Heartwarming Aristocratic Marriage: Influential Master’s Wife-Chasing Strategy

Chapter 333 The College Entrance Exam Rankings Are Released, The Whole Person Is Yours (2 more)

Time quickly slipped to the end of June, and the country generally began to heat up, and the results of the college entrance examination in some provinces were also released one after another.

The cloud city college entrance examination can be checked at 4 pm on June 24th. Qiao Aiyun and Yan Wangchuan accompanied Song Fengwan back the night before.

The old lady was naturally reluctant, and she could check her grades anywhere, but Song Fengwan had to go back to school to get her graduation certificate, and she still had to deal with graduation matters.

The day before the release of the rankings coincided with the weekend, Huaisheng went back to the mountain on Friday, Fu Chen went to pick him up, and prayed to Buddha to ask for a lottery, and Fu Sinian followed.

"You don't believe this?" Fu Chen chuckled, "What are you doing here?"

Fu Sinian remained silent.

He has always had good self-control, but he had that kind of dream, wanting to go to a pure place in Buddhism to find peace of mind.

The two asked for a signature, and Master Purdue helped them solve the signature.

Fu Chen got a lottery today, which made him quite depressed. Master Purdue looked at Fu Sinian with a smile, "Mr. Fu is lucky this year."

Fu Sinian's eyelids twitched.

"What should come will always come. Mr. Fu doesn't have to avoid it. It's just that whether this peach blossom can cultivate a good relationship in the future depends on your own good luck."

"It's a catastrophe, it's fate, it's God's will!"

Fu Sinian squeezed the signature and remained silent.


On the day when the rankings were announced, Song Fengwan was sitting in the living room watching TV, adjusting the TV programs in agitation, restless, and had no time to send messages to Fu Chen.

I always feel irritable when I watch everything, and I don’t eat a few mouthfuls of lunch.

Qiao Aiyun was going to the store to take inventory, so she took her specially, and wanted to take her shopping to relax, but she was restless and bumped into someone while walking.

When the two arrived home at three o'clock, Song Fengwan had been standing by the phone, holding the test admission ticket, rubbing it repeatedly, and his heart was already in his throat.

At 3:30, the Yuncheng Education Bureau and the Examination Institute held a press conference, talked about this year's college entrance examination situation, and announced the score line.

At four o'clock, Song Fengwan picked up the phone and dialed the number on the test admission ticket...

After calling several times, the phone was connected, and the cold mechanical female voice kept reminding her to proceed to the next step.

"...Please enter the admission ticket number, ending with a word key."

Song Fengwan's palms were covered with cold sweat, and his fingertips were cold. It was as if he was hanging on the death rack, and he had difficulty breathing.

She took a deep breath and entered the test admission ticket number, for fear of dialing the wrong number.

Qiao Aiyun stood on one side, equally nervous.

"Your total score is 621, Chinese: 137 points, mathematics: 144...you are ranked 52 in this province..." Song Fengwan's mind was empty for a moment.

After a few seconds, the whole person's nerves completely relaxed, his body went limp, his fingers loosened, and he hung up the phone.

"How is it?" Qiao Aiyun panicked to the side.

Song Fengwan turned his head to look at her, and suddenly jumped up and hugged her, "621."

Just now at the press conference of the Education Bureau, the score line for one or two books has been announced. Qiao Aiyun knows it well. Now that she heard the score, she felt completely relieved. According to this score, it is not a problem to go to any art academy.

Song Fengwan was worried that she had heard it wrong, so she dialed the number again, but the line was busy until 4:30 to make sure that the result was correct. For a moment, she was really excited and wanted to cry.

Next, Qiao Aiyun called her relatives and friends to tell her the good news, and Song Fengwan sent Fu Chen a message, telling him her total score.

Fu Chen couldn't stay at home and was "torturing" his subordinates in the company.

Everyone was frightened and trembling, as if they were facing a big enemy, for fear of being affected.

Inexplicably, he came to the company to toss people, without warning.

