Heartwarming Aristocratic Marriage: Influential Master’s Wife-Chasing Strategy

Chapter 325 Teaming Up to Punish the Scumbag, Showing His Power Every Night (4 More)

The sea breeze blew, and the coconut grove was blown muffled.

The two of them put on their clothes in a panic in front of everyone. If someone breaks through this kind of thing, everyone would be terrified.

"Grandma!" Yan Zhihuan's eyes were red, and his heart jumped into his throat.

"Don't call me! I'm not your grandma!" The old lady breathed up and down, looking at the two embarrassed people, "Why are you still standing there, come back with me!"

It is related to the face of the two families, and here is a dark place, it is really not a place to talk.

Duan Linbai was dumbfounded.

Fuck, I took out my mobile phone, why did you run away? I'm still live.

But he couldn't go to Yan's house to watch a play, so angry.



When a group of people came home, Yan Zhihuan and Xiao Jingan were standing in the living room, their mouths and necks were covered with traces of lipstick and Huan Ai, Xiao Jingan even wore his pants backwards, and Yan Zhihuan was also disheveled.

Huang's mother didn't follow, and she could guess what happened after seeing such a situation, and poured a glass of water for the old lady, "Old lady."


"Shame!" The old lady raised her hand, grabbed the teacup and threw it at Yan Zhihuan.

Yan Zhihuan's legs went limp, and he knelt on the ground with a plop, not daring to breathe.

"Tell me, what were you two doing just now?"

Yan Zhihuan couldn't explain, and knelt on the ground and kept crying.

Xiao Jing'an looked at the person sitting next to Qiao Aiyun, Song Fengwan was still wearing daytime clothes, clean and fresh.

This stinky girl actually put him together.

And with so many people, not giving him any face is clearly to kill him.

"In the middle of the night, you don't go home, you are outside with..." The old lady was ashamed to say, "You are a girl, why are you so shameless."

"Ma'am, miss, drink tea." Huang Ma said.

"It's her!" Yan Zhihuan suddenly pointed at Song Fengwan, "Grandma, she is the one who wants to harm me."

Song Fengwan took the tea from Huang's mother without any surprise or fear, "Thank you, Grandma Huang."

"It was all done by her. She knew that I liked Brother Jing'an, and even asked him to meet in private. I couldn't help but went over to find out. She must have tricked me into going."

With so many people rushing over, it was obvious that they were digging holes for them to jump into.

"Sister, you may not be clear, I am not willing to see him at all, and..." Song Fengwan chuckled.

"I'm afraid you'll misunderstand me, so I deliberately avoided calling you. How do you know I'm going to meet him?"

"You eavesdrop on my phone calls? You stole things before, but now you eavesdrop. You are really educated."

"I..." Yan Zhihuan was flustered, his mind was muddled, and there was no logic at all, "Anyway, you must have done it, you did it on purpose."

"I did it on purpose!" Song Fengwan sneered, "Today you pushed me at the flower market, causing me to almost bump into a prickly pear. I don't care about this matter with you. Do you really think I'm easy to bully?"

Yan Zhihuan was dumbfounded.

You said you don't care, so what the hell are you talking about?

This Song Fengwan is simply...

"Take a step back, even if I called you on purpose to let you listen, did I ask you to go out in the middle of the night?"

"Did I ask you to find Xiao Jing'an? Or did I ask you to take off your clothes and live in the wild?"

"Could it be that I ordered you two to do such nasty things, and I'm not a fairy, so I can control your behavior?"

"You are also in your twenties. You are an adult with the ability to act independently. Don't you understand what you should and should not do? Don't pour all the dirty water on me! You are dirty, don't think that everyone As dirty as you."

Yan Zhihuan knelt on the ground, his face was red, and he couldn't refute a word.

Every word she said poked her heart, every word was so cruel.

Xiao Jing'an calmed down instead, "Huanhuan and I have a normal relationship, and we can't help ourselves when we go out on a date. It's inappropriate for your Yan family to bring so many people here!"

Yan Zhihuan was stunned for a few seconds, and immediately recovered, "Yes, we are in a normal relationship."

"Get up!" Xiao Jing'an didn't know how Song Fengwan brought the Yan family there, but she probably didn't have the guts to pierce the photos.

Isn't this suicidal?

And she has no proof that she threatened her.

