Heartwarming Aristocratic Marriage: Influential Master’s Wife-Chasing Strategy

Chapter 351 Cousin stabbed in the back, the third master is a scumbag (2 more)

Since the roast duck throwing incident, there were four girls in a dormitory, except for Hu Xinyue, who kept sending messages with her boyfriend, and the rest of them had their own thoughts.

Miao Yating said forgiveness, the little girl was sensitive and careful, and a thorn was already pierced in her heart, Song Fengwan witnessed the whole process, and knew that the dormitory seemed calm, but in fact there was a slight disturbance.

At three o'clock in the afternoon, Jingda Yuhe Tower, Room 403.

Song Fengwan chose Chinese painting, and there were more than 30 students in one class. In the dormitory, Miao Yating and Wu Yuxin were all studying art design, and they were not in the same class.

At the beginning of the class meeting, the counselor introduced herself. She was the senior who was in charge of receiving them.

She briefly talked about the rules and regulations of the school, asked everyone to introduce themselves briefly, and temporarily elected a monitor based on her personal performance just now.

The focus is on the military training arrangement starting tomorrow, which will last for half a month, and there will be a freshman orientation meeting and a welcome party before the National Day.

"Is there anyone in our class who is talented? If they are excellent after screening, they can perform at the welcome party." After all, everyone has just entered school, and they are always a little cautious.

Until the senior sister said, "There are credits added, and this is related to your scholarship."

"Everyone can read the student handbook, the scholarship is still very generous."

Only a few people raised their hands to sign up.

After receiving the military training uniform, the class meeting is completely over.

"Song Fengwan." Senior sister walked up to her.

Hu Xinyue was trying on the hat excitedly, and when she saw her senior coming over, she immediately sat down obediently.

She lowered her voice, "The dean is looking for you. His office is on the second floor of the building behind him. Go there now."

"En." Song Fengwan nodded.

Hu Xinyue was sitting next to her, and naturally heard the conversation between the two, "Then give me your clothes, and I'll wait for you downstairs."

The college knew every student's personal information, and almost all the college leaders knew that she was Mrs. Qiao's granddaughter, so they didn't give her special treatment, but they would definitely pay more attention to her.

He called her over, and besides caring about her life, he also asked about the situation of Qiao's family. After chatting for half an hour, he didn't take her away until Qiao Xiyan came over.

"I didn't expect that old man to have such a reputation?" Qiao Xiyan was carrying a lot of things in his hands, which the dean asked him to take home, and they were nothing more than some specialties of the capital.

"We still have grandpa's brainless fans in our dormitory." Song Fengwan chuckled.

Qiao Xiyan chuckled, this old man is used to bluffing people, he pretends to be messy outside, but he looks different when he comes home.

That bad temper is like a walking live mine, flammable and explosive.

The two saw Hu Xinyue downstairs in Yuhe Tower, and the three went to the dormitory.

Qiao Xiyan bought some things for Song Fengwan, and worked as a coolie along the way, helping her carry two pots of hot water.


Arrive at the dormitory

Song Fengwan entered the dormitory, only Wu Yuxin was packing up, "My cousin is here."

Wu Yuxin originally glanced casually, but turned her eyes away instantly.

Qiao Xiyan helped Song Fengwan put down his things, "Are you used to sleeping?"

In fact, the old lady of the Yan family has asked people to clean up the house in the capital, but the house is far away from the University City, and it takes an hour and a half to go there from Beijing University. The house has been bought for seven or eight years. How could she have predicted in advance that it would be near the University City? Go buy a house.

So the house was tidied up, and she could only keep her for vacation.

In fact, even if the house is next to the school, Qiao Aiyun doesn't feel at ease to let her move in alone, it's better to live in the school.

"Very good." Song Fengwan smiled, "What time is your flight? Are you in a hurry?"

"No hurry, I can have dinner with you, I'll wash my hands, you clean up first."

As soon as Qiao Xiyan entered the bathroom, Wu Yuxin walked over with a smile, "That... is your boyfriend?"

"my brother."

Qiao Xiyan washed his hands quickly and walked out, Wu Yuxin smiled brightly, "So it's my brother, I'm her roommate, my name is Wu Yuxin."

"Yeah." Qiao Xiyan glanced over her face coldly, tore off the tissue paper on Song Fengwan's table, and wiped his fingers.

Very nonchalant.

Wu Yuxin is still very popular among boys, she seldom feels deflated, and grits her teeth fiercely, a little upset.

At this moment, Song Fengwan's phone vibrated, and Qiao Xiyan glanced unintentionally, "Xu Jingcheng? Who is it?"

