Duan's door

Night, pure black, silent.

Just two dogs chasing across the lawn, doing some indescribable poses.

Xu Jiamu's face was blushing, his fingers holding the battery car trembled slightly, and he didn't know where to look.

Two dogs having sex.

this dog...


The dog's eyes were dimly lit in the night, and her eyes met Fu Xinhan's eyes unexpectedly, and it suddenly barked at her twice.

Clearly dissatisfied, she kept staring at herself.

"Fu Xinhan?" Duan Linbai kept groping on the ground with his blind stick, but he didn't dare to take a step forward.

Xu Jiamu looked away and said, "Your dog, what is there..."

"Huh?" Duan Linbai adjusted his direction slightly according to the sound, and faced Xu Jiamu. The dog ran away suddenly just now. He was anxious and didn't even notice that someone was not far away from him. "You just knocked me down and rode on me. For a long time, the one who ran away after apologizing?"

Xu Jiamu frowned, this bastard only remembers this, why didn't he mention that he even gave him medicine.

"Yes, it's me." Xu Jiamu reluctantly agreed.

"Where are you?" Duan Linbai reached out to touch her, "You, come here and help me."

Xu Jiamu parked the car, walked over, and extended his arm to him. Duan Linbai grabbed her arm, as if he had suddenly grasped a life-saving straw, and squeezed it a few times.

It was determined that it was a human arm, so I grasped it with confidence.

"What do you think my dog ​​is doing?"

"Mate." Xu Jiamu coughed twice.

The corner of Duan Linbai's mouth twitched.

"Fu San, your dog is playing hooligans again." Duan Linbai suddenly shouted.

As soon as Fu Xinhan heard Fu Chen's name, he shot away from that bitch in an instant, like an arrow leaving the string, very fast.

"You stupid dog, what the hell are you doing, flirting with girls as soon as you come, I can't kill you..." Duan Linbai was so angry that he grabbed the blind stick in his hand.

Xu Jiamu was stunned.

The dog is so afraid of this Third Master Fu, it runs and shoots so fast that it almost blinds her eyes.

If you disturb it at such a time, will this dog not be able to do it in the future?

Hearing the voice, Fu Chen walked outside the house. Fu Xinhan had already approached him obediently, wagging his tail pretending to be silly and cute.

He walked up to Duan Linbai, reached out to support his arm, "Miss Xu, why are you back?"

"My battery car is out of battery, I want to ask if there is any charging here?" Xu Jiamu said boldly.

"A battery car?" Duan Linbai had ridden that thing before, but he fell down and never touched it again. "My family doesn't seem to have one."

"Miss Xu, why don't you wait for me for another two minutes, and I'll take you back to school later." Fu Chen suddenly suggested.

Duan Linbai was surprised that Fu Chen seldom took the initiative to talk to anyone, and besides, he was a girl.

"No, if there is really no charge, I can ride back." Xu Jiamu didn't dare to ride in Mr. Fu's car. He didn't know him before, but later he heard someone mention the financial landmark in the capital, and his father, a typical rich man children.

Fu Chen: "Riding back, I'm afraid it will be late at night, and it will be difficult to take a taxi along the way."

Xu Jiamu smiled sarcastically, "No need, thank you."

"Wait for me for two minutes." Fu Chen stroked Duan Lin Bai and walked into the room.

Xu Jiamu stood there, stunned for a long time. Rumor has it that this Mr. Fu has a kind face and a cruel heart?

Now it seems that he is also a good person.

Xu Jiamu is not a stunning beauty. Seeing her expression, Fu Chen didn't overstep or make people uncomfortable in the slightest. He didn't have any unreasonable thoughts about her at all. What are you trying to do?

The most valuable thing on her body is a mobile phone worth more than 3,000 yuan.

With Fu Chen's support, Duan Linbai staggered and groped forward, "Fu San, you wouldn't treat her..."

"The little girl braved the cold wind to deliver the medicine to you. I happened to be going home. I just stopped by to go to the medical school and gave her a ride. The temperature in the capital is minus eighty-nine degrees tonight."

"Aren't you the kind of person who would take pity on fragrance and cherish jade?" Duan Linbai still didn't believe it.

Fu Chen didn't answer his question, "Fu Xinhan stays with you, I'll go back first."

"This stupid dog, damn it, threw me out to have sex with people, what use would I want it to be!" Duan Lin Bai still felt aggrieved thinking about it now.

