Heartwarming Aristocratic Marriage: Influential Master’s Wife-Chasing Strategy

Chapter 175 Uncle is here: don't use the knife? I try my best (3 more)

Huamao Hotel

Yan Wang Kawabata stood there, standing solemnly, rustling like a cool breeze.

A group of reporters looked at each other in blank dismay, and no one dared to ask questions for a while, until a male reporter stood up and said, "Mr. Yan, are you the Director Yan from Yanji Jewelry?"

Yan Wangchuan glanced at him, his eyes were open and straight, facing the camera, neither dodging nor avoiding.

"Is there a second one named Yan Wangchuan?"

The reporter was speechless and smiled awkwardly.

How should this be interviewed?

I can't take the next sentence at all.

Another reporter jumped out, "That... what is your relationship with Ms. Qiao?"

"Brothers and sisters."

Knowing that there are not many Yan Wangchuan's apprentices under Mr. Qiao, others don't know this kind of words, but he will not lie in public.

Everyone was stunned, no one mentioned it, the Qiao family has such a connection, and it is not surprising that the Fu family insists on getting married with Song Fengwan, and this kind of master's inheritance.

This Qiao family may be a treasure, and the connections are always unexpected.

Yan's family originally made jewelry, and they have the same coefficient as Qiao's family, so it's not surprising to learn from Mr. Qiao.

"Then you are now a simple brother and sister relationship?" The reporter began to gossip.

"Personal questions, I'm not obliged to answer you."

Another reporter was killed.

It was too difficult to interview.

Yan Wangchuan reached out and tugged at his sleeves, and loosened the cuff buttons, "We have known each other for more than 30 years, and we know that she is in trouble, so come here to see what's going on? Is there a problem?"

"Since she got married, we haven't seen each other for more than 20 years. The last time we met was after the confession banquet. I ate 7 meals and 5 times outside. I can tell you the restaurant and time. You can go to check."

"The other two times, in the house she is currently renting, there were juniors present."

"I haven't crossed paths with her in the slightest. The restaurant and community surveillance can be checked. When I go in and out with her, whether I hide and cover up, it's clear."

"We behaved well and sat well. If we had an affair, we wouldn't hide it at all. We even went to the most crowded restaurant and opened it up for people to take pictures."

In fact, when Yan Wangchuan appeared, everyone felt that the wild man's remarks were too ridiculous.

It was once rumored on the Internet that he was Qiao Aiyun's baby boy, which was even more nonsense. It would not take much effort to buy the entire Song family's property from the Yan family.

Song Jingren had stumbled and got up from the ground at this moment.

"Old friends met, were photographed secretly, violated my personal privacy, and exposed photos of me and others, which has broken the law."

"I won't say too many extra words. I have already called the police and sent someone to start a comprehensive investigation and evidence collection."

"Pursue to the end the criminals who maliciously spread rumors, illegally follow and secretly take pictures."

Yan Wangchuan was full of confidence from the beginning to the end, speaking rigorously and decently, neither humble nor overbearing.

It formed a sharp contrast with Song Jingren's hysterical appearance just now, wanting a woman to do it.

"You're still pursuing the blame. How dare you say that you don't have any thoughts about Qiao Aiyun?" Song Jingren opened his mouth to speak, pulling his facial nerves, his expression contorted in pain.

Yan Wangchuan glanced at him.

"You're all going to get divorced. Who does she hang out with and eat with? What does it have to do with you?"

Song Jingren's mind exploded.

"We haven't divorced yet, she is still my wife now."

"So? Are you going to domestically abuse her in front of so many people?"

Song Jingren laughed angrily.

"Who was the one who was beaten? My domestic violence?"

"You deserve it."

Qiao Aiyun was still worried at first, but she was directly amused by what he said.

Brother, at a time like this, don't tell the truth so seriously, okay?

"Yes, I deserve it." Song Jingren stretched out his hands and rubbed his waist. Damn it, new wounds were added before the old wounds healed. He and this man were destined to fail.

"Well, as long as you know clearly." Yan Wangchuan added.

Song Jingren wished he could rush up and beat him up in anger.

But he knew in his heart that there was a disparity in strength between the two of them, if he rushed over, Yan Wangchuan would take advantage of this opportunity and beat him up again as a matter of course.

He can no longer be ashamed.

Everyone was dumbfounded.

Where did this man come from? What Song Jingren said just now was obviously too angry to know what to say. Why did you answer him? Are you trying to piss him off?

"Yan Wangchuan, you..." Song Jingren gritted his teeth.

