"I'm all yours..."

Song Fengwan's heart was in a mess.

He laughed, "Just want a red envelope?"

Song Fengwan held her breath, who doesn't like money, if he is willing to give it, she will be willing to accept it, but at this moment...

"Otherwise." She said in a thin voice.

"What about me?" Fu Chen moved closer, blatantly.

She lowered her head slightly, avoiding his gaze.

"Get out of the way first, I'm afraid my classmate will come out." Many waiters have already passed by.

"Well... I'm asking you something, answer me first?"

Fu Chen leaned over and touched her hair lightly.

"You did so well in the exam this time, the reward for you..."


I don't know how long it took, the door of the box where Song Fengwan was staying was suddenly opened, and a boy who was slightly drunk came out. He seemed to have drunk a lot, and he was walking staggeringly. He leaned on the wall and walked slowly. In front of him, his whole body was swaying, as if he could fall down at any time.

She was shocked.

"My classmate is here." She also wanted to face it. If this kind of thing was broken by a classmate, everyone would be ashamed to death.

The boy narrowed his eyes and looked at the two people not far away, with a dazed expression on his face.


It's not Song Fengwan's...

He participated in the 100-day swearing-in at that time, and the discussion among the students was quite high.

Did he drink too much?

Why are these two people so close?

I must be alcohol poisoned.

The boy also thought it was impossible, so he stretched out his hand and slapped his face twice, "I may have drunk too much." Otherwise, why would he be dazzled.


When Song Feng came home late, it was almost morning.

"My mother is asleep?"

"I fell asleep after eight o'clock, and got up again when I knew you came back." Yan Wangchuan took control of the steering wheel.

At this moment in Yuncheng, the night was as thick as ink, and it was silent.

Song Fengwan turned his head to look at the back seat of the car, "Did you buy the midnight snack?"

"Your mother said she was hungry, and she didn't want to mess around in the middle of the night, so I bought some. If you're hungry, go back and eat before going to bed." Yan Wangchuan didn't have the habit of eating late at night.

"Yeah." Although the teacher appreciation banquet lasted for more than two hours, everyone was chatting, Song Fengwan didn't move his chopsticks much, "Do you think my mother has gained weight recently?"

"Is there?" Yan Wangchuan raised his eyebrows, he stayed with Qiao Aiyun all day, so he really didn't care.

"I went shopping with her a few days ago, and she used to wear size M clothes, but now she has to wear size L." Song Fengwan was speechless.

Yan Wangchuan didn't speak any more.

After returning home, Qiao Aiyun sat at the dining table to eat, Song Fengwan ate a couple of bites with him, Yan Wangchuan sat by the side, didn't eat, just stared at their mother and daughter.

The older generation always say that being able to eat is a blessing.

He didn't think Qiao Aiyun was fat at all, but the more he looked at it, the happier he felt.

"Wanwan, do you want to go to the Academy of Fine Arts or go to another university?" Qiao Aiyun looked sideways at her while eating, "I found you a teacher who specializes in helping people fill out applications, and I will take you to consult tomorrow."

"Consultation?" Song Fengwan had his own plan.

"It's quite expensive for him to help people fill out applications. Many people come to him, and he can give you good advice." Naturally, everyone knows a few of the best colleges and universities, but after all, Qiao Aiyun is not proficient in choosing a major.

Song Fengwan's grades were filled in and volunteered earlier, and after filling out the volunteers, they had to rush back to Nanjiang non-stop to prepare for the wedding.

"I still want to study in the Academy of Fine Arts."

"Or because of your grandfather?" Qiao Aiyun turned her head to look at her.

The old man of the Qiao family passed away earlier, and he devoted all his life to carving stone and jade. At that time, it was not like now. The polishing was done by machines. It used to be purely manual. He inhaled dust every day. He got lung disease when he was ten or so.

I was older and had a problem with my arm, so I couldn't hold a carving knife, so I had to withdraw this time.

In the few years before he left, he traced and designed all kinds of jade every day, leaving behind many precious manuscripts, some of which are still collected by museums, and the Qiao family has left tens of thousands of manuscripts.

Song Fengwan held a brush to write and draw, and it was the old man who was enlightened. At that time, he would put white paper on the drawing, hold Song Fengwan's hand, and teach her to trace flowers, birds, fish and insects...

"It's a pity that we have small hands at night, and it's a pity to hold a knife. From now on, we will learn how to draw from my grandfather."

Song Fengwan didn't understand at the time, so he nodded with a giggle.

She still remembers the feeling of her grandfather holding her hand.

His hands were covered with thick calluses, and there was a knife-cut crack in the palm of his hand. When he held her, it was warm and strong.

He once took her to recognize a lot of jade, would ride her around the streets in an old car, and would give her coins so that she could go out and buy sweets...

Qiao Lao had a great influence on her.

The old man also left very suddenly. When he was collecting the relics, he found a simple atlas. It was the introductory drawing specially drawn by Mr. Qiao for Song Fengwan, but it was not yet finished...

Song Fengwan thought of Mr. Qiao, and his nose was sore. "Not only because of grandpa, but also because of my own interest. The Beijing Academy of Fine Arts has a design class in this field, and I want to apply there."

Qiao Aiyun thought of her father and felt sad.

She didn't want Song Fengwan to be too far away from her, but when it came to her father, after she got married, she couldn't serve him, and she felt regretful in her heart. Song Fengwan wanted to fulfill his father's wish, and her heart ached.

She is clumsy and has no talent for painting, so she can only help with the business. There are too few inheritors of the Qiao family's craftsmanship, and it is feared that in a hundred years, no one will remember the Qiao family.

