Heartwarming Aristocratic Marriage: Influential Master’s Wife-Chasing Strategy

Chapter 173 Beat the scumbag hard, you are not worthy to touch the Qiao family

"I want you to be unable to turn over for the rest of your life. It's not difficult."

Qiao Aiyun's tone was tough, her phoenix eyes were burning with a cold light, she slightly raised her head to look at Song Jingren, there was no warmth in her eyes.

At this moment, in the venue of Huamao Hotel, the crowd and media reporters who came to join in the fun were all wide-eyed and a little dumbfounded.

To them, the Song family is a wealthy family in Yuncheng. They all say that the rich family is chaotic, and the husband and wife are against each other. This is the first time they have seen it.

The previous turmoil of the confession banquet also involved the Fu family, and it was only spread in a small area of ​​the upper class, and the twists and turns of it, the general public knew little about it.

But it is different now, they have participated in the whole process of tearing and forcing, and they seem to be full of enthusiasm at the moment.

"Fuck, if Song Jingren sent someone to do it, it would be too shameless."

"Even my father-in-law is not spared, I really have no conscience."

"I just said how could Yutangchun sell fakes? It's just nonsense."

"For a couple of more than 20 years, it's so nasty to use such a dirty trick!"


The discussion below was like a wave of voices, getting louder and louder, as if to swallow Song Jingren.


Being threatened and slapped by a woman in public, as a man, this is simply a shame and a great humiliation.

Qiao Aiyun ignored him and picked up the microphone, "After what happened just now, I believe everyone knows the truth of the matter."

"Here, I assure you that all the jade in our Yutangchun has been certified by quality inspection and has a certificate of qualification. If you have any doubts, you can report to the industrial and commercial department. If you find a fake, you will be compensated ten times."

"This time, I will go through legal procedures to protect my own rights."

The reporter asked: "Ms. Qiao, those photos on the Internet..."

Qiao Aiyun sneered, looking at the man with livid face.

"Things are going on one after another, don't you know? This is because someone wants to ruin my reputation. If I have an accident, who will benefit the most? Don't you know the most?"

The focus of everyone's camera was on Song Jingren in an instant.

Song Jingren's heart seemed to have an anger rushing straight to the top of his head, his face was ashen, he was beaten to the side just now, and the bright red finger prints could be seen faintly, red and swollen and mottled.

"Qiao Aiyun, don't pour dirty water on me!"

Now that the matter has come to this point, it seems unnecessary for Song Jingren to pretend again, all the dirty words have been used.

"What did I say? Did I say that was you?" She squinted at him.

Condescending, such as seeing me repeatedly.

Contemptuous and disdainful, yet arrogant.

"President Song, why are you jumping out in such a hurry?"

"What's the matter? A guilty conscience?"

Immediately there was a low chuckle from below.

"Damn it, if you don't ask yourself, I've never seen anything more stupid than this."

"The dog jumped over the wall in a hurry. Ms. Qiao didn't name her name. She even said that her secretary was stupid. He must be an idiot."

"He made all those photos on the Internet? This person really does everything for his own benefit."


Song Jingren clenched his fingers tightly, his knuckles turning white.

"Qiao Aiyun, could it be that I forged that photo? Could it be that I forced you to have sex with him?" Song Jingren faced the camera.

"The authenticity of the photo can be tested by everyone to see if it is real or not."

"Don't be a bitch and still want to set up a torii!"

The audience was in an uproar.

This sentence is too vicious, and it is still used to describe his wife.

Everyone was not in the mood to tell the truth from what he said, but all focused their attention on Qiao Aiyun.

I feel that this woman is too pitiful.

She stood there with her back straight and motionless, but the fingers holding the microphone were trembling, and the corners of her eyes were blood red with anger.

Song Fengwan was standing in the central control room. Hearing this, he turned around and rushed downstairs.

"Wan Wan?" Fu Chen frowned.

Shi Fang was concentrating on watching the play, he didn't expect Song Feng to run away at the party, and he didn't stop him at all...


After a brief silence at the scene, Qiao Aiyun winked at Geng Ying.

Geng Yingcai handed him a document bag, and glanced at Song Jingren from the corner of his eye.

Qiao Aiyun lowered her head and slowly opened the kraft paper bag.

"I didn't intend to take these things out at first, but now that the trouble has come to this point, I don't have to cover it up for you..."

She rummaged through and found a stack of photos, and put them one by one in front of the reporter's camera.