"Go back and wait for the lawyer's letter. If you refuse to accept it, I will personally deliver it to your door."

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, they could only say that Song Jingren couldn't win in terms of momentum alone.

He just stood upright, not afraid of being photographed by others, let alone being investigated by others

"As a man, I hope you can be tougher, say what you want directly, and talk about it behind your back. It's really despicable and disgusting."

"In front of so many people, I don't think this is what a man does if he speaks harshly to a woman who was once his wife, and even presses her every step of the way."

"Intimidate a woman, to show how powerful you are? Or force her like this to satisfy your dirty and twisted psychology?"


Qiao Aiyun raised her head slightly and stared at Yan Wangchuan's back. His shoulders were very broad, and when the light hit, the shadow formed by his body completely covered her.

She never knew that he slipped his tongue.

I've known him for so long, and it's the first time I've seen him talk so much.

Facing Yan Wangchuan's accusation, Song Jingren was powerless to refute, the voice of contempt and disdain grew louder, he gritted his teeth...

"I let you say all the good things, who knows what you two did behind your back!"

"Perhaps you still don't understand, the two of them once had a marriage contract, so the two of them are together? Is it just eating and chatting?"

"Maybe you two are just chatting even if you are covered with a quilt!"

Yan Wangchuan tightened his fingers, "Do you want to die?"

Seeing that his expression was wrong, Qiao Aiyun stretched out her hand to grab his hand, "What do you say to him, everyone knows right and wrong."

"I believe that after what happened tonight, everyone already has a good enough understanding of his character."

"What credibility can there be in what he said? Why do you have to get angry because of him?"

Song Jingren looked at the two hands that seemed to be holding each other, his eyes were bloodshot, and he was so angry that he vomited blood.

"Let's go, let's go—" Qiao Aiyun was afraid that he would make some radical move in anger.

He's clearly in his forties, how come he looks like a child who can't control his emotions?

It's just heartbreaking.

She has achieved her goal tonight, and that's all. She believes that justice is at ease, and everyone already knows it.

To fight with him here, if he makes trouble unreasonably, no one can do anything about it, it's too bad.

As soon as Qiao Aiyun left, the security guards withdrew, and Song Jingren was immediately surrounded by reporters. The reporters pushed and crowded, and some people went to pick up photos and previous confessions.

And Geng Ying commanded the security guards to escort Qiao Aiyun and his party.

Seeing Song Fengwan and Fu Chen in the background, Qiao Aiyun was stunned for a moment, nodded with Fu Chen, and the group quickly left the hotel.

Fu Chen dragged Song Fengwan into his own car, and Qiao Aiyun was naturally in the same car as Yan Wangchuan.

When the reporters swarmed out, the car had already driven out of the hotel garage quickly...

Qiao Aiyun breathed a sigh of relief, and subconsciously stretched out her hand to fiddle with her messy hair, only to find that Yan Wangchuan was still holding onto her hand tightly.

She frowned slightly.

She was in a hurry just now, she trotted all the way, Yan Wangchuan was still serious and slow, she was anxious, afraid that the reporter would rush over, grab his hand, and didn't let go, it's all in the car, why is he still...

His hands are big, and there are many calluses on the palms, which are hot and hot.

Qiao Aiyun's heart skipped a beat, she moved her fingers twice, trying to break free, but someone lowered her head and stared at the entangled hands of the two, standing still.


Yan Wangchuan turned his head to look at her with a cold face.

"You can let go of your hands." Qiao Aiyun was slightly embarrassed.

Yan Wangchuan let go of his hands, his palms were sweaty.

As if soaked in water.

Qiao Aiyun's hands were covered with fine sweat by him, she wiped off the tissue paper and handed him another one, "Brother, thank you for what happened today."

"It should." Yan Wangchuan took the tissue and wiped his palms like she did.

He had a rough life, his palms were sweaty, and it dried quickly, so he didn't need to wipe it specially.

There was an eerie dead silence in the carriage.

Geng Ying sat in the passenger seat and searched the news and comments on the Internet, all of them were overwhelmingly supportive of Qiao Aiyun. This divorce lawsuit was considered stable.

"By the way, Mr. Yan, you want to sue Song Jingren, do you need a lawyer?" How could Geng Ying let go of this opportunity to make money.

Yan Wangchuan raised his eyebrows, "I have a team of professional lawyers."

"Oh." Geng Ying pursed her mouth, it was amazing, and returned to the team.

Yan Wangchuan glanced at Qiao Aiyun again, "My lawyers are all men."

