Inside Yuncheng Villa

Shifang sent Song Fengwan's luggage upstairs, Qiao Aiyun invited him to eat, but he politely declined and left first. Now that Song Fengwan arrived home, his task was considered complete.

Song Fengwan changed her clothes, and just as she went downstairs, she heard Qiao Aiyun calling her over.

"At night, go to the supermarket in front of the community to buy a fruit juice drink, and buy some milk by the way."

"Yeah." Song Fengwan put on his down jacket and was about to go out.

Less than a minute after leaving the house, light snow fell outside, mixed with rain, and fell to the ground, which was a little muddy. She was just about to go back to get an umbrella, but Yan Wangchuan had already opened the umbrella.

"I go with you."

While Song Fengwan was still in a daze, he had already held an umbrella and walked to his side to help her cover the snow, "Let's go."

Song Fengwan nodded.

She has never been alone with Yan Wangchuan. He is tall and usually has a cold face. Standing next to her gives people a great sense of oppression. It takes only five or six minutes to walk to the supermarket at the entrance of the community. He didn't speak, and the atmosphere was cold.

In the supermarket, the milk was piled up in the most conspicuous place at the entrance. Song Fengwan walked into the supermarket and picked out an orange juice. Before he could go out, the phone in his pocket vibrated, the unknown number of the place where Yuncheng belonged.

She frowned slightly, hesitated for a moment, and still connected the phone.


"Wan Wan, I'm Dad..." Song Jingren's voice was flattering.

Song Jingren went to the countryside to ask someone to do something in the afternoon, and when he rushed back to Yuncheng, he learned that Song Fengwan's flight was ahead of schedule and he had already arrived home.

Almost drove him crazy.

Recently, for some reason, bad luck happened one after another. The bank came to collect debts and issued an ultimatum. Those who flattered and sycophanted him in the past all ran away. He could only count on Song Fengwan.

Otherwise, next Monday, when the bankers come to the door, they will announce the liquidation of the company.

He waited for more than half an hour at the gate of the community, and dealt with the security guard for a long time, but the other party refused to let him in.

Said that the owner disagreed, and he was so angry that he was dying. It was raining and snowing outside at the moment, and he was so anxious that he happened to see Song Fengwan walking out of the community.

He secretly rejoiced that the sky would not kill him.

But when she took a closer look at the people around her, she was so frightened that it was him.

Seeing the two walking side by side, Song Jingren's heart was filled with anger, that was his daughter! Jealousy, anger, embarrassment, all kinds of emotions rushed into his heart at the same time, making him tremble all over.

But he didn't dare to confront Yan Wangchuan, so he could only call Song Fengwan.

Song Fengwan hugged the juice in his hand tightly, "Well, what do you want?"

Her tone was cold without any warmth.

"Wanwan, I heard that you went out to play, you just came back." He smiled flatteringly.

"It's okay, I'll hang up." Song Fengwan felt sick when he heard his voice.

"Wait a minute, I'll be in the guard room at the entrance of the community, and I'll buy you some butterfly cakes you like. I know you don't want to see me now, so I'll put the things there, you can take them back and eat."

Now he can only attack warmly, not in a hurry.

Song Fengwan hugged the juice in his hand tightly and was speechless for a long time.

"I just made it. I kept it in my arms, and it was still a little hot. I remember you used to eat several of them every time."

"Take it back and eat, I just want to take a look at you from a distance."

Song Fengwan's heart was sour, so he hung up the phone directly.

When designing the mother, some people even said that she was not his biological daughter, that she was a bastard with an unknown father, all kinds of dirty words, dirty words, and he didn't stand up to defend himself, pretending to be a loving father at this moment.

Thinking of these things, she was ashamed and angry, her body trembled with anger, and tears almost came out of her eyes.

Standing in front of the shelf, I adjusted for a long time before turning to the cashier.

As soon as Huang raised her head, she saw Yan Wangchuan standing not far away. After watching for some time, she hurriedly lowered her head and quickened her pace...

When the two walked out of the supermarket, Yan Wangchuan was carrying a box of milk and holding an umbrella, while Song Fengwan was holding a large bottle of orange juice. When passing by the guard room, he turned his head and glanced.

"Is something wrong?" Yan Wangchuan's tone was as cold as usual.

"It's okay." Song Fengwan smiled and shook his head, and walked into the community with him.

Song Jingren had been standing not far away, seeing Song Fengwan's figure gradually drifting away, his eyes were red with anxiety.

It was supposed to be his place.

Wife, daughter, all belong to him!


