Heartwarming Aristocratic Marriage: Influential Master’s Wife-Chasing Strategy

Chapter 306 Senior Brother is Overjoyed at Getting the Certificate, His Posture Is Too Evil (2 more)

next morning

Shifang received a call from Fu Chen and bought some breakfast to deliver. As soon as he entered the room, he saw that Fu Chen had just come out of the shower, and the quilt was slightly arched. Song Fengwan must have not woken up.

He tiptoed in and put the steamed buns and soybean milk on the table, "Master."

"Today you and Qian Jiang are on vacation." He would definitely be with Song Fengwan all the time, so naturally he didn't need these two light bulbs.

Shi Fang nodded and left.

I rely on-

slept together last night?

The exam has just ended, the third master is so beastly?

Fu Chen sat by the bed, looked down at the deep sleeper who was still wrapped in a quilt, "Night night."

He yelled a few times, and Song Fengwan managed to open his eyes. When they met each other, her face turned red.

Thinking of what happened last night, the palm of my hand still seems to be on fire.

It was too dark last night, she couldn't see Fu Chen's face clearly, but when he leaned against her ear, she could clearly remember the deep and intoxicated gasping sound, as well as the hot sweat rolling off the scorching skin ...

She wanted to peek at him, but Fu Chen covered her face with his hand.

"Wanwan, don't look."

The burning palm covered her eyebrows and eyes, making her eyes red and dry.

The hoarse and deep voice made her weak.

she never knew...

He can toss for so long.

She clearly remembers a time when it was clear for a few minutes...

Song Fengwan buried his head in the quilt, wishing he could die on the bed, it was so embarrassing.

She was so crazy last night that she actually helped him, it was terribly frightening.

"Get up and eat." Fu Chen looked satisfied.

Song Fengwan got up and rushed to the bathroom. After a few minutes, he opened the door and poked his head out, "Third brother, do you have pajamas?"

Then someone handed her one of his own shirts.

Song Fengwan took the clothes and thought about it for a long time, but she still put them on her body, barely covering her thighs. The skirt she slept in last night was already wrinkled and could not be seen.

When she came out with her clothes on, Fu Chen had already placed steamed stuffed buns and soybean milk on the table. He glanced at him out of the corner of his eye, and his gaze fell on those white and slender legs, his eyes tightened.

It's so white.

In fact, Fu Chen's clothes were loose and he didn't show anything at all. Song Fengwan was sitting on the sofa, eating with his head down, and he was really hungry.

"Come here, doesn't Aunt Yun know?"

"En." Song Fengwan dared to say it directly.

"How many days can I stay?"

"I have to go back tomorrow at the latest. I have to pack my things and go to Nanjiang. Uncle Yan is in a hurry. They plan to take wedding photos during the summer vacation, arrange dinner for guests, and go out for honeymoon after sending me to school in September. It may be more than half a month, just come back on National Day."

Fu Chen picked up the straw, inserted it into the soya-bean milk cup, tested the temperature before sending it to Song Fengwan's mouth, "I'm running out of time."

"That's right, that's why I was in such a hurry to go back." Song Fengwan took two sips of soy milk with a straw in his hand, "Maybe the summer vacation will be longer in Nanjiang."


This matter, Fu Chen really can't be dissatisfied. If the two get married, Yan Wangchuan is his father-in-law. When they get married, just based on the relationship between the Fu family and the Qiao family, their family will definitely send someone to the wedding banquet, and prepare A generous gift.

"My mother was afraid that I would be bored, so she planned to find me a driving school to learn to drive after the results of the college entrance examination came out. In such a hot day, I thought I would die."

Song Fengwan still remembers that Qiao Xiyan's driver's license was also learned during the summer vacation of the third year of high school...

Almost sunburned and coke.

Dark and thin, she once played with her for two days. The coach was very fierce, and he beat people with his hands. It was terrible.

"Come here in autumn, the courses are not too tight, you can take the exam here." Naturally, Fu Chen couldn't bear to let her suffer. Learning to drive in summer is really hard.

"What if I don't get into the Beijing Academy of Fine Arts?" Song Fengwan whispered.

"I'll go to study with you." Fu Chen had thought about this matter. Four years in college was too long, so he was really worried.

After waiting for so long, and finally surviving until she graduated from high school, how could it be poached by others.

