Heartwarming Aristocratic Marriage: Influential Master’s Wife-Chasing Strategy

Chapter 185 Third Master: Don't you want to chase me? try? (3 more)

Chapter 185 Third Master, don't you want to chase me? try? (3 more)

There are people all around, rubbing shoulders, and everyone is clamoring and carnival.

Song Fengwan was so passive that he raised his head and tiptoed, his neck was a little sore.

Fu Chen seemed to have sensed something, and had already withdrawn and left.

"The boots are thick and don't hurt, so you will be more comfortable." Fu Chen said in a vague tone.

"It's okay." It's just that the neck has been raised, and it's a little sore at this time.

After the carnival just now, the people around were even more excited and eager, as if infected by this lively atmosphere, almost all the young couples were hugging and kissing.

Song Fengwan's small face seemed to have a fever, and his forehead was pressed against Fu Chen's chest, his heart beating like a drum.

"Wanwan..." Fu Chen called her in a low voice.


Before Song Fengwan looked up, he actually lowered his head and kissed the top of her hair...

Her eyelashes fluttered slightly, and her face flushed.

My head is dizzy, I don't know exactly what happened...

It wasn't until the people around started to revel, that Fu Chen let go of him and pulled her out of the crowd. He walked quickly, and Song Fengwan gasped for breath. The air around him was dry and cold. Taking a breath, his whole body felt chilly...


Fu Chen and Duan Linbai met up and originally planned to take the mountain cable car back to the hotel. Everyone in this town seemed to be having a carnival, and there was a suspension notice posted on the cable car.

There is no way, the four of them can only find a hotel in the town to stay for one night.

Huaisheng was already sleepy, Duan Linbai hugged him, he was too tired to walk.

This kid definitely came to trick him.

Almost all the hotels in the town were full, and when I found one, there was only one standard room, and Duan Linbai took it directly, "I live here with Huaisheng, I really can't, I can't walk anymore, you can find another place. "

With his small body, carrying a child weighing fifty to sixty pounds, is this more tiring than carrying a gas tank?

Grandma's, it's a pity that his waist is almost broken.

Fu Chen had no choice but to take Song Fengwan to continue looking for a hotel.

Simply the next family has a room, but there are only three big bed rooms left.

Although Song Fengwan's English was good, she could only understand some simple vocabulary. These people spoke with an accent. She didn't understand what they said at all, so she saw Fu Chen take out his ID card and hand it to the front desk.

"Do I need it?" When going abroad, I always carry my passport and passport with me.

"Need not."

"Don't need to register me?"

"For a room with one bed, it is enough to register one person."

Song Fengwan's body trembled, a bed, what does that mean?

"There is only one big bed room left."

"We can go somewhere else..."

"He said that his house is the only one in town that has vacant rooms. If you don't sleep, you won't have a place to stay tonight." Fu Chen said it frankly and directly, not like lying at all.

Song Fengwan was dumbfounded.

This is different from the time I went to the ski resort before, it was a suite, each with its own bed, how should I sleep in this big bed room.

The front desk quickly checked them in and gave them breakfast coupons.

Fu Chen thanked him and walked directly towards the elevator.

Song Fengwan bit the bullet and followed.

How are you doing tonight?


When the two of them arrived in the room, because the heater was turned on, Fu Chen took off his scarf and goggles, and took off his coat...

He tilted his head to look at the person standing at the door who hadn't entered the house yet.

"Why are you standing there? Come in."

Song Fengwan walked in while looking at the room. It was decorated in European style. In the middle of the room was a large bed with a width of two meters, white sheets, a bouquet of roses and a greeting letter from the hotel.

On one side of the bedside table, there is also a bottle of red wine.

The toilet and washroom are connected together, only a few square meters, but only a layer of frosted glass is used to separate it from the outside. From the outside, you can vaguely see the furnishings inside.

How should I take a shower and go to the toilet?

"This room is okay." Song Fengwan smiled bitterly. In fact, the decoration environment is not bad.

"Well, the bed is big." Fu Chen raised his eyebrows.

Song Fengwan choked, who asked if you were in bed.

Fu Chen took a hanger from the closet on one side, hung up the clothes, and took the kettle, ready to boil water...

Song Fengwan walked around and opened it everywhere, until she opened the bedside table and saw the things inside, her face turned red...

What are these hotels all about?

"What are you looking at?" Fu Chen walked over.

"Pa—" Song Fengwan slammed the drawer shut, "It's okay."

"Don't take off your clothes?" Fu Chen raised his eyebrows, "Hurry up, aren't you sleepy?"


Fu Chen nodded, noncommittal, turned around and called Duan Lin Bai, just to ask him how the two of them settled down.

