Heartwarming Aristocratic Marriage: Influential Master’s Wife-Chasing Strategy

Chapter 178: Uncle vs Senior Brother Yan, Immortals Fight (3 more)

Inside the Song family villa

Qiao Wangbei held a carving knife in his hand, and the knife turned at his fingertips, which could turn out many tricks. The light fell on the blade, occasionally emitting a cold light, dazzling and eye-catching.

Yan Wangchuan lived in Qiao's house for several years, so he was very familiar with these carving knives, and knew that he would not hurt himself.

His expression was cold, as light as the cold wind.

Not the slightest bit of fear.

In fact, since the two of them met, they didn't deal with each other.

It stands to reason that Yan Wangchuan was a late apprentice to his master and started late, so he should be called Senior Brother, but his father said that Yan Wangchuan had called him Master since he was a child, and he was two years older than him, so he asked him to call him Senior Brother Yan Wangchuan.

The Qiao family and the Yan family are family friends. They are about the same age, and they are both only children. Their backgrounds are similar, so they will naturally rival each other secretly.

It's just that Yan Wangchuan only learned how to distinguish jade, not how to carve, so he couldn't compete with each other.

Qiao Wangbei was very angry and provoked him many times, but Yan Wangchuan ignored him and punched the cotton, which could not stir up any disturbance.

When they were thirteen or fourteen, the two had a fight, but he couldn't remember the exact reason.

He thought that Yan Wangchuan was skinny and would be easy to bully, but he was the one who was pinned to the ground in the end.

Only later did he know that Yan Wangchuan was diligent in exercising, looked thin, but was a good fighter.

From now on, Qiao Wangbei would not dare to provoke him.

Usually he was silent, but that time he was almost beaten to death, Qiao Aiyun was so frightened that he cried for a long time when he saw him being beaten miserably, and his father still laughed and scolded him that he deserved it.

Qiao Wangbei is the only son, and there are several senior brothers on his head. He is the youngest, has a very high talent for carving, and is proud and arrogant. He has never been messed with like this. Since then, he has always been a little afraid of him in his heart.

Later, when the two got close, Qiao Wangbei asked him why he was beaten so hard that time.

What Yan Wangchuan said almost stunned him, "From the time I entered the door, you provoked me 45 times in total."

He almost passed out out of breath, it was so secretive, he remembered it all.

It's terrible.

"Mother said, you are younger than me, and I live in your house, so I must be more polite to you."

"Then you still hit me? Still so hard?"

"If I don't beat you, I will bear it all the time. If I do, I will beat you until you are completely afraid of me."

When Qiao Wangbei heard this, his back turned cold, a teenager, did he beat him so much that he was completely afraid of him? Is this the devil?

Since then, there has always been some shadow in his heart.


It is said that the two are sitting in the living room at this moment, looking at each other silently.

They just looked at each other without saying a word, as if they were fighting in secret, neither of them would let go first.

In the end, Qiao Wangbei couldn't hold back, he was a little annoyed in his heart, knowing that the person in front of him was the most forbearing, he was also confused by the anger of that beast.

"Brother, I still have to thank you for showing up in time this time and helping Ai Yun."

First the courtesy and then the soldiers, the ones who should be thanked should still be thanked.

"I didn't even know that such a big event happened, it was too late."

"It's a good thing you showed up, otherwise that bastard Song Jingren might be so arrogant."


Qiao Wangbei talked for a long time, but he remained silent for a long time before he spoke.

"It's not for your face, you don't need to thank you." Yan Wangchuan sat on the sofa, and when he spoke, Qiao Wangbei almost died of anger.

Qiao Wangbei laughed, he had never seen anyone so arrogant.

"Brother, you want to chase my sister, shouldn't you be more polite to me?"

Yan Wangchuan raised his eyebrows, "Need me to serve you some tea?"

Qiao Wangbei was taken aback.

He really didn't dare.

The Qiao family pays attention to the family background of masters, and since they call senior brother, they must respect them.

"That was not what I meant."

"I was very polite to you before, but the result was not satisfactory." Yan Wangchuan was naturally referring to the years when he was studying art at Qiao's house.

It means that no matter how good you are to him, you can't catch up with Qiao Aiyun in the end.

To sum it up, it is: it is useless to please him.

Qiao Wangbei was speechless for a while when he said this.

After a few minutes, I cleared my throat, "Brother, I really didn't expect you to appear this time..."

