Heartwarming Aristocratic Marriage: Influential Master’s Wife-Chasing Strategy

Chapter 186 New Year's Wish: Get Rich and Lose Weight

Song Fengwan threatened to chase Fu Chen that day, but it was a slip of the tongue after drinking. How could she know that it was such a coincidence that he would hear her, her mind was buzzing, and she could hardly think.

And Fu Chen said again.

"Do you want to chase me? I'm easy to chase."

The thunder exploded, and there was a flash of lightning in front of her eyes.

"I just drank too much that day and talked nonsense." Song Fengwan held his breath.

"I think you talked that day, it didn't look like you drank too much."

"It's nonsense, don't take it to heart."

"If I take it seriously, what should I do?" Fu Chen's lips curled into a smile under the light of the moonlight seeping in.

"...What exactly do you want to do? I've said it all. Those words are just nonsense."

"You still remember what happened that night." Fu Chen's tone was affirmative.

"I drank too much, can I still take my drunken words seriously?"

"There is also a saying that tells the truth after drinking."

"Even if I say this, so what? If you take it seriously, do you still want me to cooperate with you?"

Song Fengwan also has a temper, and now being pushed by him, he wished he could stretch out his claws and slap his face twice.

Why do you always force her like this.

It's just bad fun.

Fu Chen curled his lips into a smile, and under the moonlight, his face, which was originally ascetic and cold, suddenly became a little soft...

But Fu Chen didn't have to force her.

The little girl is timid.

He was also worried that he was in a hurry, what would happen if the person ran away!

Lying down with her, we chatted a few words casually. Slowly, the noise outside seemed to be a little quieter. Hearing Song Fengwan's breathing evenly, Fu Chen thought she had fallen asleep.

He threw off the quilt, picked up his coat and went outside.

Song Fengwan wrapped the quilt tightly and didn't make a sound. He didn't relax until he heard the door closing, and let out a long sigh of relief.

She lay on the bed, thinking for a long time, until she couldn't bear it anymore, and fell asleep drowsily...

In the dimness, she could feel that someone opened the door, and then the bed beside her collapsed, and a pair of arms with slightly cool hands passed through her back shoulders, wrapping her in her arms.

Gently rubbing the top of her hair, the movements are gentle.

Fu Chen went out to blow the cold wind just now, and the hot feeling in his heart was relieved, and the drowsiness was also blown away. Now that he is holding her in his arms, it seems...

Couldn't sleep at all.

He said he was teasing her, but he was the one who suffered.


The carnival in the small town lasted all night, until the noise outside gradually stopped after five o'clock in the morning...

Fu Chen couldn't sleep, she was sweating a little before, before she woke up, Fu Chen took a shower, wrapped in a bathrobe, pulled a towel to wipe her hair, at about half past five, Song Fengwan's alarm clock rang on time .

She groaned to touch her phone under the pillow, Fu Chen got up and walked to the bed, picked up her phone, and turned off the alarm clock.

Song Feng fell into a dazed sleep at night, retracted his hands under the quilt, and continued to sleep.

Fu Chen didn't check her phone on purpose, but just turned off the alarm clock, and many New Year greeting messages popped up, forty or fifty. He was about to put down the phone when he suddenly saw a message.

【Happy New Year, I wish you a new year...】

Information from: Fu Yuxiu.

What Song Fengwan remarked to him was his full name.

Fu Chen narrowed his eyes: What's the matter with this kid? A few days ago, he was thinking about how to meet Jiang Fengya in private, but now he is sending messages to harass his family Wanwan?

What is their relationship? Also sent a message, could it be that you are careless?

Fu Chen had no idea that this phone also had a function called group messaging.

It's just that everyone knows that Fu Chen never likes to be disturbed by others, even if he is sending text messages in groups, he will automatically and consciously exclude him.

Fu Yuxiu was out of his mind, so naturally he didn't dare to send any information to Fu Chen. He didn't know about the private relationship between the two, so he didn't understand that his messages would be seen by Fu Chen.

