When Song Feng came home late, Qiao Aiyun and the old lady were sitting in the living room looking at the picture album provided by the bridal shop.

"Why did you come back? Have you had dinner yet?" Qiao Aiyun put down the album.

"Yeah." Song Fengwan touched his nose.

"Wanwan, come and have a look. I have selected some clothes for you, and you can try them on tomorrow." The old lady smiled.


"Let's take some family portraits later." The old lady beckoned her to sit beside her and showed him the clothes she had chosen.

In the past, their family would take a family portrait every year. Since her wife passed away, there were only her and Yan Wangchuan. Looking at the photos, they felt very deserted. She hadn't taken a photo for more than ten years.

The old lady was also a designer when she was young, she had a unique vision, and the clothes she chose were simple and exquisite, which suited Song Fengwan very well.

"Why hasn't Wang Chuan come back?"

Qiao Aiyun smiled, "He wants to finish the matter at hand, and will come back later."

Next, I will try on wedding dresses, take wedding photos, and there are still many things to deal with when I get married.

The old lady raised her eyebrows. Sure enough, people who have a daughter-in-law are different, and they know how to report the itinerary.

After eight o'clock in the evening, the three of them were still looking at the picture album to choose the wedding dress. Huang Ma walked over with small steps and whispered a few words in the old lady's ear.

"What are they here for?"

"Everyone is at the door."

"Let them go back!" the old lady said in a deep voice.

It's just that she hadn't finished speaking, and with the hurried and chaotic footsteps, two people had already entered the room, one was Yan Zhihuan, and the other Song Fengwan looked familiar.

She looks more like Yan Zhile, with a kind and gentle face. On the day they first met, he gave her a red envelope, because the amount was relatively large, and she was more impressed.

This person is the mother of the sisters——Zhang Suqiu.

"Why are you here?" The old lady looked down at the album, not looking at them at all.

"I brought Huanhuan here to apologize to Wanwan, and I didn't know what happened until I got off work." Zhang Suqiu dressed plainly, perhaps due to the pressure of life, and looked very vicissitudes, even the clothes she wore were outdated.

Song Fengwan thought she was more amiable at first sight, but later she heard Yan Shaochen say that she blocked her daughter's marriage, and Yan Zhihuan's arrogant personality made her have to re-examine her.

The old lady was silent.

"Why are you still standing there, why don't you hurry up and apologize to Wan Wan!" Zhang Suqiu slapped Yan Zhihuan on the back of the head.

"..." Yan Zhihuan stared red, gritted his teeth, and refused to speak.

After she went back, she sorted out everything. It was indeed wrong for her to go to Song Fengwan's room to take her things privately, but later, she was completely used by her.

She clearly knew that there was an inscription at the back of the manuscript, but she insisted on waiting for Yan Wangchuan to come back, which was clearly to push herself to death.

At such a young age, with such a vicious heart, she couldn't swallow this breath, how could she be willing to apologize.

Xiao Jing'an was still there at the time, and nothing could embarrass her more than embarrassing herself in front of the person she liked.

"Why are you standing there stupidly? You did something wrong, misunderstood someone, and you were wronged. Hurry up and apologize to me!" Zhang Suqiu raised her voice.

"I..." Yan Zhihuan looked up at his mother, "I don't..."

"Crack—" There was a crisp sound.

With a slap in the face, Yan Zhihuan turned scarlet instantly, looking at his mother in disbelief.

Song Fengwan took a deep breath, the applause was clear and loud, and the slap was very heavy, it was a real slap.


"If you still recognize me as a mother, please apologize to me! Grandma and uncle are so kind to you, but you are making waves in other people's homes. You still have the face to go back. If they don't forgive you today, don't go home either! "

Yan Zhihuan was stunned by the beating, aggrieved, with stubborn eyes refusing to give in.

"You still don't know what's wrong, why are you going to someone else's room without permission? You still dare to slander others, is that what I usually teach you? Why don't you hurry up and apologize!"

Zhang Suqiu raised her voice, showing an indisputable anger.

