Heartwarming Aristocratic Marriage: Influential Master’s Wife-Chasing Strategy

Chapter 337 Vicious thoughts and dirty water, everyone is furious (3 more)

Song Fengwan was the fastest runner. Fu Chen was already saying goodbye to the old lady of the Yan family, but when he heard the cry, he suddenly grabbed the Buddhist beads and followed Song Fengwan to the back.

The old lady had bad legs and ran very slowly. Yan Wangchuan was shocked when he heard the movement, and ran to the lounge with Qiao's family.

Song Feng was the fastest to arrive late, and saw Zhang Suqiu pulling his mother from a long distance away, Yan Zhihuan fell to the ground, covering his stomach with his hand, and yelled.

"My stomach, my child..."

Zhang Suqiu grabbed Qiao Aiyun's clothes tightly and refused to let her leave, "...You bump into someone and still want to run? Stop for me."

"You let go, I didn't bump into her." Qiao Aiyun frowned, caring about the child in her belly, she didn't dare to push and push her at will.

"You didn't push her. Could it be that she fell down by herself? She has a child in her belly. If you knock the child away, I will fight you hard."

Zhang Suqiu was already a tough guy, but now he opened his bloody mouth to her, looking like he wanted to eat people.

Qiao Aiyun tried to break free, but Zhang Suqiu was like a cowhide plaster, tightly clutching her clothes.

"What are you doing!" Song Fengwan trotted over.

"Wan Wan." Qiao Aiyun had never seen such a rascal before, she was anxious and angry, pinching her arm with a dull pain.

She gasped, her body instinctively pushed her away.

Zhang Suqiu was not pushed away, seeing Song Fengwan came, followed by a group of people, thinking that her daughter would not be pushed in vain, her heart swayed, she grabbed her shoulder, and suddenly exerted force.

"Mom!" Song Fengwan watched her back hit the wall of the corridor, his face turned blue with fright.

"Boom—" she fell to the ground with a sound.

Fu Chen's eyes tightened, Song Feng was one step behind, and supported Qiao Aiyun, "Aunt Yun?"

Qiao Aiyun's back hurt sharply from the bump, the pearl hairpin on her head fell off, and she was sweating from the pain. After all, she was old, how could she bear such a bump, her bones almost fell apart.

"Mom, how are you?" Song Fengwan's eyes turned red immediately, and he fell to his knees on the ground.

Qiao Aiyun felt a dull pain in her spine, her scalp was numb from the pain, and she couldn't speak for a while.

"Shifang, go drive!" Fu Chen reached out and hugged her up.

"Okay." Shi Fang hurried out and bumped into Yan Wangchuan head-on. Seeing his gloomy face, his heart trembled with fright.

Yan Wangchuan took Qiao Aiyun from Fu Chen's arms, and took a deep look at the mother and daughter not far away.

The eyes are sharp, like a cold knife, piercing the heart.

Zhang Suqiu was so frightened that her heart trembled, even Yan Zhihuan didn't dare to call out for a moment.

His face was cold and frightening, but now he is staring at you with a sharp and frightening gaze.

But Yan Wangchuan was full of Qiao Aiyun at the moment, so naturally he had no time to talk to them, and ran outside with her in his arms.

He drank a lot of wine today, and his steps were a little weak and staggering. Fortunately, Yan Shaochen helped to support him, otherwise, when he left the hotel and went down the stairs, both of them would have to roll down.

The old lady and Qiao's family had just arrived, and seeing this situation, their hearts jumped, and they ran out.


"Mom—" Yan Zhihuan was still wailing on the ground, "My stomach hurts, whoops—is my child about to die?"

Song Fengwan should have chased him out, but he heard Zhang Suqiu suddenly say:

"Didn't it just fall, what's so delicate? Huanhuan, don't be afraid, I've already called an ambulance."

Song Fengwan stopped, turned around and walked back.

Zhang Suqiu was half squatting on the ground, when she saw a black shadow looming over her, she looked up and saw Song Fengwan, her eyes were red, staring at her fiercely.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" Zhang Suqiu stood up, "It was your mother who pushed her first, and my daughter is pregnant with a child from the Xiao family. If something happens to her, I won't let her go."

"Woooo——" Yan Zhihuan sat on the ground, still howling, his voice was harsh, "Mom, my stomach hurts."

"I've never seen a person with such a vicious heart, even children..." Zhang Suqiu caught a glimpse of Fu Chen who was standing beside him.