He has a lot of serious information in his hands, thinking of this, he calms down a lot.

Yan Zhihuan tried to get up tremblingly, but the old lady shot him coldly, her legs were weak, and she still knelt on the ground.

"So many people from your Yan family rushed over to disturb us. If you don't give me a satisfactory explanation today, I will really fight you to the end!"

The old lady chuckled, "Are you threatening me, an old woman?"

"Grandma Yan, I definitely don't mean that. I'm just discussing the facts." Xiao Jing'an chuckled, "Song Fengwan asked me out. She kept showing love to me, but I refused."

Song Fengwan was surprised.

There is a hole in this person's mind.

Beat it down?

Qiao Aiyun couldn't sit still, the Xiao family came over yesterday, they were not blind, they were not blind, he was just deliberately pouring dirty water on Song Fengwan.

Just as she was about to get up, Yan Wangchuan held her down, "Don't worry."

Song Fengwan stood up, "You said I pursued you?"

Xiao Jing'an knew that tonight would tear his face anyway, and it was impossible for him to have a relationship with Song Fengwan, but he couldn't follow her way, and then he wouldn't be able to meet people in the future.

"Then what is this?"

Song Fengwan took out his mobile phone and played the audio.

It's a recording of a phone call between two people.

"...At ten o'clock tonight, at the old place of Coconut Grove, if you don't come, those photos may fall into your mother's hands, and you don't want her to know that you are young, so go out and have a room with two men .”

Xiao Jing'an was afraid of sending a message and leaving a screenshot, so he made a special call, but he didn't expect that she would record it.

Ordinary high school students would still think of recording certificates, she must have planned it long ago.

Just now he calmed down, and was so stimulated by her recording that he lost his mind again.

"Is this your voice? You asked me to meet? Don't blur the focus. I didn't dare to go, so I asked my uncle to accompany me." Song Fengwan smiled at him.

"Why do you have the nerve to tell me the reason why you two are dating, which is full of loopholes?" Song Fengwan mocked lightly, "Go and get a room in a hotel when you are dating, what are you doing outside? Do you find it exciting?"

"Even if I asked you out, what are you doing with her if you don't wait for me?"

Xiao Jing'an was so frightened that he shivered just now, but now he hasn't recovered his head, so his words are naturally not rigorous.

Completely talking nonsense and biting indiscriminately.

There were many mistakes and omissions, completely without scrutiny, and everyone could see that he was in a hurry and lying.

"You..." Xiao Jingan took two steps forward, trying to snatch the phone, Song Fengwan stepped back, his shoulders were held down, and his whole body was pulled behind.

Xiao Jingan was caught off guard and almost bumped into Yan Wangchuan.

"What do you want?" Yan Wangchuan stood in front of her and said sharply, "Do something to my daughter at my house?"

"No, I..." Before Xiao Jingan could finish speaking, Yan Wangchuan grabbed hold of his collar and twisted it hard. Moving forward, the distance between the two was very close...

Yan Wangchuan's breathing was cold, and his heart was beating wildly.

"Threatening a child? Asking her out so late, what do you want to do to her? And lying in public, what are you trying to cover up?"

"No, I don't, I just want to chat with her..."

"Speak well!" Yan Wangchuan tightened his fingers, his neck was tightened, and it was difficult to breathe.

Now the facts are clear.

Xiao Jing'an threatened Song Fengwan, but she dared not go to the appointment, and told her parents, but Yan Zhihuan ran away, and the two were arrested, and even poured dirty water on Song Fengwan, threatening the Yan family?

How courageous!

"I asked her to meet to persuade her to turn around. She is so young, she shouldn't be fooling around outside. If you don't believe me, I'll show you the evidence!" Xiao Jingan still didn't give up.

Trembling, he took out his phone from his pocket and handed it to Yan Wangchuan.

"The evidence is all here, and there are many photos!"

With trembling fingers, he unlocked it, took out the photo and handed it over.

Yan Wangchuan loosened his fingers and reached out to take the phone.

The photo of the beach is not very clear, but the photo of the restaurant is high-definition. Fu Chen didn't hide it, and a face just appeared on the screen so boldly.

He frowned, and his expression became more dignified and deep.

"Let me see what kind of photo it is." The old lady stretched out her hand.

Yan Wangchuan handed her the phone, and Qiao Aiyun also moved over.

As Song Fengwan said, there are indeed Fu Chen and Duan Linbai.

