Heartwarming Aristocratic Marriage: Influential Master’s Wife-Chasing Strategy

Chapter 338 The Black-bellied Third Master Adds Oil to the Fire (4 More)

Second Hospital of Nanjiang City

Qiao Aiyun became dizzy on the way to the doctor. She could hear people talking outside and knew who was around, but her body couldn't hold on, and her back was so numb that she couldn't speak.

It was more than an hour after she was sent out of the emergency room.

The doctor pushed her out, and everyone surrounded her. Yan Wangchuan rushed to the front, "Doctor, how is my wife?"

"Mrs. Yan and the child are fine, but the fetus is unstable in the early stages of pregnancy. It was hit hard and almost miscarried." At Qiao Aiyun's age, it is not easy to get pregnant. "Send her to the ward first, Mr. Yan, you and I'm going to the office, and I'll talk to you about something alone."

"Okay." Hearing that Qiao Aiyun was fine, everyone felt relieved.

Song Fengwan choked his throat and held back the tears that were about to fill his eyes.

"It's fine..." The old lady seemed to mutter a few words.

If something goes wrong, she will be blamed.

Who told her to keep tigers infested.

In fact, Yan Zhile had been hiding in the corner, and heard that the trouble was caused by her mother and sister, so she didn't dare to go there. Now that she heard that Qiao Aiyun was safe, she breathed a sigh of relief.

Thinking of the way the old lady beat her chest and stamped her feet just now, she knew from the bottom of her heart that Yan knew that Huan had a fake pregnancy and a fraudulent marriage. Now the Xiao family has announced to the whole city that they are preparing for the marriage intensively, fearing that the matter will be revealed, and want to find someone to take the blame.

She happened to bump into Qiao Aiyun, she was really pregnant...

Yan Zhile squatted on the ground, feeling cold all over.

In the past, she might be able to explain that Yan Zhihuan was a little selfish and willful when she was young, but now it seems that she is really bad to the bone.

There is no cure.


Qiao Aiyun woke up when she was pushed out of the emergency room, and lay down in the ward for more than ten minutes before she recovered. Yan Wangchuan also came back from the doctor's office, and he was relieved to know that she was fine.

"Mom, how do you feel now?" Song Fengwan stayed by the bed, not leaving for a moment.

After the wedding ceremony, some people got drunk, and the children ran around again. The venue was a bit chaotic, but everyone was happy, and no one thought that someone would make trouble at such a time.

And when Qiao Aiyun returned, all the guests had left, and no one set foot in the lounge at the back except for her own family. Yan Wangchuan and others were in the front hall, only a hundred meters away from the back.

No one expected that the mother and daughter would be so daring.

"It's okay, but my back hurts a bit." Zhang Suqiu pushed and shoved with a deadly hand. At her age, how could she withstand such an impact.

Song Fengwan nodded, "What happened before?"

Qiao Aiyun sighed, "I went back to the lounge, and when I saw Yan Zhihuan coming out of the room, I asked her what she was doing? She ignored me."

"There is nothing valuable in the lounge, so I told her not to enter other people's rooms without permission." The wedding scene was already chaotic. You can't say that there are bad people among the relatives, friends and guests who came, but there were also good and evil people mixed up.

Valuables such as jewelry will naturally be guarded by special personnel and will not be placed directly in the lounge.

"She insisted that I slandered her as a thief, insisted on arguing with me, and kept pulling me. When I broke free, she screamed and fell to the ground, saying it was a stomachache, and then her mother appeared."

Qiao Aiyun sighed helplessly, the wedding was so lively, but ended up lying in the hospital.

Meeting such a violent, unreasonable and unreasonable person.

Everyone already had doubts about their mother and daughter's motives. After hearing Qiao Aiyun's statement, they became more and more certain of their suspicions.

You should have a guilty conscience when you came out of someone else's room, and you even dragged the master's house to tear you apart.

Calling to catch a thief again is clearly intentional.

"By the way, didn't Yan Zhihuan fall down? How is she now?" Qiao Aiyun didn't know it, and she was still concerned about the child in her womb.

"She's fine, very fine!" Yan Wangchuan gritted his teeth.

Qiao Aiyun wanted to speak again, but Song Fengwan held her hand, "Mom, are you hungry?"

"It's okay." Qiao Aiyun smiled lightly.

"There is still soup at home, I'll bring it for you." Yan Wangchuan said and strode out.

"Young minister, your uncle has been drinking, so hurry up and see him, and don't let him drive." The old lady knew her son too well, and if she was going out at this moment, she might not be going to get soup, but to find someone to settle the score.

Just as Yan Shaochen was about to go out, Qiao Wangbei spoke.

"I didn't drink today, let me go with him, I will take care of him."

Fu Chen raised his eyebrows slightly.

This Qiao Wangbei is also very violent, the two of them are now explosive kegs, and they will ignite at any moment.

Yan Shaochen was dumbfounded, he couldn't stop him alone, what would he do if Qiao Wangbei was added.

