Qiao Xiyan didn't know at all that in the eyes of his cousin, he was already a married and doting wife, and he liked the image of a baby daddy.

However, these few words of Song Fengwan completely dispelled Wu Yuxin's fondness for Qiao Xiyan.

At 8 o'clock the next morning, the students of the Academy of Fine Arts packed their luggage and set off to the base to participate in military training. During the 15-day military training, they had to wear military uniforms all day, so what everyone brought was underwear. Snacks, computer games and equipment were not allowed on the bus. of.

Song Fengwan was woken up by Hu Xinyue's alarm clock. She set the alarm clock herself, but she didn't wake up. The whole dormitory was noisy.

She pushed Hu Xinyue, and when she got up to get dressed, she saw that Wu Yuxin was already sitting at the table, dressing up and tracing her eyebrows, holding a sunscreen spray, spraying it on her whole body, and spraying it again and again.

After Wu Yuxin finished her preparations, she turned her head and saw Song Fengwan getting ready to wash up.

She was wearing slightly loose camouflage pants with short white sleeves tucked into her waist. She had a slender waist, and she stretched out her hands to hold her hair. She had a small face without makeup, which was pretty and lovely.

She took the mirror and checked her makeup. Even though she was participating in military training, she was still very delicately dressed.

She gritted her teeth, took the parasol, packed her things, and went out twisting her waist.

"Why is she walking so fast? Ya Ting, aren't you two in the same class?" Hu Xinyue seemed to have not noticed the undercurrent in the dormitory, "Didn't you walk together?"

"A senior invited her to have breakfast." Miao Yating lowered her head and tidied up her military uniform, her voice muffled.

"She's really popular." Hu Xinyue was speechless.

Song Fengwan brushed his teeth and rinsed his mouth, "Yating, then you can have dinner with us later, anyway, the meeting place of the Academy of Fine Arts is the same."

When I first entered school, there were not many friends in the class. At this time, everyone still prefers to act collectively in a dormitory. If they are alone, they will definitely feel uncomfortable.

Song Fengwan was used to being alone in high school, even if he was alone, he didn't feel lonely. Miao Yating was different. He called his parents last night and cried again. He was a person who was afraid of being alone.

After arriving at the meeting point, everyone got on the bus, and Song Fengwan sent Fu Chen a selfie.

The girl in the photo is wearing a ponytail, wearing camouflage, delicate and capable, with one collar button unbuttoned, revealing a white and tender neck, delicate and clean, facing the camera with an unusually bright smile.

Fu Chen narrowed his eyes, he was going to be away for half a month, and he was so in love, how could this girl still laugh?

Heartless little thing.


Arrive at the base, pack up things in the morning, and mobilize for military training in the afternoon. After the end, the instructors will lead each class to find a place for training.

There are many girls in Song Fengwan's class, and the instructor is nice, so he picked a shady place for them.

This instructor is only in his early twenties, maybe he doesn't know how to deal with a group of little girls, and he usually trains harshly, but in private, he will be ashamed by the teasing of a few classmates.

Because there are many girls, his requirements are not particularly strict, and he will always let them rest for a while when they have time.

The training content is boring, standing in a military posture, kicking forward, practicing military boxing, and learning a military song.

During the period of military training, Song Fengwan felt that the time passed extremely slowly. At night, the lights had to be turned off on time, and instructors were patrolling the wards, and even mobile phones were not allowed to play.

She was so tired that she couldn't even lift her arms every day, and she had to fight for time to take a shower. A few days before the training, she returned to the dormitory and fell asleep on the cold and hard bed. After two or three minutes of calling, I hung up.

There was no oil or water in the food in the cafeteria, there was a vegetable soup, and a few oily stars could be seen in front of him. After half a month of military training, Song Feng lost two or three catties in a daze.

During the entire military training period, Wu Yuxin was the one most discussed by everyone. Because she was selected for the orientation party, she returned to the campus after five days of training and hardly participated in the training.

This made everyone very envious, and no one wanted to stay in this place where the birds didn't shit.

When everyone returned to the dormitory of the military training base, they could always find news about her on campus forums.

"Wanwan, there is a picture of you on the school forum!" Hu Xinyue slept in Song Feng's night bunk, leaning on the railing, and looked at her, "It seems that the boys in the next class took it secretly."

"Really?" Song Fengwan was rubbing his legs. He stood in a military posture all afternoon today, and his calves were a little swollen.