Fu Chen is extremely smart. He can see the mistakes and omissions in almost one look at the data. Everyone's data report can pick out even a typo, and then stare straight at you.

That kind of death stare makes people's backs shudder.

Shifang stood at the back, minimizing his presence as much as possible.

Ms. Song announced the results of the college entrance examination today, and the third master went to the temple to draw a lottery. He must be in a bad mood. He has been tortured for two days. Even the family dog ​​wagged his tail at him, which made him feel uncomfortable.

Just bear with it.

"...Is this number wrong? You missed a piece of data, how could such a low-level mistake occur!" Fu Chen threw the report on the table.

Fu Chen came suddenly, and everyone rushed to make a report. There must be many places that are not rigorous. Is he a humanoid computer? Look at the data so fast.

At half past four, when everyone in the company was being tortured to death, Fu Chen's cell phone vibrated twice.

His mobile phone has been kept on the table. When Song Fengwan's message came, someone picked up the phone nervously and saw the message...

Suddenly he laughed.

Everyone was dumbfounded, it was the first time they saw Fu Chen smiling like this.

How scary.

Third Master, please stop laughing.

Someone was happy, "That's all for today, let's go, don't work overtime at night, get off work early."

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, and slapped a sweet date a few times?

The third master's recent mood is like a summer rainstorm, it comes and goes quickly, I can't understand it at all.


At this moment, the school couldn't check the grades, so the head teacher sent a message in the class group, asking everyone to chat with him privately and report the grades to him.

The class group was very lively a few days ago, and there was a group of people reposting the koi in the morning. At this moment, except for the students who did well in the exam, no one spoke.

When the results of the college entrance examination come out, some families are happy and others are sad.

The homeroom teacher called Song Fengwan specially, and was surprised to hear her result. This is the best one in the class so far according to her statistics.

Yuncheng No. 1 Middle School is not the best school in the whole province. It has a large education province and there are many colleges and universities. Song Fengwan's grades can directly go to Beijing University. It is a pity to go to the Academy of Fine Arts.

Every year, the school's admissions promotion is based on the gimmick of being admitted to several Beijing universities, and the teachers will naturally get extra bonuses.

"You really don't want to apply for Peking University with your grades? You can try it." The head teacher laughed.

"I'll think about it." Even though Song Fengwan said that, he already had a plan in his heart.

When Yan Wangchuan came back, he took their mother and daughter out for dinner and specially ordered a cake for Song Fengwan. On the way to the restaurant, Qiao Aiyun was still on the phone with Qiao Wangbei. She hadn't been this happy for a long time.

Can't wait to share this good news with everyone.

Yan Wangchuan and Qiao Aiyun are about to get married. Many people in Nanjiang are staring at Song Fengwan's college entrance examination results. Knowing such a high score, some people are envious, and naturally others are jealous.

On the other hand, the elders of the Fu family were overjoyed when they received a call from Qiao Aiyun. They were so happy, as if their own child got a high score.

When Fu Chen went back for dinner that night, the old lady sighed and sighed, "Yuxiu is not blessed, Wanwan is so good, he doesn't know how to cherish it, and he will regret it later."

"I don't know what he's thinking in his heart now. If he still can't forget that girl, he's really dazed."

"You said that her mother is going to marry to Nanjiang soon. Will she apply for Nanjiang University? It's so far away that it's hard to see her."

"I still like this child quite a bit, but it's a pity that our Fu family has no fate with her."

Fu Chen lowered his head to eat, in a good mood, and had a drink with Mr. Fu.

Old Fu frowned, this kid has abstained from drinking and eating vegetarian food, what's wrong with him now, he's so happy.


Two days after the results were released, Song Fengwan went back to school, and banners were put up outside the school, and Yuncheng No. 1 Middle School had a city science champion.

When she first entered the school, she could see happy announcements posted everywhere, and Song Fengwan was also impressively listed. She ranked among the top ten liberal arts students in the city, which is considered an extraordinary performance.

The school held a commendation meeting, and the principal personally awarded graduation certificates to outstanding graduates, as well as bonuses sponsored by companies.

