Heartwarming Aristocratic Marriage: Influential Master’s Wife-Chasing Strategy

Chapter 179 Uncle Joe plotted to kill the scumbag father

Song Fengwan was lying on the bed, and had a phone call with Fu Chen for more than an hour, until Qiao Aiyun knocked on the door, urging her to turn off the light and go to bed, before she pressed the switch and got into bed.

Qiao Aiyun stood at the door of her room for a while. The sound insulation of the room was good, so she couldn't hear the movement inside. She didn't turn to leave until the light seeping through the gap in the door disappeared.

She tilted her head and glanced at her watch: It's almost twelve o'clock, what is she busy with if she doesn't sleep?

She thought that Song Fengwan was too excited after the exam, and she was probably playing with her mobile phone for something, but she never thought that her daughter was secretly calling.

Song Fengwan had just finished the exam, so it was inevitable that he was a little excited. From the weird behavior of the invigilator in the exam room, to the venting windows of Yuncheng University, he seemed to have endless things to say.

Fu Chen leaned against the bed with a faint smile on his lips.

It wasn't until twelve o'clock that Song Fengwan coughed twice, "Third brother, it's so late."


"I seem to be too good at talking."

"It's okay, I like to hear you talk."

Song Fengwan bit his lips, "It's getting late, let's sleep."

"Together?" Fu Chen raised his eyebrows, and his voice was hoarse, as if rubbing against her ear.

Song Fengwan's ears felt slightly hot, "Well, go to sleep."

Said to go to bed, the two of them chattered for more than ten minutes before hanging up the phone.

Fu Chen glanced at the call time.


Even the talk time is love you...

This is the first time they have had such a long phone call, and it is worth remembering.

It was rare for Fu Chen to go to bed so late. After hanging up the phone, he was no longer sleepy. After talking on the phone for nearly two hours, his mouth was inevitably dry. He went downstairs and poured some warm water. Out of the corner of his eye, he caught a glimpse of snow falling outside the window...

He walked to the window, the street lights were warm and yellow and dim, and the snowflakes were finely broken, like salt crumbs, blown by the cold wind like waves and flying around.

To the south of Yuncheng, the snow doesn't fall heavily, and it melts as soon as it hits the ground, which is also very beautiful.

When he was about to go back to his room, he heard the sound of the door closing upstairs, followed by the sound of creeping downstairs, clearly restraining his strength for fear of being discovered.

He squinted his eyes and saw a black figure coming down, and he could guess who it was based on his figure.

Fu Chen didn't turn on the light, and hid himself in the dark, stroking the water glass in his hand, watching him slowly touch the door, and opened the door to go out without even changing his shoes.

"It's the middle of the night, what are you doing!"

Just as Fu Yuxiu touched the doorknob with his fingers, he was frightened out of his wits when he heard a deep and deep voice from behind.

His legs softened, and he almost knelt down.

Fu Chen casually turned on the floor lamp beside him, and his figure was instantly illuminated.

"Third...Third Uncle?" Fu Yuxiu turned around stiffly, his voice trembling, his lips trembling, his face turned pale with fright.

It's so amazing, why doesn't his third uncle sleep in the middle of the night! It's past one o'clock in the morning, and he's alone in the living room, why don't you turn on the lights?

"Why are you out so late?" Fu Chen didn't expect Fu Yuxiu to be so obsessed.

For Jiang Fengya, he actually became a thief in the middle of the night.

"It's nothing..." His voice was weak and weak, his heart was still beating chaotically at this moment, and his three souls and seven souls were about to be frightened away.

"Since it's nothing, go back to sleep, I thought you were going out to meet someone?"

"No, it's so late, who can I see." Fu Yuxiu really wanted to cry.

In his previous life, he owed his family's third uncle absolutely, and he was abused so much in this life.

Fu Chen drank the water slowly and looked at him quietly.

Those eyes seemed to see through everything, he gritted his teeth bitterly, and could only roll back to the room numbly.

Fu Chen shook his head helplessly.

He really couldn't figure out why Fu Yuxiu was fascinated by Jiang Fengya.

In fact, Fu Yuxiu's personality is not like that of the Fu family. He has been living in a greenhouse, and naturally he does not know the dangers of the world. With such a strong mother, life is too smooth and lacks tempering.

Leaving home, maybe you can't even support yourself, and you still want to be someone else's savior?

