Heartwarming Aristocratic Marriage: Influential Master’s Wife-Chasing Strategy

Chapter 181 Several roads of encirclement and suppression, forced to collapse (3 more)

Coming out of the Civil Affairs Bureau, Song Jingren was beaming and tried to shake hands with Qiao Wangbei.

It's like this, the two look at each other and hate each other, and it is estimated that they will never meet again in the future.

Qiao Wangbei glanced at him, his face full of contempt, like a clown, he patted Qiao Aiyun on the shoulder, "Let's go."

Qiao Aiyun kept a cold face, as if she was very dissatisfied with Qiao Wangbei's self-assertion, and got into her car directly, Song Jingren smiled, she must be uncomfortable for losing watermelon for sesame seeds.

But now that the entire company is under his control, his heart has completely fallen to the ground.

"Xiao Zhang, go back to the hospital."

"President Song, we don't have a car, I'll call a taxi." Secretary Zhang looked embarrassed.

Song Jingren's face froze, and he just realized that all the real estate has been handed over, forget it, this small amount of money is nothing at all.

As soon as the two got into the taxi, Song Jingren's phone kept ringing, all from the company's senior management.

This group of dogs, the message was received so quickly? To congratulate him?

He coughed twice, picked up the phone, "Hello—"

"Mr. Song had an accident. Two manufacturers said that our company's products were substandard and refused to accept the goods. If the payment for the goods cannot be received on time, this month's salary will not be paid."

Song Jingren frowned, "Then check carefully what's wrong with the product, and ship it sooner."

He just hung up the phone when the phone vibrated again.

"Mr. Song, some media say that our company is involved in tax evasion, and many people on the Internet are attacking us."

"Nonsense, which media is full of nonsense, send me a lawyer's letter, and I will sue it to death. It's just out of nothing."

"But now many customers who made a reservation last year want to terminate the contract with us. They don't even ask for a deposit, they just want to terminate the contract."

"How could this be? Give me all the information of your partners, and I'll call and ask..."


A few minutes later, the employee actually sent more than 60 partner information.

The mobile phone can't finish it at a glance, and there are many orders exceeding 100 million. If there are problems at the same time, the company will be over.

He found a client he was particularly familiar with, and after calling twice, he answered.

"Hello, Boss Niu, I'm Song Jingren." He had a humble attitude, and when he asked for help, he naturally lowered his posture.

"President Song, what's the matter?"

"What is the reason? You want to terminate the cooperation with our company. This product has to be finished, and it will be shipped soon. You are not..."

"This is an internal decision of the company, and I can't help it." The man circled around with him, obviously unwilling to tell the truth.

"We have been friends for more than ten years. Why do you prevaricate me with such words? What's going on?"

"Mr. Song, we are old friends. It's really not that I won't help you this time. You said it's not good for you to offend. How did you offend the Jing family?"

"The Jing family?" Song Jingren was stunned, "I don't know this family at all."

"There are several passers-by besieging you now, the Yan family in Nanjiang, the Jing family in the capital..." The man mentioned several rich and powerful families, except for Yan Wangchuan, who he didn't know, so they all came from somewhere.

"They didn't say it directly, but they spread the word, saying that the mall allows fair competition and cannot tolerate..." The man hesitated for a few seconds before saying two words, "Scum."

Song Jingren was in a daze and couldn't speak for a moment.

"President Song, everyone would rather not have that deposit than offend these big families."

"I know." These people Song Jingren usually can't get high at all, especially this Jing family...

You can't beat him with eight poles, and you can crush him to death with your little finger. Why do you have to fight against a small company like him?

"Isn't that daughter of yours on good terms with Fu Yuxiu? Why is the Fu family involved now?"

"The Fu family?" Song Jingren raised his eyebrows.

"...I just heard people say that Mr. Fu directly issued an order. I guess the entire financial circle would dare not touch you. Okay, let's not talk about it. I have something else to do, so I hang up first..."

"Bull..." Before Song Jingren finished speaking, the other party had already hung up the phone, and when he dialed again, it was already transferred to the voicemail.

"Bastard!" Song Jingren was so angry that he almost dropped his phone.

