Song Family Villa

The heating was warm, and Qiao Aiyun was worried along the way, almost losing half of her life, fearing that her brother's inappropriate actions would really kill Song Jingren, and someone actually ate food with peace of mind?

She looked around, "What about others?"

"I kicked him out. This is not his house. What right does he have to live here?"

Qiao Wangbei lowered his head to eat, and his tone seemed to be gossiping, "This kind of beast, don't let him get out and keep him for the New Year?"

"Don't stare at me like that. If you didn't kill him, it means I'm very restrained. I've really restrained my temper a lot over the years."

Qiao Aiyun nodded, his brother never lied to her.

"Uncle." Song Fengwan followed into the room, rushed to his side, and hugged him.

"Ahem—I'm eating, you girl are trying to choke me to death?" Qiao Wangbei frowned and put down his chopsticks, and patted the back of her hand.

"Don't tell me in advance when you come." Song Fengwan pulled up the stool and sat down next to him.

"You came in a hurry. You don't have an exam today. How do you feel?" Qiao Wangbei loved Song Fengwan very much.

He has always believed that "poor sons should be raised rich and daughters should be raised", and he has no daughter, so he dotes on this niece very much.

Josie glanced at his father from the corner of his eye.

He was so vicious just now, and wanted to raise a knife to kill, but now he is so happy from ear to ear.

"It feels good."

"Turn back, uncle will give you a gift."

"What do you give me? I don't want stones." Qiao Wangbei wanted to give something, and no one would refuse it. Song Fengwan was close to him, so he spoke freely.

"The stone is not good? The vision is too high."

Qiao Wangbei glanced at the few people who had entered the room from the corner of his eye, and when he saw Yan Wangchuan, his eyes flickered twice, "Senior brother."

"En." Yan Wangchuan replied, his expression as usual indifferent.

It's just that when the eyes met, sparks splashed everywhere, and there was clearly an undercurrent surging.

"..." Qiao Wangbei's eyes fell on Fu Chen, squinting his eyes, as if he was searching for information, and he spoke after a few seconds, "The third child of the Fu family?"

"Master Qiao, hello."

Fu Chen and him are indeed of the same generation, so it is reasonable to say that it is not an exaggeration to call him big brother, but he does not want to separate himself from Song Fengwan's seniority, so he called Master Qiao in a compromise.

He is a craftsman, and he feels comfortable when others call him that.

"When I met you before, you were only a teenager."


"Thank you for taking care of Wanwan these days, thank you." Qiao Wangbei was very polite to him. He was of the same generation as himself, and he couldn't talk to him like a junior. "This time you came here specially..."

"My father is worried, let me come over and take a look." Fu Chen blushed and bluffed under the banner of his own father.

"Old Lao Fu remembers, you go back and say thank you to his old man."

The relationship between the two old men is good, but after Mr. Qiao passed away, the Qiao family seemed to be in decline. The Fu family had three sons and one daughter, and they were all dragons and phoenixes. Mr. Fu was still in a high position back then, so it is incomparable.

If the relationship is too close, it is inevitable that people will say that they deliberately curry favor with the Fu family. Qiao Wang Bei is noble and arrogant, so he simply nests in a small world and concentrates on carving.

"Father told you to go for a walk when he has time. He misses you very much, but he is not in good health and it is not convenient for him to go south. Otherwise, he would have gone to Wusu long ago." Fu Chen spoke quite politely to him.

"Thank you, old man. I'll go when I have time." Qiao Wangbei knew that the two elders of the Fu family cared about him.

It is true that there are not many walks around these years, but during the holidays, the Fu family will always call to say hello, and Qiao Wangbei also feels embarrassed.

"Then you guys talk first, and I'll leave first." Fu Chen didn't stay for a long time, and it was getting late. The family must have something to say. At present, he is still an outsider, so it is really inconvenient to stay here.

"Xiyan, please give me a..." Qiao Wangbei had just opened his mouth when Song Fengwan had already stood up.

"Uncle, let me send the third master off."

"Well, that's fine." Qiao Wangbei bowed his head to eat, thinking that Song Fengwan lived at Fu Chen's place for a few days, and it's normal to have a close relationship, so he didn't think much about it at all.


Song Fengwan escorted Fu Chen to the door, and the street lamp fell, making the figure slender.

When they arrived at the door, they were speechless, and Song Fengwan occasionally raised his eyes to glance at him, "That..."

"It's cold outside, go sit in the car for a while." Fu Chen pointed to the car parked not far away.

