Heartwarming Aristocratic Marriage: Influential Master’s Wife-Chasing Strategy

Chapter 344 Cousin abused the scum and almost broke his life (3 more)

Inside Nanjiang Computer City

Song Fengwan didn't expect Xiao Jingan to come here. They all said that the man had gold under his knees, and he was still in public.

"Master Xiao, what do you want?"

"Miss Song, you can help me with a message for President Yan." Xiao Jingan begged grandpa to tell grandma during this period of time, and he had long since cared about his face.

"I said, there is nothing I can do about this." Song Fengwan sternly refused.

"Can't you just say a word for me? As long as you are willing to bring a word, President Yan will definitely help."


"Are you still caring about the past? I have been punished. If you feel angry, I can kowtow to you to make amends."


Nanjiang has been discussing the matter between the Yan family and the Xiao family for a long time. At this moment, seeing Xiao Jingan kneeling down, everyone sighed and felt that Song Fengwan was too cool.

"It's just a matter of words. Everyone knelt down for her. What else does she want?"

"Even if there is some small friction, don't hold on to it. A big man puts down his dignity and begs her. He is really hard-hearted."

"I heard that his biological father was sent in by her mother alone. How ruthless a person can be to do such a thing. She is indifferent to her mother."


If Song Fengwan didn't know what Xiao Jingan was thinking at the moment, he would be really stupid.

There were so many people at this time that he was preparing to kidnap her morally and use the momentum of public opinion to force her into submission.

Some people have already taken out their mobile phones to record videos, and they are all spectators.

"Miss Song, as long as you are willing to say something, you can do whatever you want with me. President Yan is really our family's only hope."

He used to be so proud of himself. At this moment, when he came to beg someone, he was still wearing a straight suit. He didn't want to lose face, but he could only kneel and beg for mercy.

"This young master Xiao used to be so beautiful. If this was not driven to a dead end, who would put down his pride and self-esteem and kneel down for others."

"This girl is too ruthless, she doesn't even lift her eyelids."

"It's just a sentence, is it possible that you really want to see people go bankrupt to be reconciled?"

"But people aren't obliged to help him. It's not a relative or a relationship. It's very embarrassing for him to kneel when he comes up."


There were a lot of discussions in the crowd, and there were also those who defended Song Fengwan, but the condemnation was even louder.

Qianjiang stayed not far away, watching something happened, he wanted to help, but saw that Qiao Xiyan had arrived, so he stepped aside. If he saw him, he would be suspicious and suspect Fu. The relationship between Shen and Song Fengwan.

When Qiao Xiyan squeezed into the crowd, Xiao Jingan was kneeling in front of Song Fengwan. He didn't know this person, and his eyebrows were tightened.

"what happened?"

Xiao Jingan raised his eyes and looked up at the man.

He has been looking for opportunities to get close to Song Fengwan recently, and he naturally knew the person in front of him, her cousin, Qiao Xiyan.

The phoenix eyes have thin lips, and the eyes are as deep as the sea.

He has a thin face, even if he wears casual clothes when he goes out, he is still in good shape and has an excellent temperament, but there is always a bit of sullenness between his brows and eyes, and when he meets his eyes, he takes a breath.

Why did this man come back so early.

Song Fengwan took a deep breath, "Master Xiao, are you sure you are here to ask me for help?"

"As long as you are willing to help, let me do anything."

"Why don't I feel your sincerity at all? If you really came to beg me, you wouldn't embarrass me in public!" Song Fengwan was not a fool, she knew exactly what he had in mind.

"I didn't want to embarrass you." Xiao Jingan naturally wouldn't admit that he really wanted to use public opinion to make Song Fengwan agree to himself, and even force Yan Wangchuan to compromise.

If the video goes online...

The two have been friends for many years. Yan Wangchuan's stepdaughter is ruthless.

"Don't want to embarrass me, you are kneeling here, don't you want to force me to give in through the long voices?"

"Everyone only sees your downfall, but they don't know what happened between us. You say sorry to me, and you want to lightly expose all your previous relationships?"

"People who don't know will only say that I'm indifferent and hard-hearted. Is this what you call sincerity?"

"Begging someone to do things, but still thinking about it? You and Yan Zhihuan are really a match made in heaven."

