Heartwarming Aristocratic Marriage: Influential Master’s Wife-Chasing Strategy

Chapter 180 Get out of the house and get him to death 【Message Event】

Song Group

In the meeting room on the second floor, apart from the company's major shareholders who are sensible, there are also senior management of the company, gathered together, even the corners are full of people, the company may change hands, this is related to the lifeblood of the entire company's employees, everyone's heart is hanging .

Qiao Aiyun was sitting at the top, looking down at something, without saying a word. Qiao Wangbei was sitting next to her, apparently to help out.

The company is divided into three factions.

One faction supports Song Jingren, one faction supports Qiao Aiyun, and the other faction is moderate.

"Boss Song was so embarrassing at the press conference, the company's stock price plummeted, and even the market value evaporated by more than one billion yuan. It's really amazing. This kind of person is not suitable for holding power at all."

"But Madam is not suitable either. She has only run a few small jade shops. How can she manage such a large company?"

"I think it's okay to give it to anyone, as long as I pay my salary on time, they won't let the company go bankrupt."


The discussion below was extremely intense, Qiao Aiyun pretended not to hear, and did not clear her throat until exactly ten o'clock.

The meeting room fell silent for a moment.

Qiao Aiyun smiled, "I am very grateful to everyone for coming today. I believe that everyone is very clear about what happened recently, so I won't go into details here."

"As the executor of the company, Song Jingren represents the face of the company, but he doesn't care about the interests of the company and does things that harm the interests of the company. He may even face a lawsuit later..."

"I just want to ask everyone, such a person, what qualifications does he have to continue to manage the company!"

Everyone looked at each other in blank amazement.

Now that we are in a meeting, who is not polite at the beginning, I didn't expect Qiao Aiyun to be so simple and rude, and went straight to the point.

Really strong.

When everyone came into contact with Qiao Aiyun, she was Mrs. Song at that time, kind and tactful; now she has sharp eyebrows and eyes, aggressive.

The powerful aura that suddenly emanated made many people in the room look sideways.

"Whether Mr. Song is qualified or not is not up to you, right?" Naturally, there are many people who support Song Jingren.

Qiao Aiyun just smiled.

"I believe that everyone holds the company's stock more or less in their hands. I just want to ask you, how much has your stock shrunk in the past two months?"

Since the marriage recognition banquet incident, Song's stock has started to fall. However, little is known about the follow-up content of the marriage recognition banquet, but Song Jingren is deeply involved in divorce lawsuits, which will definitely have an impact on the company.

As soon as last night's press conference was broadcast...

The stock market opened this morning, and Song's stock plummeted all the way. Even though the company has taken some internal measures to try to stabilize the situation, it is still difficult to save the decline.

"Since everyone can gather here today, they must have some complaints about him. Even if you trust him, I believe many partners will have doubts about him, right?"

Although Qiao Aiyun doesn't know much about the operation of big companies, she has done business after all, so she can always find some ways.

"The Chinese New Year is coming soon, within a month or two, can he recover everyone's losses?"

"After such a big event, I just want to ask, has he ever been to the company?"

"Can you give us an explanation? He made such a big mess by himself, but now he hides in the dark like a turtle? He shouldn't be responsible, shouldn't he give everyone an explanation?"


Qiao Aiyun spoke every word with heart.

Many people's hearts are a little loose.

"Let me ask everyone, is such an irresponsible person still qualified to manage the company?" Qiao Aiyun was so emotional that she slapped the table and stood up straight away.

The meeting room fell into dead silence, and everyone was weighing in their hearts, not knowing how to stand in line.


After a long silence, the door of the office was knocked open.

With the sound of "嗙——", everyone trembled in fright and turned their heads at the same time. Song Jingren rushed in in a hurry wearing a hospital gown.

Qiao Wangbei, who had been sitting on the side without saying a word, raised his eyebrows, and a gleam of light flashed in his sharp eyes.

"Qiao Aiyun, you want to kick me off the stage, what a fool's dream!" Song Jingren's face was still bruised and swollen, his hair was disheveled, and he was extremely thin. In just a few days, his body was full of decadence.

Live up to the high-spirited color of the past.

The cheekbones are slightly raised, the eye sockets are deep-set, and the corners of the mouth are chapped and white, completely different from Qiao Aiyun.