"But..." Song Fengwan turned her head to look at the room, feeling guilty and apprehensive. The feeling of cheating made her heart beat involuntarily.

"Just talk for a while, okay?" Fu Chen bowed his head to look at her, and began to coax in a low voice, "I just want to spend some time alone with you, at your door, the elders are all there, I won't treat you How is it?"

Song Fengwan hesitated, but followed him into the car with small steps.

After getting into the car, both of them sat in the back, Shi Fang thoughtfully turned on the heater in the car, turned off the lights inside, and then backed out, standing quietly not far away.

The carriage was small, Song Fengwan sat quietly, rubbing his fingers, feeling a little inexplicably nervous.

There was also some unspeakable little throbbing, and the eyes looked outside from time to time, for fear that someone would come out.

"The film on the car is very dark, so you can't see it from the outside." Fu Chen said as he took off his coat.

"You... why are you taking off your clothes?" Song Fengwan frowned, his voice trembling.

"Hot." Fu Chen raised his eyebrows, the cabin is not big, the heating quickly fills up and disperses, and the heat gradually rises, "Aren't you hot?"

"It's not hot at all." Song Fengwan gripped his clothes nervously.

Fu Chen lightly said, "Why are you so nervous? Is there anything else I can do to you in the car?"

He moved an inch towards her.

He looked directly at her, with a straight nose and slender eyelashes. The light and shadow refracted in from the car window made his face look evil and depressed, with an indescribable beauty.

Song Fengwan subconsciously leaned back.

"What are you hiding from?"

"I... ah..." Song Fengwan had just opened his mouth when Fu Chen wrapped one hand around her back at some point, hooked her waist, and suddenly pulled her whole body towards him with force.

The tip of her nose hit his face, warm and warm.

"Five whole days." His breath was burning, blowing on her face, lingering repeatedly.


"I can't see you, the days are like years." Fu Chen tilted his head slightly, the corner of his mouth almost pressing her ears, breathing hot air, her body shrank, trembling slightly, a strange feeling spread from the soles of her feet, her body was as soft as is not hers.

His lips lingered little by little, starting from her fair and tender face, rubbing against her little by little...

"Why do you say this is?"

"Three..." Song Fengwan felt that he should push him away, but his body was too weak, "Third brother."

"Why do I like you so much?" Fu Chen smiled lowly, "Wanwan, why do you think this is..."

He bowed his head, his voice hoarse.

"Don't be like this, it's a bit uncomfortable to press me." The carriage was too small, and Song Fengwan felt that he was about to suffocate.

Fu Chen was unmoved.

"do you miss me?"

"No." Song Fengwan struggled, his whole body seemed to have a fever.

"Little heartless." Fu Chen smiled.

"I'm not." Song Fengwan snorted coldly.

"Why do I miss you so much? You don't miss me at all? I need to punish you!" He pinched her chin with one hand, as if he wanted to kiss her.

"Think about it, I think about it." Song Fengwan hurriedly changed his words.

"Good -" Fu Chen pressed his forehead against hers, and stroked her small chin with his fingertips.

"Your reward."

He tilted his head as he spoke, and lightly touched the side of her cheek.

It was too dark in the car, his lips seemed to be on fire, so hot that it seemed to melt her face, it fell on her face gently and softly, staying for a long time, the heat penetrated into her heart little by little...

It raged like a fire, burning all the way to the bottom of my heart.

Song Fengwan finally understood that as long as he wanted to, he would have thousands of reasons to take advantage of her.

"Late night..."


"Don't be afraid of anything that happens, the third brother will protect you?"

Fu Chen stretched out his hand and gently hugged her into his arms, "Whenever."

Song Fengwan's heart trembled, his forehead rested on his chest, he nodded tremblingly, his eyes were moist, "Thank you..."

After hugging her for an unknown amount of time, Fu Chen patted her on the back, "Okay, let's go back, it's late, go to bed early today."


Fu Chen lowered his head and kissed the top of her hair.

Song Fengwan's face was slightly hot, he pushed open the door, and quickly ran out of the car, when he entered, he almost bumped into Geng Ying who was about to go back.

Geng Ying and Qiao's father and son talked about the current situation of the divorce case, which delayed a little time, otherwise they would go back at about the same time as Fu Chen.

"You girl, why are you so reckless?" Qiao Aiyun happened to send Geng Ying out.

"Auntie, I'm sorry." Song Fengwan felt guilty, his voice flustered, "It's too cold outside."

