Heartwarming Aristocratic Marriage: Influential Master’s Wife-Chasing Strategy

Chapter 321 Threatened every night, pretending to be a chaste and strong woman (3 more

Song Fengwan was going to try on the wedding dress with Qiao Aiyun the next day, and he didn't have time to accompany Fu Chen, so he dragged Duan Lin Bai to stay up until late at night. After playing chess, he accompanied Fu Chen to watch the Science and Education Channel for a while.

Duan Linbai sat paralyzed on the sofa, watching someone squeeze some black wolfberry into water from an iron box.

"Drink?" Fu Chen turned his head to look at him.

"I don't want it. Only the elderly drink wolfberry and keep in good health with a thermos." Duan Linbai was a little crazy watching TV.

"This is not only good for health." Fu Chen took a sip of water.

Why is there still a TV station showing a science and education film in the middle of the night? What is there to watch about this ghost thing.

He dripped some eyedrops on his back, exhausted, took two sips of yogurt on the side.

I want to go home, I want my mother...

Duan Linbai took out his mobile phone and checked the efficacy of black wolfberry.

Tonify the kidney and strengthen the yang!

"Ahem—" Duan Linbai choked.

Fu Chen tilted his head to look at him, "A man in his twenties or thirties is choking on milk?"

Duan Linbai wished he could beat him to death, this beast, how big is my little sister-in-law, what a ghost!


When Yan Wangchuan came home at night, it was past one o'clock at night, he opened the door and walked in, and the warm light came out, Qiao Aiyun was sitting on the sofa watching TV, but the TV was turned to silent, so quiet that a needle could be heard.

Qiao Aiyun was awakened by the sound of the door opening, looked at Yan Wangchuan and glanced at the clock on the wall, "It's so late?"

"Why didn't you sleep?"

Yan Wangchuan called her, came back very late, told her to go to bed early, and saw her waiting for him in the living room, his heart was warm and distressed.

"Can't sleep, there's still soup in the pot, keep it warm, drink a little before going to sleep." Qiao Aiyun walked to the kitchen.

Yan Wangchuan stared at her back, the corners of his mouth slowly curled up.

After the two went upstairs, Qiao Aiyun took off her clothes, and there were some unfaded red marks on her arms.

"What's going on?" Yan Wangchuan grabbed her arm.

"There are too many mosquitoes here. If I was bitten, I caught it myself." Nanjiang is adjacent to the sea, and the temperature is suitable, so mosquitoes breed all year round.

Qiao Aiyun is not a troublemaker at all, as long as she stays away from the mother and daughter, she doesn't plan to talk to Yan Wangchuan about what happened tonight.

As far as his temper is concerned, he will definitely settle accounts with them and make it ugly.

Baobuqi, others thought that she had just entered the door, gossip behind her back, and encouraged Yan Wangchuan to bully the orphans and widows, she would definitely fall into the shoes of others.


"It's already done, you go take a shower."

After Yan Wangchuan came out of the shower, Qiao Aiyun was already asleep. After all, it was hot in Nanjiang. She was covered with a thin quilt, which only covered half of her body, and her calves were exposed. His eyes darkened a little, and he lay beside her, hugging her .

Qiao Aiyun didn't sleep deeply, she rubbed against his arms.

Xu Shi felt uncomfortable, adjusted his posture, and rubbed against it twice.

Yan Wangchuan opened his eyes and looked at her:

want it.

But tomorrow I have to try on the wedding dress, so I can't toss about it, and I can't leave marks on her, let alone it's already past two o'clock in the morning.

Qiao Aiyun could clearly sense someone's abnormality, and opened her eyes in a trance, "Do?"

"Sleep!" Yan Wangchuan frowned.

There is still some self-control.

Qiao Aiyun sneered, the hot air was blowing on his chest, causing Yan Wangchuan to exhale foul breath...

After sleeping for a while, Qiao Aiyun could still clearly feel something majestic and high-spirited.

"Really don't want to?" She sneered.

"Hurry up and go to sleep!"

Yan Wangchuan was depressed and didn't sleep well all night. He didn't get up to do morning exercises until it was almost dawn, while Qiao Aiyun got up to make breakfast. Too used to it, I am happy from the bottom of my heart.

And take care of her bad teeth, and make her soft and easy to eat.

Sure enough, it's better to be a daughter-in-law.


At around nine o'clock in the morning, the family set off to the bridal shop.

Yan Wangchuan tried clothes very quickly, and there were not many styles of men's clothes, so he made a decision after trying a few sets.

