Heartwarming Aristocratic Marriage: Influential Master’s Wife-Chasing Strategy

Chapter 187 Old Mrs. Yan is here, the image of a shrew (2 more)

cloud city

At the beginning of the new year, the sound of fireworks and firecrackers in Yuncheng last night lasted most of the night, and Qiao Aiyun cleaned up the house last night.

It was nothing more than Song Jingren's clothes and some daily necessities, which should be thrown away. Others were packed in woven bags. They were originally intended to be sent to him, but Song Jingren said he wanted to get them by himself.

Qiao Wangbei said directly that he could just throw it in the trash can and pack it up for him.

Qiao Aiyun just smiled, once this person stopped thinking about it, she really felt that this person is dispensable, tidying up her clothes was like packing up her past together.

She put the woven bag at the entrance and looked at her watch. She had an appointment with Song Jingren at ten o'clock, and it was still early.

"I'll go to the store and have a look. If Song Jingren dares to do anything to you, you can call me again." Qiao Wangbei put on his coat and was about to go out.

Yutangchun was beaten up before. On the first day of the new year, it reopened, and there were some New Year's Day activities. As an older brother, he had never been in charge of the store's business before, so he naturally wanted to take a look this time.

"En." Qiao Aiyun is not afraid of what Song Jingren will do, if he really dares to act recklessly, she will not show mercy.

Qiao Wangbei went to the kitchen and searched for a long time, took a rolling pin and put it behind the door, "If he dares to touch you or speak rudely, you will kick him out."

Qiao Aiyun smiled and nodded, "Then you go to the store first, and I'll go there when I'm done."

Qiao Wangbei told her again before leaving.


Qiao Aiyun waited until a quarter past ten, but he was still missing. Just as she was about to call him to urge him, she heard the sound of a car coming from the door. She opened the door and saw an old white van parked in front of her house.

The four wheels were covered with muddy water, and half of the car was dirty. She frowned slightly when she saw someone push the door to get out of the car.

Three men got out of the car, one of them was about sixty years old, with a bloated figure, thin clothes, and thinning hair. He looked at her with resentment and sharp eyes.

"Uncle." Qiao Aiyun took a deep breath. This is Song Jingren's relative. He usually lives in the countryside and doesn't go around much, but for weddings and weddings, or building a building to buy a house, he must come here for a trip.

Song Jingren has a good face, even if he is a distant relative, as long as he comes to ask for help, he will always give money.

Qiao Aiyun was not happy, and she often argued with Song Jingren about this matter.

If you don’t borrow money, they will say: developed countries don’t recognize poor relatives, and carry out moral oppression. If they take money, they take it for granted, and don’t mention repaying the money, but they come more attentively.

Qiao Aiyun had no normal contact with them, but when she came here at this time, she looked angry again, fearing that the visitor was not kind.

The old man in the lead snorted coldly when she heard her calling him, and strode into the room without waiting for her greeting.

Qiao Aiyun looked at the row of footprints on the white porcelain floor tiles, gritted her teeth, and held back her breath.

"Cousin, why are you here?" Even though they were relatives and elders of the Song family, she greeted them politely and poured tea for the three of them.

"Ai Yun, I heard that you and Jingren are going to divorce?" The cousin spoke with airs, he was considered the head of the Song family with a high status, so naturally he seemed a bit domineering.


"You have been married for more than 20 years, what is the hurdle that you can't overcome, insist on getting divorced, and still beat him on TV, he is a man, how do you let him raise his head to see people in the future."

He suddenly made an attack, and Qiao Aiyun frowned slightly.

"Don't blame your cousin for speaking harshly. Our Song family has never had a daughter-in-law like you, and they actually beat their own men? They are still arguing for a divorce."

"Family ugliness can't be publicized. It's good for you. You have to make family affairs known to the public. Now the whole village knows that our Song family has a powerful daughter-in-law!"

Qiao Aiyun smiled lightly.

"Then do you know what he did outside?"

"He even led his illegitimate daughter in blatantly. In your eyes, doesn't he lose the Song family?"

"Or, in your eyes, such scandals are nothing at all?"

The elder didn't expect her to dare to talk back. He slapped the coffee table and jumped up, "He's a man!"