"I've been here several times, you just don't know."

Qiao Wangbei was taken aback.

"Things have happened for so long, you are really incompetent as an older brother who is ignorant."

"Drunk sculpture should also pay attention to the family, especially your own relatives. I saw that Xiyan was very afraid of you just now, but he should treat his son better."

Qiao Wangbei was dumbfounded, you are an unmarried man with no son, you are actually teaching him how to be a good father?

Obviously it was him who came to question him, but what's going on now?

"Let's talk about Ai Yun, brother, do you still like her?" Qiao Wangbei still needs to confirm.

Yan Wangchuan couldn't say words like love and love, but just kept staring at him.

It's like watching mentally retarded.

Ask knowingly.

Qiao Wangbei took a deep breath, "But in the current situation, Song Jingren's kind of scum, I'm afraid that something will happen again, maybe the divorce will take some time..."

"I wait."

I have been waiting for more than twenty years, and I don't care about this little time.

"I plan to stay in Yuncheng for a while until they divorce. It's always inconvenient for you to come forward. When you should avoid it, you should avoid it..." Qiao Wangbei adjusted his tone and kept hinting to himself that he had such a bad temper. Get to know him generally.

Yan Wangchuan, "What's inconvenient?"

"What inconvenience do you think?" Qiao Wangbei was so angry that he couldn't laugh or cry.

They were already sensitive during the divorce, if the two of them hadn't gotten too close, there wouldn't have been a photo incident, causing Qiao Aiyun to be scolded like that on the Internet.

He didn't know what to do, so he still had the face to ask him what was inconvenient?

He rolled up his sleeves: be patient, don't be as knowledgeable as him.

"We are innocent." Yan Wangchuan explained.

Qiao Wangbei explained with a smile, "I know, but at this time, we still need to avoid suspicion. This is also considering the impact on you."

"I don't care." If Yan Wangchuan cared about other people's opinions, he would have married and had children long ago. Over the years, many people secretly said that he was not good enough. When he went to a hospital, others thought he had kidney deficiency, but in fact it was just a routine physical examination.

"You don't care, you have to consider the impact on Ai Yun, do you still want this to happen again?" Qiao Wangbei slapped the table angrily.

Concerned about Qiao Aiyun, Yan Wangchuan nodded with a serious expression.

"Then listen to you, I won't show up."

The corner of Qiao Wangbei's mouth twitched. If this was his son, he would have done it long ago.

It's just underwhelming.

Yan Wangchuan didn't care what he thought, "Tell me what you think?"

"The lawyer said just now that I plan to collect evidence first and try to let him leave the house. I want to take the money and go out to raise the illegitimate daughter? There is no way."

"There is no legal basis for leaving the house alone." Yan Wangchuan has always been calm and objective.

"You don't need to worry about this matter. I already have a solution. I used to think that Wanwan's own father is not easy to mess with him. I just found out after watching the live broadcast that he dared to beat her? , is this still a person?"

"Don't you often attack Xi Yan?"

"I'm an education of love. You don't have children, so you don't understand." Qiao Wang waved his hand at Peking University.

Yan Wangchuan frowned, "I will be nice to Wanwan from now on."

Qiao Wangbei choked, who asked you such a thing?


Qiao Aiyun was tidying up the room, when she heard Qiao Xiyan say that the two people were downstairs, she was afraid that something might happen, so she hurried downstairs.

I saw the two of them looking at each other, not knowing what they were competing for.

"The room is almost ready, brother, you came here before you went to bed, the room you usually live in."

"En." Qiao Wangbei stood up, "Brother, do you want to stay tonight?"

His selfishness was towards Yan Wangchuan, he didn't like Song Jingren in the first place, and he didn't move around at all, let alone have any feelings for him.

Yan Wangchuan is very infatuated with Qiao Aiyun, he is clear, and naturally wants to create opportunities for them.

But he never thought that Yan Wangchuan would say directly, "No, I'm staying in a hotel and I've already booked a room."

Qiao Wangbei coughed twice, "Then Ai Yun, send him off."

"No, it's cold outside."

Qiao Wangbei was taken aback. Is this how you chase people?

It's absolutely amazing.

Seeing his brother's angry eyes, Qiao Aiyun couldn't help holding back a smile.

"Brother, I'll see you off." Qiao Wangbei dragged him out...