How did Xiao Jing'an know that the evidence of his complacency proved Song Fengwan's words, which made the Yan family more determined that he sent people to follow and even threaten Song Fengwan.

Everyone looked at the photos, and their expressions became more and more strange.

Xiao Jing'an looked at Song Fengwan with some satisfaction.

Damn girl, plot against me? You must force me to kill you, right?

It's not my fault, you deserve it yourself.

"What I said is true, and he and those two men stayed in the hotel for more than an hour."

"Song Fengwan paid for the meal. There are no men and women who go out to eat and ask girls to pay. There is a big problem here. Look at that little boy who looks like that. It's hard to say what kind of job he is. of……"

Yan Zhihuan saw the unpredictability of everyone, especially the old lady and Yan Wangchuan, who had the weirdest expressions. Thinking that things had turned around, she relaxed, slumped on the ground, and rubbed her knees.

Xiao Jingan was worried that they would not believe him, "If you don't believe me, you can investigate for yourself. These two people live in the Haibin International Hotel over there..."

"Those two people haven't checked out yet, so you can find them to confront each other."

"Finished?" Yan Wangchuan raised his eyebrows.

"I want to educate her, don't fool around with dubious men outside when she's young!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Yan Wangchuan tightened his fists and gave him a hard blow in the face.

Xiao Jing'an was a showman, his legs trembled, his body staggered, and he fell to the ground. Yan Zhihuan's body stiffened in fright, and he dared not breathe.

"Are you looking for a confrontation? All right! Wanwan, call him! Tell him to come over right away." Yan Wangchuan snorted coldly.

Song Fengwan took his mobile phone, got up and walked out...

Xiao Jingan was dumbfounded, what the hell is going on?




At this moment, Duan Linbai was holding a mosquito repellent and anti-itch spray, and was spraying fiercely on his arms, "There are a lot of mosquitoes down there, I'll go, I was bitten all over my body, and the photos are all here."

He threw the photo to Fu Chen.

"Yes." Fu Chen put away the photo.

"It's such a pity, it's exciting, but everyone has left." Duan Linbai was speechless.

"Want to see it?"

"Nonsense, you said how could my sister-in-law be so ruthless and so clear, how did she know that those two people would do that and bring a group of people to catch rape?"

"She couldn't figure it out, she just acted as a bait, and that woman jumped in by herself." Even if Fu Chen was as careful as dust and calculated people's hearts, he couldn't guarantee that others would act according to his ideas 100%.

"That's what she deserves." Duan Linbai rubbed his arms, "Why don't you drive, why are you sitting here? Don't go back to the hotel?"

It's already 10:30 in the evening, something happened to Yan's family, Song Fengwan will definitely not be able to come out tonight.

Fu Chen narrowed his eyes and said nothing, Duan Lin Bai was speechless, what was this man thinking?

After waiting for about ten minutes, Fu Chen's phone rang...


The call was very brief. Duan Lin Bai just took some eye drops and was resting with his eyes closed.

"Don't you want to watch a play? I'll take you to Yan's house."

Duan Linbai opened his eyes suddenly, "Are you serious?"

"En." Fu Chen signaled Shifang to drive.

It is only 5 minutes away from Yan's house by car.

Duan Linbai put on the goggles, thought for a moment, and opened his mouth wide in fright...

"You stopped the car just now and didn't leave. Could it be that you were waiting for this?"

Fu Chen smiled without saying a word.

When a person is driven to a dead end, he will definitely struggle to the death. Song Fengwan's one-sided statement, even if the Yan family proves it, will be true. He said that the Yan family partnered in acting to cheat him, and he will have to testify in the end.

Duan Linbai sneered.

Dare to cooperate with the two inside and out, that bastard surnamed Xiao, isn't he courting death?

He originally thought that Fu Chen had kidnapped Song Fengwan, that he was a beast, but now it seems.

Perfect match!

"Will you go?" Fu Chen raised his eyebrows.

"Go, even if it's the end of the world, it won't stop me from eating melons and watching the show." Duan Linbai smiled flatteringly, but his back felt cold.

They are a pair of thieves! Can't afford it.

Four more is coming~

Be high-powered, after all, the third master is coming, hehe

The third master's cooperation is also perfect, completely clearing the way for Wanwan.

Brother Duan: I need to buy more insurance.

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