Heartwarming Aristocratic Marriage: Influential Master’s Wife-Chasing Strategy

Chapter 342 The third master acts like a spoiled child, too shameful [Lanxiao message]

It was already early morning when the group came out of the hospital. As soon as they got in the car, they saw a large group of reporters flocking to the car. Yan Wangchuan's wedding was already very lively and attracting attention. He carried Qiao Aiyun to the hospital even more so.

In addition, there was a lot of noise in the Pok Oi Hospital, and the reporters heard the news, and all rushed over.

At this moment, although it was already night in Nanjiang, the wind was full of turmoil.

A group of people rushed to the Second Hospital of Nanjiang City, and Fu Shen just left, while Yan Wangchuan called the old lady to the side and briefly talked about the next night.

Qiao Aiyun was busy with the wedding during the day, and was bumped into at night. She couldn't hold it anymore, and she fell asleep.

By the time everyone was completely busy, it was past three in the morning.

As soon as Fu Chen came out of the shower, he saw that the phone was vibrating all the time. He squinted and looked at the call from the old house of the Fu family, "Hey—"

"Third, what happened to the south of Nanjiang?"

"You haven't slept so late yet?" Fu Chen raised his eyebrows, it's true that good things don't go out and bad things spread thousands of miles. When something happened to Nanjiang, even the old lady at home heard the news.

"I heard that there was an accident at the wedding and Ai Yun was sent to the emergency room. What happened?"

According to the relationship between the several families, the second elder of the Fu family should go there in person, but his body could not support the long journey, so Fu Chen did it for him.

"She's pregnant, she was bumped, and she's all right." Fu Chen avoided the heaviest.

"Pregnant, it's a good thing, the Yan family really kept the news from leaking." The old lady smiled, "Why did you get hit by someone? Who is this? The big day made such a bad day."

"It's all done, you don't have to worry."


After a casual chat, Fu Chen hung up the phone. At this moment, the mainstream media in Nanjiang City could find a statement issued by Yan Wangchuan.

After breaking up with Zhang Suqiu's mother and daughter, there will be no good or bad in the future.

Many people in Nanjiang thought that if Yan Wangchuan didn't get married, the old lady might recognize the sisters as granddaughters. Now it seems that there are many problems between them.

Early the next morning, the Xiao family also issued a statement canceling the wedding.

Later, someone picked up that Zhang Suqiu and Yan Zhihuan were taken away by the police for hearing that night. The police did not explain the specific circumstances, but they had already been detained.

These news are connected in series, and even a fool can guess some of them. At least they know that Yan Zhihuan is not pregnant. For a time, the Xiao family has become the laughing stock of the whole Nanjiang.

As Yan's Group issued a statement, it would stop cooperating with the Xiao family, and even the Xiao family's stock shrunk sharply.

Yan Wangchuan was busy taking care of Qiao Aiyun, and had no intention of suppressing the Xiao family. Instead, everyone smelled the wind and consciously joined the team. As a result, the Xiao family was alone and no one could lend a helping hand. The company was barely able to support it. Danger……

The news of Qiao Aiyun's pregnancy also spread throughout the city that night, but the Yan family refused to see guests, so it was clean.


After the wedding, Qiao Aiyun stayed in the hospital for a week before returning home. Song Fengwan was with her all the time. She fractured her toe during the college entrance examination.

Fu Chen wouldn't even think about having a romantic relationship with her at this time. She would be in the capital soon, and they had a lot of time, so Qiao Aiyun returned to Beijing on the third day after being hospitalized.

It was Duan Linbai who came to pick him up.

"Here, your wedding candy." Fu Chen threw a box of wedding candy to him.

Duan Linbai laughed, "I have something to tell you later." He came to talk to Fu Chen about business, otherwise he wouldn't stop at the airport.

Fu Chen took out his mobile phone and called Song Fengwan.

She was still in the ward at the time, and when she saw the caller ID, she hurriedly took the phone and ran out, making Qiao Aiyun laugh, "Why is this girl so mysterious recently?"

Qiao Aiyun had never been together for such a long time before, so naturally Qiao Aiyun didn't know that she was secretly calling Fu Chen.

Yan Wangchuan said nothing.

"When this child grows up, he starts to have his own secrets, and he doesn't want to let his parents know." Qiao Aiyun didn't think about falling in love at all.

"Eat." Yan Wangchuan held a soup bowl in his hand, which contained a bowl of black chicken soup.

Qiao Aiyun knew that she should take supplements, so she swallowed it even if she felt nauseated, "By the way, do you like boys or girls?"

The two haven't talked about it yet.

