Heartwarming Aristocratic Marriage: Influential Master’s Wife-Chasing Strategy

Chapter 190 Avalanche disappears, collapses every night (2 more, no abuse)

Here, Qiao Wangbei and Yan Wangchuan were sitting opposite each other, with a carving knife horizontally in front of them, and the atmosphere was solemn.

On the other side of the foreign ski resort, Song Fengwan skied for a while at the entrance of the hotel. As soon as he entered the room, he saw a group of men and women, about seven or eight people, talking together, and it was Mandarin again. She couldn't help but read two more. Eye.

"Sister." Huai Sheng ran over and helped her get the ski poles.

Xu heard that their accents were friendly, and that group of people also looked at Song Fengwan.

When she was skiing outside just now, several of the boys kept staring at her. Her movements were learned from Fu Chen, and she was standard and chic. Sliding in the snow was not proficient, but she also had a unique sense of beauty.

Seeing her take off the goggles at this moment, revealing a delicate little face, the hot breath of her breath was filled with white mist, and when she smiled, her phoenix eyes narrowed, curved and beautiful.

"National Z?" A boy approached him to strike up a conversation.

"Yeah." Song Fengwan nodded, and pulled down the zipper of the windbreaker a little. Although it was cold outside, he was sweating a lot after skiing for too long.

"Are you here with your family?" Song Fengwan was about six or seven in height, but he was not out of society, so he inevitably had a childish look.

"Yeah." Song Fengwan turned his head to look outside.

Looking far away, the sky is covered with white, with a few clouds floating, far away and desolate.

Fu Chen and Duan Linbai went out to ski. It has been several hours and they still haven't come back.

"Are you going out later? Do you want to go together?" Someone in the group suggested.

"Not going out for now." Song Fengwan politely refused.

It was rare for those few people to meet domestic people, and they all gathered around to talk to her. Among them, there was a girl who knew her very well, which made her a little overwhelmed.

Huai Sheng was standing by the side, a few girls had been staring at him just now, but they were too embarrassed to go over, now they got close, and they took the opportunity to pat his bare head.

"Are you really a monk?"

"Why are you so cute, what's your name?"

"You tell my sister, she will give you sweets."

It was the first time for Huaisheng to be surrounded by girls, he was at a loss, his little face flushed slightly, as expected, what the brother said was right, women are the root of all troubles, and they should not be messed with.

"Why is your face still red? It's so cute." One of the girls actually looked at his little face...

With a sound of "Bo--", he kissed her deeply.

Huai Sheng's face turned red immediately, "Female benefactor, you have to respect yourself, the master said, we monks, we can't get close to women."

"Haha..." A group of people burst into laughter.

Huaisheng gritted his teeth and was about to cry.

Master, what should I do, I was kissed by a woman, does this count as breaking the lust ring?

Song Fengwan frowned, "Sorry, I'm taking him away."

She was about to take Huaisheng away, but the familiar girl stretched out her hand to hold her.

"Why are you in such a hurry, let's play together..."

Seeing that Huaisheng was about to cry, Song Fengwan was in a hurry to take him away, but just as he was about to refuse, a hand with a black leather glove stretched out from behind and pushed the girl's hand away...

There was still a bit of crushed snow on the gloves, and it was cold and damp, and the girl hurriedly avoided it.

When Song Fengwan turned back, Fu Chen and Duan Linbai did not know when they came back.

He took off his hat, goggles, and gloves, and threw them directly to Duan Linbai.

He was sweating a little, and he was wearing a dark red ski suit, which seemed to contain fluorescent ingredients, and had a dim light, which made his whole face not as gentle and ascetic as usual.

On the contrary, there are more evil spirits.

Infected with light ink, it is unparalleled in color.

The two extremes are perfectly blended in him.

When she raised her eyes to look at a group of men and women, her gentle eyes showed a frightening edge.

Fu Chen raised his hand and pulled the zipper up two inches on her chest, "Don't catch a cold."

"Yeah." Song Fengwan looked at his face in a daze.

How can this man be so good-looking, and he will never be the same, usually as light as water, now as thick as ink, and as strong as the wind...

"I'll take you out for skiing later." Fu Chen took her hand and walked towards the room.

From the corner of the eye, he glanced at the boys who had just talked to her, his eyes darkened.