Qiao Aiyun has been trying on wedding dresses, and the style she chose is fairly conservative, after all, because of her age, but the next few sets of clothes made Yan Wangchuan's eyes warm.

Strapless shoulders are rare.

One even has the entire back exposed, and what kind of deep V...

"Does it look good?" Qiao Aiyun is wearing a white wedding dress with a deep V and off-the-shoulder, the design is exquisite and beautiful.

"It looks good." Song Fengwan and the old lady said in unison.

Yan Wangchuan's eyes lit up, he frowned, and remained silent.

"Wang Chuan, you talk, don't you look good?" The old lady poked the wood next to her.

"It's not pretty."

"It doesn't look good, I chose it on purpose." The old lady's face collapsed instantly, "The styles Ai Yun picked are too old, at her age and with such a figure, she must dress as beautifully as possible." , this dress can highlight her figure."

"Why show off your figure?"

"It's beautiful." The old lady snorted coldly, "Then which wedding dress do you like?"

Then Yan Wangchuan pointed to a set of clothes that Qiao Aiyun hadn't tried, the style eight or nine years ago, not only the style is old, but also...


This cheating straight male aesthetic.

Qiao Aiyun didn't like it herself, so she didn't try on that wedding dress in the end, and then a certain old man became depressed.

Later, I tried a few more dresses. Most of the bridal shops were toast dresses, and most of them were slim fit. Yan Wangchuan felt depressed and wanted to go out to smoke a cigarette. Thinking about his recent pregnancy and quitting smoking, his teeth itch.

Touching the wedding candy on the table in someone's bridal shop, I bit into it until it creaked.

Song Fengwan also tried on a few sets of clothes, and Qiao Aiyun specially helped her take photos. The wedding dress was going to be photographed at the beach, and several people took a few family portraits in the shed. They tried on five or six sets of clothes, and the tossing didn't end until dark.


Fu Chen received Song Fengwan's photo and stared at it for a long time.

"Why are you looking so serious?" Duan Linbai went around behind him, just took a look, Fu Chen turned off the phone, and gouged him out.

Duan Linbai was dumbfounded, isn't it just a few photos of my sister-in-law? As for hiding it so tightly?

This old man is really jealous.


After the Yan family of four went back, just after eating, Huang's mother said that the Xiao family had come.

A lot of people came to visit recently, besides relatives, there are also many business partners, the Xiao family is one of them.

"Come in, please." This person has already arrived, so it's not easy to turn him away.

Besides Xiao Jing'an, there was also a middle-aged couple. The three of them entered the house and brought a lot of gifts. The sweet Mrs. Xiao chatted with Qiao Aiyun enthusiastically, and then kept praising Song Fengwan.

He also stuffed a lot of things for her. The man was too enthusiastic, and she couldn't stand it.

Praising her is also giving Qiao Aiyun face in a disguised form. This Mrs. Xiao is quite a person.

"Wanwan, don't you want to go out to digest food?" The old lady saw that she was sitting uncomfortably, and wanted her to go out to breathe.

Song Fengwan seemed to be pardoned, "Uncle and aunt, then I will go out first."

"Jing'an, it's so late, it's pitch dark outside, you go out and spend time with my sister." Mrs. Xiao smiled, obviously the drunkard's intention was not to drink.

Song Fengwan couldn't evade it, so he could only let Xiao Jingan follow. The two were unfamiliar, so it was inevitable to be embarrassed.

When the two left, Mrs. Xiao still smiled and said, "Look at those two standing together, they are quite a match."

Qiao Aiyun smiled and said nothing, Yan Wangchuan said indifferently, "Wan Wan is still young."

"I'll just say it casually. I'm really young. It's still too early to talk about marriage." Mrs. Xiao smiled sarcastically.


Song Fengwan and Xiao Jing'an walked for a while on the beach closest to Yan's house.

Xiao Jing'an has been sizing up Song Fengwan. This girl is really powerful. She is different from all the young ladies he has seen. When she is aggressive, her eyes seem to be on fire, and she cannot take her gaze away.

He was uneasy, but wanted to get close to her.

Her attitude towards everyone is tepid, and she looks like a flower that cannot be violated.

His parents also wanted to marry the Yan family, so he specially asked someone to follow her up and investigate her, just to see what kind of person she was.

I thought she was an innocent little girl who didn't know much about the world, but she was more powerful, but I didn't expect that he actually found out something.

