Heartwarming Aristocratic Marriage: Influential Master’s Wife-Chasing Strategy

Chapter 314 Demonstration was slapped in the face, and Wanwan was slandered as a thief (3 more)

What Song Fengwan said is reasonable, there are not many people on the beach at night, and there is no one in the coconut grove. It is normal for others to treat you as a hooligan if you sneak around with other people's little girls.

It's just that Xiao Jing'an is also 1.8 meters tall and has a fleshy body, so he couldn't help but beat him so much.

"Is it reasonable for you to beat someone?" Yan Zhihuan definitely couldn't swallow it when he saw the person he liked being beaten.

He didn't like her at first, but now he stared at her viciously, his eyes seemed to breathe fire.

"Master Xiao, I'm sorry, I really didn't mean it." Song Fengwan sincerely apologized to him, then turned his head to look at Yan Zhihuan, "Is this all right?"

"I was really scared just now. The attack was not serious or serious. Where is the pain? I'll call 120 and send you to the hospital."

"Medical expenses and so on are all paid by me."

Song Fengwan didn't believe it, he had the face to go to the hospital?

"No, I didn't make a sound to scare you, but I didn't expect you to misunderstand, it's my fault." Xiao Jing'an had already straightened up, his forehead covered in cold sweat.

He is considered a respectable person in Nanjiang, and when he was sent to the hospital, the news spread, which might cause even bigger troubles, and he didn't care about this matter, and was kicked by a little girl after him?

Even in the hospital, how to check?

Let him check him below? He is still shameless.

Because of Xiao Jing'an's accident, everyone broke up unhappy, Yan Zhihuan wanted to send him back, Xiao Jing'an was embarrassing enough today, he didn't want to see her at all, and he didn't have a good tone when talking to her.

She could only take Yan Shaochen's car to send Song Fengwan back home.


Fu Chen was on the phone with Song Fengwan, but when he heard she said that he had something to deal with, he hung up the phone.

Then he saw the message Qian Jiang sent two minutes ago, 【The man who showed off his muscles on the beach is following Ms. Song. 】

Fu Chen narrowed his eyes, showing off his muscles?

【He put his hand on Miss Song's shoulder. 】

【Miss Song kicked his ass, and he screamed so loudly. 】

【Miss Song kicked hard and punched again...】


Fu Chen stretched out his hand to pinch the space between his brows, and his brain throbbed a little.

Xiao Jing'an should feel lucky, he really narrowly escaped death this time, only Song Fengwan beat him, if Qian Jiang rushed over, he would probably be useless today.

"Shifang." Fu Chen took a deep breath.

"Third Lord?" Shi Fang has been standing by.

"Have you booked your flight ticket to Nanjiang?"

"Well, it's seven o'clock tomorrow morning. If you want to get up early, you'd better go to bed early."

"Huaisheng went up the mountain?"

"Well, on the big weekend, I clamored to go back to the mountain after school."

Fu Chen nodded.


Nanjiang Yanjia

When they arrived home, Qiao Aiyun was sitting beside the old lady learning embroidery.

"Grandma—" Yan Zhihuan choked his throat, his voice was delicate, and he sat beside her, trying to please her in every possible way.

That kind of behavior is clearly telling Song Fengwan how close she is to the Yan family.

"Are you back?" The old lady reached out her hand to help her reading glasses, a hint of unknownness slipped across her eyes.

"Yes." Yan Zhihuan looked like a demonstration.

Huang Ma's eyelids twitched at the side, and she glanced at Song Fengwan on the side. She usually likes to play tricks and amuse the old lady, but she is rarely so sticky. dazzling.

Qiao Aiyun put the needle away, glanced at Yan Zhihuan, and remained silent.

"Wanwan, are you having fun? Come to grandma's side." Although the old lady had some presbyopia, she knew it in her heart.

The father of the pair of sisters left early, so she took care of her more, and she had no grandchildren under her knees, so she naturally got closer. I'm afraid I made a wrong calculation if I got off Mawei late.

Song Fengwan walked over with a smile and sat on the other side of her, "Very happy, thank you grandma."

The old lady pulled out the arm held by Yan Zhihuan, held Song Fengwan's hand, and patted it kindly a few times, "Just be happy, tomorrow I will let the young minister..."

Yan Zhihuan's expression froze, Yan Shaochen beside him sneered, he was really stupid.