These young men in their early twenties couldn't compare to Fu Chenbi in terms of aura around them, so they stood where they were and didn't dare to move rashly.

Until the four of them left, a few girls gathered together and had a blast. They were just discussing that Fu Chen was handsome and wanted to strike up a conversation. They also wanted to go to the front desk to ask for his name and room number, but they were naturally rejected.

In the hotel here, Fu Chen and Song Fengwan shared a single room, while Duan Linbai lived in a standard room with Huaisheng.

When Duan Linbai returned to the room, he took off his hat and goggles, and was sweating all over. He didn't plan to go skiing later, so he was about to take off his clothes and take a shower, when he saw Huaisheng dig out the wooden fish from the box...

The corner of his mouth twitched twice.

"Huaisheng, do you still want to chant scriptures at this time?"

"Just now I was belittled by the female benefactor and broke the sex precept. I need to confess to the Buddha."

Duan Linbai was only wearing a sweater at the moment, pinching his waist with both hands, "It's a good thing to be kissed!"

"I am a serious monk, different from you." Huai Sheng said firmly, "I want to be the abbot!"

Duan Linbai scratched his hair.

Wait a minute, what does he mean by that?

Is he a serious monk?

Is he not serious?

When he wanted to attack, the room had already heard the sound of "dong dong dong—" wooden fish.

"Buddha, my disciple's sin..."

Little monk, just wait for me, I will throw you away in a while.


Huaisheng wanted to recite scriptures, while Duan Linbai knocked on the door of Fu Chen's room to seek refuge.

Fu Chen happened to be going out skiing with Song Fengwan, so he asked him to stay behind and told him to pay attention to his pregnancy.

"This area is full of wild snow. If you take Sister Song out, you still have to be careful. Don't step on the wrong spot. What happened? The weather has warmed up recently..."

"Pa—" Duan Lin didn't finish his vernacular, Fu Chen squeezed the glove in his hand, and slammed it directly on his face.

"shut your mouth."

Duan Linbai shrugged, kindly reminding him.

I was afraid that it would be too rough for him to take his sister-in-law out.

Song Fengwan was skiing in front of the hotel before, and the length of the ski trails was limited, so she didn't dare to go too far alone. The snowboard rubbed against the snow, and the thrill of blowing the snow with the wind made people palpitate.

I am very excited to be able to go to other ski trails with him at this moment.

The two took the mountain cable car to another snow track.

Looking down from the cable car, the snow-capped mountains are stretching, occasionally the cold wind blows, the snow forest is rustling, and white waves are rolled up. The sky is endless blue with few clouds and open.

The cable car passes through the snow-capped mountains, and the outside is completely white, pure white and flawless, which is shocking.

The snow-capped mountains are covered by pine forests, covered with frost and snow, and the branches are covered by snow on the ground, and the snow is rustling.

When the two got off the cable car, it seemed that no one had touched this area, and the ski trail was very clean.

"You get ready first, I'll go down and have a look." Fu Chen put on the goggles, pushed his ski poles hard, his whole body went down, galloped for 100 meters, passed through several bends, bent over, and made a sharp turn , the flying snow splashing at the feet, swaying...

Came all the way, and followed the snow all the way beside her side eloquently.

Dark red clothes, handsome and elegant.

Song Fengwan's breathing was a little fast, and he was eager to try.

Fu Chen quickly returned to her side, "Follow me, don't wander around."

"Yeah." Song Fengwan is a novice after all, so naturally he can't do what Fu Chen did, so he can only follow him, step by step...

Xue Dao Fu Chen has been here before, and that is also in the past.

In some places, the snow was too loose, and she was caught off guard and fell a few times.

Fu Chen tilted his head to look at her, and laughed twice.

Song Fengwan was so angry that he whipped him with a ski pole, didn't give her a hand, and was still laughing? It's just too much.

Skiing is like an addiction, the feeling of traveling through the wind and snow, once addicted, it is difficult to quit.

Song Fengwan got some tricks and had a great time.

Fu Chen slipped for a while, then stood on a high place and looked at her. Although the day is longer here, after a while, the sky has gradually dimmed, and it is almost time to go back.

Song Fengwan skated alone for a while, and wanted to ask Fu Chen to join her.

She turned her head to call Fu Chen, but out of the corner of her eye, she caught a glimpse of the snow-capped mountains not far behind him, which seemed to be breaking apart, as if they were about to be separated from the mountain...