As soon as Xiao Jingan heard Yan Zhihuan's name, his whole body exploded, he jumped up from the ground, and looked at Song Fengwan fiercely.

"There are so many people, do you want to do it?" Qiao Xiyan took the computer from Song Fengwan's hand, put the tablet on one side, and looked at him with leisure.

Qiao Xiyan is very tall, and her appearance is similar to that of Qiao Wangbei. She is cold and stern. Even if she looks at people with a smile, she is a bit sharp, not to mention that she is really warning Xiao Jingan at the moment.

"If I don't mention some things, it doesn't mean I really don't care. Since you're here today, I'll have a good talk with you." Song Fengwan has never been accused like this before.

And if she doesn't stand up today, she will only implicate Yan Wangchuan and Qiao Aiyun in the end.

Children are so ruthless, how can parents not be held responsible.

Xiao Jingan's mind is really vicious.

"When I first met, I went to answer the phone alone. You said it was a chance encounter. In fact, I noticed that you had been with me for a long time. At that time, there was no one around. Why did you follow me?"

"Later you sent someone to follow me, and even threatened me by secretly taking pictures of me meeting friends."

"Let me go out to see you in the middle of the night, or in a deserted coconut grove, what's your peace of mind?"

Qiao Xiyan was completely unaware of this, but when she heard Song Fengwan's statement, her eyes that were as thick as the deep sea became treacherous.

Feeling irritable, he took out a pack of cigarettes from his pocket, caught a glimpse of the no-smoking sign on one side, put away the lighter, and rubbed the butt of the cigarette with his fingers.

It's a fact that his intentions towards Song Fengwan were misguided.

Song Fengwan continued, "I don't know what you've been doing behind your back, but these are just a few things. Whenever you succeed, I'll be ruined for the rest of my life. This kind of thing can only be done with a few words of apology. Forget it?"

She raised her eyes and looked at the people around her. Most of the men in the computer city said, "Everyone says I'm indifferent. Just think about it, if this happens to your sister or daughter, who can stand it?"

"I'm not a saint either, I can't be that virgin!"

Everyone whispered and talked a lot.

"Why is there such a thing? I don't know."

"Following is scary enough, it's a pervert."

"No wonder people don't want to see him, they deserve it."


Xiao Jingan did not expect that Song Feng would shake all his old bottoms out in public.

"..." He was so angry that he took two steps forward, in that posture, he clearly wanted to do it.

Qiao Xiyan took half an inch beside him, threw the cigarette, and reached out to press his shoulder.

"You said you were looking for me to ask me to intercede and save your family's company, but you forced me like this in public. If I don't agree today, I will not only fall into infamy, but also bring criticism to the Yan family."

"We've reached this stage, and we're still calculating every step of the way. If we don't help you, you want to make us all stinky?"

Song Fengwan's few words have clarified the matter. Originally, everyone had some sympathy for the Xiao family's end to this field, but now it seems that it is really self-inflicted.

"If you don't believe what I said, you can go to the police station to find out if he coerced me because of stalking. The police station keeps a record."

"Uncle Yan is very tolerant because of the fact that the two have long been friends. He doesn't cooperate with you, but he doesn't suppress it."

"He is so tolerant, and he has done his best to your family. Uncle Yan is such a good person. You still want to destroy his reputation. Are you still human?"

Xiao Jingan knew that she was powerful. She was prepared for those things before, but today it was completely unexpected.

She could still be so calm, and refuted them one by one in a clear and organized manner. She poured the pot of dirty water on him completely, and set up an image for Yan Wangchuan to treat others with kindness.

Really great.

Qiao Xiyan snorted lightly, Master is generous?

How did this girl start to learn to talk nonsense with her eyes open?

He threw himself on Qiao Aiyun and was too lazy to pay attention to the Xiao family. How could he get into her mouth? Yan Wangchuan was the embodiment of justice.

Xiao Jingan was immediately stunned by the scolding.

"Let's go." Qiao Xiyan released the restraint on him, took the computer, and dragged Song Fengwan's arm out.

"...It's shameless. President Yan didn't pursue it. Let them go and come here. No wonder people don't help him."

"Bitch is more to blame."


When Xiao Jingan recovered, Qiao Xiyan and Song Fengwan had already disappeared in the store. Facing the accusations and abuses of the people around him, he drove through the crowd and ran to the parking lot.


