Heartwarming Aristocratic Marriage: Influential Master’s Wife-Chasing Strategy

Chapter 313 The chick is too ruthless, she was kicked if she failed to pick up the girl (2 more)


After playing on the beach for a while in the morning, Yan Shaochen took Song Feng to eat an authentic seafood dinner in the evening. In the afternoon, a group of people went snorkeling again. Song Feng put on the equipment and went into the water, and the water poured in from all directions. Can't stand it.

I tried three times, but I couldn't get over that fear in the end.

Song Fengwan could only lean on the side and took a few pictures and sent them to Fu Chen.

[Still unsuccessful. ] There is also a depressed and crying expression.

Fu Chen laughed, [I'll take you next time. 】


In the evening, the group did not go back, but had a barbecue by the sea.

"Try this scallop, it should be different from what you eat there." Yan Shaochen took the plate and handed it to Song Fengwan.

"Thank you, go eat yourself, don't take care of me."


Yan Shaochen took care of her, not only because of the old lady's advice, but also because of Fu Chen.

But his behavior, in the eyes of others, is not the case.

Especially Yan Zhihuan.

Nanjiang was the first commercial port in China and the first batch of pilots for reform and opening up. Every year, its economic GDP ranks first in the country. People here have a natural sense of superiority, and she despises Song Fengwan.

But the old lady likes it, so many people flock around her to please her, how can she not be jealous.

"This Yan Shaochen usually doesn't communicate with us, but now this mother and daughter are here, and they are rushing to compliment. It's disgusting to eat."

"I'm about to treat her as an ancestor. The wild girl from the countryside really treats herself as a eldest lady."

"It's just snorkeling, as for being scared like that?"


"Zhi Huan!" Yan Zhile interrupted, "What nonsense are you talking about."

"I'm not mistaken, she was originally a cheap daughter who came halfway."

"What does that have to do with you!"

"I..." Yan Zhihuan closed his mouth reluctantly.

At this moment, Xiao Jingan, who was at the barbecue, walked towards Song Fengwan with two strings of squid, which made her blushing instantly, "Sister, you look at her eyes, her coquettish demeanor, when she first came, she hooked up with men everywhere. "

"I told you a long time ago that Xiao Jingan is not suitable for you." Yan Zhile is a few years older than her and married again, so she can see things more clearly.

If this man was interested in her, he wouldn't hang her like that, and he was considerate to Song Fengwan today.

What he was interested in was the Yan family behind the two.

"He's not suitable for me. Am I going to be like my brother-in-law? I live to pay my mortgage every month? I really don't understand what you're thinking."

When Yan Zhile heard this, his face changed slightly and he stopped talking.


Barbecue is naturally inseparable from beer and drinks. Song Fengwan, as the protagonist of this party, naturally many people persuade them to drink.

"I'm sorry, I don't drink." Song Fengwan declined all of them. She didn't dare to drink when Fu Chen wasn't there.

Although everyone persuaded her to drink, they didn't dare to force her. She finally took the drink to deal with it.

A group of people ate and drank and chatted on the beach. They were still unfinished and did not plan to leave.

Song Fengwan originally listened quietly, but when Fu Chen called, she got up and left the crowd, "Hey, third brother..."

"How's it going?"

"It's alright." After all, I'm not familiar with it, and I'm thinking about it, so I'm sure I can't have a good time.

"Do you have any plans for the day after tomorrow?"

"Are you coming? Didn't you say you'll be free in a few days?" Song Fengwan heard that Fu Chen was coming, and the corners of her mouth couldn't help raising her.


"There should be arrangements, but I went home and told my grandma that I should be able to push it. It's better for me to go out and play with them."

"Well." Fu Chen nodded.

Song Fengwan was wearing flip-flops, rubbing the sand on tiptoe, chatting with Fu Chen, not paying attention to anyone approaching.

When Xiao Jingan came here this time, she wanted to get close to Song Fengwan. Compared with Yan Zhihuan, she is now the real granddaughter of the Yan family, and I heard that Yan Wangchuan loves her very much.

In the entire Nanjiang, all unmarried men would not stare at her.

Song Fengwan kept staring at the ground, and the light was slanting, and she could clearly see that a figure was approaching.

Judging by his stature, he was a man.

Stepping on the beach, refining the sound, and adding the sound of the waves and coconut trees, if it were not for the shadow, I would not have noticed anyone approaching.

As the man got closer, Song Fengwan smelled the faint scent of perfume on his body, mixed with the smell of alcohol. This was the man named Xiao Jingan.

Song Fengwan knew what he was thinking about after this day, coming here now, I'm afraid...

Xiao Jing'an has been looking at Song Fengwan secretly, and his perfunctory Yan Zhihuan was not out of liking.