She was wearing a simple lady's suit and had a ruddy complexion. Obviously, she had a very good time these days.

"I'm telling you, unless I die, you don't want to touch my company!" Song Jingren's breathing is disordered. The company is his life's painstaking effort. He has worked hard for half his life. If he loses it...

The degree of pain is tantamount to cutting out the heart.

"I just touched it, so what?"

"How dare you—" Song Jingren pointed at Qiao Aiyun, if a few high-level employees nearby hadn't stopped him in time, he would have rushed up and slapped her.

"Is this your personal company? If you don't manage it well, it would be shameless for you not to take the blame and resign."

With a torn face, Qiao Aiyun was quite rude to him.

"You—" Song Jingren cared most about the company. Even if he wanted to use Jiang Fengya to cling to the Fu family, he wanted to use it to grow the company.

You want to take away his company from a man with a lot of money?

Song Jingren will definitely fight her hard.

"What's wrong with me? You're lying in the hospital half dead, and you don't care about the company all day long. What's going on now? Do you still want thousands of employees in the company to follow you and get out of work?"

Qiao Aiyun was not afraid, her voice was like a sharp sword, and she stabbed fiercely at his chest.

"You still dare to point at me? Which sentence did I say wrong? As a company manager, you act dirty. What qualifications do you have to manage so many employees?"

"However, it's hard to say for a shameless person like you, but you can die if you want to die. Why do you have to drag the company to bury you with you?"

"Ask all the people here, who has no objection to you when so many things have happened?"

"You still have the face to come here? If you dare to touch me today, I will immediately sue you for intentional harm. I see if you can still shout like this after you go in?"

Song Jingren was so angry that he almost couldn't breathe, his face was flushed red.

"Qiao Aiyun, you bitch—" In a fit of arrogance, he broke free from the restraints of others, and unexpectedly lifted a stool on one side and threw it at her.

The entire conference room was in complete chaos...

A group of people went up to break up the fight and pulled Song Jingren back.

After this stool, Qiao Aiyun was beaten badly, and Song Jingren had to finish the game, and it was the little employees like them who were most disadvantaged.

"Shut up!" Qiao Wangbei suddenly slapped the table and stood up.

His voice was loud, rough, and extremely intimidating.

All of a sudden, the place was stopped, and there was a brief dead silence in the conference room.

Qiao Wangbei pulled Qiao Aiyun behind him at once, and walked in front of Song Jingren, with his back straight and motionless.

"Don't stop him, let him hit, Song Jingren, you hit me today..." Qiao Wangbei pointed to his head, "If you dare to do it, I will admit that you are a man!"

The group of people who persuaded the fight were all frightened by Qiao Wangbei, and let go of their hands angrily.

Song Jingren was instinctively afraid of him, his eyes were sharp and bright, like a falcon, sharp and frightening, staring at him, as if he wanted to cut his whole body open.

He had injuries on his body, and his arms were already a little sore while holding the stool. Facing a person with such a strong aura, he swallowed nervously and dared not make a move.

"Fight, I respect you a man!" Qiao Wangbei was not afraid, his eyes were cold, "As long as you dare to strike, I promise not to hide."

"Brother—" Qiao Aiyun tugged at his clothes.

After dozens of seconds, Song Jingren didn't make a move.

The director of the company on one side reached out and snatched the stool from him, "If you have something to say, you were once a family anyway, why bother to make such a fuss."

"That's right, everyone is doing it for the good of the company, so speak slowly if you have anything to say."


A group of people smoothed things over and stepped down the steps for Song Jingren.

Qiao Wangbei snorted coldly, "You bastard."

Song Jingren trembled, but he had no choice but to get angry with him.


A few minutes later, everyone returned to their seats. Song Jingren and Qiao's family were separated by a few people, and they were afraid of disagreement later.

The one from the Qiao family is obviously a stubborn stubble, and he is not afraid of death.

Qiao Wangbei tapped his fingers on the table, looking a little impatient, "What's going on now? Could it be that you still want to keep such a person?"

"Ai Yun has her own shares, plus Wan Wan, isn't that enough? As the company's largest shareholder, if you want to remove an incompetent executor, don't you have the right?"

"You mean you transferred the shares?" Song Jingren immediately exploded upon hearing this.

Song Fengwan stabbed him in the back with a heartless stinking girl.