"I told you a long time ago, to take good care of my sister, what have you been doing outside! Did I take what I said to you as wind? You will all be sisters in the future. As a sister, how can you do such a thing! "

"I heard that you contradicted your aunt today, kneel down and apologize!"

Yan Zhihuan refused, she blushed with anger, raised her arms...

Caught off guard again.

"I can't apologize, I'm sorry!" Yan Zhihuan was ashamed and angry. He was ashamed in front of Song Fengwan during the day, and now he was beaten in front of her. He already hated her from the bottom of his heart.

"That's the attitude you're apologizing for? Talk to me! Tell your aunt and Wanwan until they forgive you!"

Yan Zhihuan's tears flowed down like a bank, but she refused to speak again. Zhang Suqiu was so angry that she was short of breath, and she raised her hand to hit her...

Qiao Aiyun hurried over and stopped her, "Forget it, the child already knows it's wrong, don't hit her."

"She's just spoiled, to do such a thing, she can't do without beating." Zhang Suqiu was annoyed, and rushed to beat her again, but was stopped by Qiao Aiyun.

"She apologized, children always do wrong things."

"This girl is a bastard, actually stealing something, you give me your hand..."

"Farewell, she must have realized her mistake." Qiao Aiyun couldn't just watch her beat the child.


The two chatted in the living room for quite a while before Zhang Suqiu calmed down his anger.

"I'm really sorry, I didn't teach my daughter well, Wanwan, I'm really sorry, my cousin is here to apologize to you." Zhang Suqiu said and bowed to Song Fengwan.

"Auntie, what are you doing?" With so many servants around, how could Song Fengwan really sit and be bowed by her, so he could only go to support her.

"I'll definitely teach her a lesson when I go back. You were wronged today. Don't take it to heart if you are generous."

Song Fengwan smiled bitterly and said nothing.

The mother and daughter sat in the living room for a while before leaving.

Crying and making noise, making people headache.

The old lady didn't say a word from the beginning to the end.

"Mom, I'll get you a bowl of soup." Qiao Aiyun stretched out her hand and rubbed her arm, before stopping Zhang Suqiu, the man was too strong and made her arm hurt.

"I'll help you." Song Fengwan got up and followed the kitchen.

When the two entered the kitchen, the old lady suddenly threw the album on the coffee table with a shabby expression.


Qiao Aiyun was stirring the soup with a spoon, frowning, panicking in her heart.

"Mom." Song Fengwan took out a few bowls from the cupboard.

"Stay away from that family in the future." Qiao Aiyun lowered her voice.

"I know." Song Fengwan nodded.

In fact, Zhang Suqiu dragged Yan Zhihuan over here. If she sincerely apologized, she should educate her daughter at home before coming back instead of beating her in front of them.

And kept saying that Qiao Aiyun must agree to forgive.

When she first entered Yan's house, if she just ignored her and watched her beating her daughter, it might soon spread that she was cruel and ruthless. She also felt that as an aunt, she was cold-hearted and small-hearted, so she could only stop her.

This is not to apologize at all, but to force their mother and daughter to forgive.

Even an apology is annoying.


At this moment, the old lady in the living room had a gloomy face, extremely depressed.

She has experienced so many storms, so she can see clearly.

Zhang Suqiu's husband passed away, and she was raising two children by herself. She must have taken care of her more. In fact, she paid for the tuition fees of the two sisters in advance, and she would also give some supplies at ordinary times.

She was always doing her job and had a good relationship with the old lady, but the rift arose because of Yan Zhile's marriage. Zhang Suqiu strongly opposed it, even looking for life and death, imprisoning her daughter at home, because she felt that the young man was poor.

In fact, that young man's family background is good, he's a nice guy, and he doesn't look very handsome, but Zhou Zhengni is good-looking. He may have just graduated and doesn't get much salary, but he is really kind to Yan Zhile.

But buying a house and a car in Nanjiang requires hundreds of thousands of dowry gifts. No one can afford four or five million in cash all at once.

Even made a fuss to the police station once.

