Heartwarming Aristocratic Marriage: Influential Master’s Wife-Chasing Strategy

Chapter 189: Uncle Joe vs Senior Brother, Stupid Two Hundred and Five

[Think about me, on the premise of getting married. 】

Qiao Aiyun stared at the information, dazed for a long time, then scrolled down, there were other information.

【I'm serious. 】

[I will treat you well in the future. 】

[I will learn what I don’t know, if you don’t like it, as long as you tell me, I will change it]


Sent about a dozen messages.

She frowned slightly.

Did he drink too much? Or was the phone stolen?

It's not his style at all.

She frowned and sent him a message back.

【Myself? 】

Yan Wangchuan was sitting on the sofa in the hotel, with his arms crossed, with a serious expression, staring at the phone, with the volume turned up to the maximum, his eyes as black as ink, staring at the phone for a moment, for fear of missing a call or text message.

I didn't expect that the information I was waiting for was this.

He squinted his eyes and replied, [I am Yan Wangchuan. 】

Qiao Aiyun: 【Drink too much? 】

Yan Wangchuan's breathing became heavy: 【No. 】

And then there's no dialogue whatsoever...

This made Yan Wangchuan somewhat frustrated.

Regarding this matter, he consulted many people and checked a lot of information online.

Many people say, prepare flowers or gifts and tell her face to face, but in this case, if the other party doesn't like you or refuses you in person, everyone will be very embarrassed, and in severe cases, you may not be able to be friends in the future.

Yan Wangchuan directly rejected this method.

The latter method is to use some euphemistic methods to test.

He also asked Fu Chen about this.

Fu Chen said, "The current relationship between the two of you is not safe to directly point out, be tactful, let her think about it, don't push too hard, give both parties some retreat, give her some space, and let her understand that you are waiting for her That's it."

What Fu Chen meant was to let him speak in person, and be more artful, how could he know that Yan Wangchuan's so-called euphemism was actually sent through text messages.


Qiao Aiyun finished sending the message, put on her clothes and went downstairs, while running down.

She thought that Qiao Wangbei's temper would definitely throw away Song Jingren's clothes. She never expected that he would rush to the Song Group and beat up Song Jingren.

I don't know what's going on now?

When she rushed downstairs, the lights on the first floor were brightly lit, and there was still the sound of cooking in the kitchen.

She walked over quickly, and Qiao Wangbei was cutting vegetables with his head down. He caught a glimpse of her out of the corner of his eye, and smiled, "I was just about to go upstairs to call you, and I'm ready to eat. I made pimple soup, and just stir-fried some vegetables."

"Brother, have you gone to find Song Jingren?" Qiao Aiyun looked slightly hesitant.

"I just returned the things to him." Qiao Wangbei said indifferently, "By the way, I chatted with him."

Qiao Aiyun took a deep breath.

"What's the matter? He still complained to you in private?" He shook the kitchen knife in his hand.


"You don't feel worried about him, do you?" Qiao Wangbei raised his eyebrows.

"Of course not. I've seen through all the things that happened before. In this life, I have nothing to do with his life, wealth, or wealth. I'm worried that you will rush over and beat him up. If he troubles you again, I'm afraid you will be sued. "

"He doesn't have time to talk to me, he's busy." Qiao Wangbei smiled.

Qiao Aiyun walked over and helped him pick vegetables, "What do you mean?"

"The three people who came to the house in the morning to find fault, didn't we leave each other's phone numbers when we were at the police station? I called them and said that Song Jingren used them as gunmen and deliberately asked them to ask for a homestead."

Qiao Aiyun was stunned, and with a sudden force on her fingers, Xiao Qingcai was broken by her.

"Those scoundrels didn't get any benefits from us, so they must blackmail Song Jingren."

"How do they know about the current situation of the Song Group? Anyway, in their hearts, Song Jingren is a rich man and a relative. Let's make trouble."

"Those people are rascals, they are not afraid of embarrassment, but the Song Group can't help it. In order to appease them, Song Jingren has to send them away even if he doesn't want to borrow money."

In Qiao Aiyun's heart, her brother has always been straightforward and straightforward. She only knew that Qiao Wangbei could also plot against people since the last time he cut through the mess in the divorce incident.

Even more so this time.

How could he still play dirty?

"The Song family is not in the field of borrowing money, right?" Qiao Aiyun thought about seeing him before, clearly driving a luxury car and wearing a famous watch.

"What the hell, he's just pretending to be a grandson with a swollen face. I went to the Song Group today. Most of the employees are gone, and the rest are all paid."

"Now in the entire Yuncheng, no bank is willing to give them a loan. If this continues, they will just wait for the northwest wind."

"At present, it's just a dead end. If there is no such appearance, heh--" Qiao Wangbei shook his head.

Qiao Aiyun chuckled, what does this have to do with her.

"By the way, Ai Yun, Aunt Yan came over today, what did she say to you in private?" Qiao Wangbei raised his eyebrows.