"A boy took a photo of you and posted it on the Internet. Many people said that you are the real goddess. This post overthrew Wu Yuxin's." Hu Xinyue got along with people completely by the intuition of a small animal.

Although they are in the same dormitory, Wu Yuxin has an average relationship with them. She usually does not participate in chatting and talking, and walks alone.

"Yes." Song Fengwan replied casually.

"I think you are prettier than Wu Yuxin. She wears makeup all day long, so she doesn't know what she looks like without makeup?" There are a total of 8 people living in bunk beds in the military training dormitory, all of whom are from her own class.

"There are always all kinds of boys around her who are courteous. I really don't know what those boys like about her?"

"The most important thing is that she never refuses anyone who comes, and she gets along well with those seniors, and her methods are high."


Gossip is inevitable when girls are together, and Wu Yuxin has always been the focus of the topic.

They are all classmates, or seniors, and when boys and girls chat and interact normally, everyone will not say anything. Wu Yuxin knows everyone well, and she will not refuse anyone who comes. She uses boys' affection for her to get people to do things for her. There have been criticisms among girls for a long time. .

Song Fengwan lowered his head and looked at his phone. Fu Chen sent her a set of calf massage tutorials. She did not participate in the chat with the few people.

The military training lasted for half a month, Fu Chen couldn't see her, and could only look at Song Fengwan's selfies all day long.

Duan Linbai recently talked about a business with him and had a lot of contacts.

Once I actually saw Fu Chen drinking during the day.

"Hey, Fu San, my sister-in-law is not here, so you can drink away your worries. Would you like another cigarette?"

Fu Chen glanced at him, he really deserved a beating.

"I'm going to have a field trip in a while, will you come with me?" The government plans to plan a new district on the edge of the capital, and the land price in the new district is skyrocketing. The Duan family wants to build a new Wanbaohui shopping mall there. He couldn't make this order, so he found Fu Chen.


"During the National Day, it should be on the 6th." The capital city has been developed almost in recent years, and the government has just issued a plan, and everyone is aiming at the new district.

The Duan family made a quick move and bought a large piece of land. Now the land price has increased by more than 20 times.

"let me consider it."

"Just go for one day. The new district is very close, and it takes three hours to go back and forth." Duan Linbai said with a smile, "You are not alone now, you need to earn money to raise a wife."

Fu Chen lightly said, "You're a single dog, are you talking to me about raising a wife?"

"What's wrong with the single dog, I'm eating your dog food!" Duan Linbai was furious.

It's great to fall in love, you have the ability to tell the world, you dare to take her home now?

You are an underground worker, and you don't know how to keep a low profile.


The half-month military training ended with a training session. Everyone needed to walk back to Beijing University from the military base. They assembled at 8:00 in the morning, and it was already past 3:00 in the afternoon when they arrived at Beijing University.

As soon as Song Fengwan arrived at school, he received a call from Fu Chen.

"Wanwan." Fu Chen's voice came, and Song Fengwan's eyes turned red, and he almost cried.

"Don't go in, I'm at the bamboo forest behind your apartment." After all, the relationship between the two has not been exposed, and it is inconvenient for Fu Chen to show up at this time.

Song Fengwan handed over the luggage to Hu Xinyue to take it up, and walked back with a limp.

At the back of the apartment, there will be couples here at night, but there are no people there during the day.

As soon as Song Fengwan went around to the back, he saw Fu Chen standing deep in the bamboo forest.

Moon white shirt, light gray trousers, the summer wind blows, the rustling bamboo forest, light and shadow dance, casting a mottled silhouette on his body, making him more handsome and clear.

Song Fengwan's nose was sore, she didn't know how to survive the military training these days.

Looking at him with red eyes.

Fu Chen squinted at her.

I haven't seen you for half a month, and I lost weight.

She was still wearing camouflage, the black belt lined her slender waist, her face was flushed by the sun, her forehead was covered with fine sweat, and she was holding a half-drunk bottle of mineral water in her hand. When she looked at him, the corners of her eyes Flushed, pathetic.

He strode forward and reached out to wrap her in his arms.

"Thank you." His voice was deep and pleasant.

"I'm covered in sweat." Song Fengwan twisted his body, "It smells."

"Miss me?" Fu Chen tightened his arms, wishing he could embed her in his arms.


"Very well, me too..."

It's a new day, everyone remember to punch in and vote~

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