Heartwarming Aristocratic Marriage: Influential Master’s Wife-Chasing Strategy

Chapter 343 The proud son of the sky, kneel down and beg to let go (2 more)

Fu Chen learned that Qiao Xiyan sent Song Fengwan to school, and recalled that he had threatened himself when he first met him.

This is also a tough character.

Thinking that Qiao Wangbei brought a knife to the wedding, Fu Chen suddenly felt a cold wind blowing, and his scalp became cold.

It seems that when he gets married in the future, he must get a security check system, and control knives are not allowed to be brought into the venue.



As Song Feng's school day approached, Qiao Aiyun helped her pack her luggage even though she was not feeling well.

The capital is no better than Nanjiang, the spring and autumn are very short, the cool wind blows, the temperature drops sharply, and the winter is long.

Originally said to only bring clothes, but the old lady specially asked someone to make two new cotton quilts and sewed two quilt covers herself. Song Fengwan planned to go to the capital to buy more quilts and pillows, but the old lady was very interested. She couldn't refuse.

Qiao Xiyan looked at the two heavy cotton quilts, the corners of her mouth twitched, is this to make him carry it over?

Is he really here to be a coolie?

"Xiyan, I will trouble you for the rest of my life." The old lady patted his arm, "I originally wanted to get you a bed with a cushion tire, but I can't make it in time. When you come back on the National Day, I will bring it with you."

Josie Yan looked at the quilt and began to worry.

Because there was too much luggage to pack, I had no choice but to express it in advance and send it to the capital of Yunjin.

A few days later, Fu Chen received several sacks bundled like dynamite bags.

You can buy everything in the capital, so you need to bring so many things? Is it going to school or moving.

The capital is far from Nanjiang, and it takes two days to go back and forth. Song Fengwan has no time to come back during the normal holidays. Qiao Aiyun can't visit her often during this time. I wish I could prepare everything for her, and even return it to Qiao Xiyan made various lists, including making her bed and quilt.

Josie Yan understood at this moment.

The family treats themselves not only as coolies, but also as servants.


Two days before the start of school, Qiao Aiyun stuffed Qiao Xiyan with a card.


"Take Wan Wan to the computer city to pick up a laptop, I'm not familiar with this thing." Qiao Aiyun can only do some simple computer operations, and she doesn't know anything about computer performance.

Josie Yan gave her Cassette, "The computer is my admission gift to Wanwan. You can take this money."

The two refused several times, but Qiao Aiyun still put the card away. When talking about this to Yan Wangchuan, she felt that it was too troublesome for Qiao Xiyan.

"He's Wan Wan's cousin, so he should take care of his younger sister." Yan Wangchuan took it for granted, "He's been working for a long time, and he still has money for a computer."

"Just like my brother, he is devoted to carving stone and jade, what kind of money can he make?"

"There was an exhibition in July. The jade snuff bottle he carved, more than 300,000 yuan, was taken away by a foreign buyer, as well as a jade belt hook and a pair of jade auxiliary heads. The price is good."

Qiao Aiyun was stunned.

"The father and son are richer than you think, so don't show it."

Qiao Aiyun coughed twice, "I've always been worried that he doesn't have the money to marry a daughter-in-law."

"Xi Yan really should get married."

Yan Wangchuan seemed to have forgotten when he got married, and actually began to dislike Qiao Xiyan's delay in getting married.

"Yeah, my brother is indifferent to this matter. He knows how to flip those rocks all day long, and doesn't rush him." Qiao Aiyun sighed.

"It's time to get married."

Qiao Xiyan came to help, but he didn't expect to be stabbed in the back by his uncle.

Yan Wangchuan tilted his head to look at him, his eyes fell on her bright red mouth, and he was inexplicably agitated. In fact, the number of times they got close was not that much. After all, she had a car accident when she was just starting to eat meat. This recuperation lasted for a hundred days, and then went to Nanjiang. , after all, there are elders and children in the family, so he also restrained.

I never thought this kid would come.

Qiao Aiyun's nourishing complexion was ruddy during this time. Pregnant women are always softer than usual, especially in the warm sunshine, a little more coquettish. Yan Wangchuan leaned over, but she didn't encounter this, and Qiao Aiyun ran to the bathroom again.

Yan Wangchuan frowned, this was the first time.

Every time he wanted to get close to her, she would always feel uncomfortable and nauseous. It must be the child in her womb making trouble.

He frowned slightly, looking unhappy.


the other side

Qiao Xiyan took Song Fengwan to the computer city to choose a notebook. Because they had done their homework in advance, the two went straight to a certain brand, tried the computer, and then decided.

