Heartwarming Aristocratic Marriage: Influential Master’s Wife-Chasing Strategy

Chapter 335 The late child, stuttering from nervousness

Nanjiang in August, typhoon day

The violent wind and rain outside the house set off huge waves on the sea, and the rain hit the plantains with a rustling sound.

Qiao Aiyun was lying on the toilet, still retching, and the old lady stood behind, reaching out to pat her on the back, with a distressed and excited expression, "Huang Ma, go get a glass of water."

Huang Ma's movements were not as fast as Song Feng Wan's, she had already poured water in and handed it in.

After Qiao Aiyun rinsed her mouth, she felt better.

"Ai Yun, do you have it?" The old lady said bluntly, with an unconcealable excitement in her tone.

"I..." Qiao Aiyun's head exploded. It's not the first time she's pregnant. Thinking of the recent abnormalities in her body, she's dumbfounded. "I've been too tired recently, I thought..."

Her menstruation is not allowed at all, and she has been busy with getting married recently, and she doesn't take it to heart when she feels unwell and has no appetite.

Some time ago, she had a fever. She thought it was caused by greed for cold, but luckily she didn't take medicine.

"When was your last menstruation?" The old lady looked very excited and helped her to go outside.

She has long been prepared for her son to be a bachelor, and she already feels that it is a blessing from her ancestors to be able to get married. If this can give her a grandson, that would be great.

"Last time..." Qiao Aiyun's mind was full of weddings. Where did she care about this? Looking back now, it seems to be June, "Probably not."

She has been tired recently, not as often as Yan Wangchuan.

"Hey, you two are not young people anymore, how can you be confused about this kind of thing, don't you know if you two were wearing small umbrellas at that time?" The old lady was anxious.

Yan Wangchuan has always been taking contraceptive measures, but Qiao Aiyun really doesn't know.

"Wanwan, help your mother to sit over there. I'll call Wangchuan and ask him to come back immediately. I can't go to the hospital this day, so let him buy some pregnancy test sticks." The old lady immediately called Yan Wangchuan. phone.

When Song Fengwan supported Qiao Aiyun, her hands were cold and she was also nervous.

"Mom, drink some water." Song Fengwan poured her a glass of warm water.

She is an only child, and she is usually the only one in the family. It would be nice if she had a younger brother or sister, as long as she is not like Yan Wangchuan.

But after thinking about it, everyone said that the nephew is more like an uncle, like an uncle...

She swallowed nervously.

That was definitely a demon, his uncle was a man who touched a knife when he was over one year old, and killed a chicken when he was three years old.

I hope to have a younger sister, not a younger brother.


Yan's Group

Yan Wangchuan was holding a regular meeting to discuss the activities launched by the company on Qixi Festival. The group of people below were discussing eagerly, and Yan Wangchuan's cell phone vibrated at an inopportune time.

"Excuse me, I'll answer the phone." Although he is the top leader in the company, he doesn't have much airs.

Everyone also knew that he was getting married in a few days and had many things to do, so they immediately kept silent.


"Hurry up, Ai Yun is pregnant."

Qiao Aiyun was drinking water, but when she heard this, she almost threw up.

Suspected of being pregnant, how could she become pregnant just by going to her place!

Yan Wangchuan was stunned for a few seconds, his whole face turned cold, and the senior executives of the company were walking on eggshells, trembling with fear, thinking that something had happened to the company.

"...Did you hear what I said? There's a typhoon outside now, so it's inconvenient to send her to the hospital. Come back quickly and pass by the pharmacy to buy some pregnancy test sticks."

"Okay." Yan Wangchuan hung up the phone stiffly, "The meeting is suspended."

After speaking, he turned around and walked out.

The little assistant hurried to catch up and asked him nothing.

A certain person walked straight to the elevator, halfway there, and found that the car key was not taken, and walked back.

When he got to the garage, he realized that he had taken the wrong key and walked back.

Repeat this three or four times.

The little assistant was dumbfounded.

It was the first time he had seen Yan Wangchuan so distraught, and he was worried that he would go back alone, so he naturally followed.

But Yan Wangchuan walked briskly, got into the car quickly, kicked the accelerator, and drove out at a high speed, the assistant's hand didn't even touch the door handle.

"President Yan, there is a typhoon outside, please be careful!"

There are often typhoons in Nanjiang, the roads are not flooded, there are few pedestrians and vehicles on the road, the speed of the wipers is not as good as the rain, and the visibility of the windshield is extremely low. Yan Wangchuan drove halfway and encountered a big tree in front of him Being blown down and clearing the roadblock, he simply parked the car on the side of the road and walked back.

Passing by the pharmacy to buy a pregnancy test stick, the salesperson looked at him in bewilderment.

