Heartwarming Aristocratic Marriage: Influential Master’s Wife-Chasing Strategy

Chapter 345 Re-enter Beijing at night: third brother, I'm here (4 more)

[Qiao's Shaodong almost broke his life. 】

Fu Chen squinted his eyes, this Yan Wangchuan was quite good at picking people, and asked Qiao Xiyan to send him off to Beijing. He and Fu Sinian had similar personalities, they were obsessed with certain things, they usually didn't talk much, and it was not easy to get close just by looking at them.

But compared to Fu Sinian who only started to get in touch with computer codes in university, Qiao Xiyan has been holding a knife since he was a child.

These craft learners have different personalities from others, especially stubborn.

How can a person who dares to give him a bad impression the first time they meet is a good stubble.

Furthermore, he has no friendship with Qiao Xiyan, so there is no friendship at all. He is not as easy to deal with as Fu Sinian, and this family is not easy to deal with.

Fu Chen suddenly had a headache.

"Third Master, Xiao Jing'an really wanted to trouble Miss Song, and even knelt down in public, trying to force her to agree to his request through public opinion." Shi Fang had just been instructed to investigate Xiao Jing'an.

"What's going on now?" Fu Chen lowered his head and caressed Fu Xinhan lying at his feet.

"He was sent to the hospital. The Yan family called the police. The police went there. After talking to the Xiao family for a long time, the lawyer of the Yan family planned to sue Xiao Jing'an for intentional wounding and murder."

Fu Chen nodded.

"The Xiao family didn't recover, and the doctor told them that Xiao Jing'an was almost kicked to death..."

Shifang coughed twice.

This Josie kicked all the way there, it was too cruel.

"Mrs. Xiao passed out when she heard the news."

"Nearly?" Fu Chen frowned.

Qiao Xiyan was still merciful.

"I also found out that there was a problem with his place before. It seems that when the coconut forest caught the rape, he was too scared." Although Shifang didn't see the scene at that time, but Duan Linbai broadcast live, he was lucky enough to reveal He saw the screen through Fu Chen's mobile phone.

With so many people rushing over, that kid would be a god if he could pay back.

"It won't work then?" Fu Chen originally wanted to teach him a lesson, but after hearing this, he wanted to laugh inexplicably.

"He was released on bail, and even though Yan Zhihuan seduced him, he was unmoved, not only because he hated her, but more because he realized that he was not good enough." Shi Fang was speechless.

Fu Chen lowered his head and stroked Fu Xinhan's dog's head, while a certain dog grinned at him.

No wonder Yan Zhihuan finally had no choice but to think of the scene of hitting someone and having a miscarriage.

"He has been undergoing treatment some time ago. After all, he is not good enough. He was frightened. Physical stimulation is useless. He needs to see a psychiatrist. It is said that he has just started to improve, and he was..." Shifang coughed twice, "No wonder Mrs. Xiao passed out immediately."

According to the video surveillance he found, it can also be seen how ruthless Qiao Xiyan was at that time.

This can't be blamed on him, Xiao Jing'an was holding a stick at the time, if he didn't manage to get hurt, it's no wonder that he got angry.

"This is also the fundamental reason why the Xiao family knew that Yan Zhihuan was pregnant and was willing to accept her." Fu Chen never understood why the Xiao family would let Yan Zhihuan decide, and even agreed to hold a wedding for them.

Even if she is pregnant with a child, as long as the Xiao family refuses to admit it, or if she is more ruthless and abandons her mother to want a child, even if Yan Zhihuan gives birth to a child, she will only become an illegitimate child, and if she can't handle the pain, she may go back to take the child by herself. knocked out.

He had also seen that Mrs. Xiao before, she wasn't powerful but she wasn't weak either, so she shouldn't have been able to control her. Now it seems that the Xiao family should have known that Xiao Jing'an was not good enough.

According to Yan Zhihuan, he is afraid of losing his children.

Little did they know that it all came to nothing in the end, no wonder Mrs. Xiao was so hysterical in the hospital that day, she wanted to fight Yan Zhihuan desperately regardless of her image.

Knowing Xiao Jingan's physical condition now, Fu Chen figured everything out.

"Third Master, what do we need to do?" Shi Fang knew Fu Chen too well, and since he had investigated him, he would definitely take action.

"Xiao's family is dying, there is no need to beat them hard, let them struggle for a while." Fu Chen has a lot of ways to torture people. He makes a move at this time and gives them a good time. It is better to watch them struggle to death.

Shifang touched his nose.

"Just send Xiao Jing'an's medical records to Nanjiang reporters. They should be very interested and give him a little punishment."

Who let this kid hit his wife's idea before.

Shifang is cold, you declare to the whole world that a man is not good, and you still say that it is a small punishment and a big warning? This is worse than killing him.

Fu Chen brushed Fu Xinhan's dog's neck lightly with his fingers, and the dog's body trembled, why did he still feel cold in the sun?