She had been introduced at the banquet that the guests of the Fu family and the Yan family in the capital valued him very much, so she guessed that Song Fengwan would not dare to make trouble in front of him.

After all, this person is her elder and a guest. Isn't it shameful that she dares to be so presumptuous.

"Today, if something happens to my daughter, I will..."

Before Zhang Suqiu finished speaking, Song Fengwan slapped her across the face.

The beating made her dumbfounded.

When Song Fengwan angered Yan Zhihuan for slandering her for stealing things, Zhang Suqiu was not there. He didn't know how powerful she was at all, and was suddenly slapped, his breath congealed, and he looked at her in disbelief.

"You... you hit me?" Zhang Suqiu is also in her forties, and she has never been beaten at this age, let alone a little girl Su.

"Mom, this stinky girl scolded me before." Yan Zhihuan added fuel, "You can't let it go..."

"Shut up!" Song Fengwan yelled at Yan Zhihuan with a cold face.

Yan Zhihuan's face turned pale with fright, and he dared not make a sound.

"You still dare to reprimand my daughter? It's so upside down, you still dare to beat me, you uneducated stinky girl, I heard that your own father is not a scumbag, as expected, you are not a good person to raise a daughter thing."

Song Fengwan tightened his fingers, then suddenly let go, and raised it to give another slap.

"Say one more word?"

"I'll fight with you!" Zhang Suqiu, who was aggressive at first, was hit twice and instantly exploded. He stretched out his hand and grabbed her, wishing he could scratch her face.

Song Fengwan was not afraid of her, she was also red-eyed at the moment, wishing she could be killed.

Just when she raised her arm to hit someone, someone grabbed her by the shoulder, pulled her back, and blocked her.

Zhang Suqiu was caught off guard and ran away, afraid of falling, she reached out and grabbed Fu Chen's clothes.

That's when...

Fu Chen suddenly raised his foot and kicked it violently.

Zhang Suqiu felt severe pain in her thigh, and was caught off guard. She fell to her knees on the ground and screamed.

Fu Chen's kick was ruthless.

Her thighs twitched and trembled with pain, her kneecaps hit the ground, and her bones were about to be cracked. She gasped in pain and looked at Fu Chen rather fiercely.


"What?" Fu Chen raised his hand and brushed the corner of his clothes, "You still want to fight with me?"

Shifang and Qianjiang followed closely behind him, Zhang Suqiu naturally didn't dare to make a sound, and could only swallow the bad breath.

"Mom!" Yan Zhihuan's pupils shrank slightly.

"I don't like people touching my clothes, it's dirty." Fu Chen narrowed his eyes, "I don't like people looking at me like that either."

"No one has dared to stare at my third master like that, but you are very courageous." Shi Fang narrowed his eyes.

Zhang Suqiu lowered her eyes, reached out and rubbed her thigh, sweating coldly from the pain.

At this moment, the ambulance was called earlier, and the medical staff were trotting over carrying the stretcher.

"Let's go, let's go to the hospital too." Fu Chen glanced at Song Fengwan.


Second Hospital of Nanjiang City

Qiao Aiyun was sent to the nearest hospital for treatment. The driver was Yan Shaochen. After all, he was familiar with the road conditions. As soon as he arrived at the hospital and put her on the hospital bed, everyone saw the bloodstains on Yan Wangchuan's chest.

The old lady's eyes blurred immediately, and she almost passed out.

When the doctor arrived, he saw Yan Wangchuan, and his heart skipped a beat. Just now in the office they were still discussing his big wedding today. Yan's jewelry was discounted, but unfortunately they couldn't afford it.

"What happened here?"

"I was hit." Qiao Wangbei kept a cold face from the beginning to the end.

Just as the doctor was about to examine her, Josie added, "She's pregnant."

The doctors and nurses nearby were dumbfounded.

I never heard that Mrs. Yan is pregnant.

Qiao Aiyun had fallen into a coma at the moment. After the doctor asked her family members to go out, she closed the curtain and checked her lower body. Because she was wearing red Xiuhe, the amount of bleeding could not be seen clearly. The smell of blood came to her face when she took off her clothes.

"Contact Dr. Zhao immediately."


On the other side, Yan Zhihuan was also sent to the hospital, and the Xiao family got the news a few hours later.

For Yan Wangchuan's wedding, no one from the Xiao family came, they only sent someone to give a gift. Many people knew that Yan Zhihuan and Xiao Jing'an were pregnant out of marriage.

So when they heard that something happened to her at the wedding, the Xiao family was also very surprised.

