Heartwarming Aristocratic Marriage: Influential Master’s Wife-Chasing Strategy

Chapter 364 Third Master vs. Beijing Sixth Master, Poisonous Man (2 more)

Brocade Capital

Fu Chen has not come back yet, and Song Fengwan and Jing Hanchuan are not familiar with each other. This person is not a talkative person. After asking her her age, she kept silent, as if she was deep in thought.

This can't be blamed on Jing Hanchuan, he has known about Song Fengwan for a long time, and he also knows that she is still in school, but getting in touch with her in person is another matter.

Too young and too young, still full of student air.

He didn't deny that Song Fengwan was good-looking, but still childish.

I haven't seen that guy like this before.

Before I heard that he took a high school girl to live in his home, I thought she was pitiful and full of fatherly love, but now that I think about it, this guy probably likes to cultivate.

Bad taste.

Song Fengwan saw that his expression changed again and again, and felt uneasy in his heart, thinking that he had done something inappropriate.

"Hanchuan, eat coconut cake, which was brought from Nanjiang every night." Uncle Nian just put Huaisheng to sleep, and greeted him with a smile, the two obviously knew each other very well.

"Yeah." Jing Hanchuan squeezed a piece with a smile, and Song Fengwan had time to look at him carefully. His behavior was very different from ordinary people.

She had seen this man's cold-eyed look just now.

Smiling and saying to erase people, understatement but full of coldness.

"It tastes good." Jing Hanchuan obviously had a preference for sweets, so he ate several pieces in a row.

Didn't he say that he killed people like hemp? Actually like to eat sweets?

"I still have a lot, I'll get you a few boxes." Song Fengwan was grateful that he arrived in time.

"Then I won't be polite. You don't need to address me when you talk to me. Fu Chen and I are good friends, and you and I are equal." Jing Hanchuan drank tea and ate cakes without any delay.

Song Fengwan nodded, thinking that he was not difficult to get along with.

The Jing family standing behind him glanced at each other, their sixth master is not so nice to everyone.


Song Fengwan helped him fetch pastries, and Uncle Nian went over to help.

"Thanks to Han Chuan this time." Uncle Nian said with a smile.

"You know him very well?" Song Fengwan was curious.

"He grew up watching him, so he and the third master are familiar."

"How did he and the third master know each other? It doesn't feel relevant."

"It's about the relationship between the old lady and his mother. Her mother is a well-known actress in the capital, and the old lady is a fancier. The two of them are close friends, and the third master just met him." Uncle Nian explained with a smile.

"Why do you call him Liu Ye? There are six sons in their family?" Song Fengwan took it for granted that there was too little information about the Jing family on the Internet.

"That's not true. The old man of the Jing family does have many children. His family is also prosperous. The six-character book is his nickname. Her mother became famous after singing "Snow in June". It's a commemoration."

""Snow in June"?" Song Fengwan was not familiar with Peking Opera.

"It's "The Injustice of Dou E". Her mother called him Xiaoliu, and the family called him Xiaoliuye. After a long time, the name spread. How can he have so many brothers." Uncle Nian chuckled.

No wonder Song Fengwan always felt that he spoke and behaved differently from ordinary people. Xu followed his mother and had studied Peking Opera. Naturally, his walking and standing posture was different from ordinary people, but his temperament was all dusty.

His manners are elegant and up to standard, he speaks pleasantly, and has a very accent, like a child spinning in the middle of a lake, with the rustling snow falling comfortably.

"Is four boxes enough?" The special products that Song Fengwan brought back to the dormitory to distribute to roommates.

"Yes." Uncle Nian nodded.

She took a bag and packed it before carrying it out, only to find that there was only one piece of coconut cake left on the plate.


I ate them all.

The Jing family standing behind him lowered their heads and coughed twice.

The sixth master of their family really likes sweets, it's just the first time we meet, so it's not good for you to be so uncontrollable.

"Thank you for the pastries." Jing Hanchuan said with a smile.

Song Fengwan smiled bitterly, it was the first time she had seen a man so addicted to sweets.


The setting sun slanted into the mountain, and the night fell, before Fu Chen and Duan Lin Bai arrived at Yunjin Capital.

"Third brother." Song Fengwan trotted out when he heard the sound of the car, and when Fu Chen got out of the car, he hugged her full.

Duan Linbai was stunned.


Sprinkle dog food as soon as you come back.

"Scared." Fu Chen stretched out his hand to caress her back, and patted her lightly twice.

After the three entered the room, Jing Hanchuan was sitting on the sofa, teasing Fu Xinhan with a bag of beef cubes.

"Jing Xiaoliu, you like dogs, you should raise them yourself, why go to someone else's house to tease dogs." Duan Linbai chuckled.

"Cats, cats and dogs will scare my fish." There is a large tank of goldfish in Jinghanchuan's house, which is very precious. Before Duan Linbai went to his house, he fed too much fish food and killed one, so he kicked him out directly. .

