Heartwarming Aristocratic Marriage: Influential Master’s Wife-Chasing Strategy

Chapter 323 The Third Master and Wanwan Join Forces for the First Time (2 more)

Holding the photos in his hands, Fu Chen found a seat and sat down, carefully flipping through each photo.

This private detective was already guilty. Since they were able to find him, they were naturally not ordinary people. He raised his hand and wiped the cold sweat off his face indiscriminately.

"It's none of my business. I'm also entrusted to do things with money."

"Take your uncle!" Duan Linbai picked up the folder on one side, and slapped him on the face twice, "I almost ruined my innocence in my life, can you afford to pay for my innocence?"

"I live so carefully every day, I was almost killed by you!"

"Who asked you to follow her."

"I can't say that! It's the client's privacy." The man faltered. The Xiao family is considered a big family in Nanjiang, so he couldn't afford to offend him.

"Hey, let me go, you are quite professional, you say yes, I will call the police now, you should have a lot of good things here, illegal stalking, do you want to go in and stay for a few years?" Duan Linbai patted his face.

"Since I can find you here, I can naturally find out who assigned you."

"You are not a good person for doing this kind of thing, so don't pretend to be noble with me." Duan Linbai chuckled lightly.


"Are you going to tell me or not, do you want me to do it?" Duan Linbai was angry.

If this photo gets out, that's fine.

"Xiao Jing'an." Fu Chen said.

Duan Linbai frowned, "Which bum is this? Do you know him?"

Fu Chen shook his head, the follower has already turned pale, he has already investigated all this, why are you here with him?

"You already know who it is, just rush to find that Guisun to settle the score, what are you doing here?" Duan Linbai was aggressive, as if he was going to find someone to fight.

"I want to see what is the size of the thing in his hand." Fu Chen pulled out a few photos from the photos, all of which were photos of Song Fengwan. They were captured from a good angle and can be kept.

"Since you all know, why come to me, I also use money to do things." The man said awkwardly.

"You guys still want to meet?" Fu Chen raised his eyebrows and looked at the person opposite.

The man was so startled that his heart trembled, "No, no..."

"Find someone to investigate. In the end, it must be delivered together with the archive of the negatives. The other party will settle all the final payment. Your things are all there." Fu Chen threw the photo on the table.

He looked at him with gentle eyes and a smile on the corner of his mouth. His little cleverness seemed so ridiculous to him.

He has seen all kinds of people, and the person in front of him must be very shrewd.

"What time did we meet?" Fu Chen rubbed the beads.

"Aren't you embarrassing me?" The man was flustered and could only force himself to calm down, "You can go directly to Master Xiao, it's really none of my business, I really don't know what he wants to do, I just Responsible for tracking and taking pictures."

"Do you know who she is?" Duan Linbai picked up the photo and put it in front of him.

The man swallowed nervously, naturally followed Song Fengwan, and naturally found out her background, "I know."

Duan Linbai smiled straight at him, "Since you know, you still dare to touch someone from Yan's family. I will drag you to Yan's family now, and Yan Wangchuan will kill you."

"Two o'clock in the afternoon." The man's lips trembled, and he changed his words immediately.

"Meet him as usual."

"Then give him all these photos?" The man was puzzled, what on earth was this man going to do.

"En." Fu Chen nodded.

He had no choice but to listen to Fu Chen's arrangements when someone pinched his pigtails.


At two o'clock in the afternoon, he and Xiao Jing'an met in a secluded cafe. He tried to tell him about the threats, but he still had monitoring equipment on his body, so he dared not.

That group of people was obviously not good, and he couldn't offend either side. After weighing it, he decided to play dead.

"...Is everything here?" Xiao Jingan took the brown paper bag, which was full of photos.


"Here is 100,000." Xiao Jingan handed him a check.

"I just want 50,000, you're too much." The man looked at the amount on the check, his eyes lit up.

"You have to do something for me tonight."


"It's just a few photos, it's easy for you."

"Who are you shooting?"

"It's her again. I'll meet her tonight. I'll let you know the time and place."

"It's that simple?"

Xiao Jingan smiled, "It's that simple."

Fu Chen and Duan Linbai on the other side were both sitting beside the monitoring equipment, and they looked at each other, as if they had guessed what the other was trying to do?

I'm afraid I want to take some dirty photos, so continue to threaten Song Fengwan.

"Fuck, Fu San, this turtle grandson is too shameless, beat him up, go—" Duan Lin Bai rolled up his sleeves and was about to rush out.