"A man? So it's not a crime for him to cheat, and a woman should be degraded? She deserves to suffer?" Qiao Aiyun had long been dissatisfied with him, and his words completely annoyed her.

"Biao sister-in-law, what are you talking about?" The two juniors next to her also got up and scolded her.

"I'm here today, let's not talk about you and Jingren. I heard that you two divorced and he gave you the homestead? Are you going to sell the land?" Uncle Song asked.

"Yes." Qiao Aiyun didn't deny it.

Song Jingren gave her all his real estate, including his homestead in the countryside.

When Uncle Song's family heard this, he immediately exploded.

"That is the land left by our ancestors. It belongs to our Song family. What right do you have to sell it? You are disrespecting your ancestors."

"This land was given to me by him, so naturally I have full authority to deal with it. If it's disrespectful, Song Jingren is the one who shamed the ancestors of the Song family." Qiao Aiyun directly pushed back with one sentence.

Uncle Song's family sneered, "I knew it, you woman never took a fancy to our Song family, now you're all right, let's show your true nature, you actually talk to me like that."

"The virtuous and virtuous in the past, I think it's just pretending."

"Let me tell you, if you dare to touch our old Song's land, I will fight with you."


It's okay to say no, and start threatening.

Qiao Aiyun had already had enough of this family and took a deep breath.

"If you finish talking, the door is here."

Her tone was cold, clearly she was driving them away.

Uncle Song's family was trembling with anger, "This is our Song family's house, what right do you have to drive me away? It's just the opposite..."

Qiao Aiyun sneered, "If you don't leave, then we'll settle the score."

"For so many years, your son got married, your daughter got married, your family renovated a new house, and even your father died, you have to come here to extort a sum of money. As an elder, do you want to face it?"

"Song Jingren and I have already divorced. You are an elder, so I treat you politely and politely. Didn't you want you to play tricks here and scold me by pointing your nose at me?"

"You have a temper, go find your nephew, you have no right to criticize me, and I have no reason to be angry."

"If you really hang on, I'll call the police and don't embarrass you!"

Qiao Aiyun's face was cold, and she never gave them any good looks.

"How the hell did you talk to my dad?"

A middle-aged man jumped out and wanted to fight Qiao Aiyun.

She was standing very close to the door at the moment, so she picked up the rolling pin Qiao Wangbei had taken before and hit him.

People are all mortals, how can they be beaten with a stick? Qiao Aiyun hit him with a stick, making him scream.

"It's crazy, it's the opposite of the sky!" The cousin of the Song family stomped his feet angrily when he saw his son being beaten.

Another person on the side also hurried up to help.

Qiao Aiyun is holding a stick, showing no mercy, if you dare to come over, you will beat your mother so hard that you don't even know her.

Holding a stick, she beat a few people fiercely. She was angry. In order to maintain this family and deal with these people all these years, she couldn't hold it anymore, so she just took advantage of this time to vent her anger. .

"Oh, I'm crazy, someone is going to kill someone." Uncle Song's family was over sixty, so naturally he didn't dare to go up to help, opened the door and ran out, trying to call for help.


As soon as he opened the door, he almost bumped into a man's arms without taking two steps.

"...Help me, go in and have a look, that crazy woman is going to kill someone."

Song Jingren, who was hiding in the dark at the moment, had been waiting for an opportunity. He saw his cousin coming out and was about to go in to help, but someone had already stepped into the house faster than him.

Why the hell is it him again!

Yan Wangchuan doesn't go to work all day, so he hangs around Qiao Aiyun?

As soon as Yan Wangchuan heard the words of killing people, he also heard the shouting and arguing in the room, for fear that Qiao Aiyun would be bullied.

As a result, as soon as he entered the room, he saw her holding up a stick and beating two grown men begging for mercy.

She seemed to be red-eyed, unable to stop at all, and the living room was even more messy.

"Ai Yun." Yan Wangchuan walked over and pressed her arm, if this continued, it would kill her.

Qiao Aiyun's hair was disheveled, her breathing was not smooth, she was obviously out of breath.

Seeing someone obstructing them, the two breathed a sigh of relief, they were saved.