He has entered the society, and he has seen a lot of sophisticated and fashionable women. She has just graduated from high school, she is still childish, fresh and charming, and unexpectedly attractive.

From his point of view, her profile is also very good-looking.

The jaw line is fine and beautiful, the chin is slightly raised, and the delicate nose tip can hardly be picked out.

The light and shadow flickered, and the water-like light made her face flicker and flicker, which was especially pleasing to the eye.

She didn't know who she was on the phone with, her brows and eyes narrowed.

He took a deep breath, raised his hand and pressed Song Fengwan's shoulder...


At the same moment, a group of people chatting around the bonfire not far away heard a man's wailing from the coconut grove in the distance.

"Jing An!" Yan Zhihuan heard his voice, jumped up first, and ran after the voice.

Yan Shaochen was talking to people all the time, but he didn't notice when Xiao Jingan left. At this moment, when he heard someone screaming, his heart skipped a beat.

Shouldn't this kid go to Song Fengwan in private?

When everyone ran over, they saw Song Fengwan punching and kicking a man, Xiao Jingan half-squatting on the ground, and he could only groan in pain.

A group of people were dumbfounded, and Yan Shaochen was so nervous that he swallowed.

This little girl not only has a sharp mouth, but is also ruthless.

Looking at the place where Xiao Jingan's fingers were covering, Yan Shaochen suddenly felt a chill on his back, and he kicked in that place so much, no wonder this kid screamed so miserably just now.

When someone turned on the flashlight on the mobile phone, Xiao Jingan's face turned pale and hunched, and Song Fengwan kicked and beat him.

"Song Fengwan, you're crazy!" Yan Zhihuan rushed over and pushed her away.

Song Fengwan staggered and almost fell.

"Jing An, are you alright!" Yan Zhihuan reached out and tried to help the person on the ground up.

Xiao Jingan shook off her hand and stood up alone, looking at Song Fengwan with a strange expression.

"Master Xiao?" Song Fengwan pretended to be surprised, "I'm sorry, I thought I met a rogue."

Xiao Jingan has a hard time saying.

It was already in the depths of the coconut grove. The two were alone, and the relationship between the two was not so familiar. It was indeed easy for people to misunderstand. He just patted Song Fengwan on the shoulder.

As soon as she turned around, she kicked him hard...

That taste is so special...


He almost fell and could only stretch out his hand to protect the vulnerable parts. Unexpectedly, the girl didn't stop her hand and rushed over directly, punching and kicking him mercilessly, kicking and kicking again.

She was still holding the phone in her hand, and his shoulder was smashed several times, almost numb from the pain.

And she shouted, "Stinky rascal."

He was in so much pain that he couldn't explain it at all, so he could only be beaten passively.

So frustrating!

Now that everyone is here, where does he still have a face.

"I'm so sorry, it's too dark, I didn't see it, you said you came here, but didn't make a sound, I thought I met a hooligan." Song Fengwan said apologetically.

I followed her silently, and I touched her shoulder when I came up...

How could Song Fengwan let him go.

After this day, she has brushed her presence in front of her countless times. She didn't want to pay attention to him, and she still moved up. She couldn't stand him for a long time, and she followed sneakily.

"Hmm—" Xiao Jingan could only groan in pain.

"Song Fengwan, are you not sick? How can you beat people like this." Yan Zhihuan liked him, and when he saw him being beaten, he was naturally furious.

"He didn't report his family. He's been with me for so long. There's no one here. How can I know it's him." Song Fengwan raised her eyebrows. Since she dared to attack, she wasn't afraid of being questioned.

"You..." Yan Zhihuan didn't expect to see the quiet and well-behaved little girl to be so eloquent.

"I also want to ask Young Master Xiao, what's the matter with you following me? I've been silent, I really thought it was a bad person." Song Fengwan smiled harmlessly.

Xiao Jingan took a deep breath, his lower body aching.

This girl is really ruthless.

He couldn't say that he followed her because he wanted to get close to her.

This bad breath can only be held in his chest.

Couldn't get up or down, almost vomited blood.

"It's okay, I just passed by." Xiao Jingan said with difficulty.

The group of people on the side are all discerning people. Seeing that he is suffering, they all hold back their laughter.

This is because you can't pick up a girl, but was kicked by the girl instead?

This new stepdaughter from the Yan family is so cruel.

The few people who came here today, not only Xiao Jingan was trying to beat her, but seeing her so cruel at the moment, they all retreated.

You can't afford to lose your life just to marry a daughter-in-law.

Yan Shaochen: As expected of the person the third master likes, I'm afraid...

Third Master: Do you have any opinion on my family Wanwan?

Yan Shaochen: No, no, absolutely not! [trying to keep smiling]

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