Heartwarming Aristocratic Marriage: Influential Master’s Wife-Chasing Strategy

Chapter 182 Duan Lang vs Huai Sheng, the dull senior brother (4 more)

It was cold outside, the hot pot inside was boiling, and a layer of water vapor was smoked from the windows...

Song Fengwan picked up a few leaves of spinach in the red oil pan, added some sesame oil, and ate with relish while drinking Coke.

Fu Chen raised his eyebrows, he had never noticed that this girl was so heavy-spoken before.

Qiao Aiyun was happy, she ate the hot pot and drank some wine, her face turned pink from the heat, Yan Wangchuan didn't eat anything, she couldn't see her...

Occasionally, when their eyes met, he hurriedly turned away.

He looks like a kid who has never been in love, with crimson behind his ears.

Qiao Wangbei bowed his head and ate the mutton, getting angry.

Look at it openly, what are you hiding?

At a young age, pretending to be innocent, I really want to die alone.

It makes people look anxious, it's not as good as a junior who knows how to behave.

Live forty or fifty years in vain.

"Aunt Yun, there is something I want to discuss with you about Wanwan." Fu Chen put down his chopsticks with a solemn expression.

When Song Fengwan saw his expression, his heart hung up, would he want to...

"What's wrong with Wanwan?" Qiao Aiyun was already dizzy by his kind words.

"Me and Wanwan..."

"Ahem——" Song Fengwan choked on a mouthful of chili peppers, coughed for a long time, and choked his whole body into flames.

"What are you doing, kid?" Qiao Aiyun handed her a glass of water, and Song Fengwan drank a large glass before feeling the fire in his throat go away.

"Fu Chen, tell me, what happened to you and Wanwan?"

"I promised her before that I would take her out for skiing after the exam. You were busy at first, so I didn't plan to mention this. Now that I'm done, I'll ask for your opinion."

"The location is abroad, visa-free, and a friend of mine, plus a child, a total of four people."

"If you feel insecure, just pretend I didn't mention it."

Fu Chen spoke very politely, and the logic was clear and clear. He originally agreed to Song Fengwan, and this matter was not a temporary idea.

Qiao Aiyun looked at Song Fengwan, "Is that so?"

"Yeah." Song Fengwan nodded guiltily. It seems that there is such a thing. Recently, she has been thinking about how to talk to her mother so that she can go out for the New Year's Eve. She never thought that Fu Chen would directly help her.

The reason is still so valid.

"Will it be too troublesome?" Qiao Aiyun always felt that she was bothering Fu Chen all the time, so she was very embarrassed.


"Wanwan, do you want to go?" Qiao Aiyun couldn't refuse, so she had to ask Song Fengwan for his opinion.

Song Fengwan bit the vegetable leaf and nodded muffled.

Qiao Aiyun also has some things to be busy in the future, property delivery, real estate transfer, she has to go to many departments, and she has to work for a while, she can't care about Song Fengwan at all, New Year's Day is coming soon, and the school is on holiday, she still wants her to go to Wusu Stay there for a few days.

If Fu Chen is willing to take care of her, it's good for her to go out to play for two days and relax.

"Then how about this, I will pay for the expenses of your going abroad this time, so don't argue with me about this." Qiao Aiyun looked at Fu Chen.

Fu Chen nodded and glanced at Song Fengwan.

She lowered her head, her small face was flushed red because she was hot or shy.

Yan Wangchuan looked at Fu Chen, he couldn't understand why someone could open their eyes and tell nonsense, he clearly had evil intentions.

"You go out to play, and uncle will help you a little." Qiao Wangbei smiled.

"Thank you, Uncle." Song Fengwan didn't expect that Fu Chen wanted to take her abroad, his mood suddenly soared to the sky, and he felt that his whole body was light...

"Just now you said that there is another child, your friend's child?" Qiao Aiyun asked casually.

"No, a child living in our house, in the temple..." Fu Chen briefly explained the matter.

After hearing what he said, Qiao Aiyun kept praising him.

Fu Chen successfully built a wave of goodwill in front of her again.

Yan Wangchuan raised his eyebrows, lowered his head and poked the bowl, a few vegetable leaves had been smashed to pieces by him.

I used to think that this kid was cunning and cunning, but I didn't expect him to be a glib guy.


After eating the hot pot, Qiao Aiyun had already drank a lot of wine, she was a little drunk, she couldn't let it go normally, but today she was in a good mood, so drinking was naturally a bit out of control.

"Wanwan, you and I clear the table together, brother, please send Ai Yun upstairs to rest, the first room on the right hand side." Qiao Wangbei said.

He has already done this, if he still doesn't understand, he will really be desperate.

Yan Wangchuan walked up to Qiao Aiyun, "Let's go, I'll take you back to your room."

"No, I can go by myself."

"I see you off."

"It's really not necessary, I can touch back my own home when I fall asleep." Qiao Aiyun knew what he thought about her, but the two had always been very close, and it was not something that could be accepted in a day or two when they suddenly wanted to get close.

Yan Wangchuan stood in front of her, motionless, like a great god.

Qiao Aiyun couldn't help it, "Okay, I'll let you see it off, let's go upstairs."

Yan Wangchuan nodded.

Qiao Wangbei was so angry that he almost threw the plate in his hand.