"Wait a minute, two, I'll get you a new machine." The salesperson rarely encounters such a cheerful person. "You can pick out a computer bag, a mouse, these are all gifts."

"Yeah." Song Fengwan nodded. In fact, most of the computer bags in the computer city are gray and black, and they tend to be men's styles, so there is nothing to choose from.

"Wait for me here, I'll be right back." Josie Yan told her.

"Well." Song Fengwan nodded and looked down at a brochure on the table.

As soon as Qiao Xiyan left, a sneaky figure stuck his head out from one side. People in the computer city came and went, but Song Fengwan never noticed anything different.

Five or six minutes later, the salesperson brought the new computer, asked her to check it in front of her, and packed all kinds of gifts and handed it to her.

There are a lot of people in the store at the moment, and they are picking computers back and forth. Song Fengwan sat there and seemed to be in the way. She carried the computer to the door and checked the time on her mobile phone. Qiao Xiyan went out for ten days. It's been a few minutes, why haven't you come back?

It was at this time that she saw someone not far away.

Xiao Jingan?

Why is he here?

Song Feng frowned late, and when he was about to leave, Xiao Jingan had already trotted over, "Miss Song stay."

The last time she saw Xiao Jing'an was on the day of Ye Lin's arrest, it had been almost three months. At this moment, he was still as neatly dressed as when he first met him, but he couldn't hide his exhaustion between his brows.

He used to be considered a proud son of heaven, and he couldn't hide his arrogance, but at this moment, nothing was left of him, and his whole body showed a slick sophistication.

"Are you alright?"

"I want to have a chat with you, let's change place." He spoke very politely.

"Let's talk about it here." Song Fengwan was not stupid, how could she go with him.

"This..." Xiao Jingan came here this time to ask for her. Their company can't last for too long. There is no bank in Nanjiang willing to lend them money, and other companies are even less likely to lend them money. Now they even have houses. The mortgage went out, and there was really no other way, so I came to ask Song Fengwan.

"Huh?" Song Fengwan raised her eyebrows, "If you're fine, then I'll go first."

"Wait a minute." For Xiao Jing'an, if the company is gone, everything is gone. No matter how much pride there is at this moment, he can only let it go.

"I would like to ask you to talk to President Yan, and help us based on the relationship between our two families in the past."

In fact, on the night of Ye Lin's accident, Song Fengwan heard from Fu Chen that he planned to send someone to secretly photograph her that day. If the person who went there was her, no matter if they were related or not...

Midnight rendezvous.

It must also come true.

She has been brooding about this.

"I'm sorry, this is Uncle Yan's company. I really can't help you. I can't interfere with his decision-making, and as far as I know, Uncle Yan didn't deliberately suppress you."

When Yan Zhihuan was involved, the Xiao family was dragged into the water and said to be innocent, but in fact they were not good people, and no one could completely break away from the relationship.

"I know Mr. Yan didn't suppress us, but now the company really can't support it anymore, and now only he can help us." If Xiao Jingan had nothing to do, how could he have come to Song Fengwan.

He waited for a long time outside the Yan family, and finally waited for her to be single.

"You should ask Uncle Yan about this, it's useless to ask me."

Xiao Jingan gritted his teeth. In fact, after the accident, the Xiao family looked for Yan Wangchuan countless times. Now, the Yan family group does not even allow them to enter the gate.

He doesn't like to participate in banquets and drinks, and it's hard to see him.

Song Fengwan turned around to leave, but Xiao Jingan suddenly reached out and grabbed her arm, "Miss Song, I beg you, it's alright if you have a word with President Yan."

"You let go." Song Fengwan was annoyed, how did this person become so rude and rascal.

She suddenly exerted force and threw off his restraint.

"I know that I have done a lot of stupid things before. You won't forgive me, but the company is gone, which also affects the livelihood of more than a thousand employees."

"I really can't do anything about this..."

The voice just fell.

Xiao Jingan gritted his teeth hard, and actually knelt down in front of her with a "pop--".

The Computer City was already noisy, and almost everyone was watching the show, pointing and pointing at them.

Song Fengwan was stunned, "Xiao Jingan, what do you want?"

"I really can't help it, please."

Qiao Xiyan just went to another store to pick a tablet for Song Fengwan. When he came back, he saw a circle of people around the door. He frowned slightly and rushed into the crowd...

Senior brother is really unkind, my cousin is here to help, you stabbed in the back?

After you got married, did you start cheating?

Cousin: Not only do you have to be a coolie, you have to be a nanny, you have to be knifed? Can the day go by?


Ask for tickets every day~

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