This woman went crazy, she was so desperate.

"You dare to say that I'm a lunatic, and come to my house to boss me around, what are you guys, you still want to fight me?"

"You were beaten?" Yan Wangchuan asked.

"It's just being bumped twice, it's okay." Qiao Aiyun brushed her hair casually, the two sides argued, and being caught and bumped was inevitable.

"The relatives of Song Jingren's family didn't allow me to sell the homestead, so they came to point and scold me."

"You still want to hit me, but you are arrogant. Because there are so many people, you think I am a woman who is easy to bully." She spoke with panting, intermittently...

Yan Wangchuan's complexion became more and more gloomy.

Those two people were just about to get up from the ground, but they never thought about the "savior" in their eyes, when they suddenly raised their feet...

Kicked at them.

The strength is ferocious, and it is incomparable with Qiao Aiyun, a woman like Qiao Aiyun.

Qiao Aiyun didn't have the strength to hit the back, and the strike was not as heavy as at the beginning. The man kicked over, as if he wanted to kick their bones apart.

"Ah—" one of them yelled fiercely.

Who the hell is this?

Uncle Song's family thought that he had found someone to help, but he never thought that this person was more ruthless.

Without further ado, just get started.

"...You, are you that adulterer?" Uncle Song's family only remembered now that he had appeared on TV, standing by Qiao Aiyun's side.

Yan Wangchuan narrowed his eyes, adulterer?

"Dad, call the police, call the police..." One of the men had already been beaten and screamed.


Naturally, Yan Wangchuan wouldn't start a fight with an old man in his sixties, so he would vent his anger on his son.

In the end, it was originally Yan Wangchuan who came to persuade him to fight, but instead Qiao Aiyun was holding him tightly.

This person is too heavy handed, I really want to beat them to death.

If something really happened, it would definitely depend on them as far as their pissing nature was concerned.


About ten minutes later, the security guard and the police appeared at the door of the house.

"Comrade policeman, you have to make the decision for us. This woman and her concubine are both lunatics. Look at them beating my son..." When Uncle Song saw the policeman, he rushed towards the policeman, weeping.

The policemen squinted their eyes. They were managing this area. When they saw Yan Wangchuan, they immediately had a headache.

Why is this him again?

"My concubine? Say one more thing?" Yan Wangchuan said in a cold tone.

"Comrade police, look, what's the matter? We talked to them nicely, but it turned out like this..."

"Speak loudly?" The policeman raised his eyebrows and looked at Qiao Aiyun, "Which one of you made the move first?"

"It's her, still holding a stick." Uncle Song's family spoke first.

The policeman knew that the old man was not easy to provoke, seeing his aggressive appearance, because there was no surveillance in the living room of Qiao's house, and there were no other witnesses, and the two sides' testimony was inconsistent, so it was difficult for them to mediate.

"Is there no one else present?" the policeman asked.

Qiao Aiyun shook her head, after the accident, all the servants in the family were dismissed, and even Aunt Liang gave her a vacation to go back to her hometown to rest, so no one else could witness it.

"This..." The policeman had a headache for a while, and it seemed that this was another difficult case.

"Well, you all go back to the bureau with me to make a record."

A group of people were about to go out when they saw two people standing at the door...

The old lady standing in front wore a dark purple embroidered cotton dress, brand new hibiscus flowers, big and big, very eye-catching, gold-rimmed glasses, short hair to the ears, and permed flower rolls, which looked extraordinarily foreign. Crutches, with a calm and calm expression.

"Comrade policeman, I'm a witness. I was outside, through the window, and basically saw what happened just now." The Song family planted orchids, and purposely set up a large floor-to-ceiling window to facilitate the lighting of the flowers and plants. During the day, the curtains were drawn. of.

When Yan Wangchuan heard the voice, his body froze.

Qiao Aiyun's heart trembled even more, isn't this...

She saw it all?

She was chasing people with a stick just now, but this time she is ashamed to face people.

Not seeing her for more than twenty years, she must feel that she has become a shrew at this moment.

Madam Yan's expression: (⊙o⊙)...

Joe’s mother is: (╯︵╰)

Brother Yan: (T_T)

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