The Internet spread quickly, and within a few minutes, news broke out that Xiao Jing'an had been inhumane for a long time.


When Song Fengwan saw the news, she had just returned from swimming at the beach. She had taken a swimming course in the summer vacation. She had already mastered many swimming styles since she only knew how to paddle.

Moreover, swimming burns fat. For more than two months, she followed Qiao Aiyun for supplements every day. Qiao Aiyun gained more than ten catties, but she lost more than two catties instead.

She went ashore to dry off and put on her coat to go home and take a shower.

When I saw the news feed, I almost vomited blood.

【Brilliant, Xiao Jingan is no longer a man. 】

[The medical records of the young master of the Xiao family have leaked out, so he may not be able to do things in the boudoir. 】

[Shocking secrets, the young master of the rich family played too much on weekdays, and it was inhumane to suffer backlash. 】


Who broke the news? If you question a man's ability in that aspect, that man will definitely fight you desperately, let alone tell the world that he can't do it.

It's too cruel.

Uncle Yan or cousin?

Song Fengwan didn't think about Fu Chen at all, because she didn't tell Fu Chen about it, and she didn't know that Mr. Fu, who was pure in her heart, had done a lot of good things behind her back.


Song Fengwan reported on September 6 that he took a plane from Nanjiang to Beijing on the same day. He bought an early-morning flight. The night before departure, Qiao Aiyun woke up at four o'clock and got up to make dumplings for her.

Yan Wangchuan was always by the side, "There are also acquaintances in the capital, and Fu Chen is over there. If there is any situation, contact him and he will wake up. Don't worry too much."

"I just don't feel at ease." Qiao Aiyun wanted to go and see her living environment in person to be at ease.

"You're too anxious." Qiao Aiyun stayed at home during this period of time, raising her baby at home, so it's easy to think about it when she's free.

After five o'clock, Qiao Aiyun knocked on the door of Song Fengwan's room, asking her to get up and pack her things again, so as not to miss the flight.

Immediately after that, go to call Qiao Xiyan.

Qiao Xiyan didn't have the habit of sleeping in, and had already gotten up and tidied up.

"Xiyan, I'll be counting on you every night. You take good care of her. When you get there, report first and send her to the dormitory..." Qiao Aiyun couldn't follow her, so she was naturally a little bit verbose, wishing she could explain everything to him clearly. .

Qiao Xiyan responded one by one. He had to wait until Song Fengwan's formal military training before returning, and he also packed some luggage.

"After you pack your things, hurry down and eat dumplings, don't delay the plane time."

"Okay." Qiao Xiyan was just about to go downstairs with his luggage when he suddenly thought of something and opened the luggage...

Qiao Aiyun saw that he took out a box of carving knives from his bag, and then there were individually packaged carving knives, all of which had already been sharpened. There were more than twenty of them in a row.

"I forgot that I'm flying, and I can't pass the security check." Qiao Xiyan was used to touching the carving knife, and his hands would itch if he didn't hold it for a day.

He looked at the carving knife and stretched out his hand to caress it. The look of caring for it was far from the usual cold and serious look.

Qiao Aiyun smiled resentfully.

Let him send Song Fengwan to school, and he packed a bag of carving knives?


The flight at 9:10, Nanjiang flew to the capital.

Everyone in the Yan family sent Song Fengwan to the airport and watched her leave. Qiao Aiyun almost blushed and regretted agreeing to her to go to the Beijing Academy of Fine Arts. The mountains are long and the rivers are far away. She is out of town alone, and a mother must miss her.

Before the phone was turned off, Song Fengwan and Qiao Aiyun reported that it was safe, and sent a message to Fu Chen before turning off the phone with peace of mind.

The plane began to taxi, and with the roar of the engine, the plane left the ground. Song Fengwan turned his head to look out the window, and couldn't restrain his joy.

It was about this time that she went to the capital to make up lessons in the third year of high school. It was also Qiao Xiyan who sent her off. The previous events were vivid in my memory, but a whole year had slipped by quietly.

At that time, she was in awe and fear of Fu Chen, and she really treated Fu Chen as an uncle. She never thought that one day her relationship with Fu Chen would develop to such a stage.

Entering Beijing again, the mood must be different.

At the moment, Fu Chen is taking Fu Xinhan to the pet shop to take a bath, grooming and grooming.

The phone vibrated, Song Fengwan's message.

[Third brother, I'm here. 】

The corners of Fu Chen's mouth slowly curled up...

The Lantern Festival will be more haha, hee hee~

Today's update is all over, everyone remember to leave a message and check in to vote.

Also thank all the beauties who gave rewards to the month of the month, love you, okay?

I heard that someone has a 20th birthday today. Happy birthday to 【My Love exo】~


The small punishment that the third master said was too terrible, haha, too bad!

But the night is over.

The third master took the dog beauty to welcome the hostess, haha

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