Qiao Aiyun almost vomited blood, and she didn't ask this, why did she suddenly explain.

"You just said that you remember the restaurant and time you ate, is that true? Later, those reporters will definitely want these things, and those reporters are not easy to fool." Geng Ying was speechless.

"Remember, remember what you eat." Yan Wangchuan's tone was still so indifferent that he had no emotion.

"You have a good memory?"

"not good."

"Then..." Geng Ying was curious, who would deliberately remember this kind of thing, but Time Restaurant, who even remembers the dishes?

"I will remember more clearly what is important to me."

Qiao Aiyun suddenly felt ashamed and panicked.

Who said he was stupid.

But then he said again, "I received the receipt, so I won't remember it wrong."

"Puchi—" Geng Ying almost burst out of laughter, Emma, ​​this senior brother is definitely a treasure.

Qiao Aiyun took a deep breath, it's not that he can speak love words, but he speaks too directly? At this time, it’s okay not to mention the small ticket, so why mention it?

"Mr. Yan, are you just Ms. Qiao's brother?" Geng Ying was gossiping.

Yan Wangchuan looked at her with an expression clearly saying:

This is not something you should know.

Qiao Aiyun tilted her head and looked out the window, the wrist from the beating just now was still hurting, it was terribly painful.

But tearing her face apart completely, she felt an indescribable sense of relief in her heart.


the other side

"...My name is Yan Wangchuan..."

As soon as these words came out, a Jaguar speeding on the road, the car tilted, slid an elegant arc on the wide road, and then drove straight...

Qiao Xiyan gripped the steering wheel with his fingers and gasped. Fortunately, there was no one on the road at this point, otherwise there would have been a car accident.

Even if the car was tilted from side to side, the man sitting in the passenger seat was holding his mobile phone in one hand and playing with a carving knife in the other.

The carving knife resting on his fingertips tilted to one side, and with a hook of his finger, the carving knife cut through the air, slid out an elegant arc, and landed firmly on his fingertips.

There are thick calluses on the fingertips, old skin on the palms, and countless knife marks on the wounds...

"Dad—" Josie glanced at him out of the corner of his eye.

"Drive well." He stared at the phone, a little annoyed, the network was not good, and he was a little stuck.

Qiao Xiyan was also extremely anxious. His father had obtained several favorite stones a few months ago, and he had to carve them according to the size and texture of the stones. The stones were extremely difficult to polish. He hadn't stepped out of the gate for almost two months.

Yutangchun in Yuncheng had an accident, and the next day some customers who heard about it went to the store to ask for an explanation and to test the authenticity of the jade.

Qiao Xiyan had to go to the store to sit down, and he went out for two hours. His father got wind of it from nowhere, and when he rushed home, he had already rushed out of the room with a knife.

It looked like he was going to fight someone desperately.

"Dad, calm down."

His father looked at him with a knife in his hand, "Say it again?"

"Let's go to Yuncheng immediately." Qiao Xiyan was a little afraid of him.

His father usually doesn't do anything, if he gets anxious, even his own son will be beaten to death.

Originally wanted to book a plane ticket, but his father was a little afraid of heights, and he wouldn't take the plane even if he was killed, so he had to drive there himself.

The knife was still in his hand all the way, so who was he threatening?

"Dad, Master's side..." Qiao Xiyan wanted to say something.

"Didn't I tell you, when the elders are busy, don't bother?"

Qiao Xiyan turned his head, looked straight ahead, and concentrated on driving.

After the car entered Yuncheng, the ETC channel at the toll booth was impassable, so they could only use the manual channel, and there was a long queue. Qiao Xiyan glanced at his watch, and if he continued to wait like this, he might not be able to reach the hotel in time.

After the live broadcast on the mobile phone ended, the man in the co-pilot threw the mobile phone to Qiao Xiyan.

"Dad, it's all over...how about I call my aunt?"

"Go to Song's house."

Qiao Xiyan re-entered the navigation information, and glanced at the person beside him. The carving knife in his hand was shining coldly in the night.

"You can use your mouth and hands later, but don't use the knife."

"I try my best."

There was no sincerity in the answer.

The senior brother is also serious and awkward, but the contrast is kind of cute. Let go of your hand then, why are you holding on tightly?

As long as you know about collecting receipts, don't say it [cover your face]

It is not surprising that the cousin has developed such a character through the dialogue between the uncle and the cousin.

The living environment is too bad.

Song Zhazha probably just came out of the wolf's den and entered the tiger's mouth again, ahem...

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