Heartwarming Aristocratic Marriage: Influential Master’s Wife-Chasing Strategy

Chapter 193 Wan Wan Takes the Initiative to Kiss the Third Master, Senior Brother Forces Marriage (2

Foreign ski resorts

There were frost on the outside of the hotel window, and the inside was covered with water vapor, so they couldn't see clearly at all. Fu Chen and Song Fengwan wrapped their clothes and went outside.

The group of people I saw during the day yesterday also stood outside trembling.

The cold wind was blowing, piercing to the bones, Song Fengwan wrapped his clothes tightly, stared into the distance, and stood outside for a while, the heat on his body had been blown away.

At this moment, the sky is fine and bright, the sky is gray and white, and the clouds in the distance are churning, and the light is getting brighter and brighter.

Not long after, there was light from the sky, outlining the mountains in the distance. Song Fengwan's whole face was shrunk at the neckline, only a pair of eyes were exposed, and his heart was jumping, staring at the distance for a moment...

Soon, a touch of bright red came out from the sky, and the white snow was covered with a rose-red light, as if it had been coated with a faint halo, and the sun gradually appeared, and the magnificent red color seemed to burn the entire sky into flames. .

The sunrise is magnificent and spectacular, and it always inspires people.

The few people on the side were screaming and cheering, taking pictures with their mobile phones.

Song Fengwan raised his head slightly and glanced at Fu Chen.

His face was still beautifully set off, and the outline of his eyebrows was even more profound.

She suddenly remembered that when she first met him, it was raining that day, and through the rain, his face was clear and intoxicated, as inaccessible as a mountain, but now he appeared in her life, and his image became more and more vivid.

She reached out and poked his arm.

Fu Chen looked down at her...

Song Fengwan suddenly stood on tiptoe, reached out and tore off the scarf, and pecked him on the face.

It's too cold here, everyone is wrapped up very tightly, so is Fu Chen, this kiss fell lightly on his scarf...

As if it had penetrating power, it warmly melted into his body, Fu Chen's fingers tightened suddenly, a heart seemed to burst out of his chest, the heartbeat hit his ribs, there was an unspeakable throbbing tension.

"Bang bang bang—" the suffocation.

When he recovered, Song Fengwan had already entered the hotel.

At this moment, the rising sun had already gushed out, making his face as bright as fire.

Little did he know that the roots of his ears were completely red at this moment, and there was still a scalding heat.

The whole body is full of warmth.

Fu Chen smiled lowly, like a kid.


When eating in the morning, Huai Sheng felt that something was wrong with the atmosphere, but he couldn't tell. Song Fengwan kept his head down and didn't speak, but Fu Chen always smiled at her from time to time.

Huai Sheng gnawed on the croissant and kept staring at the two of them.

What the hell is going on?

Uncle San looks like this, why does he look crazy?

"Huaisheng, I'm going to take you, Uncle Duan, to the hospital first, so we have to leave first. I will send you and my sister back to Yuncheng first, and then I will send you back to Beijing." Only There is only one person in Shifang, and this is the only way to arrange it for the time being.

"En." Huaisheng nodded seriously, "Third Uncle, is Uncle Duan really alright?"

Fu Chen nodded.

"Then you have to take care of him."

"I see."

It’s better to see a doctor sooner rather than later. When the cable car started to run, Fu Chen took Duan Lin Bai and left first.

After taking two trains and taking the high-speed train again, I arrived at a most formal large hospital to help him have his eyes checked.

The result is still snow blindness, short-term blindness, I got some medicine for him, told him some things, and said that he will recover after a while.

Although this kind of diagnosis made people feel relieved, Duan Lin Bai's eyes were darkened at the moment, and he couldn't adapt to it at all. When walking, even with Fu Chen's support, it was inevitable that he bumped and almost sprained his ankle.

There were people's voices all around, but he couldn't see them at all. His heart was flustered, and his hands and feet had no place to rest. It seemed that every step he took was stepping on the edge of a cliff, and if he made a mistake, he would fall to pieces.

While queuing up at the hospital, he heard someone calling him, so he got up and hit him.

Duan Linbai was very annoyed, but there was nothing he could do. The doctor even told him to keep his body and mind happy.

He had no trouble throwing the goggles directly in his face.

Mmp, I suddenly went blind and can't see, you still make me happy? I am happy for you, uncle.

I'll blow your head off, believe it or not.

In the end, it was Fu Chen who covered his mouth and dragged him out, bought him a blind cane outside, and the two sat down in a coffee shop.

Fu Chen and Song Fengwan made a phone call, "Lin Bai is fine, don't worry."

