Heartwarming Aristocratic Marriage: Influential Master’s Wife-Chasing Strategy

Chapter 361 Wanwan: Being born without raising her is a waste of being a mother (2 more)

Fu Chen had never mentioned Huai Sheng's life experience with Song Fengwan, and she was naturally shocked when she learned that the person in front of her was his biological mother.

Before she recovered, the woman suddenly rushed over and grabbed Huai Sheng's arm, trying to drag him away.

"What are you doing..." Huaisheng was so frightened that his face turned pale, his slender arm was strangled with red marks, and his other hand was tightly clutching Uncle Nian's clothes, "I won't go with you."

No one thought that she would dare to snatch the child in broad daylight.

"What on earth do you want, let go!" Uncle Nian tightly guarded Huaisheng.

"This is my son, who was born to me. I want to take him away. What's wrong with him? Who are you!"

Huaisheng's arm hurt from being pulled by her, and he cried, "I don't know you! I won't go with you."

Uncle Nian saw that he was in too much pain, his eyes were red, and he let go of his fingers slightly. The woman didn't expect that Uncle Nian would let go. Due to her inertia, she stepped back, Huaisheng staggered, and almost fell.

Shifang had sharp eyes and quick hands, reached out to catch Huaisheng, held him in his arms, and handed him to Song Fengwan.

"Sister, I won't go with her, I don't know her." Huai Sheng put his arms around Song Fengwan's neck, his eyes were already swollen from crying.

Song Fengwan hugged him tightly in his arms, and frowned.

"He is our son, why are you hiding him from us?" A man stood up, his facial features were somewhat similar to those of Huaisheng.

"Son, I am really your mother, look at me..."

The woman fell to the ground, howling.

It provoked the surrounding parents to point and point.

"Isn't this family always looking for a child on TV? This child was abducted. It's only natural for him to meet his parents. They shouldn't stop him."

"But the child doesn't know them, so looking for them directly will really scare him. After all, he didn't know them before."

"This family is also pitiful. One son is seriously ill and the other is abducted."

"I think the news broadcast on the TV station is true and false. Why don't you look for the child who has been missing for so long."


The scene was chaotic, and it was not until the teacher and the reporter coordinated that they decided to go to the teacher's office of the remedial class to have a good chat.


Song Fengwan took Huaisheng to wash it. He cried miserably, his shoulders twitched, and his arms were bruised from being pulled.

"Shoes." The tutoring agency teacher picked up the shoes that Huaisheng had dropped.

"Thank you." Song Fengwan took the shoes and thanked her. They were protecting Huaisheng before, and they often had disputes with that family, and they were also very embarrassed at the moment.

Huai Sheng was sitting on the stool, and Song Fengwan was bending over to help him wash his feet. The soles of his feet were worn out and he couldn't wear shoes at all.

"At that time, school was over, and I was waiting for the parents to pick up the students in the classroom. The family rushed in with the reporter, dragged the pregnant woman and walked outside without asking if the children would like it. Many children were scared and cried." The teacher sighed. Take a breath.

"Huaisheng also said that he didn't know them. We definitely can't let them take the children away."

"That's when the dispute happened. These people brought reporters, and we didn't even have time to call you."

Song Fengwan nodded, and wiped Huaisheng's feet with a cotton cloth, "Huaisheng, stay here with the teacher obediently..." She wanted to go out to see the specific situation, but she couldn't stay here forever.

Seeing that Song Fengwan was about to leave, Huaisheng jumped off the stool barefoot and hugged her leg, "Don't leave, I'm afraid."

His voice was sobbing hoarsely, which made people's nose sore.

"I'm just going to pour water and not leave." Song Fengwan gritted his teeth and patted his head.

"I won't go with them, don't leave me behind."

Huaisheng clutched her clothes tightly.

"I'll go get some water. You can accompany him for a while. My colleague has gone out to buy medicine. Wait a moment." The female teacher pursed her lips.

"Thank you." Song Fengwan picked up Huaisheng and put him on his lap.

The female teacher picked up the footbath on the ground, got up and walked outside.

