Heartwarming Aristocratic Marriage: Influential Master’s Wife-Chasing Strategy

Chapter 326 Mother Qiao protects her shortcomings, the third master is here 【Valentine's Day Me

The living room was in a mess, Yan Zhihuan was still sobbing.

Song Fengwan went out to call Fu Chen. When she was about to enter the house, the dazzling headlights flashed by. She subconsciously squinted her eyes. With the sound of sudden brakes, the car had already stopped in front of Yan's house.

Because she just saw it during the day, she knew it was Xiao's car.

It has been more than half an hour since the old lady asked Xiao's family to be notified. In the morning, Mrs. Xiao said that the two families are not far away, and it took more than ten minutes to drive. How late?

This can't be blamed on the Xiao family, the Yan family only said on the phone that they had something to ask them to come over, but they didn't say anything specifically, the Xiao family and his wife were both asleep, and they got up to wash up, Mrs. Xiao put on some makeup for fear of impoliteness, so she simply tidied up before going out. wasted time.

"Wanwan, you haven't slept so late?" Mrs. Xiao was completely ignorant of the inside story, and greeted her with a smile.

"Well, hello uncle and aunt."

"What's the rush to call us over so late?" Mrs. Xiao reached out to brush her hair.

The relationship between the two is not considered close, just some business dealings. They have never visited Yan's house so late, and they are not sure what happened.

Mr. Xiao greeted Song Fengwan briefly, and Mrs. Xiao took Song Fengwan's hand, "Wanwan, tell auntie, is something wrong? It's related to my family?"

"It's a bit troublesome, I can't tell, you go in first." Song Fengwan smiled.

As soon as the two entered the room, their son's face was half swollen, there were lipstick bite marks on the corner of his mouth and neck, and his pants were worn backwards. Yan Zhihuan knelt on the ground, the broken teacup on the ground, and the orange tea splashed all over the floor.

She is not stupid, just looking at the disheveled clothes of these two people, she knows what happened.

And it was clearly raped.

The faces of the couple were extremely ugly in an instant.

Xiao Jing'an was shocked at the beginning that the Yan family knew the two people in the photo, but now that his parents came over, he felt that the backer was coming, and he felt a little relieved.

"Old lady, this is..." Mrs. Xiao glared at Yan Zhihuan who was kneeling on the bed, frowning.

She fell in love with Song Fengwan, and now that the two of them got together, no one wanted to let another girl in the family associate with her sister's man.

"Hmph, let them talk about it themselves!" The old lady sneered, with her shameless face, those dirty things were really hard to say.

"What the hell are you doing?" Mrs. Xiao frowned.

In fact, judging from the situation in the living room, one could guess some of it, and it would be a shame to be caught on the spot.

"The two of us are in the coconut grove..." Half of Xiao Jingan's face was red, swollen and bloody from Yan Wangchuan's beating.

"Coconut Grove?" Madam Xiao's age is sure to be conservative. Hearing this, he felt that the sky was dark.

"Then the Yan family came." Xiao Jingan avoided the serious ones.

"Did you miss something?" The old lady snorted coldly.

"What about the two of you, how could the Yan family know and rush over?" Mrs. Xiao said bluntly.

"Xiao Jing'an threatened Wanwan. He originally asked her to go to Coconut Grove. She was afraid, so she told us, and we were going to have a look. What is your son going to do?" The old lady rubbed her cane.

"In the middle of the night, asking a girl to go to such a deserted place, what kind of mind does he have?"

"Wanwan didn't go, she went." The old lady pointed at Yan Zhihuan, "When we got there, the two of them had already rolled together, without any clothes on, shameless!"

Xiao's father walked up to Xiao Jing'an, "You threatened Song Fengwan in the middle of the night? Let her go out?"

"Dad, I can explain this..."

"Slap—" Xiao's father swung his arm and slapped him.

The sound was extremely loud, and Song Fengwan was so frightened that his body trembled. This slap was really cruel.

"Confused, what else do you need to explain!"

Xiao Jingan gritted his teeth in hatred.

The Xiao family's father looked at Song Fengwan, "Miss Song, I'm really sorry, I'll make a match with you instead of the dog, I have no way to teach my son."

"Uncle Xiao." Song Fengwan hurriedly stopped him, "You don't need to apologize."

"Dad, why didn't I threaten her? It's her own misconduct. I want to talk to her. If you don't believe me, look at my phone." Xiao Jingan still didn't give up.

"Mobile phone!" Yan Wangchuan handed the phone to Xiao's family.

Xiao Nan lowered his head and swiped the phone, squinting his eyes.