"This smelly and shameless, why is it so dirty."

"What's in your head, it's so dirty."


Fu Chen squinted, and there was a dangerous glint in his eyes.


the other side

Because Xiao Jing'an and Mrs. Xiao wanted to show off, after visiting the flower market, having lunch together, and specially sending the old lady and Song Fengwan back, Yan Zhihuan naturally followed back cheekily.

What happened before was after all my own family, Yan Zhihuan is also a girl, the old lady saved her some face, let her in, and didn't embarrass her in front of the Xiao family.

After the old lady went back, she went back to her room to rest. There were only Song Fengwan and Yan Zhihuan in the living room.

Song Fengwan's cell phone vibrated, Xiao Jingan's call, she squinted her eyes, and suddenly looked at Yan Zhihuan.

Yan Zhihuan had been observing her all the time, and she wanted to find a chance to give her a good warning not to make Xiao Jingan's idea, but at this moment, his eyes met, and there seemed to be an undercurrent.

Song Fengwan panicked and ran towards a place where there was no one with his mobile phone.

Yan Zhihuan frowned.

Why is she like a thief? She shouldn't be doing bad things secretly.

As soon as she raised her heels, she heard Song Fengwan yelled sweetly, "Brother Jing'an..."

Five thunders struck the top.

This smelly girl, is this brother her name? Still so affectionate, only a few days after coming here, poaching her corner, she really is a little vixen.

The sun slanted over and cast Yan Zhihuan's shadow, Song Fengwan squinted his eyes.

This idiot doesn't even know how to hide his tail when he hides his head.

"Huh? Are you really going to meet tonight? I'm afraid I won't be able to get out."

Yan Zhihuan tightened the hem of the skirt with her fingers, wishing she could crush the clothes and meet again?

Damn girl.

"Coconut Grove at ten o'clock in the evening? The place where we had a misunderstanding last time?" Song Fengwan repeated Xiao Jing'an's words, "It's too late."

"……Oh well."

Song Fengwan hung up the phone, turned around and went back to the living room, Yan Zhihuan stepped aside, ran back to his seat just now, and sat down securely.

"Well, I have something else to do, so I'll go back first." Yan Zhihuan got up, and hurriedly left without waiting for Song Fengwan to speak.

Song Fengwan lowered his head and rubbed his phone.

She knew exactly what Xiao Jingan wanted to do to her. It wasn't that she and Fu Chen met alone. This kind of thing was not a threat at all. She agreed to meet because she wanted to teach him a lesson.

When Yan Zhihuan heard the call, she couldn't control what she wanted to do.

Song Fengwan turned around and went back to the room, ready to call Fu Chen, when he called, "Hello, third brother..."

"Xiao Jing'an threatened you and asked you to meet at night?"

"How do you know?" Song Fengwan was astonished, so powerful?

"What are you going to do about it?"

"I..." Song Fengwan explained his plan, "I'm just worried about whether Xiao Jing'an will retaliate against me after the accident and do something drastic. I'm not familiar with this place."

"I'll help you take care of the rest, who is that Yan Zhihuan?"

"An insignificant person." Song Fengwan narrowed his eyes and smiled like a little fox, "With your help, I will definitely get twice the result with half the effort. As for Yan Zhihuan, if she doesn't get involved, it's definitely nothing to her. If you step in, you can't blame me."

Fu Chen chuckled, causing him to worry for so long, she was already prepared.

"Wanwan, you've learned badly."

Song Fengwan smiled, "I've been following you for so long, I have to learn something."

"You were so bad before, don't push it on me." Fu Chen clearly remembered that when Song Fengwan was dealing with Cheng Tianyi, he used his hand to "kill people".

From the very beginning, he knew that this girl was not as innocent and harmless as she appeared on the surface.

Fu Chen hung up the phone and asked Shifang to check on Yan Zhihuan.

"What do you say, sister-in-law, you want to go to the appointment?" Duan Linbai sharpened his knife, ready to kill the undercut bastard.

"She has her own plans, and I'll just help her deal with the aftermath."

Duan Linbai was taken aback, did she have a plan?

A little girl from every family, what can she plan, but what happened later, directly frightened Duan Lin Bai.

He only sighed with emotion: These two people are really a perfect match!

Brother Duan, you'd better go home and stay, it's too dangerous outside, it's really not suitable for a rookie like you.

Brother Duan: ...

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