Heartwarming Aristocratic Marriage: Influential Master’s Wife-Chasing Strategy

Chapter 350 The third master is another rival in love, Chunxin is broken to pieces

Song Fengwan received Fu Chen's message in the evening, looked at the mobile phone with silly joy, and was busy packing his luggage until after nine o'clock in the evening, and went to the public bathroom with Hu Xinyue to take a shower before climbing into bed, too tired to move his arms.

At this time, she was no longer at home, and she didn't have to hide her phone calls. She turned her head and looked at Hu Xinyue who was sleeping next door, "Xinyue, are you asleep? I want to make a call."

"Let's play." Hu Xinyue was playing a double row game with her boyfriend.

Song Fengwan called his family first, and then called Fu Chen.


At this moment, Fu Chen is not idle, he is also on the campus of Peking University.

Xu Jingcheng, who asked for Song Fengwan's phone call over there, had just come out of the bathroom after a busy day, and was returning to the dormitory with the toiletries and a change of clothes.

I didn't expect to run into Song Fengwan on the first day of school. The school is so big, how could it be such a coincidence.

Thinking of seeing him often in the future, when the summer wind blows, his little spring heart rippling instantly.

When he was about to reach the dormitory, he suddenly stretched out a pair of hands from one side, covered his mouth, and dragged him to the side.

When did Xu Jingcheng experience such a thing, he was directly frightened, his mind went blank, and he forgot to defend himself for a moment.

When he came back to his senses, he was dragged into the car.

"You..." Just as he was about to speak, the lights in the car were turned on, and he saw the people sitting in the car clearly.

The man was dressed in white, a dim silhouette under the falling light, he was leaning on the back of the chair with his fingertips coiled, as if he was resting with his eyes closed, perhaps aware that he was watching him.

Eyes open, head tilted, eyes facing each other, with a sense of depression and coquettishness, but restrained sharpness.

Xu Jingcheng was deeply impressed by him. In the past, he delivered breakfast to Song Fengwan. It was this man who said that the two of them lived together through the arrangement of their parents, and...

slept together.

He also said a lot of shameful things at that time, thinking about it now, Xu Jingcheng is still a little blushing.

"You..." Xu Jingcheng felt a little apprehensive when he looked at him.

Shi Fang sat in the driver's seat, lowered his head, peeled a piece of chewing gum and threw it into his mouth. This unlucky boy, being scared once was not enough, he had to come a second time.

"Do you know why Wanwan came to study in the capital?" Fu Chen licked his cheeks with the tip of his tongue, looked at him with raised eyebrows, his tone was soft, but there was already some warning in the expression of his eyebrows and eyes.

"Isn't Jingmei the best?" He said sarcastically.

Xu Jingcheng's scalp was numb from his stare, he was a child after all, he didn't dare to look at him, his eyes wandered, and fell on the agarwood beads in his hand.

"It's not that there are good schools in the capital, but that there are people she cares about." Someone laughed.

Shi Fang is speechless, shameless, he can say such things in order to stimulate his love rival.

Xu Jingcheng was startled and smiled resentfully.

"This looks good?" Fu Chen noticed his gaze and shook the Buddhist beads in his hand.

"En." Xu Jingcheng replied absent-mindedly, wishing he could leave here quickly.

"She made it herself." Fu Chen's tone was a bit showing off.

A handful of dog food was forced into his mouth by Fu Chen.

At this time, Fu Chen's cell phone rang, and he took a look at it, "Sorry, don't you mind if I answer her call?"

Even if he wanted to mind, there was nothing he could do, because Fu Chen had already picked it up.

Xu Jingcheng just sat like this, listening to the two talking on the phone for more than ten minutes, showing their affection for ten minutes.

Leaning on the car, there is a feeling of lovelessness.

After Fu Chen hung up the phone, he tilted his head and looked at Xu Jingcheng, "You have seen the relationship between me and her. We are far closer than you think. I hope you keep a distance from my girlfriend."

Xu Jingcheng bowed his head and said nothing.

"We both know each other at home, and her mother likes me very much."

