Heartwarming Aristocratic Marriage: Influential Master’s Wife-Chasing Strategy

Chapter 176 Crazy Joe: Very restrained, didn't kill him

In Yuncheng in winter, the wind is heavy and the lights are bright like day.

Song Fengwan was sitting in the car, the car was speeding, and the mottled neon lights made her side flickering and dark, and the halo was blurry. She felt a little sore in her heart, but she also felt a sense of relief.

When the car drove to the city center, there was some traffic jam, her phone vibrated, "Hello, Mom."

"Do you still want to eat barbecue?" Qiao Aiyun thought she would be in no mood to eat if she would tear off her face, but she never expected that it would be easier than ever to tear off his fake face in public.

"Will Uncle Yan eat?"

"It doesn't matter to him." Qiao Aiyun asked him before, but she still had a rigid face and didn't speak for a long time, "Can you ask Fu Chen?"

Song Fengwan turned his head to look at Fu Chen, "Third Master, do you eat barbecue?"

Fu Chen just rolled his eyelids...

"He said he ate."

Fu Chen raised his eyebrows, did he speak just now?

This girl might as well speak for him.

"Then go to the one in the city center, your favorite charcoal grilled meat." After a busy night, everyone didn't eat, so she called Geng Ying again and asked Song Fengwan to greet Shang Shifang.

This flattered Shifang, and he didn't dare to show off in front of Fu Chen, so he could only send a message to Qian Jiang, saying that Qiao Aiyun was treating guests to meat.

Qian Jiang looked down at the porridge with cabbage in front of him, pursed his lips, and turned off the phone directly.

Fu Chen's cell phone also started to vibrate restlessly, it was nothing more than Duan Lin Bai started jumping around in the group.

[Why is it so quiet, let's cheer up together, it's so refreshing to watch the live broadcast tonight. 】

【Let me just say, if this man can't control his lower body, he'll be like a beast. 】

[It should be slapped to death. 】


He also sent countless beating emoticons until Fu Chen sent a message.

【Duan Linbai, when I go back, please go skiing. 】

Duan Linbai only felt a chill on his back, what the hell?

ski? In the wilderness, what is this guy doing to me?

He was so good tonight, he didn't do anything.

Fu Chen sneered, he really did nothing but send a message to Song Fengwan.

A group of people arrived at the barbecue restaurant, and Qiao Aiyun asked for a private room. It was already past the meal time, and there were few people, but there were many private rooms. If it was normal, it must be booked in advance.

Fu Chen was too polite, Yan Wangchuan was too boring, Shi Fang didn't dare to order, so the ordering was done by a few ladies.

When the waiter started to put on the charcoal fire, sparks suddenly jumped out and splashed onto Qiao Aiyun's hand, almost scalding her.

A few men stood aside, Yan Wangchuan sat a little far away from her, he stood up excitedly.

"Ma'am, I'm sorry." The waiter hurriedly apologized.

"I didn't touch it." Qiao Aiyun frowned, her eyelids twitched, and she had a bad premonition.


Song Jingren staggered into the car under the escort of the hotel security, and was kicked a few times on the way. It was obvious that someone was fishing for fish in troubled waters and took the opportunity to beat him up.

There were too many people, and he couldn't find anyone to do it privately, so he could only stare with anger.

"President Song, shall I take you to the hospital?" Secretary Zhang suggested timidly, and his heart still beat like a drum until now.

"So many reporters, go to the hospital? Do you think I'm not ashamed enough tonight?" Song Jingren kicked him twice angrily, "Go home!"

Although the Song family villa is a single building, the law and order here is good, and it is still in the villa area. He agreed to hold the recognition banquet before, and let the media reporters enter in order to create momentum. If he didn't want to, the security would naturally not let them Come in.

There is no safer place than home.

"Then how should we deal with what happened tonight..."

"What are you going to do, go back first!" Song Jingren was speaking now, half of his face was so painful that it was almost numb.

He thought it would be safe to go back, but he didn't know that the danger was approaching inch by inch.


On the other side, Qiao Xiyan was driving while looking at the people beside him from the corner of his eye.

