When Fu Chen received Song Fengwan's message, he was listening to a play with the old lady in Liyuan. Today's song is "Farewell My Concubine".

[Third brother, we may have to postpone our affairs, so we can't talk to my mother now. ] followed by an aggrieved expression.

Fu Chen frowned.

He and Song Fengwan had discussed that when they got married, Qiao Aiyun would be vaccinated first, and then they would have a showdown with the family slowly, so they couldn't keep their secret love forever.

Moreover, after arriving in the capital, the two must have met frequently, and this matter cannot be concealed.

【What happened? 】

[My mother is pregnant for more than a month and is not stable. I am afraid that something will happen if I stimulate her now. 】

Fu Chen stared at the phone screen, and the word "pregnancy" pierced his eyes, which hurt a little.

At this moment, Concubine Yu on the stage babbled and sang: "... If the concubine and concubine are of the same shape, wouldn't it involve the king to kill the enemy? Forget it, I would like to kill myself in front of the king with the sword in the king's waist."


"Concubine, don't seek short-sightedness."

"My concubine, you can't..."

When Fu Chen looked up, he happened to see Yu Ji draw out her sword and wipe her neck.

His heart skipped a beat, with an ominous premonition.

This child came at a really bad time. His plan was disrupted just after pregnancy. This child...

Fu Chenke shook his head vigorously.

A scene ended, and the scene was changed in 5 minutes, followed by another episode of "The Beauty Case", the tiger-headed guillotine came up, Fu Chen frowned slightly, what happened to Liyuan today? It's this kind of play anyway.


Tanabata eve, before the wedding

Qiao Aiyun originally wanted to invite a few tables of guests in a low-key manner. The Yan family hadn't held a wedding for many years, so it was difficult to keep a low profile. Originally, they only booked six tables, but later directly booked a floor of the hotel to entertain guests.

Before she was pregnant, she was still losing weight and maintaining her weight. Since she found out that she was pregnant, she has been supplemented with various soups and water every day. The three catties she lost in half a month was regained in five days.

I can't wear the wedding dress, so I can only choose Chinese kimono.

Because she is pregnant, she saves makeup and keeps everything simple.

And Yan Wangchuan was strictly prohibited from contacting Qiao Aiyun during this period. After he recovered from the cold, the old lady said that he had germs on his body. In a few days, she said that it was not good to meet before marriage.

He could only focus on preparing for pregnancy, bought a lot of books on this subject, and took notes while reading.

Song Fengwan was lucky enough to read this [Pregnancy Diary], which is more neat than the notes she took when she was in school.

Qiao's family came two days in advance, and Song Fengwan accompanied them to play around Nanjiang.

Qiao Xiyan also joked, "When you were a child, you clamored for younger siblings, but when you were 18 years old, you finally realized this wish. How do you feel now?"

Song Fengwan tilted his head and smiled at him, "Talking as if this child is not your younger sibling? How does it feel to have a younger sibling at your age?"

Qiao Xiyan flicked her forehead, "I haven't seen you for a few months, you girl is getting more and more courageous, and you are making fun of me?"

"Cousin, grandma said she wanted to introduce someone to you? You're not too young, and it's time to open up branches and leaves for the Qiao family."

Qiao Xiyan was holding a cigarette in his hand at the time, and a little carelessly, the ash fell on his finger.

It's hot.

This girl just finished the college entrance examination, so she let herself go like this, she is so courageous, she actually learned to tease him.

Fu Chen came to Nanjiang the day before the wedding. When he visited Yan's house, Qiao's family was there, and it was not convenient for him to get close to Song Fengwan, so he left in a hurry after giving a gift.

The Yan family did not announce the pregnancy to the outside world, so Fu Chen could only pretend not to know, his brows tightened when his gaze passed over Qiao Aiyun's abdomen.

At that time, Qiao Wangbei was carving something with a piece of ruby, and the carving knife was cold, so he tightly grasped the Buddhist beads in his hand.

The bad feeling is getting stronger.


wedding day

The old lady was very happy, wearing a dark red dress, embroidered with big peonies, asked Song Fengwan to accompany her, and specially went to perm her hair, she was full of energy, and was busy greeting guests.

Song Fengwan and Yan Zhile accompanied Qiao Aiyun in the back lounge to prepare.

Many family members brought their children and wanted to see the bride in advance.