When Song Fengwan and Yan Wangchuan returned home, she entered the porch first, where the light was bright, and only then did she see that half of Yan Wangchuan's clothes were soaked, and even one side of her hair was sticking to her temple.

The tip of her nose was sore.

After her family situation improved, Song Jingren never went out shopping in person, let alone pick her up to and from school, and she almost never had the experience of walking with her father under an umbrella.

"Uncle Yan, take off your clothes, I'll get you a towel." With wet eyes, she ran to the bathroom.

Yan Wangchuan took off his clothes and hung them on the hanger in the entrance.

"Why are the clothes so wet?" Qiao Aiyun came out of the kitchen, put on an apron, and wiped the water stains on her hands, "It needs to be dried."

"He called Wanwan, you go and have a look."

Qiao Aiyun was taken aback, "Thank you."

"I said I would be good to you mother and daughter."

His tone is solemn.

Qiao Aiyun's eyes were slightly red.


After dinner, it was raining and snowing outside, so Yan Wangchuan stayed here overnight. He and Qiao Wangbei hadn't played chess for a long time, so he found a chess game and prepared to play a game in the living room.

Qiao Aiyun and Song Fengwan were packing things in the kitchen.

"Auntie, I want to do evening classes, where should I go?"

"Do your homework. You brought your things to the living room, and the two uncles are here. Let them teach you if you know anything." Qiao Aiyun reached out and touched his head, "Why are you working so hard?"

Huai Sheng nodded.

Song Fengwan originally wanted to send him to the study room, but unfortunately Qiao Aiyun spoke very quickly and didn't give her a chance to interrupt at all.

"Mom, it's over." Song Fengwan continued to wash the dishes while wearing leather gloves.

Qiao Aiyun was suspicious, "What's the matter? How old is he? Is it possible that your uncle can't help with his homework?"

Song Fengwan smiled resentfully, this...

Really can't.

In less than a minute, the crisp sound of wooden fish came to mind in the living room.

Qiao Wangbei was so frightened that his fingers trembled, he made a wrong move, and was instantly killed by Yan Wangchuan.

"Wangbei, let me go." Yan Wangchuan said calmly.

Qiao Wangbei shot Huaisheng coldly, he closed his eyes and continued to knock on his little wooden fish, without seeing him at all.

He suddenly wanted to go upstairs to get the knife.

A little itchy.


Beijing Duanjia

Fu Chen came out of the old house and went to the capital of Yunjin to pick up Fu Xinhan before arriving at Duan's house. Duan Lin couldn't look at him and was bored at home, so it's better to let Fu Xinhan accompany him.

Duan's family lived in the suburbs, which was not considered remote, but it was actually a wealthy area.

Xu Jiamu managed to navigate to the entrance of the villa area. From the iron gate to the mansion, to the deep forest avenue, he couldn't see the end at all.

Evil capitalists.

Xu Jiamu took a look at the battery of the small eDonkey. It was dead. With this little battery, she would definitely not be able to reach the school. She told the security guard at the gate, and the security guard immediately let her in because she had been greeted beforehand.

There are many villas here, and they are far apart from each other. She rode for more than ten minutes to find Duan's house.

Parked the car, carried the medicine, and walked in with the blind stick. The door was not closed. Just when she stood at the door, a gust of warm wind hit her face, making her feel refreshed.

"Sorry to bother you, is anyone there?" Xu Jiamu still politely knocked on the door.

No response.

"Is anyone there?" Xu Jiamu took another look at the number plate on the door, he should be right.

At this moment, a loud dog barking suddenly sounded.

"Wang——" Xu Jiamu screamed in fright, even lost the blind stick in her hand, her mind went blank, the barking of the dog came from behind, she turned her head, only to see a black shadow rushing towards her.

She turned pale in an instant, and didn't care too much, and ran directly into the house.

"Ah—" The whole body bumped into Ji Wen's body, and she almost subconsciously jumped onto him, seeking shelter.

But the man staggered twice, unable to catch her at all, and fell to the ground.

Duan Lin Bai took a deep breath, "Hiss—"


What the hell, this is going to hurt me to death.

As a result, both of them fell to the ground.

Xu Jiamu rode on Duan Linbai in a strange posture.

The Duan family members who heard the movement trot down from the second floor.

Fearing that Duan Linbai wouldn't see it, Mrs. Duan asked some servants to buy some sponges, and they were in his room to wrap some sharp places such as the table and the corners.

Fu Chen had called before, and this door was specially reserved for him, never thought that Xu Jiamu would arrive first.

When Mrs. Duan rushed downstairs, she was so frightened that she dropped the scissors in her hands.

How is this going?

The little girl looked so delicate, but she was so fierce when she came up?