The sound insulation effect of the room is not good, and the sound of quarrels not far away can be heard endlessly.

Huai Sheng hid in Song Fengwan's arms, shaking constantly.


Shifang and Uncle Nian were dealing with the parents and the reporter.

It was originally meant to sit down and have a good talk, but the other party was so emotional that he didn't give people a chance to talk at all, and talked nonsense in front of the camera.

It seems that with the presence of reporters, they have confidence.

Now some media are eager to capture this kind of conflicting scene to win the ratings, it is just a symbolic appeasement and coordination.

"...You shouldn't come directly to find the child, he is only so old, you will scare him like this." Uncle Nian's eyes turned red, "There are parents like you!"

"I really can't wait any longer. My son is waiting for help. I beg you." The woman was called Ma Yincui, and she knelt down in front of Uncle Nian.

"What are you doing?" Uncle Nian frowned.

"My son won't live for long, I just want to make a match for him now, why don't you let me see him."

"Let me tell you something, this child was abducted and trafficked. Even if you raise him, it is illegal. The police can take him away at any time." A woman with a reporter badge came out to mediate.

"They also considered the impact on the children, so they didn't call the police, and wanted to negotiate with you in private."

"But you keep preventing them from meeting their children, which is illegal in itself."


The man jumped out and was about to go out, "I want to see the child. No matter what, I will take the child away today. None of you can stop me."

"Mr. Huang, calm down." The reporter still stopped him.

"Why don't you calm down? This kid is outside. They stopped us in every possible way and wouldn't let us meet. Let me tell you, if we sue and you adopt him, you are also suspected of buying abducted children. This is a crime!" Huang Jianhua pointed at Uncle Nian with an attitude tough.

"I think you are treating him well and want to settle this matter privately."

"You have no right to stop us from taking the child!"

Huang Jianhua pushed the reporter away and rushed to the room where Huaisheng was.

Shi Fang immediately reached out to stop him. The man was so emotional that he couldn't hold him back. Shi Fang had no choice but to hold him tightly, and the two sides inevitably had physical contact.

"Calm down!" Shi Fang was also ignorant of the inside story, but he also knew that now was not the time for them to get in touch with Huai Sheng.

While pulling, Shifang's hand accidentally hit him on the face.

The woman who was kneeling on the ground became impatient.

"You robbed my child and beat someone?" Ma Yincui got up, rushed over and slapped Shi Fang.

Shifang was dumbfounded.

It was the first time I met such an unreasonable person.

Before he recovered, the woman jumped up and scratched his face with her hand.

Shifang was a bit punchy, but he couldn't do anything to a woman, he could only be passively hit a few times, her blows were neither light nor hard, and during the push and push, she instinctively blocked her body and pushed the woman away.

"You hit my wife?" The man named Huang Jianhua rushed over again.

The whole office was instantly in chaos.

"Everyone, calm down!" In addition to reporters and teachers, several groups of people in the office were entangled and chaotic. Even Uncle Nian was shoved to the ground by someone, and his waist hit the corner of the table, so painful that he couldn't stand upright.

At this time, Ma Yincui rushed out of the office and went straight to the room where Huaisheng was.


Song Fengwan heard the quarrel outside, and there were even things that were beating things, her heart jumped nervously, she hugged Huaisheng tightly, "It's okay, don't be afraid..."

"I want to go back to the mountain, I want to master." Huaisheng trembled, and the tears didn't stop, obviously he was stunned.

"I'll take you to see the master later..."

Before Song Fengwan finished speaking, the door was suddenly knocked open, and Ma Yincui appeared at the door with disheveled hair. When Huaisheng saw her, he hurriedly hid in Song Fengwan's arms, his body shivering.

"Give me the child..." Ma Yincui was short of breath, her disheveled hair looked like a ghost that could swallow people.

"I won't go!" Huaisheng shrank into Song Fengwan's arms.

At this moment, the female teacher rushing over reached out and grabbed Ma Yincui, "Let's talk about what's going on, you can't scare the child."

"My son is waiting for help!" she yelled.

