Heartwarming Aristocratic Marriage: Influential Master’s Wife-Chasing Strategy

Chapter 199 The white lotus is a demon, and my uncle is angry (2 more)

Yuncheng Lanao Hotel

When Song Feng arrived at the box late, Sun Qionghua was there with his mother and uncle. Huaisheng was holding a cup of hot milk tea and chewing the pearls inside.

She said hello in turn.

"I haven't seen you for a long time, and I look better every night. Sit with me." Sun Qionghua hurriedly got up and pulled her to sit down.

The position she arranged was next to Fu Yuxiu.

The intention is obvious.

Qiao Wangbei squinted, his fingers tapped on the glass tabletop lightly, his sharp eyes locked Fu Yuxiu firmly, making him panic for a while.

"Auntie, I want to sit with my sister, brother, can you make room for me?" Huaisheng said suddenly.

"Okay." Fu Yuxiu hurriedly moved to the side as if he had been granted amnesty.

He only had contact with the Qiao family twice. When he first met Qiao Wangbei, he had warned him that if he dared to bully Song Fengwan, he would not be able to spare him.

Qiao Wangbei was born lean and capable, his eyes were sharp, like a cheetah, and his wildness was even worse than that of Qiao Xiyan.

His eyes were sharp, making him tremble.

"Yu Xiu, why are you still standing there, pouring wine." Sun Qionghua frowned, this kid was in a daze at a critical moment.

Just as Fu Yuxiu stood up with the wine, Qiao Wangbei refused directly.

"No, our Qiao family can't stand this wine."

Before he started to eat, Qiao Wangbei gave him a slap in the face, and Fu Yuxiu's fingertips, clutching the wine bottle, turned slightly white.

"Mr. Qiao, this child is ignorant. He did do something wrong before. We are here to apologize to you this time." Before doing this, Sun Qionghua would never be so humble towards the Qiao family.

Now I know that the Qiao family is low-key, and I don't know how many personal connections they have. Even if they can't make good friends in the future, they can't become enemies with them.

"He is already an adult, not too young. For such a big event as divorce, he decides in private without discussing it with his elders. He is indeed the grandson of Lao Fu, and he is bold enough."

Qiao Wangbei snorted coldly.

"I'm sorry." Before going out, the mother repeatedly urged not to annoy the Qiao family again. Fu Yuxiurao was upset, so he could only bow his head and admit his mistake.

"Fuck eyes, treat everything as a treasure."

Fu Yuxiu's face turned blue and white, even if Qiao Wangbei stood up and slapped him a few times, he would have to stand at attention.

"Mr. Qiao, the child knows it's wrong, you don't remember the villain's deeds." Sun Qionghua picked up the wine glass, "I'll give you a toast."

Qiao Wangbei lifted the teacup in front of him, "Replace the wine with tea."

It can be regarded as a disguised refutation of Sun Qionghua's face, and he is not polite at all.

"Mrs. Fu, Mingren don't speak secretly. I know that you always despise us lately. To be honest, I also despise your son." Qiao Wangbei spoke directly and sharply.

The smile on Sun Qionghua's face was a little unbearable.

"If you come to the door to ask for peace, the Fu family's face will always be given to you, but don't think about other things."

"Good horses don't eat grass, and..."

"It's still bad grass."

Everyone knew exactly what Sun Qionghua was thinking about. He had to get rid of her thoughts as soon as possible. He didn't come to the door and beat her son, and he was already very face-saving. Would he want to make friends again?

There are no doors.

Sun Qionghua forced a smile from the corner of his mouth, "Let's eat first, the food is cold."

Qiao Wangbei is not Song Jingren, he only knows that he is trying to curry favor with the Fu family.

Not giving half of face, and speaking with thorns, this kind of sarcasm in the Ming Dynasty is simply more embarrassing than hitting them directly in the face.

This meal made the Fu family's mother and son very uncomfortable.


Song Feng went to the studio later, and after a few bites of food, he planned to go back.

"Yu Xiu, give it to you." Sun Qionghua spoke first.

"I want to go too." Huai Sheng jumped up immediately.

With Huaisheng following, Fu Yuxiu naturally did not dare to do anything to Song Fengwan, Qiao Aiyun told her a few words and let the three leave.