As soon as the two walked out of the gate, Qiao Aiyun heard the conversation between the two.

"Didn't you see that I was creating opportunities for you?"

"You just said, let's keep our distance."

"I..." Immediately afterwards, she heard Qiao Wangbei scold angrily, "Yan Wangchuan, are you so heartless!"

Qiao Aiyun laughed out loud.

Why didn't she realize that Yan Wangchuan had such a lovely side?

He was the first to be so angry with his brother.


Fu's house in Yuncheng

Fu Yuxiu was so anxious that he poured a glass of water for Fu Chen. He had something on his mind and felt guilty. He was young and couldn't hide it anyway. Fu Chen saw through him at a glance.

I didn't even notice the water temperature, and almost burned my hands.

In fact, Fu Chen didn't intend to come here.

He originally planned to stay in a hotel, but Qiao Wangbei kicked those two people out of the house, which was not what he expected.

His original plan was that Qiao Wangbei could catch up with the press conference, and with Yan Wangchuan, there would be a scuffle of the century, and Song Jingren could be crushed to death directly, which would be more fun, but it's a pity that there were always some mistakes.

And at this press conference, he only knew that Song Jingren actually called his family Wanwan?


He might really be tired of life.

When Jiang Fengya was kicked out, he would definitely seek help, and all he could think of was Fu Yuxiu.

Naturally, this back road must be completely blocked.

"Third Uncle, drink tea." Fu Yuxiu handed over the tea, his fingertips burned red.

"En." Fu Chen responded indifferently, with a very high air.

Fu Yuxiu put down the teacup, glanced at the clock on the wall, feeling anxious.

"Third Uncle, why did you come here so late and didn't say anything in advance." He smiled obsequiously, and it was so frightening to come here in the middle of the night.

"I'll come if I want to."

Fu Yuxiu smiled resentfully, whatever you say is right.

When Jiang Fengya made the phone call, she was out of breath from crying. If it was such a cold day, she only went out in pajamas, and her whole body was numb from the cold. Song Jingren was in the hospital again. She was very scared, and he couldn't sit still.

Fu Chen sat on the sofa, bowed his head and played with his mobile phone, with a relaxed expression, ignoring him.

"Third Uncle, when did you change your phone?" Fu Yuxiu tried to talk to him.

Fu Chen glanced at him, "I can't change my phone yet?"

"No, I just think it's a little strange. You haven't been willing to change your smartphone."

And this is how many generations of Apple? It seems that it is not the latest model? I really can't figure him out.

Fu Chen raised his eyebrows, "I have an obligation to tell you?"

The corner of Fu Yuxiu's mouth twitched, he smiled and shook his head, how could he know that Fu Chen was fighting Song Fengwan at this moment.

There is a little smile on the corner of his mouth, there are quite a lot of little girl's pictures and emoticons.

He still has to find Duan Lin Bai to get some emoticons, there are not enough to post.

Seeing that he was in a good mood, Fu Yuxiu said timidly, "Third Uncle, I still feel a little hungry and want to go out for a late-night snack. Do you want to eat something? Let me bring it for you? There is a mutton soup that is very good in winter. It's good to order mutton soup."

"Shifang said just now that he is hungry, you can take him out."

Shi Fang immediately smiled at him, "Master Yuxiu, I can drive the car, where do you want to go for supper?"

Fu Yuxiu opened his mouth, "Why don't I go buy it, what does Brother Shifang want to eat?"

"How can I let you go out and buy it? How about you tell me what you want to eat, and I'll go buy it." Shifang smiled very gently.

A fledgling brat actually playing tricks with the third master?

His family's third master wanted Song Jingren and Jiang Fengya to freeze to death on the street tonight, and he would never let him have a chance to go out alone tonight.

"I..." Fu Yuxiu had no legitimate reason to go out alone, and was a little anxious to get angry, but there was nothing he could do.

The two were in a stalemate in the living room. At about eleven o'clock, Sun Qionghua came back. Maybe he won a little in the card game, and he looked in a good mood.

"Third son, why are you here? Yuxiu, you are a real kid, why didn't you call me." Sun Qionghua pretended to be angry.

"Forgot." Fu Yuxiu was so focused on how to escape from the house that he couldn't even bother to inform Sun Qionghua.

"Second sister-in-law, I'm sorry for the sudden arrival."

"My family, why are you being polite to me?"

