Song Fengwan just wanted to rush over to hug him, but he didn't expect to jump so high.

She was hanging on him like a koala at the moment.

When Song Fengwan came back to his senses, he saw someone standing behind Fu Chen, and hurriedly buried his head on Fu Chen's neck, ashamed to see anyone.

"Put down the things and go down." Fu said in a dull voice.

The secretary didn't even dare to enter the office, so he left his things at the door and fled downstairs. He couldn't wait for the elevator, so he climbed the stairs.

In fact, he was also frightened just now, he didn't see Song Fengwan's face at all, when he heard someone sweetly calling Third Brother, and then a little girl jumped on Third Master.

So the third master likes this kind?

Young and enthusiastic.

He, a man in his 30s and 40s, couldn't stand just hearing that third brother, not to mention the third master, no wonder he couldn't help but...

The third master, who is as calm as a Buddha, actually has such a time?

Simply terrible.

But Fu Chen didn't dare to gossip, and when he returned, he gritted his teeth and didn't dare to say a word.


And now in the office

As soon as the secretary left, Song Fengwan blushed and slowly moved away from him, "I, didn't do it on purpose."

"Yeah." Fu Chen glanced at the pants on her lap.

"I feel a little cold, so I found you a pair of pants to wear."

Fu Chen nodded, picked up a few convenience bags by the door and entered the room, "I bought clothes for you."

"Do you know my size?" Song Fengwan took the bag, took out the skirt and shook it open for a look. It was just a long style, or a stand-up collar and long sleeves. In this day, do you want to heat her to death?

"Should be able to wear it." Although I haven't touched some places, let's take a visual inspection...

Pretty much the same.

Song Fengwan changed his clothes, took a look in the mirror, and then went out, "How is it? Does it look good?"

Fu Chen glanced at her. The bright yellow made her skin fair and translucent. At her age, even without makeup, she still exuded a vigor and radiance, "Well, it looks good. What do you want for lunch?"

"Go to the farmhouse that I ate before. The food there is quite delicious."


"By the way, Huaisheng doesn't live at your place? Do you want to go back and have a look?" Song Fengwan then remembered that Fu Chen lived with a young monk.

"He has a school bus to pick him up in the morning and evening, eats at school at noon, and has uncle Nian to take care of him in the evening, so don't worry." Huaisheng is very capable of taking care of himself, so he doesn't have to worry at all.


Since the farmhouse was opened by Duan Linbai, the news of Song Fengwan's arrival spread quickly. One of his eyes has almost recovered at this moment, and the other one seems to be highly myopic and always blurred.

Some people suffer from snow blindness and recover their vision in two or three days, while others take a longer time.

The reason given by the doctor is, "It varies from person to person."

Fu Chen said directly, "It may be a matter of character."

Snow blindness requires a happy mood to recover. Even if he jumps his feet in anger, he has to keep telling himself, "Be calm, stay optimistic, be happy, fuck, I have to laugh..."

Then the Duan family would look at their young master all day long, running around the house with a smile on their faces.

Also scary.

Fu Chen originally wanted to go on a date with Song Fengwan quietly to watch a movie, but Duan Lin Baifei called and said that he wanted to entertain her. Someone was too enthusiastic to refuse, so he made an appointment at Mansion No. 9.

As soon as the two arrived, Duan Lin Bai was singing with a microphone, and Fu Sinian also arrived.

"He didn't come?" Fu Chen glanced at the box.

Duan Linbai turned his head to look at him, "I said that I drank too much with you last night, and today I have a headache, you two are really good, you don't call me for drinking."


Song Fengwan frowned, who is this?

The private room is very large, in addition to the place to sing and drink, there is also a mahjong table and even a bed for rest.

Fu Chen ordered juice for Song Feng, and Duan Linbai put the microphone in her hands, "Sister, what do you want to sing, brother will order for you."

Fu Sinian lowered his head and sipped a glass of champagne, then turned his head slightly to look at Duan Lin Bai.

He called Aunt Song Fengwan, and he called her sister?

Isn't this Hong Guoguo taking advantage of him?

"I'm not very good at singing." Song Fengwan wasn't tone-deaf, but he belonged to the category where the high notes couldn't go up and the low notes couldn't go down.

"It's okay, we're all on our own, you can sing whatever you want, and no one will dislike you." Then Duan Linbai ordered a nursery rhyme for her.

Song Fengwan was dumbfounded, this thing...

She stopped singing in elementary school.

Fu Chen went out to answer the phone, and when he came back, he whispered in Song Fengwan's ear, "I'll go back, and I'll be back in an hour."


"Lin Bai, Si Nian, you two take care of her." Fu Chen urged.

"Don't worry, with me here, I will definitely take good care of her." Duan Linbai patted his chest and assured that they would just move around in the box and not go out, nothing would happen at all.

In fact, it was the old lady who learned that Yan Wangchuan and Qiao Aiyun had obtained the certificates, so she went out and bought some gifts for them. She couldn't wait for Fu Chen to send them to Yunjin Capital directly.

She definitely won't leave until she sees Fu Chen. Fu Chen must go back.

It takes more than fifty minutes to go back and forth.


Fu Chen returned to Mansion No. 9 again, opened the door of the private room, and a smell of wine entered his nostrils, making his brows wrinkle.