Her pupils dilated.

"Third Brother—Third Brother..." Song Fengwan pulled the scarf and kept waving at her.

The distance between the two of them was too far at the moment, the snow field was empty, her voice was swallowed by the cold wind, Fu Chen couldn't hear it at all, he could only see her constantly waving.

"Third brother——" Song Fengwan pulled his throat, the cold wind poured into his throat, cutting his throat and tearing it painfully.

Her voice changed from shouting.

Fu Chen frowned.

Song Fengwan stretched out his hand and pointed at him, "Run, third brother, run quickly—"

Irregular huge snow blocks are about to be peeled off from the mountain...

When Fu Chen turned his head, the fault at the mountain seemed to be unable to hold on anymore, and it collapsed. The snow mountain was hundreds of meters away from him, but the snow mountain collapsed, and the cold wind swept through it, bringing the surrounding frost and snow, blowing against his face. hit...

The speed is extremely fast, like a huge wave, engulfing the pine forest on the side, and the wild posture has the potential to swallow mountains and rivers with arrogance.

"Third brother——" Song Fengwan was startled, white snow waves swept across his face, and people were still insignificant in front of nature.

Fu Chen moved quickly, driving the ski poles to try to pass through the snow, but the collapse was too fast...

Song Fengwan only saw the red figure, which was engulfed by white and disappeared without a trace.

She gasped for breath, and her mind went blank.

The snow mountain collapsed, and the whole process lasted tens of seconds, and the scale was not large. When everything stopped, the world fell silent.


"Third brother, third brother——" Song Fengwan took off the snowboard under his feet, took the ski poles, and trotted over, pawing at the snowdrift.

"Where are you, don't scare me." Song Fengwan was so anxious that tears kept falling, it was icy cold, the cold wind was blowing, and the blade cut his face even more.

She thought about it carefully. When she just left the house, Fu Chen told her what to do if she encountered a snow landslide or an avalanche, but her brain was buzzing right now, and she couldn't think at all...

She only remembered what Fu Chen said.

"Don't be afraid if something happens, the third brother is here and will protect you."

"Fu Chen, you liar, what about you..." Song Fengwan became anxious, threw away his ski poles, and started digging snow directly.

"Where are you, you can't leave me here alone..."

She was crying, her voice was dry and hoarse, already crying.

"Third brother—" she shouted loudly.

Only Songtao Xuelang responded to her.

She knelt on the snow, her voice was hoarse, her eyes were red and swollen, her hands trembling for digging the snow, all the strength in her body seemed to be drained...

"Liars, they are all liars, and you still say you want to protect me..."

She sobbed softly and kept moving her hands.

"Fu Chen, you are a bastard!"


Just when she was hysterical and on the verge of collapsing, there was the sound of rustling snow not far away, and before she even raised her head, she heard a familiar and deep voice...

"Song Fengwan, you girl is so courageous, you actually scolded me?"

Song Fengwan stared at him blankly, his body was still covered with some snow stains, and the setting sun cast a pale gold around him, and the dark red clothes even shone with a scorching dark light.

Song Fengwan's body softened, and he knelt on the ground, covering his face and crying loudly.

Fu Chen frowned, and walked towards her. The avalanche had just passed by, and the snow was very soft. When he stepped down, half of his calf was covered in snow, and he walked with difficulty.

He walked up to her and put his arms around her...

"Why are you crying, am I okay?"

"I won't ski anymore, I won't ski in this life." She cried hoarsely.

Fu Chen's heart tightened and he held her in his arms.

"Okay, I won't slip in the future."


Duan Linbai had already put on his ski suit to go out at this moment. They could feel the avalanche just now. His intuition told him that something might have happened to Fu Chen. If you want to break your chest, you can only pray that Fu Chen and Song Fengwan are not in that area.

When he ran to the cable car, there was no working mountain cable car at the moment, and I remember him getting angry.

He was in such a hurry to go out that he didn't even wear the goggles.

There was no eye protection, the snow was shining brightly, his eyes hurt from the light, tears kept falling, and the wind was blowing sharply, making his skin itchy and painful.

He took a breath of cold air, and his whole body was cold.

I'm not being abused, I'm a real mother, ahem...

It's my poor Wanwan who was terribly frightened, Third Master, it's up to you to comfort her.

Third Master: Get lost——


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