Song Fengwan also took 5,000 yuan, which was sponsored by Fu Zhongli's company.

In the evening, the school held a teacher appreciation banquet, and the whole grade was in a big hotel. The grades came out, of course there were good and bad grades, but everyone had a great time at the teacher appreciation banquet.

Many male students toasted the teacher imitating the appearance of adults. Song Fengwan's overall grades in this class were good.

I kept telling them, "...the teacher doesn't want to be so strict with you, I'm doing this for your own good."

"When you go to university in the future, you must study hard. The teacher wishes you a bright future..."

Because the entire grade, more than a thousand people were together, and the scene was lively and chaotic. After the school leaders came to give a speech, they left quickly.

Everyone seemed to let themselves go. After drinking, some male students hugged and sang together. During the banquet, many people came to toast Song Fengwan, most of whom she didn't know.

After tonight, we will go our separate ways. If we don't have a good time, we may never see each other again. It may be difficult to get together like this again.

After the end, the class leader organized to sing. It was already past nine o'clock in the evening. Song Fengwan wanted to go back, but it was rare for the whole class to get together so well. KTV.

Yan Wangchuan was already waiting outside the hotel by car, and Song Fengwan ran over and said to him, "Uncle Yan, I'm sorry to keep you waiting, I may go back later."

"Call me when you're going home." Yan Wangchuan looked around a group of young boys not far away.

Many people had a different meaning for Song Fengwan, and they were caught off guard and trembling in fright when they were warned.

Isn't he Song Fengwan's stepfather? Manage so much?

Song Feng stayed at KTV until 10:30, when he received a call from Fu Chen, he got up and went out.

"Hello, third brother."

"It's not over yet?"

"They probably will stay up all night. I'll go home later. I can't sing. They brought a lot of wine to the box, and many of them are drunk..."

"Miss me?" Fu Chen said with a slight smile.

"Yeah." Song Fengwan nodded. She just drank a little white wine when she was respecting the teacher, her face was flushed, and the heat had not dissipated.

"Want to see me?"


The two chatted for a few more words, Song Fengwan hung up the phone, turned around and entered the box, and within half an hour, she received a message from Fu Chen.

【Come out, I'm at the door of your box. 】

Song Fengwan's heart skipped a beat, and he rushed out without hesitation. Fu Chen was leaning not far away. When he saw her coming out, he turned his head to look at her. He seemed to have drunk a little wine, and his eyes were a little blurred.

She walked towards him slowly, and could smell the smell of alcohol on him from a distance.

"you've been drinking?"

"I drank some at the second brother's house." Fu Chen arrived in the morning, knowing that she was busy, so he didn't bother her.

"Come here without saying a word." Song Fengwan bit her lips. She knew that her classmates were all in the box not far away, so she felt inexplicably nervous.

next second

Fu Chen suddenly stretched out his hand to hold her shoulder, and with a little force, pressed her whole body against the wall.

A fiery kiss, like a fire.

A waiter walked by not far away, Song Fengwan was startled, and stretched out his hand to push his shoulder.

"I'm very happy..." Fu Chen tilted his head close to her ear, his breath was scalding hot, and he breathed hard, which made her half brittle.

"What are you happy about?" Not only was her body soft, but her voice was too soft.

"When you get to the capital, I can see you every day." Fu Chen hugged her tightly.

"By the way, brother Duan sent me a big red envelope a few days ago. I ordered it subconsciously and returned it to him, but he didn't want it." Song Fengwan received a lot of red envelopes that day, and Duan Linbai sent red envelopes. I didn't pay attention, so I accepted it.

"Then keep it, he is not short of money."

"Why don't you send me a red envelope." Song Fengwan looked up at him.

Fu Chen smiled lowly, and the two of them touched their skin lightly. His skin was scorching hot, and her body was a little weak when he rubbed against it.

"I'm all yours..."

"What else do you want?"

Let’s release the list late at night, let’s spread the flowers~

The third master smiled like an old father, haha, what are you raising a daughter!

Third Master: ...

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