To go to Song's house, you have to pass through the city, a few steps on the sidewalk with traffic lights, and the car drives extremely slowly.

"Dad, this Song Jingren is really not a thing..."

"Beast." Someone corrected his wording.

"Well, it's a beast. When we meet later, I still have to control it, so I can't do stupid things for this kind of person?"

"Is your dad such an unrestrained person?"

Qiao Xiyan smiled bitterly, when did you restrain yourself.

In a blink of an eye, the car had already arrived at Song's house. The two of them were relatives by marriage. Qiao Xiyan's car used to go in and out of the villa area, and the security guards didn't stop him, so he let it pass.

"Dad, we'll be there soon."



"Aren't you such a blind person, don't you see that I don't want to listen to you?"

Josie was stunned.

"By the way, I will settle the account with you about the matter you concealed from me."

Qiao Xiyan gripped the steering wheel with his fingers, and he knew that he would die sooner or later in this matter, and then he could only ask his aunt and cousin to speak well for him.

When the car stopped at the door of Song's house, the house was brightly lit, and the windows were filled with water vapor, so the interior could not be seen clearly, but figures could be seen vaguely.

As soon as Qiao Xiyan's car stopped, the person beside him had already snapped off his seat belt, opened the door and got out of the car, full of anger.

He hurriedly got out of the car to catch up.

Secretary Zhang had just sent Song Jingren back, and when the doctor came, he was about to leave. When he opened the door, he saw a dark figure rushing towards him. When he walked to the porch and the light shone through, he could see the man's face clearly. .

The man is in his early forties, lean and capable, wearing a refined black cloth shirt, walking with wind, his eyes are cold, and he is still clutching...


His heart was pounding, this is not...

The head of the Qiao family.

The light slid across the edge of the knife, and chills spread everywhere.

"..." Secretary Zhang didn't dare to speak, and stepped out of the way timidly.

"Uncle Zhang, I'll see you off." A girl's voice came from inside, Jiang Fengya had just walked to the door, and happened to have a face-to-face meeting with the oncoming person...

She is wearing a beautiful and exquisite lace nightdress, and the floor heater is turned on in the room, which is very warm. There is also a delicate crystal hairpin pinned in her hair. She has been learning how to dress herself up recently, and she looks like a rich lady in her appearance.

"That...you are?"

The man was too thin, his slightly squinted black eyes seemed to contain the power of a mighty army, Jiang Fengya's heart trembled when he saw it, and his neat cropped hair was cold and sinister.

The clothes are thin, but he still looks like a peak, standing tall and proud, staring at her with hatred and disdain in his eyes, those sharp eyebrows and eyes, even the biting cold wind is overshadowed.

He ignored Jiang Fengya and walked directly into the house.

"Sir, who are you?" Jiang Fengya reached out and tried to block his way when he passed the entrance.

"Go away!"

"Break into a private house, believe it or not, I will call the police." Jiang Fengya has lived here for more than ten days, as if she has regarded herself as the master.

"Miss..." Secretary Zhang hurried over and pulled her aside, "This is Mr. Qiao, please shut up and stop talking nonsense."

"Joe..." Jiang Fengya felt that this man looked familiar, and had seen his photo in Song Fengwan's room before.

Song Fengwan's own uncle——

Qiao looked north.

"Dove occupying the magpie's nest, do you really think of yourself as something?" Qiao Wangbei gave her a sideways look.

"People can't choose their own background. Maybe you have had a really bad life in the past ten years, but doing evil by doing this is a vicious heart. You look at a pretty girl and don't do anything."

"You're still a young lady? Don't you feel guilty?"

Jiang Fengya's small face turned pale instantly, and her delicate body trembled slightly, obviously very angry.

"Even if you are Song Fengwan's uncle, you don't have the right to yell at other people's homes." The first time she saw Qiao Wangbei, she was humiliated, and she was naturally angry. Besides, she was going to get a divorce soon. Not qualified to be here.

"I'm not qualified? Then what are you, living here with such shamelessness?"

His tone was sharp and tricky, and he could accurately hit her sore spots every time. Jiang Fengya couldn't say no to him, so he could only stare with anger.