"Please take care of Huaisheng." Song Fengwan entrusted Huaisheng to the female teacher before looking at Ma Yincui, "The child is inside, and he can't escape. Let's go out and talk."

"Sister..." Huai Sheng was terrified.

"Hey, it's okay." Song Fengwan gritted his teeth.

Ma Yincui took a deep look at Huaisheng, and then followed Song Fengwan out.

Song Fengwan closed the door. Out of the corner of his eye, he caught a glimpse of a group of people arguing fiercely not far away. He frowned, "Are you Huaisheng's biological mother?"

"Yes." Ma Yincui was very thin and weather-beaten, and her whole body looked haggard and vicissitudes, "You have no right to stop me from taking the child away."

"He is not willing to let you go at the moment, and you have also seen that he is very frightened."

"It's not because you have been refusing to tell them the truth that the children reject us so much."

"That's not why you snatched the child by force!" Song Fengwan said angrily.

"I was also forced to do nothing. You didn't let me see him, but my son couldn't wait."

"I can't wait for your son to take one bite at a time. Huaisheng is not your son!" Song Fengwan scolded angrily, "You went to the TV station to find your son and said that the child was kidnapped, but you didn't call the police?"

"How old is Huaisheng, and the information has already developed at that time, as long as you call the police immediately, it is not impossible to recover the child!"

"Don't call the police and go home to farm? Could it be that in your heart, your son is not as important as a few acres of cropland!"

When she watched the show before, she felt that there were too many loopholes in this person's speech, so she didn't continue to watch it. She never thought that Huai Sheng would be involved.

Naturally, he became more and more depressed at this moment.

"For so many years, have you ever looked for him? Now that another child is sick, he is looking everywhere. Everyone knows what kind of peace you are in."

Ma Yincui saw that she was a soft and weak girl, but she did not expect her to speak so sharply.

"This is my family's business. It has nothing to do with you. Get out of the way, I want to see my son!" Ma Yincui was in a hurry, and stretched out her hand to push Song Fengwan, almost slamming into the door.

Song Fengwan reached out to stop her.

This woman has been working as a farmer and taking care of children, and her strength is stronger than Song Fengwan's. Her eyes were reddened by her words, and she felt that she was difficult, so she reached out to hit her.

"Miss Song." Shi Fang stood not far away, being tied down by that man, unable to protect himself, unable to take care of Song Fengwan at all, and getting angry.

I am really not afraid of meeting powerful people, but I am afraid of meeting such difficult scoundrels.

Ma Yincui's hand slid across Song Fengwan's side face, and in the next second, Song Fengwan had already raised his arm...

"Crack -" a sound.

It was so clear and loud that even the arguing crowd not far away was instantly drowned out.

Ma Yincui was even more stunned.

"You have always emphasized that you are Huaisheng's biological mother. I don't want to fight with you. If you continue to make trouble so unreasonably, I will not be polite." Song Fengwan took a deep breath.

"What happened back then, is it really as you said on TV?"

"Now, in order to save another child, you come directly to rob someone. Have you considered what impact it will have on him? Have you ever taken care of him and asked him to save your son's life as soon as he came up."

"Why do you?"

Song Fengwan scolded angrily, and was also trembling with anger.

Ma Yincui was furious, "He was trafficked!"

"You dare to swear to the sky that he was kidnapped and not abandoned. Just swear on the son of your hospital bed." Song Fengwan was also mad with anger. She clearly remembered that Fu Chen mentioned to him that Huaisheng was abandoned .

Moreover, this person's talk on TV is full of loopholes. Who lost their child and can still go home to busy farming?

"You little girl, why are you so vicious, you actually cursed my son!" Her sick son was her pain point, and Ma Yincui exploded instantly when she heard this, and rushed over to beat Song Fengwan.

However, no matter how strong she was, she was almost exhausted after a few times of tossing and tossing.

The wrist was caught by Song Fengwan, and he slapped him backhand.

"Born without raising, you are in vain as a mother! You are not worthy to be his mother at all!"

Standing not far away, Shi Fang breathed a sigh of relief.

Good fight, this family is really amazing, if you don't fight, you won't be awake.

Wan Wan should be slapped a few more times...

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