"This time her cousin sent her to the capital, and she also lived in my house. You should know what I said."

Shi Fang glanced at Xu Jingcheng through the rearview mirror.

His family's third master is too dark-bellied, and his three or two sentences are confusing black and white. People who don't know think that your relationship is one step away from getting married.

The ghost knows that the long march of the two of you has just begun.

It's not kind to fool children.

What crime did this child do in his previous life that he was hit twice by the third master.

Xu Jingcheng did have other thoughts about Song Fengwan, but he was stimulated by Fu Chen's words at the door of the studio before, and he already knew that he was no match for him. When he was in a strange environment and suddenly met an old friend, he also felt excited. phone.

Originally, I wanted to ask Song Feng to go out for dinner tomorrow, although I knew it was impossible for the two of them, but there was always a small flame of resentment in my heart.

Now that Fu Chen was pouring cold water down his head, the charming thoughts that had just arisen disappeared instantly without a trace.

I just asked for contact information, but I didn't expect this man to find me that night.

This man has opened his eyes.

"I understand." Xu Jingcheng hesitated.

"It's getting late, you should go back to the dormitory, excuse me." Fu Chen smiled at him.

Xu Jingcheng got off the car and walked towards the dormitory in a daze. Even though he was in the scorching summer, he still felt the chill all over his body.

A young heart in spring was trampled to pieces by Fu Chen in an instant.

"Master, are you going home?" Shi Fang looked at Fu Chen.

"Go around in front of Wanwan's dormitory building before going back."

Shi Fang nodded, inexplicably sympathizing with Xu Jingcheng.

As for rivals in love, Fu Chensu has always advocated that as soon as they show their heads, they should be pressed hard, and there will be no mercy.

This child has hit the knife edge, and it is also pitiful. I hope I don't have nightmares tonight.


next day

Song Fengwan had just woken up when another person came to the dormitory. The southern girl named Miao Yating was sent by her parents. She has been staying in the hotel with her family for the past few days. The military training starts tomorrow, and she just moved into the dormitory today.

When her parents left, they helped her make up the bed, and gave Song Fengwan and the others some Beijing roast duck. Miao Yating sent them out of school, and when she came back, her eyes were red from crying.

"Don't cry, I can go back soon for the National Day." Hu Xinyue comforted her with a smile.

This girl has a very soft personality, and she also speaks with a southern accent. She is delicate and sweet, but not annoying.

At noon, the three of them were going to the cafeteria for dinner.

As soon as the things were packed, a group of people rushed into the dormitory, and they were all boys.

Song Fengwan hurriedly moved away, saw Miao Yating on the opposite side, who was almost knocked down, and frowned slightly.

"You are the only one who didn't come to this dormitory."

"Sister, where do you put your things?" The three boys entered the room carrying big and small bags, Xu Shi saw Song Fengwan, and his eyes lit up.

"Sister, what a coincidence, do you remember me? We met at the school gate."

Song Fengwan smiled bitterly, she had an impression of this man, a sophomore who was a volunteer at the school gate.

"Just put it on the floor." With a delicate female voice, a girl in a small dress came in. She was stepping on slender high heels, with delicate light makeup, holding a parasol, and there was a scent of fragrance when she entered the room.

She swept across the three girls in the dormitory without a trace, and then looked at the three boys with a smile, "Thank you for your hard work, I'll buy you a drink."

"No, it's not a matter of course to help junior girls." Several boys felt embarrassed instead.

"How about I treat you to dinner later?"

"No need." There is no reason why a boy would let a girl treat him.

A bolder boy said, "Sister, please add a contact information."

"It's ok. I just came to school, and I'm not familiar with many things. I need your help." She smiled like a flower.

This is the last roommate in their dormitory - Wu Yuxin.

"Senior, your name is Qi Jinsheng." Wu Yuxin smiled and looked at the sweaty person in front of him.

"How do you know?" The boy was flattered.

This reminded Song Fengwan of those concubines who were suddenly blessed by the emperor on TV.

Wu Yuxin smiled at him, innocent and unaffected, "I heard your friend call you just now, and I thought the surname was rare, so I just remembered it."