Almost all are intimate photos of Song Jingren and various women, from different periods, and in some photos, Song Jingren is still very young.

"Photos, right? I have a lot here..."

"Qiao Aiyun, you are so crazy." Song Jingren's pupils dilated, and he reached out to snatch the photo.

Qiao Aiyun turned around and threw all the photos on his face.

"Clatter—" with a sound, dozens of photos were buzzing and scattered all over the floor.

The sharp edges and corners of the photo ran across his face, stinging deeply.

"Mr. Song, you said that I cheated in marriage, please explain to me who these women are."

"I was too young back then. I believed you when you said that the company was starting up, going out to socialize, and acting on every occasion. But you told me, what kind of acting on every occasion is to climb on a woman's bed!"

"Could it be that you drank too much? Unconscious?"

Qiao Aiyun smiled.

"Do you believe this? You can still have sex with other women in bed while unconscious? Mr. Song, I really admire you!"

One side of Song Jingren's face was cut with a long and thin wound by the photo, and a drop of blood rolled down.

His body was trembling, and his face became even more stern and pale when he heard the people's discussion and condemnation below.

"I just said, these rich people have messy private lives and can't control their lower body, who is to blame?"

"This Ms. Qiao has endured for too long."

"Maybe it's for the sake of the family and children. Many women are like this now. They just get by. They just turn a blind eye and close one eye. They think life can go on. This time it's heartbreaking!"


"It's all fake, it's all fake!" Song Jingren was furious.

"What about this?" Qiao Aiyun took out a slightly yellowed piece of paper from the kraft paper bag. There were many things written on it. The distance was too far for the reporter's camera to capture it clearly.

A handwritten half-page with a signature handprint.

"You..." Song Jingren looked terrified and panicked.

Reaching out directly, pulling the page of paper, trying to crush it...

"Anyway, it's a copy, tear it up."

"Qiao Aiyun, you still have this kind of thing, you..."

"Yes, this is the confession letter you wrote to me for the first time you cheated. Is it surprising that I still keep it?" Qiao Aiyun sneered, "After that, you were really kind to me and Wanwan. As I said, there is no need to keep this kind of thing.”

"I still keep a hand for myself. If we live a good life, this thing will never see the light in this life, but you want to die with me..."

"Then do I still need to give you face?"

Everyone gasped, how the hell did they even write a letter of confession?


Song Fengwan was walking down the stairs step by step, quietly listening to the movement at the press conference.

Every step is like stepping on glass, it seems that everything in her memory has become fragmented...

It is no longer possible to piece together a complete picture.

His eyes were red, and his fingers trembled so much that he could hardly hold the armrest.



On the stage of the press conference

Song Jingren's fingers trembled, and he pointed at Qiao Aiyun, "You...you are ruthless."

He knew in his heart that after this incident, his reputation would be completely discredited.

"If you want to say that I forged all of this, then explain to everyone, where did Jiang Fengya come from?"

"That's the daughter you want to recognize with great fanfare? You don't want to help others raise their daughter, do you?"

"She's older than Wan Wan? Why don't you explain it?"

Qiao Aiyun smiled wryly, "Back when I left home to start a business with you, sometimes it took two or three days to get a full meal. You said you didn't want our child to be born at this time and suffer from it. I still think you care about the family."

"Who would have known that you even gave birth to an illegitimate daughter when you were outside!"

Qiao Aiyun raised the microphone and slammed it at his head.

Her fingers trembled, and she missed it, and instead of landing on his head, she hit the ground with a muffled sound.

Song Jingren didn't expect that Qiao Aiyun would reveal all his backgrounds, his lips were trembling with anger, facing the questioning eyes of the reporters below, he couldn't find a perfect explanation.

"Song Jingren..." Qiao Aiyun faced him, took a deep breath, and calmed down slightly.

Song Jingren just tilted his head to look at her.

I never thought it would be a slap in the face.

Many reporters forgot to take pictures and couldn't help but regret.

"Damn it, well played!"

"Fight to death, what a scumbag."

Some people who were filled with righteous indignation wished they could rush up and step on him.

Song Jingren's face was missed and his mouth was slightly torn open.

"When I was young, I was deceived by your rhetoric. I always wanted to give you another chance. In fact, men..."

"Being unfaithful once, never using it for a lifetime."

"You owe me this slap."

Song Jingren took a deep breath, suppressed his anger, and raised his hand to wipe the blood stains from the corner of his mouth, before raising his head...