"Girl." Yan Wangchuan said firmly.


"Like you, I like it."

Qiao Aiyun coughed, "What if it's a boy?"

Yan Wangchuan stared at her stomach without saying a word.

Song Fengwan answered the phone, "Hello, third brother, have you gotten off the plane?"

"Yeah." Fu Chen whispered softly, Duan Linbai was sitting on the side eating candy and almost choked.

"Then go home and have something to eat."


The topic of the conversation between the two was very casual, but Duan Linbai was disgusted.

Mmp's, I'm here to talk business with you, are you feeding me dog food?

"Suddenly want to drink." Fu Chen chuckled lightly.

"Huh?" Song Fengwan was taken aback, "What's wrong?"

Fu Chen pinched his eyebrows, his expression was a little tired, and his voice was low and hoarse, "I want to kiss you."

Song Fengwan opened his mouth, his face was slightly red, and he couldn't say a word.

"When school starts, can you come a few days in advance? I've already started to miss you."

His voice was hoarse, and his voice slipped to the lowest and ambiguous place, which made Song Fengwan's heart palpitate and tremble.

"I'll try my best." Song Fengwan's voice was thin.

"Come here early, don't make me miss you too much."

After hanging up the phone, Song Fengwan covered her chest and sighed helplessly.

I thought that Fu Chen had a clear mind and few desires, and his six senses were pure, but when he talked about love, people couldn't control it.

Duan Linbai, who was eating the wedding candy, looked at Fu Chen and was dumbfounded.

"Fu Chen."

"Huh?" Fu Chen turned his head to look at him.

"You said that you are such a big man, you are almost thirty, and you are coquettish with a minor, but you are still trying to get people to come over earlier, don't you feel ashamed?"

Fu Chen leaned on the back of the chair.

"Don't want business anymore?"

"Haha..." Duan Linbai was dumbfounded and handed over the wedding candy in his hand, "Third Master, you can eat candy."


Soon after the wedding, Song Fengwan's admission letter came down. New students will register for enrollment from September 6th to 8th, and military training will begin on the 9th. It will last for 20 days. The official class will be after the National Day.

Originally, Qiao Aiyun wanted to send her there in person, but it was really inconvenient now. During this period of time, Yan Wangchuan wished he could stick to her side all the time and was reluctant to leave.

He personally called the Qiao family, and Qiao Xiyan couldn't refuse Yan Wangchuan. After all, this uncle was too scary.

In the end, Qiao Xiyan took her to school.

"Xiyan sent it to the capital last night, I really don't want to trouble him." Qiao Aiyun sighed.

"He gave it before, he has experience." Yan Wangchuan said very firmly.

Qiao Aiyun was stunned, but she could still understand what she said, "It's not easy for him to come from Wu Su, and the round-trip air ticket is not cheap this season."

"I'll reimburse."

"Why don't you make a trip yourself." Qiao Aiyun planned to have Yan Wangchuan deliver it.

"There are a lot of things in the evening, and I need the help of a young and strong labor force. I am old and my physical strength can't keep up." Someone said it for granted.

Qiao Aiyun was stunned.

At that time, you swore that you had good physical strength, and now you are pretending to be dead?

Her face turned red with anger.

Why didn't she realize that Yan Wangchuan was still such a shameless person.

Isn't it a shame to say this?

"After all, I'm in my forties, I'm not convinced mentally, and my body can't support it." After Yan Zhihuan's incident, Yan Wangchuan wished he could accompany her all the time, never leaving an inch.

Moreover, he and Song Fengwan were not biological fathers and daughters by any means. For three to five days, only two people had contact with each other. He was also worried that Song Fengwan would be awkward, and Qiao Xiyan was the best choice.

However, a stupid person like Yan Wangchuan naturally wouldn't say these words, but it made Qiao Aiyun angry enough.

"Hurry up and rest." Qiao Aiyun recently vomited so badly that she couldn't sleep well at night.

Qiao Aiyun was so angry that she lay on the bed, ignoring him.

Yan Wangchuan leaned over and kissed her forehead, his eyes moved down, and landed on her reddish lips, squinting, and gently pecked her lips, "Go to sleep."

But then Qiao Aiyun's stomach swelled. She pushed Yan Wangchuan away and went to the bathroom. She put her hands on the toilet and started to vomit.

Yan Wangchuan was dumbfounded.

He just kissed her.

As for being so disgusting?

I wish everyone a happy Lantern Festival~

Today, Xiaoxiang's message will be rewarded with 15 book coins, everyone remember to punch the card and bubble, huh~

The third master is really teasing the night all the time, haha

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