Damn girl, he spent so much money to train her and didn't see any gains, so how dare he go against him?

If he went back more than ten years ago, he wished he could strangle this dead girl to death in her infancy.

What's the use of her!

"If it weren't for this, how would we have the confidence to come here?" Qiao Aiyun smiled.

"Then vote, there are so many shareholders and directors here, I want to see, how many people agree with me to step down?" Even though Qiao Aiyun is the largest shareholder at this moment, she can't cover the sky with her hands.

"Even if you get the company, do you have the ability to manage it?"

"If the company falls into your hands, how long can it last? If you say that I don't care about the lives and deaths of employees, why not you brothers and sisters?"

Qiao Wangbei chuckled, "Actually, you can also want the company, and we can give you all the shares in our hands..."

Song Jingren's heart warmed up, "Conditions!"

"You have been procrastinating not to get a divorce because you are afraid that the company will be split. Just now you said that we will not be able to manage the company even if we get it. It is really useless..."

"If you want shares, you have to spend money to buy them."

"Brother—" Qiao Aiyun was a little anxious, "No, we agreed before, it's not like this..."

"Don't talk." Qiao Wangbei held her down.

Song Jingren was afraid that Qiao Wangbei would regret it, so he hurriedly agreed, "Yes, how much do you want?"

"The money is shrinking all the time now. Why do you need money? I want all the real estate in your hands, real estate and cars, including deposits, and related investments, jewelry, options...Except for company shares, you have to leave the house for me."

Song Jingren raised his eyebrows, "Only this?"

These shares can be sold at a higher price. He has a lot of real estate in his hands, and if he gives them all, they will also lose money.

"If you agree, we will sign the agreement immediately, and in front of so many people, we will clear this part of the property and divorce directly."

"Brother, I can't take him so cheaply, I..." Qiao Aiyun was anxious.

"How long do you want to be entangled with him like this?" Qiao Wangbei snorted coldly, "If you don't get divorced for a few years, do you plan to be entangled with him for a lifetime?"

Qiao Aiyun was reprimanded and kept silent.

Song Jingren was afraid of having long nights and dreams, "I'll ask a lawyer to draw up the documents right away, the property division is clear, and we will divorce immediately."

"Yes!" Qiao Wangbei made a final decision, "Song Jingren, don't you hide any property or transfer anything? If it is found out, I will take the agreement and sue you for breach of contract and get your shares back."

Song Jingren chuckled, he's not that stupid, let them hold onto it at a time like this...

Qiao Aiyun called Geng Ying to come over, and the lawyers delivered the deal, and they only had to sign it.

In one morning, the two signed an agreement, and went to get a divorce certificate. The divorce lawsuit lasted for more than a month, and finally ended in a farce...


Fu's house in Yuncheng

When Qiao Aiyun and his group walked out of the Civil Affairs Bureau, Shifang immediately told Fu Chen the news he had received.

"Third Master, divorced, the Qiao family took all the real estate, including deposits, which add up to hundreds of millions. It is said that they are leaving the house without leaving the house. This business is still losing money."

"Then what did Song Jingren laugh when he came out? It's too cheap for him."

Fu Chen smiled, "His good days are numbered. Yan Wangchuan must have taken the opportunity to suppress the Song family. The Song family can't hold on."

"A shabby company, if you keep that kind of shares in your hands, it will eventually rot. If the Song family is finished, as a shareholder, you may be involved in it. If you fail, you will have to bear debts. Do you think Qiao Wangbei is stupid?"

"Only by cutting it clean can we suppress it unscrupulously. It depends on how many contacts Qiao Wangbei has?"

Shifang tugged at his hair, "Then let's just watch like this?"

"Watch?" Fu Chen raised his eyebrows, "Get him to death for me."

After slapping Wanwan that slap in the face, what else can I do?

Divorced, sprinkle flowers...

Brother Yan, it's your turn to behave, haha, the scumbag father will end up miserable, there is no use in wanting a broken company, can the third master and the senior brother bypass him? Cut it clean, and don't kill him.


Continue to ask for monthly tickets, (*^▽^*)

It’s been a long time since I’ve had a message event. On the first day of 2019, anyone who leaves a message will be rewarded with 19xxb [only for Xiaoxiang readers]…

Monthly ticket, leave a message, hurry up and hit me~

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