"Xiyan, follow me." The old lady looked at Qiao Xiyan.

Qiao Xiyan coughed twice, "I drank too much, and I feel a little dizzy."

He couldn't stop his father's petulant temper. If he rushed over to stop him now, he would only be reduced to cannon fodder.

"You..." After all, this is not my grandson, and the old lady is not easy to speak harshly, and is anxious to get angry.

"Let me go and have a look." Fu Chen said suddenly.

The old lady was overjoyed, "Fu Chen, then I will trouble you."

"You're welcome." He said and walked out of the ward.

Qiao Aiyun would be really stupid if she didn't understand at this moment, how could it take so many people to get a soup, I'm afraid she was following someone else's way.

She was dizzy just now, now that she was calm and sober, she turned her head to look at Song Fengwan, "Does Yan Zhihuan have no children?"

Song Fengwan bit his lip, "It's probably not."

If there is, it is her bargaining chip to marry into Xiao's family. She wished she could hide in the sterile room. How could it be possible to wear heavy makeup, step on the sky, and dare to argue with Qiao Aiyun? Now that I think about it, I'm afraid it's a I thought about it from the beginning.

Qiao Aiyun laughed, "Even if you rely on the child to enter Xiao's house, so what? What people value is the child, not her. Will they be happy in the future?"


the other side

Yan Shaochen was very happy to see Fu Chen appear.

I thought that with him here, and his bodyguard driving behind, even if those two wanted to smash up the hospital, they would be able to stop them.

"Uncle, calm down. Today is your day of great joy. If we go to Bo'ai Hospital another day, they won't be able to escape anyway." Yan Shaochen drove and tried to dissuade him.

Yan Wangchuan drank a lot tonight, and if he went there, he couldn't spare them, and he was afraid that he would lose control and cause some trouble.

But no matter what he said, Yan Wangchuan remained silent.

The night was dark, street lights flashed through the car window one by one, his face was flickering, as if some kind of storm was brewing.

Taking advantage of a traffic light, Yan Shaochen looked at Fu Chen, the co-driver, and asked for help in a low voice, "Third Lord, please say something..."

Fu Chen's words are more important than his own, and maybe the two masters behind him will listen.

But when Fu Chen opened his mouth, he choked him to death.

"There are people who just don't cry when they see the coffin. Tonight is Aunt Yun's Fuda University, so the child will be fine. If something unexpected happens, I really dare not think about the consequences."

The corner of Yan Shaochen's mouth twitched.

Oh my dear, didn't you come to persuade them? Why are you adding fuel to the fire?

"I have never seen such a shameless person who wants to step on Aunt Yun to climb up. It is estimated that Mr. Yan and the old lady kicked them out before. They held a grudge and recorded these accounts on Aunt Yun. on your head."

"If you do something on the day of your wedding, if you deliberately cause trouble, you should be punished. It's really hateful."

"What happened before?" Qiao Wangbei didn't know, and Fu Chen simply talked to him about science.

Yan Shaochen was dumbfounded.

Please stop talking.

The latter two already exploded, why are you still talking about this.

Arriving at the hospital parking lot, the two people behind got off the car first. Yan Wangchuan's assistant was already waiting at the hospital gate. He had checked a lot of information in the past few hours.

Yan Wangchuan has a wide network of contacts in Nanjiang, so it is easy to check someone.

"Mr. Yan, all the information is here. Yan Zhihuan colluded with the doctor to forge a fake pregnancy certificate, and the hotel corridor monitoring was also obtained. Madam didn't push her at all." The little assistant is glad that he didn't dare to drink too much at the wedding tonight, otherwise Yan Wangchuan couldn't find it. He will definitely kill him tomorrow.

"Yes." Yan Wangchuan took the documents.

"She's in ward 703, I'll take you there." The little assistant had already made inquiries.

Yan Shaochen got out of the car in a hurry, but Fu Chen was slow and delayed him from locking the car, remembering that he was sweating.

"Master, why don't you stop me? What if something goes wrong? "

"They're well-mannered and won't kill anyone." Fu Chen got out of the car slowly, moving slowly.

"Uncle has drank so much wine, what can he do? Didn't you help to persuade the fight?"

Fu Chen sneered, "Who said I want to persuade a fight?"

"Then you..."

"Aunt Yun was in the first three months of pregnancy, and the baby was unstable. Wanwan and I didn't dare to tell her about it. We wanted to wait until three months before making plans. Now I got bumped, and I'm afraid I'll have an underground affair throughout the pregnancy." ? Why should I stop them?" Fu Chen took it for granted.

Yan Shaochen was completely confused.

Dare you not come to persuade the fight at all, but to cheer? Probably have to step on it.

This is too dark.

He just said, it was rumored that Mr. Fu was kind and cruel, how could he be so kind all of a sudden.

Four more is coming~

Aunt Yun is really fine, I am really my real mother.

The third master is really black-bellied, and he still adds fuel to the fire to make things happen at this time.

Yan Shaochen: [shivering]

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