The boy blushed immediately and wiped the sweat from his forehead, feeling a little embarrassed.

Boys who majored in science and engineering were rarely teased by this kind of girl, and Wu Yuxin was so sweet and charming that he couldn't help but praise him.

"Let's go, let's go have dinner." Hu Xinyue was too straight-tempered and couldn't stand this, so she called Song Fengwan and Miao Yating out of the dormitory.

Miao Yating pointed to the Postgraduate Entrance Examination on Wu Yuxin's desk, "That... was given to me by my parents. I wiped your desk for you earlier."

Wu Yuxin smiled, "Thank you."

After the three of them left, she let a few boys help her clean the bed and get things. She scanned the name tags of the beds one by one, and when she saw Song Fengwan's name, she tightly held the umbrella in her hand.

This is the girl who got in first with both professional and cultural courses?

When she went to report, she chatted with those seniors, and they all said that this year there was an amazing girl in the courtyard, and she was in the same dormitory with her.

Those seniors praised her as the best in the world, she frowned slightly, and reached out to stroke the name tag on the bed with disdain in her eyes.


When Song Fengwan and the three returned, Wu Yuxin was no longer there, and the beds were all made up, but the table was messy and hadn't been made up yet.

"It's too hot in the capital, I'm going to wash my face." Hu Xinyue said and went to wash up.

Miao Yating was about to climb onto the bed.

"What's the matter?" Song Fengwan saw that she had climbed halfway, and unexpectedly stopped.

"It's okay." She said softly, went to bed and changed into her pajamas, and remained silent from beginning to end.

Song Fengwan thought she was homesick again, so she went into the washroom and was about to wipe her face. Although there were two washbasins, Hu Xinyue made too much noise, so she sighed and was going to wait outside.

As soon as he walked out, he saw Miao Yating bent over to pick up something in the trash can.

Everyone has just arrived, and they are not that familiar yet. They all use their own things, including their own trash cans. The one she rummaged through belonged to Wu Yuxin, and it was next to her bed.

She took out a packaged roast duck from the trash can, wiped it twice with a tissue, and suddenly saw Song Fengwan, her eyes were a little red.

This new roommate throws away gifts from others?

At this time, the door of the dormitory was pushed open, "Is everyone here?" Wu Yuxin's voice was sweet, harmless to humans and animals.

"This..." Miao Yating bit her lip, this is a gift from her parents, if you don't like it, just throw it away.

"What's wrong?" Wu Yuxin looked innocent.

"I found it in the trash can. If you don't like it, just give it to me. Why did you throw it away?" Miao Yating said bluntly.

Throw it away and throw it away, and she saw it. After all, it was her parents' wish. It's hard for anyone to be ruined like this.

Hu Xinyue also came out of the bathroom at this moment, seeing that the atmosphere in the dormitory was not right, she poked Song Fengwan, and lowered her voice, "What's going on?"

Song Fengwan did not speak at that time.

"I'm sorry, those seniors helped to clean up the things. They should have accidentally thrown them away. I'm really sorry. I apologize for them."

Wu Yuxin was sincere and apologetic, which made Miao Yating feel embarrassed.


"I still like to eat roast duck. Say thank you to my uncles and aunts." Wu Yuxin took the roast duck from her hand, as if nothing had happened, "I brought food from home, and you can also eat it later." Try it."

Miao Yating felt uncomfortable when this matter was exposed so lightly, but he had already apologized and said that it had nothing to do with her.

Besides, they are all roommates, and they have to get along for four years. After thinking about it, I still endured it.

The entire dormitory was filled with Hu Xinyue's heart, and thanked her with a smile.

He also smiled and said, "We have lived in the same dormitory for four years, and we will be good sisters in the future. We must get along well."

But his intuition told Song Fengwan that this girl was not a cheap lamp.

Get along well, this Hu Xinyue is really lenient.

Sure enough, when Qiao Xiyan came over, she almost brought the flames of war to Song Fengwan with a few words.

It's a new day, leave a message and check in to ask for a ticket~

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