The boy's parents had already borrowed money everywhere, and even planned to sell the retirement house. Yan Zhile escaped from the house, found the old lady, knelt down and begged her for help, it was only when she found out about this that she intervened.

The old lady understood what was going on, and she was already critical of Zhang Suqiu in her heart. She was not a greedy person in front of her, but she also understood what kind of plan she had when she was so tough about her daughter's marriage.

Buying a car and buying a house are all secondary, the purpose is to embarrass the young man, it is nothing more than to let him get out of trouble, and then find a rich family for Yan Zhile.

So although there were contacts afterwards, the old lady's mood was completely different from before.

This time she brought Yan Zhihuan to the door, if she apologized sincerely, that's all.

Playing tricks in front of her, if it wasn't for the sake of her deceased husband, she might not be able to step down tonight.


The mother and daughter who went out at the moment...

Yan Zhihuan was still sobbing, Zhang Suqiu was annoyed, "Why are you crying? I brought you here this time for your own good. I really broke up with their family. It is a dream that you want to marry into Xiao's family!"

"Mom—" Yan Zhihuan's voice was hoarse from crying, "You can't beat me like that."

"If I don't focus on my attack, can that Qiao Aiyun stop me? Can they forgive you?" Zhang Suqiu snorted softly, "What happened to you and Xiao Jing'an?"

"It used to be pretty good, but it's changed since Song Fengwan appeared." Yan Zhihuan was sullen, "The wild girl who appeared out of nowhere is disgusting."

"No matter how much you hate her, she is now the official eldest lady of the Yan family. The Xiao family definitely wants to marry her. If you don't hurry up, I don't think you will marry Xiao Jing'an."

"Then what can I do, that dead girl is so powerful, and she dresses so ostentatiously all day long, look at her eyes, she is like a vixen, seducing men everywhere."

"Like a mother, like a daughter." Zhang Suqiu snorted.

"Mom, I heard that her mother had a marriage contract with her uncle back then, and she called it off again, and ran away with other men, and now she's turning back? Is it true?"

"Nonsense, it was so ugly back then, our Yan family's face was completely humiliated."

"Then grandma still agrees to my uncle marrying her again?" Yan Zhihuan mocked lightly.

"She has the ability to make your uncle think about her for more than 20 years. He will wait for her willingly if he is not married or married."

"It really seduces men!"

"Hurry up and hang out with Xiao Jing'an, don't let her cut you off."

Zhang Suqiu's eyes are not blind, knowing that her daughter is not as beautiful as Song Fengwan, and she has status blessings, the Xiao family may look down on her.

"I know." Yan Zhihuan stretched out his hands and rubbed his face. He also wanted to get in touch with Xiao Jing'an more, but when that incident happened, Xiao Jing'an was there. The man she liked was so embarrassing, how could she have the face to look for him recently?


Fu Chen and Duan Lin Bai from the pediatrics department were playing chess in the room, and every time they lost, they would stick a note on their faces.

Duan Linbai's face was completely blurred by himself and he couldn't see it.

Nima, go out and fight if you have the ability, what's the point of crushing yourself in IQ every time.

"Fu San, why don't you kick me twice." Duan Linbai had ADHD when he was a child, he couldn't sit still at all, playing chess is too exhausting, his buttocks are itchy while sitting, and he has to use his brain, don't kill him Well.

"Why?" Fu Chen narrowed his eyes.

"I really don't want to play chess."

"It feels good to destroy the mind and torture your body by the way."

Duan Linbai was stunned.

What is this girl who is not a pervert?

"And after playing for so many years, you haven't even figured out the basic rules." Fu Chen raised his eyebrows and smiled at him, "Lin Bai, where's your brain?"

"I don't know how to play this." Duan Linbai stretched out his hand to push away a few pieces of paper covering his eyes, "It's late at night, aren't you sleepy?"

"With you, I won't be sleepy." Fu Chen narrowed his eyes and smiled, "Play a few more rounds."

Duan Linbai was lying on the table, the corners of his mouth twitching.

It would be better to kick him.

Our third master is a civilized person, he can't do it, \\(^o^)/~

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