Qiao Aiyun didn't wear makeup, but during this period of time, Lian Tian's complexion was rosy and her complexion was very good, but she was also pretty. She was wearing a bright red kimono and had a simple hairstyle. The old lady told the makeup artist not to give her any headgear that was too heavy Dai, the wedding lasted for one day, and she was afraid of tiring her.

The relatives and friends of the Yan family could tell that the old lady and Yan Wangchuan attached great importance to their mother and daughter, and the marriage was a happy event, so even if some of them complained about them, they all smiled and congratulated them.

"Mom, I'll get you something to eat." Song Fengwan felt tired just after seeing off a group of relatives, especially some naughty children, she was really afraid that she would rush over and bump into Qiao Aiyun.

"Let me go, you stay here with Auntie." Yan Zhile walked out after finishing speaking, but before going out, Yan Zhihuan and Zhang Suqiu came face to face.

"I said why didn't I answer your call, so I arrived early." Zhang Suqiu dressed up specially today, feeling a little arrogant.

Yan Zhihuan beside her was wearing a very bright red dress. She clearly wanted to compete with the bride.

Song Fengwan frowned, why are they here?

And today's clothes are too overwhelming.

This Yan Zhihuan is not pregnant, why is she still wearing heavy makeup and stepping on the sky, she is really big.

"Auntie, I'm here to congratulate you on your happy wedding." Yan Zhihuan turned aside Song Fengwan from the corner of his eye, looked at her little pink dress, feeling inexplicably disgusted, "I wish you and uncle a happy marriage for a hundred years, and love you forever."

This style is really earthy.

It's fine if you sincerely congratulate, that's a bit of a show off.

"Thank you." Qiao Aiyun smiled lightly.

The guest list was drawn up long ago, and relatives and friends notified it relatively late. Naturally, Zhang Suqiu’s family was not included in the invitation list, but the Xiao family notified them early in the morning, and the invitations had already been sent out, so it’s not easy to take them back. If he could come, he probably came with the Xiao family.

"Uncle really loves Auntie, I have prepared so many jewelry." Yan Zhihuan glanced at the table, except for simple cosmetics, all of them were jewelry.

Yan's family originally made jewelry, and Yan Wangchuan was not stingy in this regard, and today was a big wedding, so naturally all kinds of good things were brought out.

Among them is an emerald gem, which is warm and clear in color, with a ring of broken diamonds inlaid on the side, which is absolutely extraordinary at a glance.

In this kind of day, it is impossible for the Yan family to come out with fake things.

Seeing her slightly greedy gaze, Song Fengwan raised his hand to close the jewelry boxes in front of him. She never forgot that Yan Zhihuan once went through her room privately.

She is really disgusted by this kind of behavior of flipping through other people's things privately, it is simply uneducated.

Qiao Aiyun didn't make a sound, Yan Zhihuan felt bored seeing her not taking care of him.

Zhang Suqiu took out an invitation card from her bag and put it on the table, "Huanhuan and Jing'an are getting married at the end of the month, if you are free, welcome to come over."

Qiao Aiyun looked down at the invitation, "Okay, I'll go there when I'm free."

Although the news of Yan Zhihuan's pregnancy was not disclosed to the outside world, quite a few people knew about it. He was so anxious to get married because he wanted to get things done before his belly grew bigger.

"Mom, Huanhuan, let's go." Ever since they came in, Yan Zhile had been terrified, afraid that the two of them would cause trouble.

Yan Zhile is not stupid, seeing how the Yan family behaves, even though she didn't explicitly say that Qiao Aiyun is pregnant, she can guess a thing or two.

"Heh, when your sister got engaged, she didn't see you go to help, but she is very considerate at this time." Zhang Suqiu gouged out Yan Zhile, "You are really good at hugging thighs."

It's not that Yan Zhile doesn't help, but that Yan Zhihuan dislikes her and is picky, and she doesn't want to be angry.

After seeing off the mother and daughter, Song Fengwan let out a long sigh of relief.

I'm afraid that this pair of lunatics will do something crazy again.

Soon Yan Shaochen came over to urge him, saying that his relatives were almost here and they could go downstairs.


The wedding was very simple and lively. Fu Chen had no acquaintances in Nanjiang, so Yan Wangchuan arranged him next to Qiao's family. Many people thought it was inappropriate. The table was full of close relatives. Why did Fu Chen get there?

Some people even said that Yan Wangchuan never expected that he would curry favor with the Fu family and arrange him at the most important banquet.