Before Song Fengwan could answer, Wu Yuxin said, "This is a freshman from the medical school. Recently, many people discussed him on the school forum. He is very handsome."

"Really?" Qiao Xiyan narrowed his eyes.

"Many boys have asked me about Wanwan recently, she is very popular in our school." Wu Yuxin smiled innocently.

Qiao Xiyan pursed her lips and said nothing.

Song Fengwan gritted his teeth, "Cousin, I packed up, let's go."

The two were silent all the way, until they reached the school gate, and Qiao Xiyan spoke.

"Wanwan, are you dating behind my back?"

"No, this is really just an ordinary friend. At that time when I was in a cram school, a parent came to trouble me. Do you remember?" Song Fengwan explained to him.


"This is that boy. I just met him by chance. He just added a contact information. He just asked me if the counselor mentioned the National Day holiday time."

"I believe in you." Qiao Xiyan pursed her lips, "I don't object to your dating in college."

Song Fengwan nodded.

"However, nowadays boys are used to smooth talk. Even if you meet someone you like, you have to investigate and don't fall into it." Qiao Xiyan repeatedly urged.

Going to college and falling in love is normal, and Josie has no objection to this.

"Wanwan, even if you have a boyfriend, you haven't crossed the line." Qiao Xiyan said it seriously.

"Over the boundary?" Song Fengwan raised his eyebrows.

"Don't go into a room with a boy easily. Do you understand? If a man wants to have physical contact with you, everything he says at that time is fart. Don't believe a word."

"Whether opening a room is chatting, watching TV, or just hugging and kissing, he will definitely make progress."

"It's just to coax you to sleep with him. At this time, if he can believe his words, sows can climb trees."

"I just wanted to have a room with you within a few days of knowing each other. The man who shared the same room must have other thoughts. Most likely he is a scumbag."

Qiao Xiyan was worried that she would meet a scumbag due to her lack of experience, so she warned her about this for a long time.

Song Fengwan lowered his head, his ears were blood red.

"Cousin, if you meet someone you like, don't you want to get close to her?" Song Fengwan whispered.

"I think it is still necessary to treat each other with the courtesy of a gentleman."

Song Fengwan didn't speak any more.

"And your new roommate..." Qiao Xiyan suddenly mentioned Wu Yuxin.

"What's wrong?"

"I don't like her very much. Her eyes are not as clean as that of the girl from yesterday." Qiao Xiyan dealt with dead things like jade all day long, so she judged people more intuitively.

"I know."

"And her face is fake."

"Huh?" Song Fengwan was taken aback, "Where did you see that?"

"Her facial features are a little uncoordinated, especially the bridge of the nose. The proportions are very uncoordinated, so it should not be born." Josie Yanping's time jade is mostly as fine as millimeters, let alone looking at people's facial features.

Song Fengwan coughed twice, "It looks okay." If she wasn't pretty, there wouldn't be so many boys willing to surround her.

"The face is crooked." Qiao Xiyan added.

Song Fengwan was speechless, if Wu Yuxin heard this, she would fight you desperately, to say that a girl's face is crooked?


After the two had dinner, they watched Qiao Xiyan get in the car and leave, before Song Fengwan called Fu Chen.

"Your cousin is gone?" Fu Chen had waited until this day.

"Well, I just left."

"What are the two talking about, they don't bother to reply to my message." Fu Chen said with a smile.

"My cousin said you're a scumbag." Song Fengwan realized that what Qiao Xiyan said could be applied to Fu Chen.

Indeed, the two of them had been in the same room not long after they met, and someone even pretended to be drunk and kissed her, and they did a lot of things in the future.

The corner of Fu Chen's mouth twitched, "What kind of scumbag?"

Song Fengwan conveyed the core idea of ​​Qiao Xiyan's words to him concisely.

Fu Chen hung up the phone with a cold expression on his face.

He likes Song Fengwan, so he naturally thought of ways to get close to him, but he called him a scumbag, and was stabbed for no reason.

He doesn't believe that he has someone he likes, and he can still sit still and be Liu Xiahui?

"The gift of a gentleman?" Fu Chen lightly sneered.

Qiao Xiyan has arrived at the airport at this moment, and now he swears to talk about the etiquette of a gentleman with Song Fengwan, but he doesn't know that his face will be slapped in the future.

Cousin’s love affair in the future will be a large-scale real fragrance scene, haha

In fact, from the words of my cousin, the third master is indeed a scumbag, abducting a little girl [cover face]

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