It’s fine to suppress one family alone. With so many companies together, no company can stand it. The businesses he does business with are all small businesses. Naturally, they have nothing to do with these famous families, but you have to express your opinion, otherwise you will Become an object of attack together...

He could feel the feeling of people pushing the wall down.

"President Song, are you still going to the hospital?" Secretary Zhang's voice was soft, afraid of annoying him.

"Go to some hospital, go back to the company."

Secretary Zhang said to the driver in embarrassment, "Master, please send it to the Song Group in the city."

When the two of them got into the car, the driver realized that this was the scumbag of the century who made a big splash on TV some time ago. He wanted to refuse the ride, but everyone got into the car.

Now he was bossing around in his car, so he simply stopped the car, "I'm sorry, I'm about to take over, it's too far over there, I can't go there, you guys get off the car."

Song Jingren's pupils dilated, "You..."

"A total of 9.5, the code is still cash." The driver saw that he was angry and ignored him.

"Do you know who I am? Are you trying to drive me out of the car?" Song Jingren had never experienced such uselessness in his life.

"No one in Yuncheng knows you now, how dare I, a small citizen, offend you."

"Heh——" Song Jingren smiled, and just about to argue with him, Secretary Zhang had already paid for him and pulled him out of the car, "Mr. Song, what are you fussing with him about? It's not good to spread the word."

Song Jingren took a deep breath, yes, what's the fuss with this kind of person.

Little did he know that the driver turned on the walkie-talkie after he got off the car, "Brothers, that Song Jingren is taking a taxi on Tiangong Road, everyone pay attention."

Song Jingren and Secretary Zhang blew in the cold wind for more than an hour, but they didn't wait for an empty car...


the other side

Qiao Aiyun and Qiao Wangbei looked at each other and smiled as soon as they got into the car.

"Brother, how was my play just now?"

"Yes." Qiao Wangbei handed her the agreement.

"It's finished. There are a lot of houses and real estate here. I didn't expect that bastard to buy a few pieces of land behind his back. It's up to you to keep it or sell it."

"If you don't plan, you can go back to Wu Su anytime, it will always be your home."

Qiao Aiyun's eyes were slightly red, "Well, I plan to sell some real estate and use Wanwan's name to save some money, and save the shops, houses, and land in good locations for Wanwan's dowry."

"I don't know when Xiyan will get married. It is said that getting married now requires a lot of bride price."

"As an aunt, I have to help..."

Qiao Wangbei raised his eyebrows, "Our family is not short of money, so is the bride price enough?"

It also made her worry, and those who didn't know thought he was so useless as a father.

"What have you prepared for him? Stones?"

"Hey——" Qiao Wangbei became unhappy when he heard this, "What's wrong with the stone, do you know which stone tools are more valuable? We have so many treasures in our family, it's not enough for him to hold one to propose marriage?"

That's all his heart and soul.

Qiao Aiyun smiled, "Those who know the goods are treasures, those who don't know, if you let Xiyan carry the stone, he will be beaten out by his father-in-law."

Qiao Wangbei snorted coldly, "You deserve this money, keep it by your side, our Qiao family does not lack this money."

Qiao Aiyun smiled, there are quite a lot of treasures in the Qiao family, but generations of people have become obsessed with jade and have hidden a lot of treasures, many of which cannot be measured by money.

"By the way, you told me before, how are you going to deal with Song Jingren?"

"Our family has a lot of contacts, but they are not used in ordinary times. You don't know how many people have asked me to get things over the years..."

Qiao Aiyun smiled lowly, but didn't speak.

"I'm serious, this time it's such a big deal, who doesn't know, but anyone who has any friendship with my father, once they see you two divorced and completely untied, you must express your opinion, it's not easy to kill him. "

Qiao Aiyun nodded, anyway, after this point, whether he lives or dies has nothing to do with her.

"A few days ago, I said I wanted to eat hot pot, so I went to the supermarket to buy something to eat back?" Qiao Aiyun suggested.

"Then I will call Senior Brother."

Anyway, now that they are divorced, Qiao Wangbei can match up in a fair manner.

Qiao Aiyun coughed twice, what did his brother mean, she knew very well in her heart, it's just...

It was a bit too deliberate.

When the two arrived at the supermarket, Qiao Aiyun pushed the cart to choose ingredients, and Qiao Wangbei had already called Yan Wangchuan.