Duan Linbai was leaning on the sofa, hugging the microphone and screaming "Love To Die", his voice cracked, and the sound filled his ears. There were some wine bottles scattered on the floor, and the table was also in a mess.

Fu Sinian sat on one side, the old god was there.

"Eldest nephew, come and sing with me!" Duan Lin Bai was about to get closer, but Fu Sinian wished he could kick him away.

"What's going on? What's up tonight?" Fu Chen frowned, and he had been out for less than an hour.

Duan Lin Bai is going to the sky.

"In the house."

Fu Chen pushed open the door inside the box, it was pitch black inside, but a strong smell of alcohol hit his face.

"Has she been drinking?"

"Lin Bai poured it." Fu Sinian said it seriously.

Fu Chen took a deep breath, entered the room and closed the door.

Fu Sinian turned his head and glanced at Duan Lin Bai, but he was pulling Song Fengwan to drink, but he didn't persuade him, anyway, this little aunt drank too much, and the third uncle wouldn't blame him for this.

Fu Chen was not familiar with this place, and his eyes couldn't adapt to such a dark environment for a while, so he went to look for the switch on the wall, but he touched Song Fengwan's hand, obviously drunk and a little unconscious.

Fu Chen took a deep breath, "Let's go home."

He was planning to leave with Song Fengwan in his arms. After she drank, she naturally refused to listen, and twisted her body to break free, "I won't leave, I won't leave, I still want to drink..."

"No drinking."

"You..." Song Fengwan was angry, he was so fierce.

"I won't be by your side in the future, don't drink so much wine, let's go, I'll take you back..."

"Wanwan, don't make trouble, let's go home." Fu Chen fondled her back.


The two just smeared and talked about it. For a drunk, whatever you say is useless, and Fu Chen has a terrible headache.

She wished she could go out right now and kill the people who fed her alcohol.


When the two came out, Song Fengwan was already lying on his shoulder, squinting his eyes and humming a nursery rhyme.

From the corner of his eye, Fu Sinian caught a glimpse of Fu Chen's red and swollen mouth, and his lower lip was bitten so bloody, he couldn't help laughing.

Song Feng is the only one who dares to bite his third uncle in this world.

"I'm going back."

"Aren't you going to see Lin Bai off?" Fu Sinian stood up, "He and I are not on the same road."

Fu Chen glanced at the person lying on the sofa, "Throw him on the road, there should be many people wanting to pick him up."

He went downstairs with Song Fengwan on his back and left through the back door without attracting anyone's attention.

"Third brother..." Song Fengwan put his arms around his neck and spoke in a vague manner.


"Do you think I'm too unreserved? Girls shouldn't be like this..."

"What's the meaning?"

"Brother Duan said that a man can't be used to it, and he can't take the initiative to deliver it to your door. If you want to... hiccup - hang on, just give me some sweets once in a while. I... I came here to look for you, isn't it too undignified?"

"Duan Linbai said?" Fu Chen sneered.

This kid can't even see, and is causing trouble?

"Hush—" Song Fengwan smirked, "This is a secret, you can't tell it, shhh—"

The corner of Fu Chen's mouth twitched.

He should have just dragged that kid, hung him behind the car, and paraded him through the streets to show the public, so that those fan girls who shouted on the Internet all day to marry him can see what a bear Duan Linbai looks like when he is drunk.


At this moment, the Qiao family in Yuncheng

Qiao Aiyun had just made a phone call with the old lady of the Yan family. The two of them obtained a marriage certificate and did not talk about the so-called dowry. The old lady scolded Yan Wangchuan for this matter.

Transferred the Yan family's tens of millions of villas in Nanjiang to Qiao Aiyun's name, and saved a sum of money in Song Fengwan's name, saying it would be reserved for her wedding.

Naturally, she couldn't ask for it, and the old lady said directly, "Whether you want it or not is one thing, but whether our Yan family will give it to you is another matter. We'll discuss things carefully after your brother comes over, such as bride price or something."

She hung up the phone, as if there was a warm current passing through her heart, and her whole body was warm.

"What did my mother say?" Yan Wangchuan came out of the shower.

"If you want to give me a flat, I really don't need that." After divorcing Song Jingren, all she got was real estate.

"Take what she gives you, my mother is quite rich."

Qiao Aiyun is speechless, is there such a thing as cheating on her own mother?

"I don't know what this child is playing outside in Wanwan. I didn't answer her calls. I stayed at someone else's house for two days. It's too disturbing. I'm so sorry."

Yan Wangchuan wiped his hair with a towel, "Are you going to a friend's house every night?"


"Do you think she really went to a friend's house?"

"Otherwise, I understand my daughter and won't lie to me." Regarding this point, Qiao Aiyun is still very confident.

Yan Wangchuan suddenly felt a headache.

The third watch is over today~

Everyone, don't forget to punch in and leave a message to vote, mua~


Third master, take off Erlang's clothes and parade in the street...

Third Master: Nothing to watch, hot eyes.

Brother Duan: What the hell are you not watching? I'm full of bright spots, which will only blind their eyes.

Third Master: Heh——

Brother Duan: (╯‵ ′)╯︵┻━┻

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