"She was young and went out with two men. As an older brother, I should warn her. I gave her face, so I didn't expose this matter in the first place and wanted to solve it secretly. Who knew this..."

Qiao Aiyun, who had been sitting without saying a word, stood up, "Master Xiao, you need to be responsible for what you say! Do you know what the word "hustling" means to a girl?"

"The evidence is solid, and your Yan family still wants to protect her?"

"Just now, Wanwan has already called. Those two people will come soon. They are so recognizable in appearance. It is impossible for us to randomly find someone to make up their numbers. We will know right away and right."

Qiao Aiyun smiled coldly, "But there is something I wanted to ask Master Xiao for a long time."

Xiao Jingan thought in his heart, even if those two people came, it would be a misunderstanding at most, since his parents are here, what can the Yan family do with him?


Qiao Aiyun walked over suddenly, pulled the phone from Xiao Nan's hand, and shoved the phone to Xiao Jing'an's face.

"Where did these pictures come from?"

"These are all from me..." Xiao Jingan swallowed nervously.

"These are not photographed by accident, right? You sent someone to follow my daughter?" Qiao Aiyun suddenly threw the phone in his face, hitting Xiao Jingan's nose, causing his facial features to distort in pain.

"Master Xiao, what do you want to do? What do you want to do to my daughter?"

"I haven't asked you yet why you sent someone to follow her, but you hang out with everyone one by one, destroying my daughter's innocence, Master Xiao, what are you doing!"

"Do you want to ruin my daughter, or do you want to ruin the reputation of the Yan family!"

Xiao Jing'an was taken aback by the question.

Ruined the reputation of the Yan family, and if such a big crime was charged, no one dared to admit it.

"Madam Yan, there must be some misunderstanding." Madam Xiao explained bravely.

"Misunderstanding?" Qiao Aiyun laughed.

"If you didn't mention this to us tonight, but went to meet him in private, and Yan Zhihuan didn't go today, I'm afraid she won't be able to come back tonight."

"Everyone is an adult, so don't play charades. The fact that he was stalking and threatening has been well-documented. It's fine to deny it to death. He even poured dirty water on my daughter. Do you really think she is a child easy to bully?"

Mrs. Xiao looked embarrassed.

Xiao Jing'an looked at Song Fengwan who was sitting on the side.

she is a child

This is a devil, whose child is like this.

"You bastard, our Xiao family's face has been completely disgraced by you." Xiao Nan kicked him, his face flushed red.

It's fine if you can't cling to Song Fengwan. If you offend the Yan family because of this, wouldn't the gain outweigh the loss?

"Dad." Xiao Jingan was angry, "They just want to blur the focus and cover up Song Fengwan."

He chased Song Fengwan, and his family supported him, so why don't he treat him as a human being now.

"You're still talking nonsense!" Xiao Nan wished he could kill this shameful thing.


"Why haven't they come yet?" Qiao Aiyun turned her head to look at Song Fengwan.

Song Fengwan called Fu Chen again with his mobile phone, hung up after saying a few words, "The third master said that he is nearby and will arrive soon, but it may be too dark and the road is not easy to find."

Xiao Jing'an is already in a mess, how dare Song Fengwan call his adulterer to his house? It's unlikely that everyone in the Yan family knows each other.

She called him just now...

Third Master?

No one in Nanjiang called this, but there is one in the capital, who is from the south and the north, how could it be here? It must not be him, he kept hinting to himself to calm himself down.

Until Qiao Aiyun said something...

"Fu Chen didn't say hello when he came over. He agreed that he would come to play when he was free, and I would personally receive him."

Fu Chen?

Xiao Jing'an hadn't seen him yet, but his name was like a thunderbolt, his mind was blank, and his face was pale...

Yan Zhihuan hadn't realized who Fu Chen was.

The Xiao family couple's faces were even more waxy.

Isn't that the one from the Fu family in Beijing? How did it involve him?

At this moment, someone ran in with small steps, "Old lady, we are here."

Xiao Jing'an's head was dizzy, if one of them was Fu Chen, then the man who was shining white should be...

He felt dizzy for a moment and almost fell down again. His eyes fell on Song Fengwan. She was still pretty and well-behaved and smiled at him.

It seemed that someone had strangled his throat, and it was difficult to breathe. This is a beautiful snake, very poisonous!

Touch it and die.

Today is Valentine's Day. Although it has nothing to do with me as a single dog, I still have a small message event.

As long as Xiaoxiang leaves a message, there will be a reward of 15xxb.

Everyone save something else, don't wish me a happy Valentine's Day, I don't have a holiday!


The man who is so white is naturally our prodigal, haha...

Langlang: I've already prepared the melon seeds on the bench.

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