Heartwarming Aristocratic Marriage: Influential Master’s Wife-Chasing Strategy

Chapter 360 The Heartless Parents Robbed the Child, Scared and Wept Pregnant

Brocade Capital

"Fuck, since he is the child he abandoned, what the hell is the point of finding him here?" Duan Linbai was stunned.

Fu Chen folded the Buddha string in his hands, his expression as usual indifferent.

When he found the pregnant woman, he remembered that the old lady sighed and said that the child was healthy and disease-free, so how could he be abandoned here.

I once wondered if the traffickers had nowhere to go and abandoned the child, but I found a note in his baby...

The pilgrim picked it up and called the police. The police station had no report of the missing child. After several searches to no avail, he was finally taken to the monastery by Master Purdue before he finally decided to send it to the orphanage.

"Master, you are in a hurry to find me, what do you need my help for?" Fu Moran said.

Master Pudu looked solemn, "Actually, I have been seeing that couple come to the temple recently, asking my apprentices if they saw a baby six years ago, and they brought the reporter directly a few days ago."

"It is said that through the police system, Huaisheng was found and said to be his biological parents, who wanted to admit him back."

"However, this couple already has a son and daughter. The son has leukemia and wants to match the pregnancy."

Duan Linbai exploded at the time, "Damn it, why is it so disgusting? They were the ones who lost the child back then, and now they want to go back. There is no way."

Master Pudu frowned, "I want to ask the third master to check for me whether what the couple said is true. They said that the child will not live long."

"Why didn't you think of such a thing when you threw the child away? Let me tell you, karma reincarnates, and if you do bad things, you will be punished." Duan Linbai snorted coldly.

"What do you think? Help?" Fu Chen looked at Master Pudu, after all, he is Huaisheng's current guardian.

"It is said that the monks are merciful, but Huaisheng is still young, I..." The master is not a saint, and it is difficult to achieve equality for all beings.

"Let me have someone check it first." Fu Chen also knew his embarrassment.

That family must have had nowhere to go to find Huaisheng. If they don't save him, they can't bear to watch the child die. After all, the parents did something wrong and it has nothing to do with the child.

"I'm sorry to trouble you." Master Purdue got up and bowed deeply to him.

Not long after, Huaisheng came back bouncing around with ice cream in his hand.

"Master!" Huai Sheng rushed into Master Pudu's arms, "You have a taste."

"Master won't eat."

"It's delicious, you can't even eat it in the mountains, you haven't eaten it yet." Huaisheng brought the ice cream to his mouth, and the master barely licked it, "Is it delicious?"

Master Purdue nodded.

"Then when are we going back to the mountain?" Huai Sheng looked at him seriously.

The master reached out and touched his head, "The National Day Mountain is very busy, no one takes care of you..."

He still doesn't want Huaisheng to meet the couple at the moment, it's safer to stay here with Fu Chen, those people will definitely not be able to find them here.

"I don't need someone to take care of me."

"Recently, there are a lot of pilgrims in the mountains, and many of them are foreigners staying overnight. They may stay in your room..."

"Then I will live with you."

The master was stunned for a moment, "How many points did you get in the last exam? Don't you make up classes during the holidays? With your current grades, you can't even pass the college entrance examination. How can you be an abbot in the future?"

Huaisheng bowed his head and stopped talking, it was really hurtful to raise his grades.

Master Purdue did not stay overnight and went back to the mountains that night.


Fu Chen checked the family's information, only to find out that it happened to be the child-seeking family that he had seen last time when he and Song Fengwan watched the show together. This family directly said on TV that the child had been abducted.

This alone made Fu Chen a little annoyed.

He could understand why the couple said that. After all, abandoning a child was a felony, and they couldn't bear it. But at this time, it was really disgusting to spread rumors on TV and ask for donations.

"Third Master..." This time it was Shifang who followed Song Fengwan back to Nanjiang, and Qian Jiang checked the information, "That child had an operation six years ago."

He handed a piece of information to Fu Chen.

"Did it once?"

"The bone marrow bank found a suitable donor and relapsed again." Qian Jiang said bluntly.

Leukemia undergoes bone marrow transplantation, and chemotherapy is required in the later stage, which is suppressed by drugs, but there is also the possibility of recurrence.

"I did it once six years ago..." Fu Chen pinched the information, and his brows were tightened. Huaisheng is more than six years old this year, and he quickly connected everything together.

"At that time, I was interviewed by their local TV station, and there were video materials."

Fu Chen sneered, "This kind of person is also worthy of being a parent?"

Qian Jiang replied coldly, "Not worthy!"

Fu Chen called Master Pudu that night, expressing that he did not support sending Huaisheng back. After listening to Fu Chen's analysis, the master was also silent...


Huaisheng lived with Fu Chen, and during the day Uncle Nian accompanied him to the remedial class, but everything was fine.

