaguely seen.

"Third...Third brother?" Song Fengwan took a deep breath, and there was a smell that didn't belong to him in his breath.

With his back against the slightly cool wall, he pressed his whole body against her body, imprisoning her body, and the heat that was close at hand fell on her face, tender and scorching.

He leaned closer, rubbing the cool tip of his nose against her face.

"Late night."

"Huh?" Song Fengwan clung to his back, not daring to move rashly.

"Your face is hot, like you have a fever."

Song Fengwan bit his lip, "You're too close."

She reached out and tried to push her away, but her hands fell on his chest, and he held them down.

Through the down jacket, it seems that you can feel the beating heartbeat.

The palms gradually became hot.

"Did you miss me?" The tip of the nose rubbed, and the skin touched lightly, causing heart palpitations, "Huh? Did you miss me?"

"Let go of me first." Song Fengwan's voice became softer and weaker, and the two of them pressed close to each other to dispel the chill, inexplicably adding warmth and ambiguity.

Using the dim light, Fu Chen looked at the lips that were close at hand, and his throat rolled.

A little hot and dry.

"Move away first, it makes me uncomfortable..." Song Fengwan hurriedly pushed him away, and he pulled away half an inch...

As soon as her heart relaxed, the oppressive feeling was lifted away, and just now she felt more comfortable, but someone suddenly grabbed her hand, pressed it on top of her head, and pushed her over...

"Three... um—"

Drowning in silence.

Pressing her lips, and not going deep, just sticking so close is enough for her to palpitate.

Fu Chen pecked at the corner of her lips, and with a sound of "Bo--", Song Fengwan's heartbeat was disordered, and his face was flushed.

"Wanwan, I'm sorry." Fu Chen started wrongly, stuck to her ear, whispering together.


What is the way?

"I just couldn't help it."

Song Fengwan's blood surged up, and he was extremely angry.

And someone had already pulled away, picked up the room card on the ground, and inserted it into the groove. With the sound of the power connection ticking, the whole room was as bright as day.

"Don't stand at the door, come in and sit." Fu Chen looked at the room, which was a simple small apartment with two bedrooms.

He conveniently brought Song Fengwan's test supplies to the table.

Song Fengwan was furious, whose house is this?

"Where's your phone?" Fu Chen suddenly reached out to her.


"Didn't you just say that the battery is running out, I'll charge it for you, you go change your clothes first, and I'll take you to dinner."

Song Fengwan painted for a whole day, and it was inevitable that some paint was rubbed on his body.

As soon as she took out her phone, she saw a WeChat message.

Xiao Bailong in the waves: [Sister, I have seen the news, don't be afraid, if you need anything, you can ask brother, brother will help you! 】

"Give me the phone?" Fu Chen raised his eyebrows.

Song Fengwan felt something was wrong since last night. It was originally agreed that after the exam today, she would have a barbecue with Qiao Aiyun. It’s fine if she broke the appointment. Even Fu Chen came to Yuncheng, and there was Duan Linbai’s words.

She immediately turned on her phone. Although her various software push notifications were turned off, when she turned it on, there were still various headlines.

The news about Qiao Aiyun's press conference popped up immediately, and the following links of various events emerged one after another...

"Wanwan." Seeing her appearance, Fu Chen knew that he couldn't hide it.

Song Fengwan held the phone in his arms and watched it for five or six minutes before he figured out the matter.

"Did he do it?" She looked at Fu Chen, asking for an answer.

"Aunt Yun doesn't want you to get involved. She's already dealing with it. Someone will help her. Don't worry about that."

"I just want to go and have a look, let me wait here?" She will go crazy.

Seeing her anxious appearance, Fu Chen stretched out his hand to stroke her hair, "The press conference hasn't started yet, go change your clothes, and I'll take you there."

Song Fengwan raised his feet and ran to the bedroom, changed into a coat, and ran out in a hurry without zipping it up, "Okay, let's go."

"It hasn't even started yet, so don't be in such a hurry." Fu Chen bent down, helped her fasten the zipper, and thoughtfully helped her put on the scarf, and whispered, "This is an adult's business. No matter what happens later, don't worry about it." impulse."

"Yeah." Song Fengwan nodded seriously, and pulled Fu Chen out.