"Well, we're almost at the airport." Song Fengwan heaved a sigh of relief when he heard the news. Duan Linbai was snow-blind because of them, and she felt uneasy.

"Pay attention to safety, if there is anything, tell Shifang directly."

"You too, take care of Brother Duan."


Duan Linbai touched the edge of the table with his fingers, caressing it little by little, until he touched the cup, then touched the shape of the cup tremblingly, held it with his fingers, and sent it tremblingly to his mouth, almost hitting his chin...

"Ah—" He was really going to collapse at this moment.

Eating and drinking water are both problems, so how can I live this day.

He was about to get up to go to the bathroom when he bumped into the waiter carrying the tray, getting coffee stains all over his body.

Duan Linbai stood where he was, not daring to move rashly, only hearing those people criticize him in English.

Fu Chen was busy apologizing to others.

He was on fire.

"Lin Bai, sit down for a while." Fu Chen helped him to sit down, pulled the tissue and wiped his clothes. The winter clothes were windproof and waterproof, but they were not dirty, but his face was always cold, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

"it will be fine after a while."

"Fu San..." Duan Linbai groped out of thin air several times before grabbing his arm.


Seeing his serious expression, Fu Chen knew in his heart that this sudden invisibility was uncomfortable. Just as he was about to comfort him, he coughed twice, "I want to go to the bathroom, I'm suffocating."

Fu Chen's face darkened, "Let's go, I'll take you there."

He couldn't see anything, so Fu Chen could only take him in and even help him find the location.

"Need me to help you take off your pants?" Fu Chen raised his eyebrows.

"No need for this, you turn around."


Fu Chen turned his back to him, hearing the rustling sound of clothes rubbing behind him, as well as someone's furious cursing, he couldn't help but laugh.

After more than a minute, the pants can be regarded as untied...

Fu Chen reached out and touched his nose, and a few seconds later he heard a roar from behind.

"Damn it, Fu Chen, I've messed with it, please help me."

Fu Chen's eyes tightened.

All he wanted to do now was throw him out.


cloud city

Qiao Aiyun received a call from Fu Chen early in the morning. He didn't say what happened to Duan Linbai. He only said that in case of an emergency, he couldn't send Song Fengwan back in person, but he also sent someone to escort her to the airport. I hope she will I can pick it up.

And said, there is another child, may trouble her all night.

"What happened? Do you need my help?"

"No, I just can't send her home in person, and I'm sorry."

"It's okay. If you have something to do, you can go to work. I will go to the airport to pick you up Wanwan. The child is more than five years old. Don't worry, I will take care of it."

Song Feng went to high school at night, and Qiao Aiyun is basically a full-time wife, except for the occasional jade shop, her whole body and mind revolves around children, and it doesn't matter if there is one more.

"Thank you." Fu Chen thanked.

"Why are you being polite to me? You've helped me take care of Wanwan for so long. What's this little favor? If you need help, please tell me anytime."


After the phone call, Qiao Aiyun packed her things and went to the vegetable market.

When they came back at night, although it was late, they must be hungry. The things on the plane were only enough to satisfy their hunger. The dishes in the morning were fresh, and she also bought a lot of fish, shrimp and seafood.

It was past ten o'clock when she got home.

Qiao Wangbei drank a lot of wine yesterday. When she went out, he didn't get up. She was going to make lunch and call him again.

Just as soon as she opened the door, she saw a person she did not want to see.

"Why are you here?" Yesterday he was pulling his hand, but he didn't let go. He used all his rogue energy and dared to come to the door.

"I'll come over and talk to you about getting married."

Qiao Aiyun clenched the bag tightly, her mind went blank.

"The household registration book is still in Nanjiang, so I can't get the certificate right away. We can discuss the marriage first. Do you like a Chinese wedding or a Western wedding?"

"I've settled the days with someone, and I'll formally propose marriage later."

"Get ready."

Qiao Aiyun was dumbfounded, why did she suddenly propose marriage?

Qiao Wangbei walked over, reached out to take the shopping bag in Qiao Aiyun's hand, and said earnestly.

"Ai Yun, our parents left early, and the eldest brother is like a father. I have already decided this matter, and I give you a nod."

Qiao Aiyun smiled sarcastically, who could tell her that when she went out to buy groceries, why did the whole world change when she came back?

Sanye and Wanwan have made great progress in stages, spreading flowers~

It's just that our family's waves are a little pitiful, but we still have to maintain a happy body and mind.

Brother Duan: (╯‵ ′)╯︵┻━┻

Finally, I would like to add a sentence: senior brother and uncle Qiao are really the ones who do great things, haha

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