"I want to marry you."

In just 6 words, Qiao Aiyun's pupils shrank slightly, her face full of astonishment.

The old lady Yan who was standing in the elevator almost dropped her jaw in shock, her eyes met Qiao Aiyun's, both of them were so frightened that they were at a loss what to do.

"Aunt Yan..." Qiao Aiyun never thought in her life that she could still be proposed at the age of forty.

Moreover, this suitor was one of the people she feared most in the first half of her life. She had a cold face, was drunk, and was smashed by his mother. This was the first time in her forty years that she felt ashamed and flustered.

His face was flushed red, and he felt ashamed.

"Why don't you go upstairs and talk first." Mrs. Yan suggested that the hotel lobby is really not a place to talk.

What's more, Yan Wangchuan looked a little delirious at the moment, sticking like a log, he was like a member of their old Yan's family. His father was also a little dull when he was young, but he was not like him.

"Okay." Qiao Aiyun's wrist was held by him, trying to break free and get into the elevator, but someone refused to let go.

This made her exasperated, so she just led her into the elevator.

The atmosphere instantly became very awkward.

Mrs. Yan stood at the back, and the two stood in front, holding hands.

The marriage between Qiao Aiyun and Song Jingren existed in name only when she found out that he was cheating, which is why they only had one child.

Many elders in the Song family are very old-fashioned and feel that they must have a boy, but Qiao Aiyun already thinks that he is dirty, even sharing the same bed is disgusting, let alone having another child, even if Song Jingren wants a boy in his heart, he dare not force her .

There is very little intimacy between the two of them, most of them are attending events and holding hands with people, Qiao Aiyun blushes so badly.

He was sweating profusely, even if it was like this, he would not let go even an inch.

"Brother..." Qiao Aiyun's voice was weak, "Can you relax a little bit?"

Yan Wangchuan stared at her without saying a word, obviously not thinking about it.

"Your palms are sweaty, it's uncomfortable."

Yan Wangchuan let go of her hand, her wrist was freed, and she let out a long sigh of relief.

From the corner of his eye, Yan Wangchuan took out a tissue from his pocket, wiped his palms repeatedly, and then reached out to her, "No more sweat."

The corner of Qiao Aiyun's mouth twitched, what kind of operation is this?

After experiencing the huge shock, Mrs. Yan at the back felt very comforted in her heart, and she was enlightened. It's just how she talks and does things, why is she still so rigid.

Yan Wangchuan kept extending his hand like this, which made Qiao Aiyun nervous.

"What do you want?" He was usually so serious, why did he drink too much, such a rascal, and there are elders around.

"Hold hands." He said confidently.

"Brother, I don't think it's appropriate, I..."

"I want to marry you, there is nothing inappropriate."

Qiao Aiyun's pupils dilated, married?

"Wangchuan, go back to the room first." Madam Yan was very relieved and smiled from ear to ear.

Mrs. Yan and Yan Wangchuan did not live together. When they arrived at the door of the room, the old lady leaned on a cane and supported her glasses, "Wangchuan, where is the door card?"

"Pockets." Yan Wangchuan held Qiao Aiyun tightly with his fingers, not letting go for a moment.

"Where is it?" The old lady stretched out her hand to touch the room card.

Someone was not happy, "I want her to take it."

The old lady can't tell what it's like in her heart. She's a mother, she can't even touch it?

This made Qiao Aiyun nervous, so she could only reach out her other hand to touch the room card in his pocket. After opening the door, the old lady let out a sigh, "I'm getting old, I'm really sleepy, Aiyun, our housekeeper Chuan will leave it to you, I'll go to bed first."

"Auntie—" Qiao Aiyun was so anxious that her forehead was dripping with sweat, why did she run away? What about her?

Yan Wangchuan was so strong that she couldn't break free, so she could only follow him back to the room first.


He lives in a standard double bed room in the hotel, and it is very clean. There are computer files on the table, which are also tidy and tidy. Even the suits hanging on the hangers have been ironed. Life is more restrained.

Qiao Aiyun has been in love once in her life, and when she met a scumbag like Song Jingren, except for him, she has never been alone with the opposite sex, and she is still in a hotel now.

"Brother, you can relax now."

"I'm not your senior brother." Yan Wangchuan corrected her seriously.

"What are you not my senior brother?" Qiao Aiyun chuckled.

"I don't want to be your senior brother."

Qiao Aiyun smiled sarcastically, and she would be anxious with anyone who poured him alcohol again from now on.

It's not like this at all at ordinary times, why drink too much, dare to say any love words.

"Let go of me first, I'm already in the house, I can't run away."

"You promise to marry me first."