As soon as Xiao Jing'an entered the ward, Yan Zhihuan's face was pale, she was wearing a hospital gown, her lips were waxy, and she was crying miserably.

"Jing'an, our child is gone."

Zhang Suqiu sat on the side, secretly wiping tears.

Mrs. Xiao has been busy preparing for the wedding recently. When she heard that Yan Zhihuan had an accident, she was like a thunderbolt. She got married for the sake of the child. Now that the invitations have been sent out, and now that the child really had an accident, wouldn't it be...

At the moment, there was a female doctor standing beside her, who nodded, "We did our best."

Mrs. Xiao almost collapsed to the ground.

"Jing'an, I didn't take good care of Huanhuan." Zhang Suqiu also burst into tears, "My in-laws are all my fault."

"What's going on?" Mrs. Xiao breathed a sigh of relief when she learned that the child was fine.

"It's not Qiao Aiyun who pushed her. She is also a mother. She is so insane that she pushed her even though she knew she was pregnant." Zhang Suqiu pointed at her face.

"Look for yourselves, my face was slapped by her daughter."

"This mother and daughter are amazing."


the other side

Qiao Aiyun was sent to the emergency room, and Yan Wangchuan exploded, "Where are they?"

After several inquiries, they learned that Yan Zhihuan had been sent to Bo'ai Hospital.

"Bo'ai Hospital?" The old lady couldn't believe it.

"What's wrong?" Qiao Wangbei also planned to settle accounts with them.

"Bo'ai Hospital is in the suburbs, and it takes more than half an hour to drive there. Didn't it mean that an ambulance was called, how did they drag people there."

Fu Chen squinted his eyes and lowered his head to check Nanjiang Bo'ai Hospital. It took more than half an hour to drive to the hotel where the accident occurred. Although he was not familiar with Nanjiang, he knew that ambulances would take them to the nearest hospital in principle, and patients could ask where they were sent. home hospital.

The Second Hospital of Nanjiang City was less than ten minutes away from the accident site. Wasn't she pregnant with abdominal pain?

Can you still bear half an hour to go to the hospital so far away?

Moreover, this is a private private hospital, so there is already a lot of water in it.

The family conditions of Yan Zhihuan's partner who is about to marry are not bad, even if it is usually for abortion, it is impossible to find this kind of hospital, and it is not a specialized maternity and children's hospital, and it is only a first-class hospital with poor conditions and equipment.

It's not normal for her daughter to be hit while pregnant, instead of calling for help and sending her to the doctor, she keeps arguing with Qiao Aiyun.

It was too chaotic at that time, and Fu Chen didn't think about it carefully. Looking around the whole thing now, there are too many doubts.

Fu Chen could think of this, so the old lady of the Yan family naturally turned the corner. Although she is old, she has supported the Yan family by herself, has seen many things, and immediately understood the key points.

"Beasts, beasts are not as good as things. I think they are pitiful, and I have been taking care of them. I didn't expect to raise two white-eyed wolves!"

"It's not even as good as a beast, you bastard!"

"I'm so confused."

The old lady beat her chest and beat her feet, blaming herself anxiously. In fact, if Yan Wangchuan hadn't married suddenly, the mother and daughter would not have revealed their true nature, thinking that the damage to their interests would not benefit the Yan family.

Without Qiao Aiyun and Song Fengwan, they could sing this play for a lifetime.

The old lady's statement made everyone seem to understand something, and Yan Wangchuan and Qiao Wangbei looked shabby.

Song Fengwan kept staring at the door of the emergency room, and had no time to care about it.

Fu Chen licked his cheek with the tip of his tongue.

The mother and daughter just wanted to find someone to take the blame, thinking that it would be fine to push Qiao Aiyun, but it turned out that the fake pregnancy met the real one?

I'm afraid it will be an ugly death.

"Boom—" Yan Wangchuan suddenly raised his hand and slammed down on the wall. His joints were blood-purple. He drank a lot of wine before and his eyes were bloodshot. If he rushed over at this moment, he would really be able to tear the mother and daughter apart.

Bo'ai Hospital was too far away, even if he wanted to kill the mother and daughter alive, he could only hold back and wait for Qiao Aiyun to come out.

Fu Chen glanced at the emergency room, even if Qiao Aiyun was fine, seeing Yan Wangchuan like this, he had to kill those two people, if something went wrong...

The third watch is coming, I can only say that the child is fine [cover face]

After all, I am my own mother.

Brother Yan: My mother is doing something on my wedding day?


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