"Just chatting casually." She lowered her head and continued picking vegetables.

"What do you think of Senior Brother?"

When Qiao Aiyun heard this, her head got a little big, "Brother, I just got divorced, and I still have a lot of things to deal with, so let's not talk about it."

"What happened to the divorce just now? I didn't let you two get married right away?"

"I'm not a teenage girl anymore. I've been married and have a child. I have to think about it later. I also know that my brother treats me well, but my current situation... will only drag him down."

"It's been dragging on for more than twenty years." Qiao Wangbei snorted.

Qiao Aiyun blushed.

"Let me tell you the truth, senior brother has a stubborn temper, and he is so stubborn and brain-dead. If you don't want him, he will end up in a nursing home in his later years."

Qiao Aiyun lowered her head and remained silent.

"I think he is like this, and he is also worried about death. I have never seen such a heartless person. He has done everything, and he still has a few words to confess to you? What is this hanging in the air, half dead?"

"He said." Qiao Aiyun whispered.

"Did you say it? When, why don't I know."

"Sent a message before."

"Hey——" Qiao Wangbei slammed the kitchen knife on the cutting board.

What age is this, texting? Is he sincere?

Going to talk to him later.


At this moment, the Song Group

Song Jingren managed to scrape together 100,000 yuan and handed it over to his third uncle before he reluctantly dismissed them. He was beaten up by Qiao Wangbei just now, his whole body hurt, and his relatives came to make trouble, which drove him crazy.

He was born in the company again, even though he was angry, he didn't dare to vent it, which made his brain throbbing.

He originally planned to let these poor relatives come to make trouble, and he took the opportunity to be a hero to save the beauty. After so many years, he knew that Qiao Aiyun was soft-hearted and worried, maybe if he was moved, there was still room for maneuver in the relationship between the two.

Even though the Song family's building is about to collapse, if the Qiao family is involved with the Jing family, it will be too easy to turn around if they catch this line.

The plan couldn't keep up with the changes, so Yan Wangchuan took the lead.

"What the hell!" Song Jingren remembered that he was planning a scheme, but was caught first, and was so angry that he almost vomited blood.

"Mr. Song." Secretary Zhang pushed the door open and came in. He was arguing with relatives of the Song family just now, and he went up to help. There were still a few bloodstains on his face at the moment.

"How is it? Have you found it?" Song Jingren stretched out his hand to brush his messy hair a few times.

"Well, miss, she left the country on the 31st flight, and arrived at Yuncheng on the night of the 2nd."

"I know." Since Qiao Aiyun's side is useless, he can only find Song Fengwan to attack. Qiao's family loves her very much. If she is on his side, everything will turn around.

"According to the people from the airline, one of the men traveling with her is holding a Buddhist bead... According to the description of his figure, he might be the third master of the Fu family."

Song Jingren paused slightly with his fingers pulling hair, "Fu Chen is so kind to her?"

If it weren't for a good relationship, who would take a child who is not a relative or a relative to go abroad.

"I'm not sure. Miss has lived in Mr. Fu's house for so long, so she probably has a good relationship."

Song Jingren clenched his fists and slammed the table hard.

He was still thinking about why Fu Chen was targeting him all of a sudden. He thought that the Fu family was still blaming Jiang Fengya for plotting against Fu Yuxiu. The root cause of this was Song Fengwan.

Oh shit!

Fortunately, he still put the treasure on Jiang Fengya.

If it wasn't for her, how could he end up in such a situation, the more he thought about it, the more annoyed he became.

"Do you know the specific flight information?"

"Well, the ticket was booked a few days ago, and I asked someone to check the information."


Song Fengwan is now his last straw.


the other side

Yan Wangchuan had dinner with his mother, sent her back to the room to rest, and went back to the room to continue to be depressed.

He is still annoyed at this moment, why didn't Qiao Aiyun reply to his message? Is this a rejection?

At this moment, the doorbell rang outside, and he looked through the cat's eyes, Qiao Wangbei, what is he doing here so late?

As soon as the door opened, he rushed towards him with a knife in his hand...

"Yan Wangchuan, send a message to confess? You stupid bastard, two hundred and five, your brain is squeezed by the door! It's really a stone in a cesspit, smelly and hard! It's hopeless..."

Yan Wangchuan raised his eyebrows, and with a wave of his hand, he pushed him out.

With a bang, the door was closed.

Qiao Wangbei was stunned.

He knocked on the door, "If you really want to be with Ai Yun, talk to me."

Only then did Yan Wangchuan open the door, "No matter how big or small, I will throw you out."

Qiao Wangbei clenched the carving knife in his hand: At this time, it's absolutely impossible to put him on airs as a senior brother.

I think Uncle Qiao, you can let him fend for himself, anyway, senior brother is single based on his strength, haha...


Tomorrow, the double monthly pass will expire. Let’s take a look at the personal center, and there is support for the monthly pass at the beginning of next month.

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