This man is really annoying.


Huamao Hotel

The press conference hadn't even started yet, but the venue was already packed with people. Various media outlets took their seats, set up equipment and adjusted the camera, waiting for Qiao Aiyun to appear.

Around 7:50, Qiao Aiyun and Geng Ying walked onto the stage of the press conference under the escort of two security guards.

The camera focused and the flash lasted for about five or six minutes.

"Did Yutangchun sell fake products, and ruin Qiao's reputation for the rest of his life? Are you shameless?"

"Is that photo real? While divorcing your current husband and living with other men, are you ashamed?" Reporters are always pervasive, and I don't know where to find photos of Yan Wangchuan entering and leaving her apartment building.

"Can you keep your mouth clean? She hasn't spoken yet. If you want to make trouble, get out."

There were also crowds of reporters who came to watch, but they couldn't bear to hear the foul language, so they couldn't help but stop it.

"You help her like this, maybe she invited you here."

"The press conference hasn't even started yet, and you're just taking the rhythm here. I think you have bad intentions."


At this moment, Song Jingren was at the scene, hiding in the corner.

"President Song, let's go." Secretary Zhang was terribly nervous. If someone found out, it would be over.

All thieves have a guilty conscience. Except for Song Jingren, he knows what is going on.

"What's the rush, I want to see what else she can do when things get to this point?" Song Jingren was wearing a mask, his eyes were dark and fierce, and there were still bruises in the corners of his eyes that couldn't be hidden.

"But..." Secretary Zhang covered her face, for fear of being recognized.

"I want to see her ruined, trying to take away my things, and even get Yan Wangchuan to deal with me. Do you really think I'm easy to bully?"

And at this moment...

Fu Chen and Song Fengwan have already arrived on the second floor of the hotel. There is a main control room here, which is responsible for the stage lighting of the press conference, and can clearly see everything that happened off the stage.


exactly eight o'clock in the evening

Geng Ying patted the microphone, "Okay, please be quiet, our press conference is about to start."

Everyone was quiet, waiting for Qiao Aiyun to speak.

She tried the microphone, "First of all, I would like to thank everyone for coming out for me in such a cold day. The most important thing about this development conference is to clarify one thing."

"One thing? Ms. Qiao, shouldn't it be two things? Fake goods? Cheating?" The reporter couldn't wait.

"Isn't it impolite for you to interrupt others like this?" Qiao Aiyun squinted her eyes. Today she was wearing a black suit with a white shirt inside, her hair was coiled up, and she was neat and capable, giving people a very sharp impression.

"If there is another time, I will ask you to go out immediately."

"Since I have made an appearance in public, I will definitely explain everything to everyone. I respect the public, so I will hold a press conference. During this period, please give me some respect."

Qiao Aiyun was calm and generous, she spoke slowly and came slowly.

Even the few people who jumped over the wall in a panic just now were too embarrassed to flirt with her.

"First of all, let me talk about the fake goods in Yutangchun last night. I know that everyone will not believe what I said, so I invited the person who smashed the store at that time."

Everyone thought that Qiao Aiyun might explain it in tears, but they didn't expect to make a bigger move as soon as it came.

Skip directly to the party section.

A woman in her forties walked onto the stage under the escort of two security guards. She was dressed very plainly. Facing the camera, she was nervous, with her hands hanging on her sides, constantly pulling on her clothes, and her eyes were panicked.

"I believe everyone knows this person." Qiao Aiyun invited her to her side, "He was one of the people who smashed Yutangchun at that time."

"A total of 5 people were taken away by the police last night. One of the children was underage and cannot be detained. She is the child's mother and the person who went to the store to buy jade bracelets that day."

"She didn't do anything at the time, and she didn't participate in the smashing. After I contacted the police station, she was released on bail."

Qiao Aiyun briefly talked about things.

"Then can you tell everyone what happened now?"

The woman was holding the microphone, her fingertips trembling, and she stayed in the police station all night, her face was haggard and bloodless.

"I told the police that it has nothing to do with our family. Someone gave us money to make trouble. After he said that, we will be locked up for a few days at most, and he will give us 1 million."

Reporter: "Who said that?"

"Song Jingren!" She said very firmly.

There was an uproar in the audience.