It's true that people can't be judged by their appearance.

this pose...

At her age, she has no face to look at.

"Fu Xinhan." When Fu Chen caught up, Fu Xinhan was sitting obediently by the side and licking his paws.

Seeing the scene in front of him, a trace of astonishment flashed across his usually calm eyes, and he glanced at Fu Xinhan.

Fu Xinhan groaned, lying on the ground without moving. The Shiba Inu was already cute, blinking its eyes non-stop, with an innocent expression on its face.

That look clearly said: It has nothing to do with it.

"Who the hell are you, why don't you hurry up and get off me!" Duan Linbai's waist was about to break, what the hell, what kind of bad luck has he had recently.

One was overly frightened, and the other was dizzy after being hit, how could he notice the posture problem.

"I'm sorry." Xu Jiamu hurriedly jumped away from him, standing to one side in embarrassment, stretching out his hands to tug at his clothes.

"Lin Bai." Fu Chen walked over and pulled Duan Lin Bai up from the ground.

"Who was that just now? It must weigh two hundred catties. It almost knocked me into the air." Duan Linbai stretched out his hands and rubbed his waist.

Xu Jiamu blushed as if he had a fever.

"I'm sorry, I'm really sorry, when I heard the dog barking just now, I..." Xu Jiamu hurriedly explained.

"Fu Xinhan!" Fu Chen frowned, but Duan Linbai couldn't see that this collision would really cause trouble.

"Oh——" Fu Xinhan leaned close to Fu Chen, rubbing against his feet.

"Jiamu, right? I'm not the one, did you leave a phone number? You call me, and I'll pick you up at the gate of the community. Why did I find you here directly? What's the matter? Didn't hit anyone? This dog doesn't bite. , don't be afraid." Madam Duan said with a smile.

Duan Linbai was angry, "Mom, with my meat pad, wherever she can hit, my tailbone hurts now."

"The little girl was also frightened. The mental injury was more serious than the physical one." Madam Duan snorted softly.

Duan Linbai is angry, is this his real mother?

"I'm really sorry. I really didn't mean it. I'm here to deliver the medicine and this blind stick." Xu Jiamu hurriedly picked up the things scattered on the ground.

"I wrote down the dosage I need to take every day on a slip of paper and put it in a bag. Just take the medicine after meals, and apply it three times a day. Don't touch the water. This blind stick is for you."

She stuffed things to Mrs. Duan.

"Come in and have a cup of tea." Mrs. Duan frowned, why did she run so fast.

"No, Mr. Duan, I'm sorry, I'm leaving first." She said and ran away.

Duan Linbai stretched out his hand and rubbed his butt, running so fast, is it possible that he is still afraid that he will rely on her?


Xu Jiamu rode a small electric stove, riding fast all the way, and within two minutes of walking, she found that the battery was out. She didn't leave the community at the moment, and when she came here, she didn't see any place for fast charging.

The Duan family was still in the suburbs, and there were no charging stations on the road. She gritted her teeth and stepped on the car, walking back to ask the Duan family for help.

Duan Linbai stroked Fu Xinhan, grinning from ear to ear, and said that he would train him to be a guide dog, put the leash around his neck, and walked out.

There is a large lawn in front of his house, Fu Xinhan took him for a walk on the grass, the grass is flat, so there will be no accidents.

Duan's family members were busy wrapping up the corners of the house, so no one followed him.

"Fu Xinhan, you will be my eyes from now on, you have to be good, I will give you jerky every day." Duan Linbai followed it and walked forward.

Suddenly there were several barking dogs not far away, Fu Xinhan suddenly accelerated, Duan Linbai missed his finger, the leash slipped from the palm of his hand, and his pupils shrank slightly.

"Fu Xinhan!"

He was answered by a few dog barks.

He was still holding the blind stick in his hand at the moment, poked it on the ground twice, and took two steps.

"Fu Xinhan?"

When Xu Jiamu arrived at the door of Duan's house, he saw Duan Linbai standing alone in the yard, and the dog just now was...

She blushed instantly.

I'm afraid you'll regret it in the future. Nothing is yours now. The company will close down immediately, and you're done...

Speaking of Langlang, Fu Xinhan trained as a guide dog? I find it a bit difficult.

But assists are still possible, haha

The topic of today's prize quiz is [Fu Xinhan left Langlang, why did he go? 】

I just want to say that the name Fu Xinhan is not called for nothing.

Everyone who answers the question has 15 book coins, hehe [Only for Xiaoxiang readers, I don’t have backstage authority on Tencent, I’m really sorry]


Ask for a monthly ticket every day~

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