"On the way here just now, I heard that something happened to the Song family. Song Jingren was kicked out of the house by the Qiao family." Fu Chen spoke softly.

"When I was playing mahjong, I heard people say that Song Jingren was kicked out? I really don't understand this." Sun Qionghua was a little surprised, she was very smart, Song Jingren was kicked out, let alone Jiang Fengya.

She already had some calculations in her heart.

"Father is at Qiao's house, Yuxiu, don't do anything stupid." Fu Chen said in a casual tone.

"How is it possible, Yuxiu and her have already broken up." Sun Qionghua smiled faintly.

"That's good. When I saw you going out just now, I thought you wanted to help. If father gets angry again, he might not be hospitalized this time." Fu Chen smiled very peacefully, "Second sister-in-law, then I Go back to your room first."

"Yeah." Sun Qionghua smiled, but in a blink of an eye, he looked at Fu Yuxiu with scrutiny.

Although Fu Chen didn't say it clearly, she knew what she meant. Sun Qionghua used to think that Fu Chen was too cold, but he didn't expect to remind her this time.

It doesn't seem too cold and ruthless, anyway, Fu Yuxiu is his nephew, as an uncle, he still cares about him.

Sun Qionghua smiled, thinking that Fu Chen was a nice person.

Fu Yuxiu almost vomited blood.

After the banquet before, her mother monitored him in all directions. It was difficult for him to make a phone call to Jiang Fengya, let alone meet him. Recently, the restrictions on him have been relaxed. Once his third uncle said this...

His mother is bound to tighten her grip on him.

What kind of grudge does his third uncle have against him, to trick him like this?

This is to play him to death.

Seeing Fu Yuxiu's half-dead look, Shi Fang secretly laughed.

Still too young.

The third master wanted to crush him, so easily.

Or borrow someone else's hand, just a few words, no fuss.


Fu Chen went to the room and called Song Fengwan directly.

Song Fengwan finished fighting with him and just took a shower. There is floor heating in the villa, which is naturally more comfortable than turning on the air conditioner. She was holding a hair dryer in front of the mirror to dry her hair. When she saw the caller ID, the corners of her mouth curled up...

She ran outside, locked the door, and pressed the answer button.

"Hey, third brother..."

When Fu Chen heard her calling him that, his heart felt as if it had been ironed by something, and his whole body felt comfortable, "Well, haven't you slept yet?"

"Clean up the room, I just took a shower."

"Is there anything going on these two days?"

"Probably not." Just after the exam, something happened at home. Qiao Aiyun asked her to rest at home for two days, and she didn't go to school. When the limelight passed, those media reporters must be squatting everywhere recently.

"Give me time."

"I have to talk to my mother about this..."

"Well, I want to spend New Year's Eve with you."

Song Fengwan was busy with the exam and was already dizzy, only then did he realize that it was already the end of December.

"In the new year, I want to stay with you on the first day."

Fu Chen paid great attention to the sense of ritual in his work. He felt that at the beginning of the new year, having a good start with her was more important than anything else.

The New Year's Eve is naturally not as good as the Lunar New Year, but it is still an important day.

Song Fengwan's heart was pounding, and he responded in a muffled voice. If it's New Year's Eve, it will have to wait until 12 o'clock.

She hadn't agreed to Fu Chen yet, but she had already started thinking about how to discuss with her mother so that she wouldn't come home at twelve o'clock.

In fact, when my cousin confronted Senior Brother Yan before, I mentioned that my uncle was a little afraid of Senior Brother Yan...

Senior Brother Yan, how should I describe this kind of person.

Uncle Joe: What a heartless one!

Brother Yan: ...


It’s the last day of 2018. In fact, although there are three updates today, the number of words is 12,000. It’s just that I didn’t divide it into chapters. Otherwise, I’ll divide it into four or five chapters, and you’ll have to wait too hard. Haha, I’ve combined more than 4,000 words. Chapter 1 is published~

I wish you all a smooth new year in advance, thank you for your support to the beginning of the year in the previous year, and continue to support me in the new year, let's work together, group (* ̄3) (ε ̄*)


Tell me a little episode~

I was disgusted by my brother...

Me: "New Year's Eve tonight, let's go shopping and cook hot pot."

My brother: "You have oily hair, I don't want to go out with you."


(╯‵ ′)╯︵┻━┻

It takes my brain to type, so I get oily hair easily, how about it, you want to fight, don't you!

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