Song Jingren hid in a corner, even more out of breath.

What nonsense.

"President Song, calm down." Secretary Zhang pulled him, and it would be over if he rushed out now.

The reporter asked, "How can you be sure it's Mr. Song?"

The woman licked the corners of her mouth that were slightly dry due to nervousness, "Before he wanted to recognize his illegitimate daughter, there was news everywhere, and no one in Yuncheng knew him. Even though he was wearing sunglasses that day, I recognized him at a glance. Out."

Song Jingren almost fainted from anger.

It was indeed his idea to make a big publicity announcement at the banquet. On the day of the meeting, he was wearing sunglasses. Who would have thought that this woman's eyes would be so vicious.

Reporter: "So you mean, Mr. Song, hire your family at a high price, and maliciously go to Yutangchun to sabotage?"

"I don't even know what Yutangchun is. He sent someone to take us there, let us do what he said."

Reporter: "Then why are you standing up and biting him now? Conscience has found that it was Ms. Qiao who gave you a higher price?"

Qiao Aiyun didn't make a sound when she heard this.

"He lied to us first. He said that as long as we compensate for the loss, our family will be fine. Now they want to sue us, and they also say that they want me to go to jail and send my son to the juvenile reformation center. This is completely different from him. Say it differently!"

The woman was very angry when she mentioned this.

Reporter: "There is no evidence for what you say, you have to provide us with evidence, otherwise who will believe you?"

"Evidence?" The woman glanced wildly, as if panicked.

"If there is no evidence, your accusation will not constitute an accusation at all. Everyone knows that the husband and wife are divorcing and dividing property. Who knows if it is true or not?" The reporter made a reasonable guess.

"Leave me the number. I've been trying to contact them since I came out, but I haven't been able to find anyone." The woman tremblingly took out her phone from her pocket.

As if eager to prove that he was not lying, he dialed the phone directly.

The scene was very quiet, waiting for the call to be answered.

But never thought that the phone ringing from the back of the venue.

When everyone turned their heads, they saw a man holding a mobile phone in a panic. By the time he tried to turn it off, it was too late.

"Isn't this Mr. Song!" A reporter immediately recognized the man holding the phone, and Song Jingren was beside him.

"Is that Secretary Zhang? Why did they come here?" Secretary Zhang was in charge of arranging various matters for Song Jingren, and often dealt with the media. Most of the reporters knew him.

Song Jingren never thought that it would be exposed in such a way, and he was furious.

This stupid thing, at least turn the phone to silent.

"It's them!" The woman pointed at Song Jingren excitedly.

Qiao Aiyun chuckled, "President Song, since everyone is here, why are you hiding there, please."

Song Jingren was already on the verge of riding a tiger. If the matter was not resolved, these reporters would not let him go, so he could only bite the bullet and walk onto the stage.


Geng Ying handed the microphones to Song Jingren and Secretary Zhang respectively.

"It's him, he ordered me, it really has nothing to do with me, don't sue me, and don't sue my son." The woman pulled Qiao Aiyun's clothes and began to push the pot.

"Stop talking nonsense, when did I send you to smash people's shops?"

"He gave me the number." Seeing that he refused to accept the account, the woman was a little anxious, and pointed to Secretary Zhang.

Secretary Zhang was so frightened that he didn't know what to say.

On the contrary, Song Jingren was extraordinarily calm, "Nonsense, Qiao Aiyun, I think you are crazy. You gave her Xiao Zhang's phone number to frame me on purpose, right?"

"You found out that the matter was not cleaned up, and you asked me to take the blame and slander me?"

"We are a husband and wife at any rate. You really did everything you could to win the divorce case!"

Song Fengwan was standing in the main control room, his eyes were red with anger when he heard this.

too despicable!

Simply shameless.

"So what do you want to do when you appear here today?" Qiao Aiyun was calm.

"After all, we have been husband and wife for more than 20 years. You are ruthless to me. I can't be unjust. I just want to see if you need help. Who would have thought..."

Song Jingren looked heartbroken.

Everyone turned their attention to Qiao Aiyun again. After all, it is not credible to rely on the woman's one-sided words.

"I have reported this matter to the police, and the police have already investigated it. The high imitation jade bracelet that this family brought to the store at that time has also been sent for testing."