Qiao Wangbei sneered, "Song Jingren didn't dare to yell at me, you deserve it too?"

Qiao Xiyan had already caught up. Seeing his father's arrogant appearance, he reached out and touched his nose.

Isn't this Jiang Fengya a fool, his father is angry, and she directly hits the muzzle of the gun, isn't she sincerely looking for death?


Song Jingren was originally lying in the bedroom on the second floor, and his wounds were being treated by a private doctor. When he heard the sound of arguing downstairs, he thought that someone had chased him to the house and made trouble, and he became even more annoyed.

It's all back to your own territory, and you can still let people ride on your head and yell?

Regardless of the doctor's obstruction, he put on his slippers and went downstairs.

"...Who is yelling outside again, are you people dead? Just beat them out for me, why are you standing here!"

Before Song Jingren reached the first floor, he saw several servants standing in the living room, but he didn't dare to move.

"I raise you for nothing!"

He was so angry tonight that he didn't like anyone.

"Dare to go to my house to make trouble, I would like to see who is so courageous..."

Song Jingren walked to the first floor and saw two people standing in the entrance, their faces flushed with anger just now turned pale and white, and their expressions were frightened, as if they had seen a ghost.

"Who? I'm your uncle!" Qiao Wangbei clenched the carving knife in his hand and rushed towards him.

Song Jingren staggered, took two steps back, bumped his back against the handrail of the stairs, tilted his body, almost fell, was grabbed by his collar, lifted his whole body, and pressed him directly against the wall.

"You...how do you..."

"Song Jingren, when you married my sister, did I warn you that if you dare to disappoint her? I will kill you!"

Qiao Wangbei's fingertips were cold, and he clutched his collar with great strength. The collar locked his neck, making him a little out of breath.

"I..." Song Jingren resisted instinctively, just as his fingers touched his arm, a cold touch had already touched his face.

The blade was fierce and sharp, the sharp blade just touched and pierced the skin, and a drop of blood rolled down the blade.

He turned pale with fright.

The few people around did not dare to move, Jiang Fengya stood on one side, gasping for breath, with a terrified expression.

Song Jingren could vaguely see the carving knife from the corner of his eye, and he was so frightened that his liver and gallbladder split, "Calm down..."

"Calm down? How dare you take your illegitimate daughter home and drive my sister and niece out of the house? Who the hell gave you the guts!"

"Song Jingren, I haven't troubled you for the past two years, do you treat me like a dead person?"

"Still feel that there is no one in our Qiao family?"

The turbid breath he exhaled when he spoke was full of coolness, and he held a carving knife and patted his face non-stop.

Song Jingren's legs were so frightened that his legs went weak. He had seen this thing before at Qiao's house, and it didn't take much trouble to cut iron. Besides, he was messing with him?

A chill rose from the soles of his feet, and his legs were weak.

"I watched the press conference just now. I really didn't expect that you, a coward, would dare to cheat? You weren't very manly just now, and you kept saying you wanted to fight with my sister?"

"Try touching her with a finger?"

"See if I can chop off your fingers one by one!"

His carving knife landed on the back of his hand, making him weak from fright.

"I did this wrong, my fault..." Song Jingren has been punished by him since he entered Qiao's house, and the two have been at loggerheads.

Qiao Wangbei's temper was stubborn and explosive, and if he didn't agree with each other, he immediately started.

A craftsman like him has great hands, and Song Jingren never took advantage of him when he was young, let alone now?

"It's fine if you're wrong in one sentence? You've delayed my sister for the rest of her life..." Qiao Wangbei said as he raised his knife and was about to poke him in the face, aiming at his eyes.

Song Jingren's pupils dilated, seeing the blade approaching inch by inch, he was so scared that he almost peed.

"Ah—" Jiang Fengya covered her eyes with her hands.

Qiao Xiyan narrowed his eyes, and his heart was hanging in his throat.

His father went crazy, he couldn't stop him, he could only take out his phone and send Qiao Aiyun a message...


Qiao Aiyun was worrying about what to do with the plate of meat in front of her.

Yan Wangchuan didn't speak, but roasted a bunch of meat for her. She didn't eat much, and she didn't eat much, but someone didn't listen, and served a plate of raw meat. After roasting, half of it fell into her plate .