"Fu Xinhan, where are you, let me tell you, if you go out to hook up again, when my eyes are healed, the first thing to do is to take it with you, and give your place..."

Fu Xinhan shuddered, lying on the carpet shivering.


Fu Chen greeted Mrs. Duan and left the Duan family.

Xu Jiamu sat in the back of the car with him. The car was spacious, and the distance between them was big enough for two of them. No one talked along the way.

Fu Chen kept lowering his head while sending messages to Song Fengwan, occasionally letting out a low laugh.

Xu Jiamu looked at him with his head tilted, and the light from his mobile phone made his side face more elegant and elegant. He leaned on the seat, exuding arrogance and grace from the inside out, which was the dignity that those male stars on TV could not show.

Is this texting with your girlfriend?

With a doting smile on his face.

Didn't it mean that Mr. Fu is still unmarried, let alone a date? Could it be that the rumors are all false?

It wasn't until the car was approaching the medical school that Xu Jiamu said, "Third Master, thank you for sending me back."

"Miss Xu." Fu Chen tilted his head to look at her.


"December 8 last year, have you been to Mansion No. 9?"

Xu Jiamu's body was stiff and his face was pale. With his fingers on his knees, he twisted the corners of the down jacket into wrinkles.

The air seemed to be stagnant, Xu Jiamu's heartbeat suddenly accelerated, as if someone had strangled his throat, he proposed to send himself back, probably to confirm this matter.

Her brain exploded like a thunderbolt.

The light in the carriage was dim, but she could clearly feel that the man had sharp eyesight, staring at her all the time.

After a long time, she said hoarsely, "Master Fu, that night..."

Since he took the initiative to speak up and specifically mentioned Mansion No. 9, it must have been investigated clearly, and it would be useless to explain it by himself.

"Miss Xu, we're here." Fu Chen tilted his head and looked out of the window, and the gate of Beijing Medical College appeared in sight.

Xu Jiamu couldn't see through the person in front of him, so he reached out to touch the car door, but couldn't find a place to open it, so it was Qian Jiang who helped to open the car door.

"Thank you, Mr. Fu." After Xu Jiamu finished speaking, he jumped out of the car and hid in the school as if fleeing.

After Qian Jiang got into the car, he turned his head and looked behind, "Master, you scared her."

In fact, after Qian Jiang's investigation, Xu Jiamu's team did have activities near Mansion No. 9 on the 8th. They were going to sing karaoke and beat up Duan Lin Bai. They couldn't pinpoint the exact location. Fu Chen was just testing her. .

Fu Chen shrugged, "Drive home."

"Don't you need to tell Mr. Duan about this?"

"It's not fun to talk about it."

Qian Jiang turned the steering wheel. It was really hard for a straightforward person like him to understand Fu Chen's thoughts.

In the middle of the night, it's fun to scare other little girls?

Xu Jiamu had a nightmare that night.

It was all Duan Linbai. He dreamed that his eyes were healed, and he brought a group of people to the school to encircle her and chase her away, which scared her into a cold sweat.


next morning

Song Feng got up late and ate breakfast, packed up his things and went to the studio. The results of the entrance exam will be released soon, and the colleges and universities will issue admissions brochures soon. She must race against time.

When she arrived at the studio, at 6:30 in the morning, more than half of the people were already seated inside. Seeing her coming back, she asked her how she felt about the entrance exam, and some came to ask her for sketching skills.

Senior high school students are very busy, they get up at five o'clock, and some have to stay up until one or two o'clock in the night. They have no time to care about what's going on outside. They don't care about the Song family's affairs, and they don't care much about Song Fengwan. Glasses.

In the studio, the teacher will promptly inform the major art colleges of the enrollment situation. Some colleges start to register before the joint entrance examination, and the places are limited. They review all day long, so they have no time to stare at the website to read the news all day.

Song Feng put himself into reviewing late, and didn't go home at noon, so he ate a bowl of beef noodles at a small restaurant nearby. Many students ate bread to make do with it.

When it was dark in the evening, she accidentally received a call from Sun Qionghua.

When she and Fu Yuxiu got married, even though they called, they rarely communicated with each other. How could they find her at this time.

"Hello, auntie." Song Fengwan walked out of the studio with his mobile phone.

"Wan Wan, are you still studying?" Sun Qionghua's tone was very gentle.


"I'm going to your house to pick up the pregnant woman. I just want to treat you and your mother to a meal. Just take a look. It's enough to spare an hour. I've sent someone to pick you up. It's probably coming soon."