Old God Fu Chen was sitting there, very satisfied with the seat arranged by Yan Wangchuan, anyway, we will be a family in the future.

After the wedding, Qiao Aiyun accompanied Yan Wangchuan to toast at the table. She couldn't drink, so Yan Wangchuan was given a lot of alcohol by some relatives, and Song Fengwan helped take care of the children brought by relatives.

For some reason, Song Fengwan was destined to have children. As soon as Fu Chen arrived at the hotel lobby, he saw her being stalked by a child.

She dressed up specially today, in a pink dress, with white skin and a thin waist, long hair hanging down her shoulders, and a beautiful clavicle shoulder line, which can easily attract everyone's attention.

Seeing Fu Chen coming, Song Fengwan sent the child to pick him up.

A certain person is wearing a simple and low-key dress today, but this one is quite seductive, and it has already attracted many people's attention when it appeared.

"You're here." Song Fengwan said with a smile.

Fu Chen reached out and pulled the coat that was originally on Shifang's arm and handed it to her.

"Huh?" Song Fengwan raised his eyebrows.

"You're cold." Fu Chen said firmly.

Song Fengwan chuckled, "Okay, I'm cold."

Under his gaze, Song Fengwan put on his coat, which was loose enough to reveal a section of tender calf. Fu Chen frowned, becoming more and more dissatisfied.

Who designed the skirt, it's so short.

Qian Jiang has been standing not far away calmly.

In fact, there was one thing that he hadn't reported to Fu Chen. Song Fengwan had been running around in denim shorts throughout the summer.


In the second half of the wedding, everyone was eating, drinking and toasting, and the children couldn't sit still and ran around. Song Fengwan had to watch the children, so he could only run out. There was a fountain laid on the ground in front of the hotel, and several children were on it Running has been crazy.

Song Fengwan was so angry that he couldn't help it.

If Qiao Aiyun gave birth to such a little devil in the future, it would be a headache.

Song Fengwan was afraid that the children would fall, so he ran after them, splashing a lot of water on his body, and when he was resting on the stone bench next to him, someone patted the side of his shoulder.

Song Fengwan looked up and saw Fu Chen standing behind him. The night was as cool as water, and the colorful light from the fountain refracted the water, reflecting colorful colors in his eyes.

Brighter than the stars in the night sky.

"Why did you come out?" Song Fengwan smiled at him with crooked eyebrows.

Fu Chen's eyes fell on her wet hair, his thin lips lifted slightly, and his Adam's apple moved slightly, "Want to kiss you?"

"Huh?" Song Fengwan was stunned. This was the entrance of the hotel, and people came and went.

Water drops rolled down from Song Fengwan's face, all the way down from the delicate neck...

Fu Chen's eyes were dark, and as soon as he finished speaking, he couldn't wait to bend down and paste it.

He bent over halfway, and gently pecked her lips.

The breath is slightly drunk and hot.

In the cool breeze of summer night, it is so sweet.

Shi Fang stood not far away, covering his face with his hands.

My third master, you are acting unscrupulous now.

But Fu Chen didn't continue to make trouble, and straightened up after kissing, "The wedding is almost over, let's take the children back."

"Yeah." Song Fengwan blushed and his breathing was disordered.


At this moment, many guests left one after another, and there were still a few tables of Yan Wangchuan's friends. Everyone drank too much and dragged Yan Wangchuan to toast.

Because Qiao Aiyun couldn't drink, almost Qiao Wangbei and Qiao Xiyan helped to block the drink, and they were also sitting with Yan Wangchuan at the moment, and were held back by a group of people.

It is impossible for Yan Wangchuan to have a bridal chamber tonight. For him, double happiness is coming, and if others persuade him to drink, he will drink it.

The old lady was happy today, so she didn't stop him, and was busy seeing off relatives and friends.

After Song Fengwan came back, he was also dragged to send the guests out.

Accompanied by Yan Zhile, Qiao Aiyun originally went back to the lounge. She was busy toasting and didn't eat anything, so Yan Zhile went to the back kitchen to prepare a bowl of noodles for her.

Before she reached the door of the lounge, she saw Yan Zhihuan coming out of her lounge.

Just five or six minutes later...

Suddenly there was a woman's scream. Song Fengwan was seeing off the guests at the door. Hearing the cry, his heart trembled with fright, and he hurriedly ran to the lounge.

The third master is really becoming more and more unscrupulous...

I really didn't do anything [cover face]

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