Qiao Aiyun shook her other hand, and gave it another slap.

There was a crisp sound of "pa--".

"This is for Wanwan. To deal with me, you actually used public opinion to say that she is not your daughter? You don't deserve to be his father regardless of human relations."

"Qiao Aiyun!" Song Jingren was beaten so anxiously, he raised his head and yelled at her.

"Don't you think I don't really don't hit women?"

"Didn't you just fight Wanwan last time, even your own daughter could be attacked, so naturally I'm the only one missing?" Qiao Aiyun sneered.


Song Jingren clenched his fingers tightly.

The feeling of being poked at the spine is like being roasted on the fire, the feeling is tormenting.

Qiao Aiyun rubbed her wrists, smiled at him, and suddenly raised her hand, lightning fast enough to cover her ears...

A slap in the face, the hardest this time.

Some reporters could clearly see a little blood spraying from Song Jingren's mouth in the camera.

"This is for our Qiao family. You can destroy our family's reputation? Touch our family? Are you worthy?"

The phoenix eyes are terrifying, and she stands proudly.

Everyone seems to be used to calling her Mrs. Song, Ms. Qiao, but they seem to have forgotten that she is still the only young lady of the Qiao family...

The Qiao family was so beautiful back then. As Qiao's daughter, she should behave like this.


When Song Feng arrived at the backstage late, he hadn't moved yet. Suddenly, a man came out from the dark, reached out and grabbed her arm, and pulled her to the corner to avoid the reporter's camera.

Fu Chen followed behind him all the time, took a big step, and stretched out his hand to hold the man's wrist.

"Let go."

There was a light sweeping past, and Song Fengwan only saw the people in the dark clearly...

"Uncle Yan?"

Yan Wangchuan glanced at Fu Chen, loosened his fingers, and let go of Song Fengwan's arm, and Fu Chen let go immediately.

"Mr. Yan." Fu Chen counted the time, he should be here too, he paid attention to Song Fengwan's situation, and did not pay attention to Yan Wangchuan at all.

The two looked at each other.

Yan Wangchuan's eyes were indifferent: This kid has quite strong hands.

Fu Chen stretched out his hand and pulled Song Fengwan back half an inch, and he lay between the two of them, full of desire to protect.

Yan Wangchuan ignored him and continued to stare at the stage.

How could Fu Lao give birth to such a naive son with his famous name.

He looked down on Fu Chen's childish behavior, but he didn't know that he would be even more childish and ridiculous than him in the future, and that's a story for later.

"Mr. Yan, when did you arrive?" Fu Chen raised his eyebrows.

Yan Wangchuan looked at the stage and ignored him.

Fu Chen licked his cheek with the tip of his tongue, ignoring him?

Really enough.

Temper enough.

"Uncle Yan, when did you arrive?" Seeing the awkward atmosphere, Song Fengwan helped out.

"After five or six minutes, don't meddle in the affairs of adults. The scene is too chaotic. Before, some people took pictures and coded them. Now many media broadcast live broadcasts. Don't get caught." Yan Wangchuan urged.

"I know." Song Fengwan nodded obediently.

Fu Chen raised his eyebrows. Is this distinction too obvious?


At this moment, Song Jingren on the stage had already been beaten into flames.

Anyway, Qiao Aiyun let go of all his old backgrounds, his reputation has been discredited, and no matter what happens, he won't make her feel better.

"Heh - you've been blaming me. About those photos, you should explain to me. Who is that man? Eat together, and live together?"

"Since you say that you have no relationship, do you dare to tell everyone who he is? Let everyone verify your real relationship, just rely on your mouth, and it's okay if you say it's okay?"

"What's that man's name, Qiao Aiyun, I bet you don't have the guts to say it!"

Qiao Aiyun really didn't dare.

She didn't want to drag Yan Wangchuan into it.

This bastard is simply despicable.

Yan Wangchuan's eyes in the audience were dark, and he slowly walked out of the shadows...

Hey, every time I abuse scum, I get so excited, I really feel a little perverted [cover my face]

In fact, with regard to Ms. Qiao's attitude towards the family, some people may think that she is too weak and not decisive enough in the front. In fact, many women like this in our lives still insist on unsatisfactory marriages, for the sake of children, to maintain superficial harmony, or because they are afraid People around make irresponsible remarks, and they always feel that they can make do with it, and they can live on. Ms. Qiao is just one of these women...

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