Sun Qionghua had already arranged the matter, and Song Fengwan would not be given a chance to refuse at all.

"After dinner, I'll send you back right away, so as not to delay your studies."

Song Fengwan could only nod in agreement, hung up the phone, and called Fu Chen, "Third brother? Fu Yuxiu's mother wants to take Huaisheng to live there?"

"My mother arranged it. I know that your family has a lot of things recently. It's too much trouble for your family. In a few days, the second sister-in-law will come to the capital to attend a banquet, and it happens to see her pregnant."

"Can she take good care of Huaisheng?" Sun Qionghua was forceful and looked down on her before, she was worried that Huaisheng would be looked down upon in the past.

"My second sister-in-law is a bit superstitious, she doesn't dare to embarrass the monk, and this is arranged by my mother on the phone, she dare not." Fu Chen laughed.

"That's fine." Song Fengwan was obviously reluctant.

In her opinion, Second Brother Fu Chen's family is like a dragon's pond and a tiger's den. If such a lovely pregnant woman lives in it, it's not like a sheep entering the tiger's mouth, and he must suffer.

"She said she wanted to invite me to dinner, but she didn't know why?" Song Fengwan whispered.

Fu Chen squinted. The Qiao family did such a high-profile thing this time, and the Jing family came forward in person. The second sister-in-law naturally couldn't sit still. She probably used the excuse of apologizing to Song Fengwan to test the truth of the Qiao family.


Song Fengwan cleaned the painting utensils, his fingers were red from the cold, and he rubbed his hands while walking outside.

At the door of the studio, there was indeed a car that she was very familiar with parked.

Made by Fu Yuxiu.

"Song Fengwan." Fu Yuxiu lowered the car window and greeted her.

Song Fengwan could only bite the bullet and get in the car, the atmosphere was a little awkward.

Fu Yuxiu didn't want to come to pick her up at first, but only in this way can he find time to meet Jiang Fengya, and he just separated from her at this moment.

Sun Qionghua originally wanted them to repair their relationship, but Fu Yuxiu offered to pick up Song Fengwan, she immediately nodded in agreement, thinking that her son was finally sensible and able to understand her good intentions.

Fu Yuxiu glanced at Song Fengwan through the rearview mirror, "Auntie said, you just went abroad for fun, was it fun?" He tried to ease the atmosphere.

"It's okay." Song Fengwan answered casually while lowering his head and playing with his phone.

"I heard you went with my third uncle? Do you have a good relationship?"

"Why don't you ask the third master yourself?" Song Fengwan curled his phoenix eyes, revealing a hint of cunning.

Coward, you have the ability to find the third brother.

Fu Yuxiu's mouth twitched.

"Don't worry, I often call the third master, and I will bring your greetings for you." Song Fengwan smiled at him.

Fu Yuxiu grabbed the steering wheel tightly, "That's no need, Third Uncle is so busy, I dare not disturb him."

Damn, this girl actually calls her third uncle often? Want to make a small report?

Isn't this going to kill him?

"Fu Yuxiu, why are you so afraid of the third master?" Song Fengwan was curious.

Fu Yuxiu smiled sarcastically, but remained silent, he couldn't open his mouth about the black history of being abused.

Seeing that he didn't speak at night, Song Feng lowered his head and sent a message to Fu Chen.

Fu Chen replied quickly.

[He stole my snacks when he was a child, and I told my second brother that he hid the failed test papers, and he was hung up and beaten by the second brother. 】

"Puchi—" Song Fengwan suppressed a smile.

Hanging and beating, so hard?

This is an uncle, it's too bad.


The two of them left the studio in a car, and there was a taxi in the corner. When they saw Song Fengwan, a pair of resentful eyes shot out a cold dark light.

"Master, please follow up."

Jiang Fengya kept clasping and ravaging the shoulder bag on her knee with her fingers.

When we separated just now, didn't he say that there was something urgent and I had dinner with my family?

His urgent matter is to accompany Song Fengwan? It's no wonder that when talking to her, I've been restless.

Song Jingren is unreliable, she can no longer lose Fu Yuxiu.

All the rewards for yesterday's quiz have been distributed. Everyone said the same thing, so I didn't reply to the messages one by one.

I just want to say, Fu Xinhan don't want to lose face?

The screen is full of it flirting with bitches, having sex, the dog has to look good too!

Fu Xinhan: Aww——

Talking about the third master, it is really bad to tell others to hide test papers, make small reports and so on [cover face]

Did you notice that it's getting worse every night?

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