Song Fengwan reached out and took off the scarf and hat. His hair was limp under the weight of the scarf and stuck to his head, which looked a bit ugly.

Song Fengwan protected his head, went to the bathroom to look in the mirror, grabbed his hair a few times, trying to make it fluffy.

After trying a few times, her hair was still limp. She flipped the rubber band and made a ball around her head. When she turned around, she saw Fu Chen standing at the door of the bathroom at some point.

"There's a hair on the side of the ear that hasn't been tied up." Fu Chen pointed to her right ear.

Song Fengwan touched it, and there was indeed a strand of hair. She casually wrapped it around it, feeling a little embarrassed.

"You wash first."

She said as she exited the bathroom.


When Fu Chen went out, Song Fengwan had already taken off his coat, and was wearing a soft pink turtleneck sweater, black leggings, and a pair of warm thick-soled boots, wrapped up to his calves, making his legs slender and straight.

"You go wash up, I'll go to bed first." Fu Chen squinted his eyes, his expression was as calm as usual.

Song Fengwan bit his lip and washed it briefly.

When she came out, Fu Chen was leaning against the bed and playing with his mobile phone. She was sitting close to the bed, her heart was beating so fast that it seemed as if it was about to jump out of her throat.

Apart from a bed, there is only one stool in this room, no matter how they look at it, they will have to sleep together tonight.

"Turn off the lights?" Fu Chen asked suddenly.

"Don't!" Song Fengwan blurted out.

Why are you turning off the lights?

It's pitch black, it's horrible.

"Then you..." Fu Chen put down his phone, "Hurry up and get into bed, it's quite cold outside."

Song Fengwan took off his boots, lifted the quilt, and sneaked in carefully, because he was wearing a lot of clothes and didn't feel warm under the quilt.

"It's not the first time, why are you nervous?" Fu Chen turned his head to look at her.

The bed was huge, and it seemed that two adults could sleep between them. What was she afraid of?

"I'm not nervous."

Last time on the mountain, even on a kang, there was one quilt for each person, so what is going on now.

Fu Chen raised his hand and turned off the bedside lamp on his side. The light in the room dimmed instantly. He moved down and lay down.

Song Fengwan was so nervous that she swallowed her saliva, she was wearing too many clothes, she couldn't move at all, and it was even more uncomfortable to sleep, so she simply started to take off her clothes under the quilt.

Fu Chen kept looking at her from the corner of his eyes...

Once I found out a pair of trousers, and then a sweater...

How much clothes is she wearing?

She didn't lie down until she felt comfortable, with half of her body tightly pressed against the edge of the bed, not daring to move half an inch towards Fu Chen.

Right now, they are just covered with quilts and clothes, just chatting!

"Wanwan..." Fu Chen suddenly said.

Song Fengwan shuddered, "Huh?"

"Give me your hand."

"What's the matter?" Song Fengwan hesitated, and stretched out his arm towards him, and his slightly cold little hand was grabbed by him.

"So cold?"

"It will be warm in a while, just cover it..."

He held her hand and pressed it to his chest.


His voice got deeper and deeper.

"Yeah." Song Fengwan nodded in a muffled voice. He was still wearing a sweater, and even here, with his palms pressed against him, he still felt hot.

She moved her body and adjusted her posture...

Although the surroundings are very close, the sound of carnival outside can still be vaguely heard...

Bustling and noisy, it's like a small world isolated from the rest of the world.

Just the two of them.

"Third brother, except for the first time at my house, have we met before?" Song Fengwan always felt that his voice was very familiar.

"I've seen it."

"Where?" She couldn't remember.

"In the bar in Yuncheng, remember that time you threatened to chase me?"

Song Fengwan suffocated for breath, and his body froze.

What the hell?

How could he know.

"When you went to the bathroom, you almost went to the wrong place and entered the men's bathroom. I took you out."

Song Fengwan couldn't remember many things about the fragments he drank at that time. After he reminded him, everything was connected.

She thought she was dreaming about many things, and her head was dizzy.

"Third brother, that day actually..."

"Late night..."

"Huh?" Song Fengwan's brain exploded.

How could such a shameful thing be seen by him.

Everyone hopes to have a gentle and gentle image in front of the one they love, and Song Fengwan is the same. He always hopes that his image is the most beautiful.

How could such words be heard by Fu Chen, his mind went blank and he couldn't think at all.

"You said you wanted to chase me, try it."

I finally finished writing 10,000 words, I'm going to lie down on the bed, I really want to commit seppuku, ouch~

A single dog with an aunt, writing such a dog abuse plot, I...

(╯‵ ′)╯︵┻━┻

Third Master, for your welfare, please help me get a monthly ticket, otherwise...

Third Master: Refused.



Looking for a wave of monthly tickets, recently double monthly tickets, with monthly ticket support next month~

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