Sun Qionghua is tactful and has the means. Even if he was embarrassed by Qiao Wangbei just now, he still had a lively chat with Qiao Aiyun. They were both women, so there must be some common topics.

Fu Yuxiu drove Song Fengwan to the studio, and when the car was halfway, he received a call from Jiang Fengya, he hesitated for a moment and pressed it.

After ten seconds, a text message came.

【Yu Xiu, help! 】

Fu Yuxiu frowned, put on the bluetooth headset, dialed back, the call was connected, and there was her cry, which was very miserable.

"Fengya?" He hurriedly turned the steering wheel, braked suddenly, and pulled over to stop, "Fengya, what's wrong?"

Song Fengwan looked at him nervously and raised her eyebrows slightly.

What the hell is that woman doing?

She couldn't hear the conversation between the two, and only heard Fu Yuxiu say, "...you wait, don't hang up, keep in touch, I'll go right over!"

As he spoke, he drove at a gallop, heading towards the university town.

Song Fengwan frowned, where is this person carrying her?

He was driving very fast, kept calling and ignoring her.

Until the car stopped at a snack street near Yuncheng University.

Song Fengwan had come here for the exam before, and she was fairly familiar with this area.

He jumped out of the car in a hurry, and ran towards an alley without even taking out the car keys.

"Sister?" Huai Sheng was lying at the window, with a suspicious look on his face.

"Go and have a look." Song Fengwan was also curious, what kind of moth Jiang Fengya would make to make Fu Yuxiu so nervous.

She took Huaisheng out of the car, and didn't care whether his car was locked or not. Anyway, it wasn't her car that she stole.

She followed the direction where Fu Yuxiu disappeared just now, and saw several figures entangled in a distance from a distance.


"Ah—Dad, don't do this." Jiang Fengya cried hoarsely, her voice was hoarse, her hair was messy, her body was in a mess, her clothes were torn, and cotton wool was flying.

Song Fengwan approached a little, and saw a middle-aged man she had never seen before, who was pulling at Jiang Fengya's hair, "Stinky girl, you want to get rid of me when you find your father?"

"I do not have--"

"I have raised you for more than ten years, and you want to leave after patting your butt? What do you think of me?" The middle-aged man was born with five or three thick, and the beard around his mouth hadn't been shaved for a long time. His eyes were red, and he dragged her and tried to drag her Get out of the alley.

"It's great to be admitted to university? You come out to me, and I want everyone to see how you found your biological father and don't want me."

"As cheap as your mother, your mother gave me a cuckold, why do you want to run away? You little bitch."

The man spoke with a strong accent, and his speech was even more vulgar.

"Let go of her." Fu Yuxiu naturally wanted to come out as a hero to save the beauty.

"I taught my daughter, it's none of your business, who are you." Jiang Zhiqiang looked at Fu Yuxiu coldly.

"I'm her boyfriend."

"Heh—" Jiang Zhiqiang glanced at Fu Yuxiu, and with his fingers, forcefully pulled Jiang Fengya over, "Stinky girl, didn't you break up with your boyfriend? You lied to me?"


"Pop—" Before she could finish her sentence, the man pulled her hair and slapped her.

Song Fengwan's heart skipped a beat, and hurriedly hugged Huaisheng into his arms, preventing him from continuing to watch.

"You are so crazy." Fu Yuxiu clenched his fists and rushed towards him.

Jiang Zhiqiang was caught off guard and was punched in the face, jumping up and down with anger.

"Fuck, you son of a turtle!" He let go of Jiang Fengya and kicked when he lifted his foot.

The two scuffled together in an instant.

None of them are trainers, so it's impossible to say who has the upper hand.

"You are her cheap boyfriend."

"Damn, just like her mother, she's cheap and bitch. She knows how to seduce other men, and she wants to kick me away."

"Shameless little bitch, dare to call you over?"


"Stop fighting, Dad—" Jiang Fengya rushed over to persuade him to fight, hugging Jiang Zhiqiang, but because of this, Fu Yuxiu was free and kicked him fiercely.

Jiang Zhiqiang made a ruthless effort, broke free from the restraints, and turned his head to face Jiang Fengya with a punch and kick. The loud slap in the face, accompanied by Jiang Fengya's wailing and crying, made his heart tremble.

