Heartwarming Aristocratic Marriage: Influential Master’s Wife-Chasing Strategy

Chapter 322 The third master planned, I didn't seduce my sister-in-law

The next day, the sun was shining brightly, and the sea breeze was mixed with heat, making people sticky.

When Xiao's family visited last night, Mrs. Xiao asked the old lady to visit the flower market early in the morning. Qiao Aiyun had to go to the bridal shop to try on the improved wedding dress. She couldn't accompany her, so she asked Song Fengwan to follow.

After she finished her breakfast, she went upstairs to get her bag, and when she went down again, she saw Mrs. Xiao and Xiao Jing'an sitting in the living room.

Nanjiang was too hot. Song Fengwan was wearing fruit green suspenders, white shorts, and a long sun protection suit. His long hair stood up, revealing a beautiful neck. The light blue color added a touch of coolness to the scorching heat.

Xiao Jingan's eyes lit up, his eyes fell on her white and tender legs, his throat rolled, and his eyes were hot.

When Mrs. Xiao saw her son's appearance, she knew it in her heart.

"Auntie, Brother Jing'an." Song Fengwan's eyebrows were curved, his phoenix eyes sparkled, very attractive.

Brother Jingan?

Xiao Jing'an's bones softened when he heard it, thinking that he could be with her at night, a lustful light flashed in his eyes...

"Wan Wan is down, let's go." The old lady beckoned her to follow her.

The old lady would go to the flower market every Monday, Wednesday and Friday. I mentioned it last night. Mrs. Xiao said that she wanted to go too. The old lady couldn't say that she would stop going suddenly. After she promised, she would bring Xiao Jing'an here early this morning. up.

"Jing'an has nothing to do today and insists on accompanying me, helping me carry bags and flowers to do coolie, this child is just too filial." Mrs. Xiao kept praising her son.

The old lady nodded with a smile, but did not respond.

Xiao Jing'an originally wanted to have a private conversation with Song Fengwan, but the old lady kept holding her hand, so he had no chance.

The four of them arrived at the flower market, and before they had walked a few steps, they saw Yan Zhihuan.

"Grandma, Aunt Xiao, you guys also come to visit the flower market." Yan Zhihuan was holding a pot of narcissus in his hand.

How could Yan Zhihuan not know the habits of the old lady, she offended her before, and came here specially to please her, but she didn't expect the Xiao family to be there, so she was overjoyed, but when she saw Song Fengwan, her smile cracked a bit.

"Huanhuan, what a coincidence." Mrs. Xiao didn't know what happened to Yan's family at all, and thought that the old lady loved Yan Zhihuan very much, and her attitude towards her was not bad.


The old lady didn't tell the truth, leaned on a cane in one hand, and led Song Fengwan in the other to continue walking.

"These flowers are nice." Mrs. Xiao seldom came to the flower market, and she often saw many flowers, but she couldn't name them.

"Auntie, this is Calamus." She is Xiao Jing'an's mother, so Yan Zhihuan naturally had to put on a good show. In order to please the old lady, she often accompanied her, and she also put in a lot of effort in recognizing flowers.

"I've only seen it before, but I can't name it. You're young, and you know a lot." Mrs. Xiao couldn't offend anyone, so she naturally praised her again.

Song Fengwan was staring at a blooming flower at the moment, and just about to ask the boss, Yan Zhihuan opened his mouth.

"That's Zhu Jin with double petals."

Song Fengwan smiled bitterly.

After shopping around for a long time, I saw Yan Zhihuan showing off his knowledge.

The old lady was optimistic about a pot of flowers and was talking with the boss. Song Fengwan walked to the side to look at the flowers, and Xiao Jingan moved over, "You are so beautiful today."

The turbid air she exhaled landed on the side of her neck, Song Fengwan tightened his fingers, and if the timing wasn't right, he would have to slap him.

Yan Zhihuan has been watching Xiao Jing'an all the time, seeing that he actually walked up to Song Fengwan's side, the two of them were so close, and when they tightened their fingers, they broke off a flower branch in their hands.

"Wanwan, this white palm is pretty good, buy a pot for your bedroom." The old lady beckoned her over.

When Song Fengwan passed by Yan Zhihuan, someone bumped her shoulder. Song Fengwan staggered and almost hit a large cactus on one side.

"Sister, are you alright?" Yan Zhihuan had an innocent face, "I was so busy looking at the flowers, I didn't notice you were by my side, you didn't make a sound when you walked."

Song Fengwan smiled lightly.

You hit me and blamed me for walking silently.

"What's wrong?" The old lady came over.

"It's nothing." Song Fengwan clenched his fingers and smiled.

Song Fengwan was too lazy to talk to Yan Zhihuan, but she seemed to show off on purpose, trying to overwhelm her with everything, making her look like an idiot who didn't understand anything.


the other side

Fu Chen and Duan Linbai had breakfast at the hotel.

"I have something to go out for, so go to the beach by yourself." Fu Chen wiped the corners of his mouth with a tissue, his movements graceful.

"Isn't sister-in-law busy today? You don't have any business or friends here, why are you going out?" Duan Linbai let out a sigh of relief while talking.