Fu Chenwu smiled to himself, it was too ridiculous, if he was so obsessed with it, sooner or later he would have a big fall.

Jiang Fengya has deep plans. If Song Jingren is completely defeated, she will definitely find a new backer. Fu Yuxiu is the best choice. Then there will be another storm...

After Fu Chen drank the remaining warm water, he turned around and went upstairs.


In the next few days, except for Song Fengwan, everyone was very busy.

After Qiao Aiyun's press conference, the Yutangchun fake sale incident was clarified. The police intervened and reported the progress of the case. It was indeed planted. The family except for the underage child had been detained.

It's just that the police haven't been able to find any evidence that Song Jingren participated in it. The conversations at the press conference and the testimony of the prisoners alone are not enough to identify him as the mastermind.

After this incident, Yutangchun was once again pushed into the public eye.

A century-old store, purely hand-carved, the jade is unique and vivid in shape, which is completely different from machine-polished ones. It coincides with the New Year's Eve, and many people go to buy jade, and business orders are several times more than usual.

The business couldn't be taken care of, so Qiao Xiyan had to go back to Wu Su's main store to help with cooking, while Qiao Wangbei stayed to help Qiao Aiyun in the divorce lawsuit.

Song Jingren's side is not so easy.

Qiao Wangbei was kicked out of the house that day, and he was only wearing thin pajamas. His old wounds had not healed, and he was beaten violently by him, and his body was so painful that he almost lost consciousness.

He caught a cold and had a fever that night when he was sent to the hospital, which almost killed him.

Fortunately, Jiang Fengya took care of him in a puzzled way, which moved Song Jingren a lot...

Qiao Wangbei came, he was afraid, he couldn't find a good way to deal with him for a while, he had a headache every day, and at this time the company had problems.

When Secretary Zhang ran to the hospital, he was leaning on the bed and having breakfast...

"President Song, something is wrong!" He pushed the door open and entered with a loud voice.

When he was kicked out of the house, Secretary Zhang left him alone, and Song Jingren had already complained about him from the bottom of his heart.

If he wasn't fired, it was because there were still a lot of things that needed his help to deal with. At this moment, changing the secretary would make it impossible to hand over the work.

He squeezed the chopsticks in his hand tightly, and glanced at Secretary Zhang, "Why are you yelling like ghosts?"

"President Song, it's over, this time it's really..." Secretary Zhang's face turned pale, he gasped heavily, and spoke intermittently.

Song Jingren was feeling irritable recently, and he couldn't hear such bad words the most. He directly lifted the lunch box in front of him and threw it at him.

"Damn it, try talking nonsense again!"

Jiang Fengya was frightened and stood on one side without moving.

A box of white porridge fell on Secretary Zhang's clothes. It was sticky and white, scorching hot. Secretary Zhang was choking for breath and did not dare to make a loud noise.

"Tell me, what happened again, let me tell you, if there is nothing serious, I will expose your skin." Song Jingren was so angry that he threw his chopsticks.

Early in the morning, the fire and bad luck.

"All the directors of the company came to the company this morning and said they would hold a board meeting."

"Nonsense, I'm still here, what kind of board meeting?" Song Jingren snorted coldly.

"I inquired privately. It's my husband...it was Ms. Qiao who informed me."

Song Jingren's pupils dilated slightly, "Why is she!"

"Besides you, she is the largest shareholder and has the right to call director shareholders." Secretary Zhang whispered.

"What does she want!" Song Jingren couldn't sit still when the company was involved.

"I heard that she said to many people, you said that you are sick and hospitalized, you can't take care of the company, and the company can't be without an owner for a day, so..."

"Bastard!" Song Jingren was so angry that he raised his hand and overturned a fruit basket beside the bed, "Qiao Aiyun wants to kick me out of the company while I'm not here? There's no way."

"This is my painstaking effort for many years, can it still fall into her hands?"

"I knew she wouldn't let it go like this, you bitch!"

"Dad, calm down. You worked hard to create this company. She wants to take it away. It's not that easy." Jiang Fengya comforted him.

She was more nervous than Song Jingren, her heart was beating wildly, she had only been a young lady for a few days, she didn't want to be beaten back to her original shape so soon.

"What's the situation now? How many people have passed?" Song Jingren kicked off the quilt and got out of bed.

"It's almost all over." Secretary Zhang said timidly.