Song Fengwan had just finished eating two steamed buns when the cell phone by the table rang. Qiao Aiyun's call, she wiped her hands and hurriedly picked up the phone, "Hi, Mom——"

The voice was cute and sweet.

"When will you go home?"

"I'm going out with my friends today, let's go back tomorrow."

"Where does your friend live? Is there anyone at home? It's not good for you to live in someone else's house like this." Qiao Aiyun never thought that her well-behaved and sensible daughter would lie.

"There is no one in her house, so she lives by herself. I happen to be with her for a few days."

Fu Chen smiled lowly, causing Song Fengwan to give him a hard look.

It's not because of him that I lied, but I have the nerve to laugh.

"Then what do you eat? Why don't you bring your friend home for dinner?"

"No, we're going out, hang up first."

Before she could speak, Song Fengwan hung up the phone, flustered, and his ears were red. The feeling of lying is really uncomfortable.


Because I caught a plane all night yesterday and nestled in Fu Chen's arms, we talked until midnight and went to bed after four o'clock. Song Fengwan couldn't hold on anymore, so he got into bed after eating and continued to sleep. Fu Chen changed his clothes and started to deal with the matter at hand. work.

In addition to the two assistants Shifang and Qianjiang, Fu Chen also had a team of secretaries. Knowing that Fu Chen was in the company, he naturally wanted to send the documents.

"Third Master." Secretary Fu Chen is all men, and they are all capable and responsible.

"I happened to go out with me to meet a client." Fu Chen didn't know that Song Feng's party came suddenly, and he had originally made an appointment to meet with someone, so it was difficult to cancel it temporarily.


"Tell the people outside that no one is allowed to come up today."

The secretary nodded. In fact, no one would dare to come over.

Fu Chen was afraid that Song Fengwan would wake up early, so he wrote a note and pressed it on the bedside. It only took about two hours for him to go back and forth, which would not be too long.

Usually, when Fu Chen went out, Shifang would follow him. This secretary was trembling, as if he was facing a big enemy, for fear that he might not be able to serve a certain master.

It only took half an hour to see the client, and Fu Chen next went to a dry cleaner to wash a dress...

It frightened the secretary directly.

The third master carried a bag all the way, and he was not allowed to touch it, but ended up putting a skirt on it?

He also has a child himself, and this is what a little girl would dress up for. The third master, he...

Then he followed Fu Chen to a women's clothing store. Someone moved quickly, picked out a set of clothes, paid and left, and bought desserts, biscuits, and milk tea, all of which girls love to eat.

He helped carry things, with complicated emotions.

Thinking of what Fu Chen told him before he left the house, he was a secretary, naturally shrewd and used to observing his words, there must be someone in the third master's lounge, and they spent the night together on the cliff yesterday.

It seemed that some shocking secret had been broken suddenly, and his face turned pale with fright.

The third master is famous for his six senses of cleanliness, with a pure heart and as few desires, did he get into the company?

On the way back, Fu Chen looked at the secretary who was driving, "Do you know why you came out with me today?"

"Just see the client."


"Nothing else." His lips quivered.

Fu Chen tilted his head and looked out the window, but didn't speak any more.

The secretary-general breathed a sigh of relief, and his job can be regarded as saved.


Here in Yuncheng

Qiao Aiyun and Song Fengwan made a phone call, and planned to go out after packing up.

She and Yan Wangchuan were going to get the certificate today. It was the weekend after the college entrance examination, so they had to wait one more day. After breakfast, they went to the Civil Affairs Bureau.

I didn't deliberately choose a date, I didn't expect that there were still many people queuing outside.

Along the way, Yan Wangchuan seemed very calm and taciturn as usual, but when he arrived at the Civil Affairs Bureau, his expression changed instantly.

Expressions were already scarce, but now they can be described as cold and shabby, not only expressionless, but even a little scary.

Because of the age relationship between the two, many people looked sideways. Qiao Aiyun is well-known in Yuncheng, and young people like to watch the news. Many people recognized them, but the expression of the man next to him was too scary.

I didn't know this, but I thought it was Qiao Aiyun who put a knife on his neck to force the marriage.

"Don't be sullen, come to get the certificate today, you're frightening." Qiao Aiyun touched his arm.

"I can't laugh." Yan Wangchuan breathed heavily.

"Then don't always keep a straight face?"