At this moment Song Fengwan and Qiao Xiyan are looking for their car.

"You said just now that he followed you? When did this happen?"

"A few months ago, when I first came to Nanjiang, I don't want to mention this." Song Fengwan shrugged.

"I bought you a tablet for computer graphics."

"Thank you cousin." Song Fengwan planned to buy it herself. Many drawings now require computer operation. It is not enough to rely on the cursor for a few seconds. The digital tablet is more professional and convenient. She goes to the Academy of Fine Arts and can use it in the future.

"When you arrive in the capital, you must always pay attention to safety when you live alone." Qiao Xiyan urged.

"I know."

When they approached the car, Qiao Xiyan took out the car key from her pocket and unlocked the car. As soon as the two arrived at the car, Qiao Xiyan helped Song Fengwan open the passenger car door, "Get in the car."

"Yeah." Qiao Xiyan was driving a Jaguar with a high body. Song Fengwan held onto the door. Through the rearview mirror of the car, Qiao Xiyan caught a glimpse of Xiao Jingan rushing towards them with a stick in his hand. .

Qiao Xiyan quickly pushed Song Fengwan into the car, shoved the computer into her arms, and closed the door with "Bang——".

"Cousin?" Song Fengwan was almost pushed over by him, he held the computer steady, and looked out the window, only to find that Xiao Jingan was actually rushing towards Qiao Xiyan with the guy.

Seeing Xiao Jingan getting closer, she was short of breath and tried to push the door to get out of the car. The door just opened.

Qiao Xiyan raised her head suddenly, "Bang——" and closed it suddenly.

At this moment, Xiao Jingan has already rushed over.

Just as the stick came, Qiao Xiyan kicked him away with a kick, and the stick didn't even touch the corner of his clothes.

"Hmm—" Xiao Jingan was kicked to the ground, and he stopped after half a meter of flaws, his clothes were torn.

On a hot day, the ground temperature broke the table, and the heat was enough to scorch human skin.

Xiao Jingan was jumping over the wall in a hurry at the moment, and was scolded by Song Fengwan at the nose in the public.

As everyone knows, it angered Qiao Xiyan.

He didn't know Qiao Xiyan at all, and naturally he didn't know what kind of person he was.

When he was a child, he was famous for being a thorn in Wu Su, and he was considered a tyrant.

When Song Fengwan got out of the car, Qiao Xiyan had already beat him to the ground and kicked him fiercely. I had heard of the filthy things he did, but Qiao Xiyan was already worried about the anger, so he dared to attack with a weapon?

"Cousin, don't fight." Song Fengwan hurriedly grabbed him, and if he continued to fight like this, he would be killed.

"Next time you see Wan Wan, you'd better take a detour, otherwise I'll have a way to take care of you." Qiao Xiyan dropped a sentence and pulled Song Feng's car away in the evening.

When the security guard saw the surveillance camera and rushed to the parking lot, Xiao Jingan had passed out of pain.

The Xiao family rushed to the hospital and met the police before they saw Xiao Jingan, saying that someone called the police, claiming that Xiao Jingan was suspected of intentionally hurting people and that measures should be taken against him according to law.

The Xiao family was in turmoil, and naturally no one bothered.

Because the whole Nanjiang people are discussing Song Fengwan, saying that Yan Wangchuan has a very powerful daughter.


The capital at this moment, the capital of Yunjin

Song Fengwan had just sent her luggage. Uncle Nian was trying to help her dry the quilt. Fu Chen was walking the dog in the yard, looking at the quilt cover. I heard that the quilt was sewn by the old lady of the Yan family. This big peony flower , really gorgeous.

The taste of the elderly is really unique.

His pocket phone vibrated, Qianjiang's message.

[Xiao Jingan embarrassed Miss Song in public and was repelled. 】

[He tried to attack Miss Song with a stick. 】

Fu Chen frowned, and the next words made his scalp tingle.

[The Qiao family Shaodong almost lost his life. 】

Three is coming~

If you like your cousin, you can take a bubble and call him~

I feel bad for the cigarette that was ravaged by my cousin and discarded.

This cigarette should have been crushed by someone at the moment, haha

Third, please tighten your skin.

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