I thought I hadn't been in a relationship before, I didn't expect to have so much fun in private, making out with two men, and pretending to be cold in front of him.

Only a few days after coming to Nanjiang, he hooked up with two men, which is powerful enough.

"Are you free to go out and play tomorrow?" Xiao Jingan asked.

"No time." Song Fengwan didn't want to talk to him at all, and was ready to go home.

"Is it a date?"

Song Fengwan ignored him and strode forward.

"Song Fengwan, you went out with two men yesterday afternoon..."

Song Fengwan stopped and turned to look at him.

Xiao Jingan took out the phone from his pocket, and took out the photos for her...

They belonged to her and Duan Linbai, and from some angles, they were too close.

"I know there is another man." Because the two were in the water at the time, there were too many people on the beach, so they couldn't see clearly, only they were behaving affectionately, and only she and Duan Lin Bai were in the photo.

The rest is to eat in the restaurant. After all, in public, although there is intimacy, there is nothing too much.

It was just that the three of them were talking and laughing, obviously they had a very good relationship.

"Miss Song, what do you think you are doing?" Seeing that she was obviously frightened, Xiao Jing'an felt a little smug in his heart.

Song Fengwan kicked him that day and made him lose face, he still remembers this account.

Playing like that in private, and still pretending to be innocent and chaste in front of him?

"Are you following me?" Song Fengwan frowned, his tone becoming cold and hard.

"I'm just curious about you." Xiao Jing'an chuckled, "Who are you?"

He didn't know Fu Chen. Duan Linbai was wearing heavy goggles almost the whole time, and he could hardly see his face. In some photos from a distance, he couldn't recognize who was who.

"Is it related to you?"

"Naturally it has nothing to do with me, but your mother probably doesn't know, right? And you also entered the hotel halfway, stayed for more than an hour, and three of you entered a room, what are you doing?"

Song Fengwan did accompany Fu Chen back to the hotel, but because Duan Linbai's eyes were uncomfortable, he wanted to go back and rest, and the three of them fought against the landlord in the room for a while.

"You don't want your mother to see these photos, do you?"

"What the hell do you want?"

"I'll make an appointment with you tomorrow." Xiao Jing'an said with a smile.

Song Fengwan stared at him with a smile on his lips, "When?"

Xiao Jingan was overjoyed, was he hooked so easily? Sure enough, it's playing coffee.

"Tomorrow night." Xiao Jing'an leaned closer to Song Fengwan, the foul breath from his breath fell on her ears, and Song Fengwan frowned.

I got goosebumps all over my body, it was disgusting.

"Okay." Song Fengwan smiled at him, "I'll wait for your call."

When Xiao Jing'an asked her out at night, he naturally wanted to do something else. Song Fengwan lowered his head and fiddled with his phone, looking a little flustered.

"Since I promised you, you have to take this photo..." Song Fengwan said with a smile.

"Don't worry, as long as you are obedient, the photos will never be seen by third people."

Song Fengwan nodded.

After the two went back, Mrs. Xiao saw that her son was in a good mood, and thought that the two of them were having fun, and she was overjoyed, but she didn't know that the two had their own thoughts and were thinking about how to mess with each other.

Xiao Jing'an didn't expect Song Fengwan to be so easy to handle. Originally, he wanted to find someone to investigate her preferences, and was looking for an opportunity to get close to her. He didn't expect to follow her all afternoon, and he took a picture.

Sure enough, I was still a child, so I knew I was afraid.

I thought I had just graduated from high school and was still a baby, but now it seems that it is nothing more than that.


After Song Fengwan returned to the house, he made a phone call with Fu Chen, but he didn't mention anything about being threatened.

And Fu Chen had already received Qian Jiang's message more than ten minutes ago.

[The muscular greasy man and Ms. Song are walking on the beach. 】

【He suddenly approached Miss Song, very close. 】

[The two are eyeing each other. 】


Fu Chen played with his mobile phone, "Shifang, check someone for me."

Soon he received all the information about Xiao Jing'an.

"Third Master, there is another message."


"He started two days ago and sent a detective agency to follow Miss Song..."

two days ago?

Fu Chen twisted the skewer and smiled meaningfully.

The third watch is over~

Don't forget to leave a message and check in to vote.

Some people say that the progress of these two chapters is slow, and all the plots need to be foreshadowed. The plot must have ups and downs, and it is impossible to be so exciting every day [cover face]


The third master may not want to make money now, but want to make money, haha

Third Master, kill him!

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