"No, I'm quite tired from playing today, and I want to take a good rest." Yan Shaochen still had to go to work, so she had the nerve to bother him so much.

"Don't want to play? You just finished the college entrance examination, so you should relax."

"Maybe I played hard today, my legs are sore."


The old lady planned to let Yan Shaochen and the sisters play with Song Fengwan for a few days, so she arranged them to live in the house.

Song Fengwan didn't want to go out tomorrow, and she couldn't let them go home now, so she told them to sleep.


After they returned to the house, the old lady took Yan Zhihuan to her room on purpose.

"Did something happen when you went out today?" She wiped her glasses with a cloth.

"No." Yan Zhi laughed brightly.

"I think you seem to have a problem with Wanwan."

The old lady smiled kindly, her eyes were cloudy and dim, but she saw things clearly.

Yan Zhihuan's heart trembled, "No, no."

"She has a gentle temper and is my granddaughter. You are similar in age. I hope you can get along well. I don't want to see what I shouldn't see. You are very smart, you know what I mean."

In a few days, Yan Wangchuan and Qiao Aiyun will have a drink, she doesn't want any trouble.

This was no longer a reminder, but a warning, and it was clearly stated that Song Fengwan was the granddaughter of the Yan family.

Yan knew that Huanxin was dissatisfied, but he could only smile.

"I know, I get on well with her."

"That's good, you go and bring her a glass of milk." The old lady hoped that they could get along in harmony.

Yan Zhihuan is more arrogant, but very obedient. The old lady said it very clearly when she beat her like this, she should know what to do.

"Yeah." Yan Zhihuan stayed by her side again, said a few flattering words, and then left.

As soon as I went out, my face changed.

What the hell is this Song Fengwan? They've only known each other for a long time, and grandma is just turning towards her like this! What is the granddaughter of the Yan family? Is she related to the Yan family?

Pretending to be innocent and harmless.

Thinking of Xiao Jing'an being beaten, this girl was obviously not a light-hearted girl, she struck so hard and her mouth was quite sharp.

Even if she was angry, there was nothing she could do. The old lady had to listen to what she said. She was about to go downstairs to pour milk.

"Zhihuan." Yan Zhile was waiting in the corridor. After all, she was a sister, and she could tell what had happened by looking at her expression, "Grandma was kind to us, and Dad left early. If it wasn't for her help, how could we go to college? .”

"Song Fengwan is her granddaughter now. Grandma likes her so much. I think their family lives in harmony. Isn't that good? Don't cause trouble."

"You know grandma's temper."

"I know." Yan Zhihuan just couldn't get used to her sister's cowardly and incompetent appearance.

I am willing to be mediocre and have no ambitions, but I still have to let her learn from me, obsequious, it is simply annoying.

"It's fine if you know it, and don't go back to the house to sleep?"

"Grandma asked me to go downstairs and bring her a glass of milk."

Yan Zhile knew her sister's temper, and since Xiao Jing'an had an accident, she was afraid that she would not be able to hold back, "I'll go with you."

"Up to you." Yan Zhihuan didn't appreciate her kindness.


Song Fengwan had just taken a shower, was wearing earphones and Fu Chen video, and hung up the phone in a hurry when he heard the knock on the door.

"Who is it?" Song Fengwan tore off the headphone cable in a panic.

"It's me." Yan Zhile's voice.

"Wait a moment."

When Song Fengwan opened the door, the sisters were standing at the door, Yan Zhile was holding a tray with milk and a box of biscuits in his hand.

"Bring you something to eat."

"Thank you, come in quickly." Song Fengwan couldn't close the door after taking the things, and invited the two into the house.

This room was specially arranged by Yan Wangchuan. The furnishing and the guest bedroom are obviously not in the same class. Even the floor lamp in front of the desk and the beads hanging down are all carved from crystal.

Different from the decoration of all the rooms, this is deliberately imitated the decoration and layout of Song Fengwan's room in Yuncheng, even the furniture is similar.

There is also a photo of Song Fengwan on the table, which obviously took a lot of thought.

Yan Zhihuan was jealous.

She had known Yan Wangchuan since she was a child, and he and Zeng had taken such considerate care of others.

"Are you busy? Will it bother you too much?" Yan Zhile smiled. Although he was surprised by the decoration of the room, he was not jealous. They belonged to someone else's house and had nothing to do with him.