He was being beaten by the wind and rain at the moment, and he didn't have the slightest image. The salesperson didn't recognize him for a while, only thinking that he was at this age to buy a pregnancy test stick?

Who is this for?

Yan Wangchuan was always calm, but when he took the pregnancy test stick, he felt embarrassed for the first time in his life.

He swore that he would never come to this store again in his life.

When he got home, it was more than forty minutes later.

Seeing him appearing at the door drenched in water, the whole family was shocked.

"You got into the water during a meeting, why are you so wet?" It was the first time the old lady saw him in such a mess, and hurriedly asked someone to wipe him with a towel.

Yan Wangchuan took out a pregnancy test stick from his arms and handed it to Qiao Aiyun.

His face was dignified, as if he was handing over some valuables.

"Wipe your face first." Qiao Aiyun picked up a tissue and wiped his face, "Take off your coat, hurry up and take a shower, I'll get you clothes."

"You go first." Yan Wangchuan had a firm attitude.

At this moment, everyone's eyes were on Qiao Aiyun, making her feel ashamed.

"If one line is missing, two lines mean there is one."

"How do you know?" Qiao Aiyun is not pregnant for the first time, she has experience in this, but Yan Wangchuan is different.

"I've checked Baidu."

Qiao Aiyun took the plastic bag and went into the bathroom in embarrassment.

She was also very nervous at the bottom of her heart, and looked back at the back of her eyes before going in.

"Come on, go quickly." The old lady couldn't do it excitedly.

Qiao Aiyun smiled resentfully, this kind of thing is not just for her to cheer up.

She turned and went into the bathroom, closed the door, and looked at the toilet with a complicated expression.

"Sir, wipe it off." Huang's mother handed Yan Wangchuan a big towel, and he held the towel and stood at the door of the bathroom, like a door god.

"Yan Wangchuan, please go away." The door of Yan's bathroom is made of frosted glass, and you can vaguely see the figure outside. This person is likely to be Yan Wangchuan.

Qiao Aiyun was already nervous, and he stuck there, making it impossible for her to do a urine test.

Yan Wangchuan frowned, and took half a step back.

"Go further."

Song Fengwan watched Yan Wangchuan move back in small steps, lowered his head and suppressed a smile.

She went in for more than 20 minutes, and a group of people outside were sitting on pins and needles, and it was not easy to rush her, so she was very anxious.


Qiao Aiyun was sitting on the toilet, looking at the two bars on the pregnancy test stick with a complicated expression.

In the end it's still here.


After she went out, Yan Wangchuan stood guard at the door, and the water dripping from his body made a pool of water stains under his feet.

The four eyes are facing each other.

Yan Wangchuan's heart was beating extremely fast, waiting for her trial as if he was tightly strangled by fate.

"Yes, yes... yes..." His throat was dry.

Song Fengwan laughed out loud, why was he still stuttering from nervousness.

"After three tests, it should be there." Qiao Aiyun looked calm.

Yan Wangchuan took a deep breath and strode over to hug her, but the old lady raised her crutch and opened it with a stick, "She's covered in water, you're going to make her catch a cold, right?"

"I'm not."

"Hurry up and change your clothes." Qiao Aiyun smiled at him.

"Yeah." Yan Wangchuan might be too nervous. When walking, his whole body was as stiff as a robot.


The next day, after the rain, the family went to the hospital with Qiao Aiyun for another checkup. It was confirmed that she was pregnant for more than a month, and Yan Wangchuan also caught a cold successfully.

The old lady completely isolated him and forbade him to touch Qiao Aiyun.

This made Yan Wangchuan very aggrieved. Now that a child came, why did he become so annoying.

It is not easy for the Yan family to have such a child. Qiao Aiyun is an older mother. The old lady is very cautious. She said that the first three months are very important and the fetus is unstable. Except for notifying Qiao's family, no one said anything. She wanted to wait for three months. An announcement will be made in a month.

Song Fengwan originally planned that when she got married, Fu Chen would come to attend the wedding, and Qiao Aiyun would be in a good mood, so she would talk to her about her love affairs, and give her a vaccination.

Now that she has a child, Yan Wangchuan told her clearly, "Don't provoke your mother at this time, she needs to concentrate on raising the baby."

So the matter between her and Fu Chen can only be pushed back, made plans, pushed again and again.

Little did they know that because of this incident, Fu Chen was enforced by Mr. Fu's family law.

Good morning, the update is starting, everyone don't forget to leave a message and check in~

Let's applaud senior brother, haha

In fact, I thought about having a showdown with my mother every night, isn't this a special situation [cover face]

So it can be considered that the future brother-in-law or sister-in-law indirectly deceived the third master, haha

Recently, there are a lot of people in the message area who want to see the third master get beaten, you are all devils, you just want to see the third master suffer so much!

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