"Someone troubles Wanwan, I'll deal with it."

"Damn it, who is so courageous." Duan Linbai slapped the table and stood up, "Don't you tell me that there is such excitement?"

"Aren't you going to bask in the sun?" Fu Chen raised his eyebrows.

"The sun can shine at any time, let's go, I'll be with you."

Duan Linbai was always gossiping, how could he miss such a good show.

"Wait for me, I'll go upstairs to get some clothes."

He wiped his mouth quickly and ran upstairs.

"Third Master?" Shi Fang was puzzled, "Why did you take him there? We are going to do business, and he obviously wants to watch the fun."

"Who said I took him to see the excitement." Fu Chen rubbed the hibiscus stone hanging under the Buddha beads with his fingers, and a smile slowly curled up at the corner of his mouth.

Shifang was chewing gum, unable to see through him at all.


Shifang rented a car, and the three of them navigated to a residential building.

"Who is going to trouble my sister-in-law?" Duan Linbai's face was full of excitement. Since he couldn't see it, he didn't have time to eat melons, and missed a lot of good shows.

"He sent someone to follow him late, and he probably threatened her with this. I'll go find the person who followed her."

"Why follow my sister-in-law? The Yan family is so powerful in Nanjiang. Could it be that they want to investigate and pick her up, or do they want to kidnap and blackmail her?" Duan Linbai chuckled.

Fu Chen shot at him coldly, Duan Lin Bai was stunned.

I'll go, maybe it's really right, I'm such a bad mouth.

"Third Master, it's at 302." Shi Fang parked the car at the entrance of the apartment building.

As soon as the three of them got out of the car, they saw a sign at the entrance of the building, which read [Professional Tracking, Favorable Price. 】

There is also a dense list of small characters below, such as following the mistress.

The three of them arrived at the door, Shifang knocked on the door, and soon there was a rustling sound from inside. The man was already on business, and hurriedly opened the door.

As soon as he opened the door, he was stunned when he saw Duan Lin Bai.

He was wearing goggles to cover his well-dressed face, but the white skin in the patterned pants was particularly eye-catching, he was deeply impressed, and he also recognized the man next to him wearing sunglasses and holding Buddhist beads.

The follower came to the door suddenly, his heart trembled, and he subconsciously wanted to close the door.

Shi Fang stretched out his hand to hold it down, and suddenly exerted force, but the man didn't have that much strength, and as soon as he let go of his fingers, the door hit the back wall with a muffled thud.

Fu Chen walked in first. There were advertisements on the wall, how much it would cost for a few days of follow-up, etc. The table was covered with equipment for filming and wiretapping, and there was a stack of photos. The top one was Song Fengwan's.

Because he's only been following her lately.

Yesterday I handed the photo to Xiao Jing'an, and he said that there is no need to follow him anymore, and he planned to meet in the afternoon to settle the final payment, so he stayed at home without anything to do today, and the person who wanted to be followed came here.

"Three, what are you doing here?" He smiled bitterly, feeling extremely guilty.

Stalking is already a crime, and if the person involved sues, he will definitely face a lawsuit.

"Yo, there are really photos." Duan Linbai moved quickly, picked up the photos on the table, and looked through them carefully.

The more you look at this, the more confused you become.

"Damn—" Duan Linbai flipped through it carefully, he was the one in the photo anyway.

"What's wrong?" Fu Chen raised his eyebrows.

Duan Linbai handed the photo to Fu Chen, "Fu San, I swear, the most intimate one is when my sister-in-law wiped my eyes when I was taking eye drops. Sister-in-law."

"Do you dare?" Fu Chen raised his eyebrows.

Besides, Fu Chen was also there at that time, and Qianjiang Shifang was also nearby, so how could anything else happen.

Duan Linbai muttered softly, "It's mainly because I don't eat tender grass."

"Huh?" Fu Chen raised his eyebrows.

"It's okay, hehe——" Duan Linbai had ten thousand MMPs to say in his heart, fortunately he came, otherwise Fu Chen would have seen these photos first...

Fu Chen naturally knew that there was nothing between him and Song Fengwan, but this guy held a grudge, and he was so secretive that he was planning to trick himself.

"Sir, this..." The man reached out to snatch the photo.

Duan Linbai reached out and pressed his shoulder, "You took the photos?"

"This is the customer's privacy, I..." He was going to pack up, go down and hand over all the negatives, hard drives, etc. to Xiao Jingan, and he was about to settle the final payment, so everything was placed on the table and ready to be bagged.

"Customer privacy, mine is not privacy. If I hadn't followed you, I would have ruined my innocence! I have been out of the mud for so many years, hooked up with my sister-in-law, you really want to kill me!"

Fu Chen continued to look at the photo.

Shi Fang closed the door casually and leaned against the door.

He understood why the third master called Duan Linbai here.

It's the ninth day of the Lunar New Year, hehe, continue to leave a message to check in and vote...


Do you know why the third master is called Shanglanglang?

Brother Duan: I was innocent all my life, and I was almost ruined.

Third Master: Innocent? You're just taking a break.

Brother Duan: ...

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