There are still children of the younger generation, Qiao Aiyun panicked with embarrassment.

The most important thing is that he doesn't know how to roast meat at all, and some of them are already mushy, which is really hard to swallow.

Just when she was worried, her phone vibrated twice, a message from Qiao Xiyan.

She clicked on it.

[The Song family, my dad is killing people. 】

She jumped up from her chair in fright.

"Mom?" Song Fengwan licked the sauce on the corner of his mouth, what's the matter? Such a big reaction.

"Your uncle is here, at the villa." She tore off her clothes and ran outside.

Fu Chen put down his chopsticks, but he had come, he thought the father and son had lost their way.

"Come here if you come, why are you so scared?" Geng Ying was the one who didn't know Qiao Wangbei the least, took his clothes and hurriedly chased him out.

"My uncle has a nickname called 'Crazy Joe', and when he goes crazy, no one can stop him." Song Feng ran out of the down jacket after getting into bed.

Instead, Fu Chen and Yan Wangchuan looked at each other.

Yan Wangchuan's eyes were dark, and it was no accident that Qiao Wangbei appeared. The most likely possibility was that someone had notified him, because even he was a little surprised when he heard him coming, only Fu Chen remained calm.

As if everything was as expected.

The Fu family is good at attacking people's hearts and favors strategies, and so is Fu Chen. He is young and has such deep thoughts, which is extremely terrifying.


Song Family Villa

Seeing the blade approaching, Song Jingren was so frightened that his brain went blank, even struggling weakly, he instinctively closed his eyes, but the expected pain did not appear.

His eyelids trembled, and he opened his eyes tremblingly. The blade was already approaching his pupils, about half a centimeter, and the distance was precise. Just one inch forward could make him blind.

"Don't shake, if you bump into it, it's none of my business." Qiao Wangbei smiled heavily.

This is such a coward.

Song Jingren pressed his back against the wall, not daring to move rashly.

"Don't be afraid, I'll keep your eyeballs for you, I'm afraid that my knife will be dirty." Qiao Wangbei raised his hand and poked the carving knife towards the wall, the edge of the knife directly pierced the masonry, Embed firmly in the wall.

"..." Song Jingren thought he had escaped a catastrophe, panting heavily.

But he never thought that Qiao Wangbei twisted his wrist, clenched his fingers into a fist, and punched him hard in the face a few times.

The force was extremely ruthless, and his eyes were stained with blood, obviously with great anger.

He hit it a few times and let go.

Song Jingren was dying, leaving his shackles, limp on the ground like a puddle of mud.

"If I remember correctly this house is registered under Wanwan's name, you should not be eligible to live here."

Deathly silence.

"Who is that, why are you still standing there, come over and help your dad, get out of here immediately." Qiao Wangbei glanced at Jiang Fengya.

She trembled, and hurried over to help Song Jingren up, "Dad, please slow down..."

"That...Mr. Qiao, it's so late, we still have a lot of things to pack..." Jiang Fengya had never seen such a crazy person, and his voice trembled with fright.

"Did you bring something here? What is yours here? What else do you want to take away?" Qiao Wangbei looked at her seriously


"Go!" Song Jingren was really afraid of him, and wished he could get away from him quickly.

"Your garbage, I will have someone clean it up and throw it out later. If you want it, you can go to the trash can to pick it up tomorrow morning."

Qiao Wangbei's eyes were red, and he wanted to kill someone.


When Qiao Aiyun and his group arrived at Song's house, Qiao Xiyan ordered takeaway, and Qiao's father and son were eating around the table.

"Brother—" Qiao Aiyun was dressed roughly, and the cold wind made her face flush.

"Have you eaten it? This sour soup fat beef is not bad."

"Brother, you put him..."

"Don't worry, I'm very restrained and didn't kill him."

Shi Fang was the last one to enter the door, and almost fell down when he heard this.

His tone...

How crazy.

I just want to say, give me a dozen of uncles like this, haha

Today is the last day of 2018, hey, time flies so fast~

Another year has passed with you, and on the last day of the year I am still coding [cover my face]

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