Things turned around on October 6th. Fu Chen and Duan Linbai went to Beijing New District for inspection and were scheduled to come back at night, but Song Fengwan returned to Beijing ahead of schedule.

Song Feng returned to Nanjiang late and stayed in Nanjiang for a few days. In order to avoid the rush hour of the return journey and to meet Fu Chen earlier, he bought a ticket in advance.

"The third master is not in the capital today, are you sure you don't want to tell him?" Shi Fang dragged his luggage and carried the load forward.

To be honest, this old lady of the Yan family is too exaggerated, she brought a big box just for special products.

"He's coming back tonight, let's go to the compound first." Mrs. Yan asked her to bring something to the second elder of the Fu family.

Song Fengwan went to the old house of the Fu family in the evening, and sat with the two elders of the Fu family for a while, and entered Fu Chen's residence generously under the pretext of giving Fu Chen special products.

It was evening when she arrived at Yunjin Capital.

"Wang—" Fu Xinhan saw Song Fengwan, and rushed towards her, circling in front of her and wagging his tail again.

"Good boy!" Song Fengwan bent down and stroked its dog's head.

Uncle Nian came out of the house when he heard the movement, "Miss Song? Why are you here? The third master is not at home. I'll call him..."

"No, I know he's not here, so I'll just wait for him here." Song Fengwan dragged his luggage and caught up with the plane, and wanted to tidy up before seeing Fu Chen again.

"Then come in quickly, it's very hot outside." Uncle Nian smiled kindly.

"I brought you some special products." After Song Fengwan entered the house, he brought coconut cakes and some preserved fruits to Uncle Nian.

Uncle Nian refused again and again before accepting.

"School started before, and I had too much luggage, so I couldn't bring you a gift." Song Fengwan smiled.

"I'm interested." Uncle Nian smiled from ear to ear, "You sit down first, I'm going to the remedial class to pick up the baby, and I'll be back in half an hour."

Song Fengwan was surprised, "Did Huaisheng go back to the mountains?"

This little monk ran happily into the mountains even on weekends, how could he be willing to stay here during such a long National Day holiday.

"If you can't improve your grades, you'll have to make up lessons." Song Fengwan didn't know the inside story, and Uncle Nian didn't bother to mention it.

"I'll go with you, I haven't seen him for a long time."

"He must be happy to see you." Uncle Nian smiled.


The place where Huaisheng made up lessons was near the No. 2 Middle School in Beijing where Song Fengwan had been studying, not far from Yunjin Capital.

Song Fengwan also specially bought a cup of milk tea, and went to the remedial class with Uncle Nian.

Passing by the studio where he used to study, and the admissions information was posted at the door, Song Fengwan felt emotional, time flies so fast.

"It's just ahead, just turn a corner." Uncle Nian said, pointing to the intersection ahead.

"En." Song Fengwan nodded.

When turning around the intersection, the words [Hope Education] came into view, and the most noticeable thing was that the door was surrounded by people, and there were even reporters carrying cameras, blocking the door, surrounded by Parents and students watching.

The dispute was fierce, and a child's cry was also heard.

Song Fengwan frowned, "What happened?"

Uncle Nian cried out inwardly, "Huaisheng..."

As he spoke, he rushed into the crowd in a hurry.

Song Fengwan followed closely behind him and crashed into the crowd, only to see Huaisheng who was being protected by a woman behind him, crying so hard that he couldn't make a sound.

Wearing short-sleeved clothes, there were red marks on the pulled arms.

"Huaisheng?" Uncle Nian's eyes turned red instantly, Huaisheng has lived here for almost a year, facing each other day and night, just like his own grandson.

"Grandpa Nian——" Huaisheng threw himself into his arms, crying and howling. He lost one of his shoes, stepped on the scorching hot ground with his bare feet, and his knees were smashed.

Song Fengwan's mind was a little confused, he didn't understand what happened?

Until a crazy woman with the appearance of a woman rushed out, "Son, I'm really your mother, I'm here to take you home."

"Ma'am, the child obviously doesn't know you!" The teacher of the remedial class was protecting the baby, "How could you just rush in and snatch the child!"

"This is my son! I'm his own mother, so what's wrong with me taking him away!"

Song Fengwan was stunned, Huaisheng's mother?

She took a closer look, only to realize that this woman looked a little familiar. Combined with the cameras of several reporters behind him, she remembered the child-finding program she had watched.

Are you looking for Huai Sheng?

It's starting soon, remember to leave a message and check in~

By the way, ask for a wave of tickets~ This month only has 28 days, if you have a monthly ticket, don’t forget to support the month of the month.


In fact, Huaisheng's life experience is very simple, it has nothing to do with the Fu family and the Jing family, it is not someone's illegitimate child or something [cover face], you don't need to think so complicated, it's just because there are many people and things involved in this matter.

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