"Hurry up and enter the house, look at your face is so red with cold." Qiao Aiyun urged.

Song Fengwan blushed even more.

As soon as Shi Fang got into the car, he started the car and drove away from the villa area.

The two of them clearly haven't started dating yet, so why is the sour smell of love in the air?

I don't know what I did in the car secretly?

But seeing that the third master of his family is in a good mood, he probably took advantage of it.

Fu Chen had already told his parents about the situation before, so naturally he didn't need to make any more calls. He made a call back to Yunjin Capital, and Uncle Nian answered the call.

"Third Master..."

"Uncle Nian, is Huaisheng asleep?" The child lives in his house, and he is still worried about leaving at this time.

"At eight o'clock, the old lady came over in person and picked him up."

"What about a change of clothes?"

"Bring them all, don't worry..."

Knowing that Huaisheng was taken away by his mother, Fu Chen felt relieved...

Shi Fang watched him finish the phone call before he said, "Master, are you going to the hotel? I've already booked a room."

"What kind of hotel are you going to? Second brother's house." Fu Chen rested the beads in his hand and rubbed them with his fingertips.

"The second master is not at home, do you need to call the second wife in advance?"

"Second sister-in-law probably went to play mahjong, so let's go directly."

Sun Qionghua has no hobbies, but likes to play some mahjong, playing for a small amount, just to pass the time, usually until eleven or twelve o'clock at night.


Fu's house in Yuncheng

Fu Yuxiu naturally knew that something had happened to the Song family. Sun Qionghua was very strict with him and forbade him to have any contact with Jiang Fengya because of the incident at the relative banquet before.

The personal contact has never been broken.

Jiang Fengya was not involved in the accident tonight, he was already in bed, and received a call from Jiang Fengya, saying that she was kicked out, penniless, and didn't even bring her ID card, and wanted him to help.

He thought that his mother came back very late, he would go out for an hour or so, there would be no problem, he quickly dressed, took the car keys and ran out.

No one got in the car, watching a car speeding up, the dazzling headlights made him dizzy for a moment, he squinted his eyes, and with a flash of God, the car had already stopped on the lawn of his yard.

When he saw the bullish Beijing license plate, he trembled in fright.

Fu Chen pushed the door and got out of the car, and glanced at him, "It's midnight, where are you going?"

Shi Fang suffocated his laughter, so he just said, why the third master suddenly wanted to come to the second master's house, it was calculated.

Fu Yuxiu was afraid for a while. If he had already gone out and his third uncle came over, people who didn't see him, and his mother complained, he would die.

"No, I'm a little hungry and want to go out for a late-night snack."

"Really?" Fu Chen squinted at him with a cold gaze.

"I'm not hungry now, Third Uncle, please go into the house." Fu Yuxiu held the car keys tightly, he was dying, why did he come here at this time.

It's more terrifying than hitting a ghost in the middle of the night.

In fact, when Song Jingren and Jiang Fengya were kicked out, Secretary Zhang ran away in fright. Jiang Fengya helped Song Jingren out of the villa area by himself, and took a taxi to a nearby hospital.

Thanks to the mobile phone in her pajamas pocket, otherwise she would not even have the money to take a taxi to the hospital.

She is only 18, and she can't handle many things, so she can only call for help.

It's just pity that she squatted in the corridor of the hospital all night, and she didn't wait for Fu Yuxiu.


Song Family Villa

Qiao Aiyun and Song Fengwan went upstairs to tidy up the room. It was the first time for Song Fengwan to return to his room since he went to the capital. Obviously someone had already lived in it, and even the wallpaper was completely new.

Downstairs, the Qiao family father and son and Yan Wangchuan looked at each other in blank dismay.

"Xiyan, go upstairs and help your aunt." Qiao Wangbei finished his meal and slowly put down his chopsticks.

Knowing that the two of them had something to say, Qiao Xiyan packed up the takeaway lunch box and went upstairs.

Qiao Wangbei narrowed his eyes and looked at the person in front of him seriously, "Brother, let's talk."

Third Master, you... are too courageous! It's terrible, you are really not afraid of death.

Third Master: Can’t you?

Me: Just as long as you are happy, hehe...【Smelly Shameless】

By the way, Uncle is going to have an in-depth exchange with Senior Brother Yan, haha~

Ps: One last thing, the third master is really accurate in his calculations, Fu Yuxiu's heart is probably trembling from fright... It's the middle of the night.

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