"Brother, the stairs are trembling. She has been drinking, please help me a little bit." His voice paused, as if he was on the verge of collapse.

Yan Wangchuan hesitated for a moment, raised his hand to support her arm, "Let's go, I'll help you."

Fu Chen glanced at it, lowered his head and suppressed a smile.


Within a minute, everyone saw Yan Wangchuan coming down the stairs.

Qiao Aiyun was lying on the bed, laughing muffledly, he actually only sent herself to the door, let her have a good rest, then turned and left...

Then she heard Qiao Wangbei's distraught voice from downstairs.

"Why did you come down!"

"Why don't I come down?"

"..." Qiao Wangbei was obviously very angry, "You still have the face to ask me?"

"I'm your senior brother, you should be careful when you talk to me." Yan Wangchuan suddenly became serious.

"You will be my senior brother for the rest of your life."

It really pissed him off.

Song Fengwan suppressed a smile, poured a glass of warm water and handed it to Yan Wangchuan.

"Thank you, I'm not thirsty."

Song Fengwan laughed out loud, and the water almost spilled out, "Please bring a glass of water to my mother, she may feel a little uncomfortable after drinking, you can talk to her for a while."

It was only then that Yan Wangchuan seemed to have remembered something, took the water glass stiffly, and went upstairs awkwardly.

Qiao Wangbei tossed the tablecloth away, too angry to speak.

Qiao Aiyun's head hurts, she didn't take off her clothes, she was wrapped in a quilt and leaned against the head of the bed, Yan Wangchuan knocked on the door and came in, put down the cup and didn't speak, the two looked at each other without words.

He just stood on the bedside...

Staring at her, not for a moment.

The roots of the ears are red.

Qiao Aiyun also wanted to see how bored he could be. After a long time, the first thing he said was: "The water is getting cold."

It's really a boring gourd.


Song Fengwan and Fu Chen set off to go abroad in the early morning of December 31, and the plane took more than three hours, so they could have lunch there.

Three days and two nights.

Qiao Aiyun helped her pack a lot of luggage, for fear that she would freeze there.

"There are too many, and the third master has prepared them for me." Song Fengwan felt that there were too many luggages, which was a bit cumbersome. After going out for a few days, he had to check the luggage, which was time-consuming and laborious.

"How can you rely on others for everything? Are you embarrassed to trouble him so much?"

Song Fengwan was speechless.

I'm just not ashamed to say it directly: He is chasing me, he must be attentive.

Before leaving, Qiao Aiyun kept telling her to be obedient and not to cause trouble for Fu Chen.

Qiao Wangbei stuffed her with a bank card, "It's fun, but also pay attention to safety."

"Thank you uncle." Song Fengwan was not polite.

It was Yan Wangchuan who walked up to her and said in a low voice, "It's fun, pay attention to Fu Chen."

Song Fengwan froze and didn't know how to answer, so he could only smile and nod.

After Song Feng got in the car at night, he still looked suspicious. Why did Uncle Yan ask her to beware of the third master?


And at the moment foreign ski resorts

Duan Linbai and Huaisheng arrived here one day earlier, at the hotel after eleven o'clock on the night of the 30th, and it was already past one o'clock at night after washing.

Huaisheng can take care of himself completely, Duan Linbai kept praising him for being sensible.

Only the next morning, he collapsed...

5:30 Beijing time...

There was the sound of wooden fish in his room, and the sound of chanting scriptures.

When he went through the security check on the plane before, he felt strange, who the hell brought a wooden fish when traveling, okay? He should have left this broken wooden fish at the airport at that time.

"Huaisheng, what are you doing? Aren't you sleepy so early?" Duan Linbai tried to keep smiling, resisting the urge to throw him out of the window.

"Morning class, I told you last night, and you agreed, Uncle Duan, go to sleep, I have to read for another hour, you don't need to accompany me."

"I..." Duan Lin was swallowed back by the swear word he was about to utter, and he couldn't swear in front of the child.

Huaisheng did ask for his opinion last night, he was so sleepy and dizzy, and he didn't know that he was serious.

"Go to sleep, it's not yet dawn." Huai Sheng looked innocent.

Duan Linbai went crazy: You also know it's not dawn.

"I can't sleep when you're like this." Duan Linbai was blunt, and asked directly, which meant that he was bothering him.

Huaisheng blinked, "That means you're not sleepy. When I was sleepy before, I could fall asleep standing up. Now that you're lying on the bed and still don't feel sleepy, it means you're not sleepy enough."

Duan Linbai was lying on his back on the bed, he wanted to cut himself open.

Fu Chen, did you deliberately send this little monk to mess with me?

Now he finally understands why Sun Wukong is so afraid of Tang Seng, this can really read people to death.

My tortoise-like coding speed, you really need to cherish Mr. Si Geng.

Today's update is over, everyone, don't forget to vote for me; the message activity is still going on, and everyone who bubbles up can receive awards~

Finally, I would like to wish you all a happy New Year's Day, all the best in 2019, and then always love me, haha~


Brother, you should learn more from the third master...

You're blind Uncle Joe has been creating opportunities for you, you are really terrible, haha~

Does anyone miss Brother Duan and Huai Sheng?

After Huai Sheng successfully provoked his cousin, he was about to piss off Brother Duan to death...

Brother Duan: (╯‵ ′)╯︵┻━┻

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