On the first day of the new year, Fu Chen made another silent note in his heart.


At about seven o'clock, Duan Linbai called and asked if the two of them had woken up and if they had breakfast together. Fu Chen woke up Song Fengwan.

She secretly took the clothes into the quilt, and tossed them awkwardly.

Fu Chen looked down at his phone, occasionally glanced at her, and couldn't help laughing out loud.

Song Fengwan simply washed his face and dressed, and the two went downstairs to check out, but they didn't know that Duan Linbai and Huaisheng were already waiting in the hotel lobby.

"Sister." Huai Sheng walked over to hold her hand.

Duan Linbai was holding up his mobile phone, looking for the light and angle to take a selfie, and not long after, he posted the first Weibo of the new year.

Comments follow...

[Duan Lang Happy New Year] followed by countless hearts.

【New year, we continue to love you. 】

[New Year's wish, get rich, lose weight and sleep in waves...]


Duan Linbai slowly flipped through the comments, and suddenly felt that he was the focus of everyone at the moment.

He casually scrolled through Weibo for a while. On New Year's Eve, everyone was having a carnival. If it was normal, he must have called a few friends to go out and have fun until dawn. This time it will be fine.

He actually lived with a young monk, it would be embarrassing to say it.

Duan Linbai and the two were upset. They didn't want to post on Weibo at first, but it was because of the incident they visited the live broadcast room of several female anchors the night before yesterday.

Someone on the Internet actually said that he was out with some Internet celebrities last night until dawn.

There are even photos, a large group of people, in the dark, only a man can be vaguely seen surrounded by a group of beauties, and everyone thinks that person is him.

Your uncle's.

Lao Tzu is so white and glows at night, how could this black coal ball be him?

He simply posted a Weibo, a selfie, and the address information below, marking the location as a foreign country, and those rumors on the Internet were naturally self-defeating.

These people really want to be popular and crazy. On the first day of the new year, they started to rub off on Lao Tzu's popularity.

"Let's go." After completing the check-out procedures, Fu Chen walked to Duan Linbai's side.

Song Fengwan and Huaisheng walked to the front, Duan Linbai raised his hand to touch Fu Chen, "Fu San, how was last night?"

Fu Chen put away his ID card and ignored him.

"Nothing happened? Look at my sister's expression, you two didn't do anything last night, did you?"

Fu Chen rolled his eyelids and looked at him, "What do you think?"

"Such a good opportunity, would you let it go easily? Have you become a good person?"

Fu Chen chuckled, "I'll go back to ski later, it seems like we haven't competed for a long time."

"Let's go." Duan Linbai said with a smile.


An hour later, the four of them had dinner and returned to the hotel where they stayed. Perhaps it was the first day of the new year. Many tourists came to this B\u0026B hotel. More than a dozen rooms were instantly full.

Fu Chen and Duan Linbai have already changed their equipment and entered the snow field.

This is not a formal ski resort, but what is commonly known as wild skiing.

Duan Linbai put all his energy into trying to win Fu Chen once, but he never thought, just as he was kicking his backside, he almost fell into the snow.

"Damn it, Fu Chen, you're cheating." Duan Linbai turned around to scold him, but someone had already lifted his ski pole and passed by him in the wind, and the blown snow smashed him in the face.


At this moment, Yuncheng Airport

A passenger plane from Nanjiang to Yuncheng has arrived.

An old lady with silver hair walked out of the cabin slowly with the help of a flight attendant, leaning on a cane.

The old lady squinted her eyes, and raised her hand to push the gold-rimmed glasses on the bridge of her nose. This cloud city is damp and cold, so it's not as good as Nanjiang.

My New Year's resolution is to get rich and lose weight...

Cough cough, the last wish may be a bit difficult [cover face]

Guess who is here, haha...


My stomach hurt all day yesterday, I took the time to reply to the comments today, hehe

I ask for comments and ask for a monthly ticket every day~ At present, the monthly ticket is still double, everyone, come on~

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