"Mom—" Song Fengwan bit his lip, feeling nervous.

"If you insist on going to the Beijing Academy of Fine Arts and have made a decision, I will not stop you. After all, you will have to go your own way in the future. Even if I choose the best school and the best major for you, if you don't I like it, after studying for four years, I’m afraid I’m not comfortable.”

Qiao Aiyun was completely thinking of her father, and felt sad, and her heart softened.

"Thank you mom." Song Fengwan said with a smile.

She has always been worried about filling out the volunteer application. Her uncle wanted her to go to Wusu, and the Yan family wanted her to go to Nanjiang, but she chose the capital city which is the farthest away.

I don't know how to talk to my mother, but I said it by the way today, and I got the approval, and my heart is on the ground.

Yan Wangchuan watched Qiao Aiyun's eyes turn red, and frowned slightly. He still clearly remembered the scene when he first entered Qiao Aiyun's house to study as a teacher.

Thinking of her late father, Qiao Aiyun couldn't hide her disappointment. It took a long time before she breathed a sigh of relief, "Since you have made your decision and filled out the application form, we will go back to Nanjiang."

Song Fengwan nodded.

"By the way, when I was on the phone with my mother during the day, I heard that Yan Zhihuan and Xiao Jing'an were getting engaged, and she asked her sister to send an invitation to the house, but she threw it away again." Qiao Aiyun tried to change the subject.

"They're engaged?" Song Fengwan was speechless.

At that time, Mrs. Xiao was so tough, she probably wouldn't accept Yan Zhihuan easily, why did she suddenly get engaged.

"I heard that there is." Qiao Aiyun sighed, "I guess she threatened the child, saying that she is pregnant with Xiao Jingan's child, what can I do? We also saw what kind of mother and daughter that day, so we will definitely rely on it. From the Xiao family."

It's been more than half a month since the coconut grove incident that day, if she is pregnant, it will be found out naturally.

Song Fengwan shook his head helplessly.

In this life, Xiao Jing'an was afraid that he would be entangled by that terrible woman, and he deserved it, so he couldn't control himself.


Song Fengwan went out on a date with Fu Chen the next day, just to have dinner and watch a movie, and took her home before ten o'clock.

She didn't stay in Yuncheng for long, she volunteered to fill it out, and then returned to Nanjiang, because Qiao Aiyun and Yan Wangchuan's wedding was scheduled for August, the seventh day of the lunar calendar, and there were many things to prepare before the wedding.

In order to welcome the wedding, the old lady asked people to completely renovate the furnishings in the house, and even the carpet was replaced with a festive brick red.

In mid-July, the old lady went to Wu Su to discuss the marriage with Qiao's family in person.

In today's society, there are still some complaints about second marriages, but the old lady doesn't take it seriously. Since she married into Yan's family, she must have a good time.

The betrothal gift given by the Yan family was also very rich, including a real estate investment in the capital, which was directly transferred to Song Fengwan.

The old lady said very straightforwardly, "I will go to the capital to study later in the evening. If I don't want to live in a dormitory, having a house is considered a home. When we go to see her in the capital, we can't always stay in a hotel. It is convenient to have a house."

Little did they know that this house would become the place where Fu Chen and Song Fengwan had an affair in the future.

Time passed quickly in preparing for the wedding, and during this period, Qiao Aiyun was so busy that her feet never touched the ground.

There was a strong wind outside that day, and the meteorological station warned that there was a typhoon, so Qiao Aiyun just stayed at home. Song Fengwan learned embroidery from the old lady for more than a month. He wanted to embroider a double happiness when his mother got married, which made it crooked and ugly. It was so bad that it destroyed a ball of gold thread.

"Oh, my little ancestor, don't ruin my gold thread anymore, you have ruined so much gold thread." The old lady felt bad when she saw the thread was knotted.

"You said that Qiao's old family are all craftsmen, and you are also an art student, why are you so stupid!"

Song Fengwan was speechless, "I've worked very hard, the line is too long."

"Don't come here to trouble me again." The old lady sighed repeatedly, "I teach you every day, why can't you learn it?"

Song Fengwan felt quite helpless looking at the dog-like figure in his hand.

"Mom, don't worry about her, this girl has been clumsy since she was a child." Qiao Aiyun smiled and poured tea for the old lady. It's really hard to say how to inherit this thing. Qiao Aiyun is a woman, so it stands to reason that she should be more dexterous than Qiao Wangbei, but the fact is just right on the contrary.

"I didn't inherit it from my grandfather and uncle, but I inherited it from you." Song Fengwan muttered softly.

Qiao Aiyun gave her a gouged look, and she became more and more indifferent.

"Ma'am, I've had some soup." Mama Huang brought a bowl of black chicken soup from the kitchen. Ever since she arrived at Yan's house, she has been nourishing herself every day.

"Thank you." Qiao Aiyun was just about to reach out to take the soup bowl when she felt nauseated, her face turned pale, and she ran to the bathroom in a panic...

"Mom?" Song Fengwan frowned.

There was a retching sound from the bathroom...

The old lady and Huang Ma looked at each other, overjoyed, and threw away the embroidery. It was a cloudy and rainy day, her knees were sore and weak, but now her feet felt windy, and she trotted all the way to the bathroom.

Song Fengwan also came to his senses at this moment, grandma suddenly ran so fast?

My heart skipped a beat, could this be...

I have it.

The third watch is over.

Everyone remember to punch in and leave a message to vote~


Nanjiang will come to an end soon, and then we will go to university tonight~

This shameless cohabitation life is about to begin, hehe.

Having an affair under the eyes of the Fu family, third master, your skin is about to tighten, be careful of being beaten.

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