Fu Yuxiu was so angry that he rushed over, and the two of them twisted into a ball again.

All I heard was Jiang Fengya suddenly shouting, "The police are here!"

Jiang Zhiqiang shoved Fu Yuxiu away, staggered and ran out of the alley. When he passed by Song Fengwan, their eyes met.

Depressed and gloomy, hides the evil light.

"Yu Xiu." Jiang Fengya knelt on the ground and checked Fu Yuxiu's situation.

"I'm fine, how are you?"

Jiang Fengya cried and shook her head, "...that's my adoptive father. I don't know how he suddenly came here. I'm very scared. I don't know who to look for. I'm really scared..."

"It's okay, I'm here, don't be afraid..." Fu Yuxiu put her in his arms and kept comforting her, feeling deeply distressed.

Huai Sheng heard that there was no movement, and looked at the two people who were hugging each other.

Jiang Fengya looked at the entrance of the alley, Song Fengwan was standing there, facing the light, the light made her figure slender, the two looked at each other, and her eyes had a certain determination to win.

As if showing off with her.

"Sister, who is she?"

Song Feng laughed lately and opened his mouth faintly.


She had already said that this kind of scumbag was something she threw away, and she treated her as an imaginary enemy, and his brain was kicked by a donkey.

It's a pity that she just thought she was a little pitiful.

Now I just feel that her adoptive father is too light, why didn't he slap her to death?

"Sister, don't swear."

"I didn't say dirty words, it's the truth."

Huaisheng pursed his lips.


Fu Yuxiu picked up Jiang Fengya by the waist and drove to the hospital, ignoring Song Fengwan and Huaisheng.

"Sister, what should we do?" Huaisheng held Song Fengwan's hand tightly.

Song Fengwan took out her mobile phone and called Qiao Wangbei directly.

"Hello - late night." Qiao Wangbei seemed to be still eating, and his words were slurred, "Has he sent you to the studio?"

As a result, Song Fengwan's next words made his face turn blue with anger.

"He left Huai Sheng and me halfway. I'm here in the university town now. There's no car to go back. You have to come pick me up."

Qiao Wangbei was eating with his head down, and he patted the table and stood up.

"You say it again? He left you halfway?"

Sun Qionghua was talking to Qiao Aiyun. When he patted the table, his heart skipped a beat. Now that he heard this again, his face froze.

"You send me the address and location, and I'll pick you up right away."

Qiao Wangbei hung up the phone, put on his jacket, pulled Qiao Aiyun and walked out.

"Mr. Qiao, what's going on here?" Sun Qionghua looked confused, "Why did Yuxiu leave Wanwan halfway? Is there some misunderstanding?"

"If there is any misunderstanding, go back and ask your son!" Qiao Wangbei snorted coldly.

"He kept saying that he already knew his mistake and changed it? Now leaving the two children outside, in such a cold day, this is what people do."

"Don't come to the door again, let alone apologize. If you let me see him again, I'll beat him to death."

Qiao Wangbei pulled Qiao Aiyun out of the box quickly.

Sun Qionghua called Fu Yuxiu immediately, but the mobile phone remained unanswered. She could only call her family, "Search the whole city for me immediately, and find me the young master immediately!"


When Qiao Wangbei and Qiao Aiyun arrived at the university town, Song Fengwan and Huaisheng were sitting at a snack stall, eating kebabs.

"You scared me to death. What happened? Why did you bring you here?" When Qiao Aiyun saw the person, her dangling heart completely fell to the ground.

"That brother ran over after receiving the call. The hero saves the beauty. He became a hero and lost us." Huai Sheng ate a grilled squid, his mouth full of sauce.

"Heroes save beauty?" Qiao Wangbei narrowed his eyes.

"Yeah, the two are still hugging each other." Huaisheng looked innocent, but he didn't tell a lie.

Whoever goes to Yuncheng University will hug Fu Yuxiu, and you don't need to think about who it is.

Qiao Wangbei was burning with anger, and the blue veins on his forehead throbbed.

"This Fu Yuxiu is so deceiving."

Xiaobaihua is afraid that she thinks too much. She has a third master every night, so she can still see Fu Yuxiu as a coward?

really insane...

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