While speaking, he held Qiao Aiyun's hand tightly, and his palms were covered with hot sweat. It's not easy to sweat so much in this June day.

Seeing that the corners of his mouth were dry, Qiao Aiyun asked him to drink water in the morning, but he refused. It would definitely not look good to take pictures later.

She pulled out her hand, wanting to buy him a bottle of water, but Yan Wangchuan grabbed her arm, "You want to run away from marriage?"

Qiao Aiyun didn't know whether to laugh or cry, "I'm going to buy you a bottle of water, you're in line here, don't leave."

Yan Wangchuan stared at her disappearing back, gnashing his teeth a bit.

The process of obtaining the certificate is not slow, but when filling out the form, the staff asked several times, "Are you really here to collect the certificate? This is the marriage registration office."

"It's really here to get the certificate." Qiao Aiyun was speechless.

This so-and-so had a straight face, and people who didn't know thought he was here for a divorce.

It's even more embarrassing when taking pictures.

"Can this gentleman be a little more natural? Don't be tense all the time, or the photos will not look good." The photographer has seen countless newcomers, and some are nervous, but this is the first time for a man of their age to be so stiff See.

"Why don't you smile." After all, the photo will be posted on the marriage certificate for a lifetime.

Qiao Aiyun could clearly feel someone's hand on her side, hot and sweaty.

"Master, I'm sorry, she..." Qiao Aiyun coughed twice, "I can't laugh."

"Then get closer." The photographer was helpless when he encountered such a person.

In the end, it was Qiao Aiyun who leaned over.

"Ma'am, the husband you're looking for is a bit clumsy." The photographer chuckled lightly, "Why did you take the initiative, isn't it tiring to be with him?"

Qiao Aiyun smiled and said nothing.

A certain person is very active in certain matters.

After the two received their certificates, Yan Wangchuan started calling to tell the world. He sent a notice to his mother, Qiao Wangbei, and even his secretary at the head office.

[The owner is very happy today and has a holiday in the afternoon. 】

The employees of Yan's company naturally paid attention to Yan Wangchuan's gossip. The employees knew about his and Qiao Aiyun's affairs. When they said that the boss was happy, they immediately thought that the two might have obtained the license.

They don't care what kind of wife the boss marries.

As long as the boss doesn't come to the company to scare people, it's better than anything else, and there is still a holiday?

It was almost a celebration.

Then Yan Wangchuan received blessing text messages from many senior executives of the company.

[Congratulations to Mr. Yan, happy wedding]

[Mr. Yan is a happy newlywed. 】

[May you and your wife grow old together and be united forever. 】


Someone is instantly satisfied, and he thinks he can adjust the company's year-end bonus.


Song Fengwan was still sleeping, but her phone vibrated and was woken up. She took out her phone from under the pillow, and Qiao Aiyun sent her a message, saying that she had received the certificate, and urging her not to stay at a friend's house for too long, and go home early some type of.

Out of the corner of her eye, she caught sight of the note on the bedside, and got out of bed with a gasp. Her legs were naked and cold. She went to the closet to look for Fu Chen's trousers, rolled them up, and put them loosely on her body. .

All his clothes carried a faint sandalwood scent, which warmed and calmed the nerves.

The note said that she was going to meet a client, and she couldn't call and send messages to disturb him. She wanted to wash and dry the clothes, but the clothes were gone, so she could only entertain herself.

Fu Chen has arrived at the company at this moment, "...you wait for me at the door, take the approved documents down, and distribute them to various departments."

"Okay." The secretary followed behind, step by step.

When Fu Chen opened the door and entered, Song Fengwan was sitting cross-legged on the sofa playing match 3 games.

Eyes facing each other...

Just when Fu Chen was about to turn around and let the secretary go, Song Fengwan had already rushed towards him with a smile.

"Third brother!"

Song Fengwan almost jumped on him, hooking his neck for a moment, Fu Chen subconsciously held her leg.

The posture is ambiguous and evil.

The secretary behind her was frightened and fluttered in the wind...

The owner is overjoyed, I also want to take a vacation~

Wanwan, you are so enthusiastic, the third master really can't help it, I'm serious [cover face]

I took my driver's license test at school. I practiced driving outside in May and June. No matter how sun-protected I was, I got tanned. If you go to learn how to drive during the summer vacation, I guarantee you will grow from a little white rabbit...

Become a little black rabbit.

Wan Wan: ...

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