"When the bracelet was brought to the store, the family felt guilty and did not dare to let my employees touch it. Apart from their family's fingerprints, there seems to be something else on it. If you don't know each other at all, you probably won't collect any information about you. ?”

The surface of the bracelet is smooth, if it is not cleaned, it is easy to leave sebum.

"According to her testimony, the police are already investigating all kinds of surveillance at the place where you met. Now that Skynet is so developed, there should be good news soon."

"If you have a clear conscience, why don't you give me the microphone in your hand now, I think there are fingerprints on it, and go to the police station to test it now."

Song Jingren didn't move yet, only heard a "bang--" and the piercing sound of electric current resounded throughout the venue.

It turned out that when Secretary Zhang heard that the microphone in his hand would become fatal evidence, he let go of his fingers in a panic, and the microphone fell to the ground.

Geng Ying was standing on the side, and just about to bend down to pick up the microphone, Secretary Zhang pushed it away.

"Xiao Zhang, you are different from Song Jingren. You are an ordinary salaryman. If something goes wrong, you are dragged out by him to take the blame, and you are caught and worked for a few years, and your life will be over."

Qiao Aiyun smiled lightly.

"President Song—" Secretary Zhang trembled, "I don't want...I..."

Song Jingren turned around directly and slapped him.

Secretary Zhang staggered and fell to the ground.

"She's just scaring you, don't you see that? Idiot, what nonsense?"

Secretary Zhang emptied his mind, seeing all the camera flashes aimed at him, he was even more panicked.

Reporters are not stupid, they are not afraid of ghosts knocking on the door if they don't do bad things, Qiao Aiyun's words are indeed somewhat exaggerated, if they are not thieves, they don't have to be afraid at all.

"Qiao Aiyun, show evidence if you have the ability, don't play tricks here!" Song Jingren was so angry that his face was livid, his fingers clenched tightly, and he couldn't step forward to strangle her to death.

Qiao Aiyun took out a USB flash drive from her pocket and walked up to him, "Here is the information I found a private investigator a few hours ago, including the video surveillance of your meeting with this family, which appeared in a small restaurant in the south of the city. "

"If I only have such a witness, dare to hold a press conference?"

"Song Jingren, death is imminent, and you are still stubborn. You and this family are not related, but you met in private. You really want me to make the video public, so you can explain it carefully!"

Song Jingren chuckled, "Nonsense, when did their family and I meet in the south of the city?"

"Where is that!"

"We are in the city..." Qiao Aiyun asked too hastily, without giving him time to think, Song Jingren almost blurted out, but he swallowed it back.

The reporter gasped.

After the calf, it was completely exposed.

Qiao Aiyun directly threw the U disk in his face, "How shameless."

"You—" Song Jingren was so angry that he reached out to hit her.

He actually used the aggressive method to deliberately deceive him.

"If you dare to touch me today, try it. There are so many reporters here. If you don't have a guilty conscience, you can hit me!"

Song Jingren was so angry that he trembled all over, and raised his hand in the air, but he didn't dare to let it go.

On the other hand, Qiao Aiyun raised her hand and gave him a slap in the face.


The slap was crisp and loud.

"I know you too well. I'm sure you'll come over. I really don't have any evidence of your meeting? So what?"

The incident happened too short, Qiao Aiyun didn't have time to investigate the evidence, even seeking the police would take time, this move is very dangerous.

She still won.

"You also said that we have been husband and wife for many years. You know better than me whether your hands have been clean for so many years? Do you really think you have done some dirty things that I don't understand at all?"

"I want you to be unable to turn over for the rest of your life. It's not difficult."


Fu Chen stood in the central control room with the tip of his tongue against his cheek.

He thought that Qiao Aiyun had a lot of bargaining chips, but it turned out that it was an empty-handed white wolf, but if he didn't know enough about Song Jingren, it wouldn't be possible.

Song Jingren is still too conceited.

This woman is so ruthless, I really can't afford to provoke her.

I already have a premonition that there will be a wave of blades flying towards me...


I'm going to cry and faint in the toilet. I really don't want to get stuck on purpose. It's because the plot is really tight recently (╥╯^╰╥)


I didn't dare to ask for a monthly ticket anymore, so I just rolled away...

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