I have already entrusted my family to be able to go to university, so what is there to be dissatisfied with?

"It's okay." Song Fengwan smiled and cleaned up the desk to make room for her tray, "I'm sorry, I asked you to bring me food."

"Still reading so late?" Yan Zhile put down the tray.

"Just take a look." Song Fengwan put the book aside.

Yan Zhihuan caught a glimpse of a familiar notebook and narrowed his eyes slightly.

"What book do you read, can you lend me a read?" Yan Zhi laughed happily.

"Okay." Song Fengwan pulled out some notebooks and the like, "These are my personal notes, and it's not convenient to borrow them. For the rest, you can take whatever you want to read."

Song Fengwan knew that she was hostile to him, so he just borrowed books, so there was no need to have any quarrel with her.

Yan Zhihuan took the notebook casually, keeping his eyes on the notebooks in Song Fengwan's hands.

The three chatted casually for more than ten minutes before the sisters returned to their room.

Song Feng bid farewell to the pair of sisters in the evening, and had a video call with Fu Chen for a while before falling asleep.


next morning

Yan Wangchuan went to the company early in the morning, because she had no plans today, and it was the weekend, Yan Shaochen did not go to work, and accompanied Qiao Aiyun and the old lady to the flower and bird market.

There will be a happy event in the family for a few days, and the old lady wants to add some rich trees to add some color to the house.

Originally, she wanted Song Fengwan to go with her, but she reasoned that her legs were sore and she stayed at home.

This Yan Zhile went back to her home early in the morning. After all, she was newly married and had her husband in mind. Apart from a few servants, there were only Song Fengwan and Yan Zhihuan at home.

Song Fengwan was originally talking to Fu Chen in the room, but she walked out of the bedroom after he got on the plane.

The cleaning maid entered her room.

Yan's family is near the sea, and Song Fengwan went outside for a stroll, but at this moment, someone sneaked into her room.

"Miss Zhihuan." The maid was about to go out with a cleaning tool.

"Cleaned up?" Yan Zhihuan was holding a book in her hand. It was borrowed from Song Fengwan last night. It was a detective novel, and she felt a headache just reading the title.

Not going out to play after the college entrance examination, still holding a book, pretending to be a good girl.

"Well, it's already been scanned."

"I borrowed a book from her yesterday, and I returned it."

The maid was only responsible for cleaning, so naturally she didn't care about the affairs of the master's house, so she went downstairs with her things.

Yan Zhihuan entered Song Fengwan's room smoothly, threw the book on her desk casually, scanned the row of skin care products on her desk, landed on the jewelry box, and opened it to take a look.

She is also used to seeing good things in Yan's house, so she naturally understands that these are top-notch products.

Yan Wangchuan was really kind to her.

She rummaged on the table for a long time, but she couldn't find the notebook from yesterday, and then she started to rummage through the drawer. There were several cards in it, including a custom-made bank card.

This kind of card can be customized not only by people with money but also status.

Could it be Yan Wangchuan gave it again?

It hurts her too much.

She opened another drawer, and saw several notebooks, one of which was written after reading, and a manuscript.

It clearly signed: [Yan Wangchuan].

She has seen this manuscript before, Yan Wangchuan's personal belongings are very precious, not to mention borrowing to read them, even touching them is not allowed.

When she was a child, she thought it was a picture book, and wanted to read it, but was scolded and cried by him, and she was kicked out directly. She didn't dare to come to Yan's house for a year or two.

The designer cares most about the manuscript, because it is full of design drawings, all of which are their brainchild, it is impossible for you to take a look at it, and it is even borrowed, the corners of Yan Zhihuan's mouth can't stop rising.

This girl is so courageous that she dared to steal something.

If it's something from the countryside, it won't be on the table, and the Yan family treats her so well, so she's actually a thief?

She couldn't wait to see her weeping bitterly, begging for mercy on her knees, but being thrown out of Yan's house.

Song Fengwan was barefoot at the moment, sitting on the beach, looking down at his phone, looking at Nanjiang's travel guide, thinking about where to go with Fu Chen.

Qian Jiang's report is too much to be beaten, he has a name and surname, what is a man with muscles [cover face]

Wan Wan, you are really big-hearted, people are going to drive you out.

Wanwan: Don't bother me, I'm looking up travel guides.



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