"This group of dogs, I'm usually not mean to them. Now that I'm losing power, I'm going to kick me away, bastard." Song Jingren walked outside without even putting on any clothes.

"Dad, put on some clothes." Jiang Fengya's heart was beating.

I hated Qiao Aiyun in my heart.

Secretary Zhang looked down at his clothes, feeling bad in his heart, gritted his teeth, and chased after him.

"Why are you messing around behind, why don't you go downstairs and drive first." Song Jingren glanced at Secretary Zhang, "It's not enough to succeed, it's more than failure."

At the previous press conference, if he hadn't turned off his mobile phone and was threatened by Qiao Aiyun a few times to show his timidity, things would not have turned out like this.

How stupid.

Secretary Zhang gritted his teeth and ran down the stairs from one side.


Fu's house in Yuncheng

Fu Yuxiu is going crazy these few days. This period of time is just around the time of New Year's Eve, and there are no classes in school. He hardly has to go to school. Many of his classmates are traveling together, and he is still stuck at home.

Fu Chen didn't leave and didn't go out all day.

The task Sun Qionghua gave him was to serve Fu Chen well.


This is completely being ordered by Fu Chen as a slave.

If Fu Chen didn't go out, he couldn't even step out the door. He copied the Buddhist scriptures, and let him study the ink and turn the pages by the side. These days are so frustratingly aggrieved.

"Third Master..." Shi Fang knocked on the door, as if he had something to say.

"Yuxiu, you go out first." Fu Chen copied the scriptures without raising his head.

Fu Yuxiu was relieved, damn it, staying with him was almost suffocating.

Waking up at six o'clock, taking a walk, drinking tea, copying scriptures, and watching news broadcasts, is this still a human life?

He complained to his mother, and Sun Qionghua said directly: "You are just too impetuous. Follow your third uncle, temper your temper, and build a good relationship with him. It will only benefit you, so just bear with it."

Now that Fu Chen was pardoned, he hurriedly ran out with a smile.

Shi Fang was sure that he was far away before closing the door.

"Third Master, there is something going on at Qiao's house."


"Ms. Qiao contacted the company's shareholders last night and held a board meeting this morning. She wanted to take advantage of Song Jingren's absence and remove him from his position."

Fu Chen glanced at the Buddhist scriptures on one side and concentrated on copying them.

"Song Jingren has already left the hospital and rushed to the company. He has great influence in the company. I think it is very difficult for Ms. Qiao to drive him away."

According to Shifang's objective analysis, no one in the Qiao family is expected to do business, and the company was founded by Song Jingren, so it is not easy to shake him.

"Although the major shareholders and directors have gone, it is still difficult for me to see things."

"Qiao Wangbei has also passed away. I think this is probably his idea. It is definitely not the best policy to rob the company now. Do you think Mr. Qiao is too impulsive?"

Shifang really couldn't see through it. Even if the company really fell into their hands, it would not be able to operate.

Song Jingren is too powerful, and he is still very prestigious in the company. The group of people who followed him to work hard are the mainstay of the company. Once he leaves, he might take away a large number of backbones. Such a company can only wait for it to be taken back. die.

"You underestimate this Mr. Qiao, do you really think that he is interested in the company?" Fu Chen put down his pen.

"What do you mean by that?"

"You just wait and watch. I told you a long time ago..." Fu Chen picked up the newly transcribed Buddhist scriptures and looked them over carefully. "The Qiao family is definitely underestimated by everyone."

"This is not easy to mess with father and son."

Shifang raised his eyebrows and said nothing.

"He obviously wants to kill Song Jingren completely."

Shifang couldn't see through the current situation, so he could only nod along. It was rare for the third master to praise someone, so he couldn't be wrong when judging people.

"Third Master, since the Qiao family and his son are so powerful, wouldn't it be even more difficult for you to marry Miss Song in the future?"

Fu Chen shook his fingertips and looked at him coldly.

"Talk too much, get out!"

Shifang was speechless.

He just told the truth, why is he still angry.

2019...started with abuse, haha~

I wish you all a happy new year, happy new year's day~


On the first day of January, I have a guaranteed monthly pass in my hand to support the beginning of the next month, thank you everyone~

There is a monthly ticket red envelope on the Xiaoxiang page, remember to get the red envelope after voting for the monthly ticket, refills and refills~

In the new year, I have to trouble you for your support, let's work hard together...

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