"Brother, I have created an opportunity for you, don't come empty-handed."

Yan Wangchuan frowned, can't he be empty-handed?

"You know, to eat hot pot tonight, you come here early."

"I know." Yan Wangchuan frowned, can't it be empty-handed? What did you bring?

Qiao Aiyun turned to greet Qiao Wangbei, who was a hundred meters away from her, and he walked over with his mobile phone, "What's the matter?"

"Ask me what brother likes to eat?" She knew that Qiao Wangbei must be on the phone with Yan Wangchuan.

"Tell him yourself." Qiao Wangbei handed her the phone directly.

Yan Wangchuan was still thinking about what to send over later, when he suddenly heard Qiao Aiyun's voice, he immediately sat upright, "Brother, what do you like to eat?"

The assistant who was still waiting for Yan Wangchuan to assign a task, looked at his boss Yan with a cold expression on his face, as if he was facing an enemy, and was a little surprised, what was he doing?

"I'm not picky eaters."

Qiao Aiyun raised her eyebrows, "Then I can just buy some?"


"Okay, I'll give my brother the phone." Qiao Aiyun handed the phone to Qiao Wangbei, who took it in a daze, a little annoyed.

To create opportunities for him, I don't know how to cherish it, so it's good to say a few more words.

This man is crazy.


The sky was getting dark, and at this moment, a hot pot was already burning in the villa that belonged to the Qiao family.

Qiao Aiyun got some fish heads and some red dates and goji berries to make clear soup, while Song Fengwan liked to eat red soup, so he made the soup with ready-made hot pot base.

The family here is happy and harmonious, but Song Jingren is already very busy.

After the divorce, Song's stock plummeted like a cliff, directly falling to the limit. The company's shareholders and directors have been forcing him to find a way quickly, and there are several wealthy families outside threatening.

Internal and external troubles forced him to almost collapse.

As soon as it gets dark...

Secretary Zhang asked him in a low voice, "Mr. Song, everyone is off work. You should go back and have a rest. Your body is important. You can think of a solution slowly."

He opened his mouth...

Jiang Fengya received the news at noon that he had already moved his things and went back to the dormitory first, and he...

There is nowhere else to go but this company.

It was only today that he found out that the Qiao family was actually involved with the Jing family in the capital, and he had no idea of ​​such a top-notch relationship...

How ridiculous.


And at this moment, on the other side...

The hot pot was already boiling, and she was waiting for the guests to come. Qiao Aiyun was very happy that the divorce was successfully resolved. She not only called Yan Wangchuan, but also called Fu Chen and Geng Ying.

Geng Ying said that there are still some follow-up matters to be sorted out in the divorce case, so it will not be over.

Fu Chen hummed, which was his agreement.

"Mom, let me go out and buy some drinks." Song Fengwan put on a down jacket, took the keys and went out.

As soon as she opened the door, she saw that both Yan Wangchuan and Fu Chen had arrived. They were standing a few meters away from the door, looking at each other. What were they doing?

"Uncle Yan, third... third master." Song Fengwan almost called third brother casually.

The two people in the room heard the movement and came out to have a look.

Qiao Wangbei almost fainted from anger.

Yan Wangchuan brought two bottles of Moutai...

Instead, Fu Chen held a bouquet of flowers.

"Aunt Yun, congratulations, this is for you." Fu Chen chose a bunch of white tea, which was elegant and holy, and very beautifully packaged.

"Thank you, I like it very much. I'm so sorry to let you come to eat, but also to make you spend money." Qiao Aiyun hadn't received flowers for a long time, she was a little flattered, and smiled from ear to ear.

"It should."

Yan Wangchuan squeezed the gift in his hand tightly, caught a glimpse of Qiao Wangbei's eyes from the corner of his eye, and tightened his fingers a little: eat hot pot, bring drinks, is there a problem?

Qiao Wangbei stretched out his hand and slapped his head, almost vomiting blood out of anger.

Isn't it enough to hint at yourself?

Come with wine, you really came to eat hot pot.

Uncle, you can't blame senior brother, he really came to eat hot pot [cover face]

Your hints are obviously not enough, I am dying of laughter...

Uncle was afraid that he was going to die of anger.

Uncle Joe: Heartless!


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