"I..." Qiao Aiyun was so angry that she wished she could beat him up, why is she such a rascal.

She thought about it for a second, why did she get serious with a drunkard, and simply followed his words, "Okay, I promise you."


"Really, you can let me go now."

Yan Wangchuan seemed a little bit reluctant, "Hold on for another minute."

Qiao Aiyun sighed, she had no choice but to let him hold her hand, so many minutes passed after holding hands like this.

After coaxing her for a long time, someone let go, undressed and went to bed.

He is usually used to restraint, even when he was drunk, his fingers trembled to fold his clothes neatly, and then he lay down on the bed smoothly, even the sleeping posture was extremely restrained.

Under the effect of alcohol, he fell asleep soon after lying down. His coat was already dirty and smelled of alcohol. Qiao Aiyun frowned slightly, and simply took the clothes and went to the laundry room on the 4th floor to help him wash them.

The laundry room in the hotel has a dryer, which is convenient.

It's just that the clothes have been washed thoroughly, and it has been more than an hour.

After she went back, Yan Wangchuan was still sleeping soundly, and her posture hadn't changed. She folded his clothes and poured him a glass of water before leaving the hotel.

Along the way, she was still thinking about settling accounts with Qiao Wangbei later, but she didn't know that he had already fallen asleep in the car.

She was so angry that she lost her temper.


Foreign ski resorts

Song Fengwan was also worried about Duan Linbai's eyes. After returning to the house, she checked a lot of information about snow blindness, and basically stayed up all night. It was about five o'clock when she was pregnant, and she got up to chant scriptures, and she put on her clothes and went to Fu Chen's room.

This is a hotel, and it is also a B\u0026B style. There is no need to swipe a card or a password to unlock it. After entering the house, just lock the door from the inside.

Fu Chen had to change ice packs for Duan Linbai frequently at night, and the door was unlocked, and Song Fengwan pushed it open with a twist of his fingers.

The room was pitch black, only the curtains were opened a thin slit, and the snow color came in, allowing the interior furnishings to be seen clearly.

Duan Linbai was lying on the bed, still fast asleep, while Fu Chen was sitting on the chair beside the bed, with the light behind him, so he couldn't see his face clearly, probably fell asleep.

Song Fengwan walked softly to Fu Chen's side, bent down to pick up the blanket that had slipped from his lap, covered him lightly, stared at Duan Linbai for a while, and turned to leave.

"Wan Wan." Fu Chen's voice was hoarse, and he stood up straight away.

Song Fengwan turned his head. With the color of the snow, the light was so dark that it was almost impossible to see people. He could only vaguely see his eyes, which were deep and black, and the corners of his mouth were slightly pursed.

"Get up so early." Fu Chen glanced out of the window from the corner of his eye, the night was dark and the street lights were still on.

"Can't sleep, Brother Duan is okay." She lowered her voice for fear of waking him up.

"It should be fine. He may be blind for a while. At dawn, he and I took the earliest cable car to the hospital. We will check there first. If there is no serious problem, I will send him back to Beijing. I can't take you home this time." Shen moved half an inch towards her, getting closer.

"It's okay, it's important to see a doctor for him."

"Are you still afraid of what happened yesterday?" Duan Linbai suddenly became snow blind. No one was prepared, and Fu Chen didn't have time to comfort her.

"I was scared before, but now I'm fine."

"Come here a little bit."


"Your voice is too low to be heard clearly."

Song Fengwan was afraid of disturbing Duan Linbai, so he obediently moved towards him...

Fu Chen thought that it would be a long time before we saw each other again after parting this time. He stretched out his hand to bring her into his arms, and naturally got close to her again. He didn't take her out until the sunrise. After all, the sunrise in the snow field is very spectacular. It would be a shame to miss it.


As soon as the two left, the person on the bed let out a long sigh of relief.

"Fuck, I almost suffocated me to death."

"I've never noticed that Fu San is so shameless before, this little mouth is very slippery, eating human tofu everywhere."

"Still treating me like a dead person? It made me dare not take a deep breath."

Duan Linbai subconsciously reached out to touch the phone, only to realize that his eyes could no longer see. In this society, you can't play with your phone, and you can't live in this day.

After some time, Huai Sheng touched his room.

"Uncle Duan, are you awake?" Duan Linbai could feel him climbing onto the bed.

"What's wrong with you?"

"Are you bored, how about I read you a scripture?"

The corners of Duan Linbai's mouth twitched, and when his eyes were healed, he was going to chop up the little monk into eight pieces, steam it, braise it in brown sauce, and then deep-fry it.

Hehe, what do you think the senior brother will do after he wakes up...

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