Song Feng went back to the dormitory in the evening and took two pieces of clothes. It was too high-profile to go to Yunjin Capital at the moment, so he took Fu Chen's car to Yishui Community.

This is a house purchased by the old lady of the Yan family. It was bought to increase the value. It has been renovated and has not been lived in. It has three bedrooms and two living rooms. It was cleaned by a part-time worker a while ago, and it is clean and odorless.

It was already evening when the two arrived at the community. Because of the hot weather, there was no one outside. Song Fengwan's legs were sore, and he was almost carried into the elevator by Fu Chen.

"Going out to eat tonight?" Fu Chen looked down at her.

"Let me take a bath first." Song Fengwan's body was sticky and he didn't feel like eating at all.

On the 18th floor, Fu Chen took out the key from her bag.

As soon as the door opened, Song Fengwan was pulled in by him. Because he was worried that the sun would damage the furniture, the curtains were all drawn up, and the whole room was very dark. Fu Chen kicked the door shut, trapping her between her body and the door panel.

The dim light filtered through the curtains, making the room softer.

"Wanwan, it's finally just the two of us."

Fu Chen lowered his head and looked at her with a smile.


Song Fengwan entered the bathroom to take a shower, still blushing a little.

People say that Xiaobie is better than newlyweds, and this is true, as if nothing is enough.

Even sitting upright and talking with him for a while is comfortable.

When she was at the military training base, she always rushed to take a bath, so this time it took a lot of time to take a bath. When she came out, there was already food on the dining table, and there was nothing here. Fu Chen ordered some takeaway.

"What did you order?" Song Fengwan was wearing a long nightdress with slender suspenders, revealing his calves. There were a few bruises on his originally white and tender skin, and his feet were wrinkled and white from the sweat.

Song Fengwan stayed in Nanjiang for a summer vacation, where the ultraviolet rays are very strong, she is already very good at sun protection, she is not dark, but she is too thin.

"I ordered a few dishes at random, you can eat something to fill your stomach, and we will go out to eat something else after you have a rest."

Song Fengwan hadn't eaten such delicious food for a long time. After eating a lot, he sat on the sofa and called his mother.

The takeaway restaurant sent a box of watermelon. Fu Chen put the watermelon in the refrigerator before, but now he took it out, sat next to Song Fengwan, and picked it up with a toothpick to feed her.

"...It's over. There will be a school-wide freshman meeting tomorrow, and there will be a welcome party tonight, so it should be a holiday."

Qiao Aiyun felt distressed when she saw the military training photos sent back by Song Fengwan. She ate food all day long and trained under the scorching sun. She lost a lot of weight, "Then when are you going to come back? Air tickets for the National Day are very tight. You can confirm the time. I'll book you a ticket."

Song Fengwan bit his lips and looked at the person beside him. Fu Chen also looked at her leisurely, waiting for her answer.

"National Day..."

"Didn't you let it go for 7 days? There's plenty of time." Qiao Aiyun has been missing her since she went to school. If she wasn't pregnant, she would have flown to the capital long ago.

"I'll tell you when I confirm the exact time. How is your health recently..." Song Fengwan changed the subject stiffly.

"I'm fine, you don't have to worry at home, you are over there, if you are short of money, just tell me..." They are all things that parents often talk about.

After hanging up the phone, Fu Chen turned his head to look at her, "Do you want to go back for the National Day?"

"Should go back for a few days." Except for National Day and winter and summer vacations, Song Fengwan didn't have time to run back and forth.

"En." Fu Chen nodded, reached out to lift her calf, and rubbed it for her.

Song Fengwan hugged the iced watermelon, ate to his heart's content, turned on the TV, and changed the channel.

At the moment, the Beijing TV station is rebroadcasting the evening legal system and people's livelihood program "All Beings". The TV screen is frozen in a ward, and a woman is crying.

The title is also very catchy.

[The son is sick, and the parents tell the shocking secret. 】

"Why isn't the former host of this show here?" Song Fengwan whispered.

Fu Chen squinted, as long as there are people, there must be open and secret fighting, not to mention in the workplace, the show is popular, and the sponsorship is obtained. A newcomer like Yu Manxi who has no background can easily become a stepping stone for others.

If a TV station wants to promote a newcomer, it must find the hottest program.

At this moment, the woman on TV is crying miserably, saying that her son has leukemia and needs a type match urgently, and that she has a young son who has been trafficked and is living outside, and I hope everyone can help find it.

And posted a photo, a bank card number was also announced in the program, hoping that kind-hearted people will donate for medical expenses.

"These human traffickers are really devoid of conscience. This child was stolen in just over two months." Song Fengwan sighed.

Fu Chen glanced at the TV. The child on the TV was taken when he was born. It was so wrinkled that nothing could be seen at all. It would be too difficult to find the child based on this picture alone.

She said that the child was lost when she came to Beijing to visit relatives, so she turned to the local TV station for help, and even prayed for good-hearted people to provide clues.

But she couldn't tell where she left it. The most ridiculous thing is that she didn't call the police, and the police station didn't file a record at all. She said that she was uneducated, and she just called her husband's family to look for it, and forgot to call the police.

Later, when the family was busy with farming, they returned to the countryside, and they never gave up looking for them all these years.

"Isn't this looking for a needle in a haystack? There is no way to find it." Song Fengwan muttered, "Don't call the police if you lose your child? Was it really stolen?"

Fu Chen lowered his head to help her rub her legs. In the current TV program, who can tell whether it is true or not.

Song Fengwan felt that there were too many loopholes in her words, so she didn't continue watching. Instead, she changed the movie channel and watched half of the movie with Fu Chen.


"It's half past nine. I asked Shifang to buy some food. Do you want to go back to the dormitory after eating?" Fu Chen looked at her with a smile.

"I don't really want to go back." Song Fengwan was so tired that he couldn't lift his arms and didn't want to move at all.

"Are you sure you want to stay with me?"

"What else can you do to me?" Song Fengwan felt that he was half disabled, so he shouldn't be so mad.

Fu Chen chuckled lightly, provoking him? How courageous.

Third master, what are you doing to this little girl!

What do you mean don't cry then?

I just couldn't see [cover my face]

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