The next day, Duan Linbai compensated him for a tank, and he took the fish, but refused to let him in, and finally said that the fish he gave was a hybrid.

It's too much, the hybrid is also a fish.

Fu Chen turned his head to look at him, "Why are you still here?"

Jing Hanchuan remained unmoved, still teasing the dog with the beef cubes, throwing them away after use, really like Fu Chen.

"Where's Huaisheng?" Fu Chen looked at the living room.

With the light, he squinted and saw a little red mark on Song Fengwan's jaw, like the residual mark left by scratching nails, and his eyes tightened.

"I went to sleep when I came back, and I refused to come out. What happened today was too sudden for him." Song Fengwan sighed.

"I asked Qian Jiang to pick up Master Pudu, wait for him to come." There was no equal information between the mountain and the outside world, and Master Purdu didn't understand what happened to Huaisheng at all.

"Third Master, you can have dinner after a short rest." Uncle Nian felt relieved when he saw Fu Chen come back.

When the food was served, Song Fengwan packed some food and sent it to Huai Sheng. There were only three men left on the table.

"I went back to the club, you didn't come, this is the first time I saw my sister-in-law, how is it?" Duan Linbai poked Jing Hanchuan with his hand.

He squinted, "Too young."

"The mouth is very sharp."

"The attack is fierce."

He gave three reviews in a row, but none of them were considered good reviews.

"The attack was fierce? Where did you see it?" Duan Linbai looked at Fu Chen's dark face for a moment, and tried his best to suppress a smile.

This guy is also a black-faced and black-hearted master, with a thorny mouth, and sometimes his words can be poisonous.

"I confiscated the video from the reporter, and I watched it all over."

"Let me tell you, she's amazing, she was in Nanjiang last time, what the hell, she took a company to catch the rape, and frightened that man into wilting." Duan Linbai mentioned Nanjiang with great interest.

"Really?" Jing Hanchuan raised his eyebrows.

"I used to think my little sister-in-law was cute and cute. Since that incident happened, I can't look at her directly at all."

"So powerful?" Jing Hanchuan is different from Fu Chen. If it were Fu Chen, he would definitely not talk to Duan Lin Bai.

"This is necessary, the moon is dark and the wind is high that day..."

The two talked for a long time, Jing Hanchuan looked up at Fu Chen, "What do you like about that Miss Song?"

Fu Chen smiled faintly, "You two are single mothers and fetuses, so it's fun to discuss other people's wives."

Jing Hanchuan laughed without saying a word, and Duan Linbai exploded.

"Also, she's your sister-in-law." Fu Chen corrected his title, "It's too unreasonable to call Ms. Song."

"Sinian is willing to call her third aunt, but I will call her sister-in-law." Jing Hanchuan laughed.

Fu Chen calmly said, "Sinian doesn't call her Third Aunt..."

Jing Hanchuan felt a little complacent in his heart, but Fu Chen's next sentence completely broke his face.

"He always called Aunt Wanwan."

Jing Hanchuan pursed his lips, how could Fu Sinian, a spineless fellow, succumbed to Fu Chen's lust so casually.

He said slowly, "At her age, it's not easy to wait until she gets married and have children, but you have always been patient and persistent."

With a few simple words, a knife was stabbed in Fu Chen's heart.

Duan Linbai was about to go crazy laughing when he saw the two fighting each other.

The great god made a move, and the move saw blood.

"Then I have at least something to look forward to. The two of you don't even have a goal. Is it true that you plan to hold your tank of fish for the rest of your life?" Fu Chen shot back.

Duan Linbai was stunned.

Fuck, if you hit Jing Hanchuan, you just target him alone, why take me with you.

He coughed twice, and smoothed things over with a smile. The two of them are swordsmen, can they still have a good meal, "Han Chuan, don't worry, one day you will meet a good girl, beautiful and smart, don't want you I don't want your house, I don't want your car..."

Fu Chen said coldly, "She won't want you in the end either."

Duan Lin was dumbfounded.

This poisonous tongue monster!

Jing Hanchuan laughed, "Why do you say she likes you? Your money or your face?"

"All these things constitute the complete me. No matter what she sees in me, it is always me, not others, not others, just me."

Duan Linbai wished he could lift the table, how the hell could he still have a good meal, and fed dog food while "fighting".

What kind of flamboyant operation is this.

These two are so poisonous!

Although Liu Ye's name is cold, it is sweet, haha

He and the third master are really two poisonous tongue monsters. If he poisons him, he immediately poisons him. This knife is quite cruel.

It can be seen from this that Brother Duan is sandwiched between the two of them, and Fu Sinian's living environment is so difficult, and it is really not easy for him to survive tenaciously until now.

Brother Duan: Don't mention the past again, tears of bitterness.


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