Heartwarming Aristocratic Marriage: Influential Master’s Wife-Chasing Strategy

Chapter 365 Going to the theater is dangerous, do it and cherish it (3 more)

Inside Yunjin Capital

Seeing that Song Fengwan hadn't come down from the stairs for a long time, Fu Chen got up to check the situation.

When he came back, he went to see Huaisheng. He just hid in the quilt and pretended to be asleep, obviously he didn't want to communicate with others.

As soon as he stepped up the stairs, Duan Lin Bai poked Jing Hanchuan.

"I'll go, you two have a meal, if you want to spread the flames like this, it will affect me, a passerby."

"Watching a play is dangerous, so do it and cherish it." Jing Hanchuan lowered his head and drank coconut milk, which was made with coconut powder that Song Fengwan carried back, and it tasted very strong.

"Why are you so politely mentioning their ages? Don't you know that Fu San cares about this the most?"

"It's a fact, why can't it be mentioned?" Jing Hanchuan raised his eyebrows, "People can't avoid things that exist objectively, they have to face themselves squarely. This situation reminds me of a poem."


"Eighteen brides, Bashiro, with pale hair and red makeup. Mandarin ducks form a twin night in the quilt, and a pear blossom presses a begonia."

"Puchi—" Duan Linbai vomited blood.

Too poisonous, this man's mouth is too poisonous.

He looked at Fu Chen's figure and staggered, then turned his head and took a deep look at the two of them.

Such an eighteen-year-old bride, Yashiro, Jing Hanchuan, you are capable.


When Fu Chen arrived on the second floor

The door was not closed tightly, Fu Chen pushed the door open and walked in, Huai Sheng was sitting on a chair eating, he was already eating very fast, and the food Song Fengwan gave him was almost wiped out.

"Third Uncle." His eyes were red, and he turned to look at Fu Chen.

"Drink some soup." Song Fengwan frowned slightly. She gave him a lot of every dish, and the portion was very large. He ate too much and devoured it hungrily.

"Yeah." Huaisheng nodded obediently, "Actually, I can go downstairs to eat, and don't need to send it to my room."

His throat was broken from crying and his voice was hoarse.

"It's okay." Song Fengwan said with a smile.

After he finished eating, Fu Chen took the plate from Song Fengwan and told him to go to bed early, but Huai Sheng suddenly reached out and grabbed Fu Chen's clothes.


"Third uncle, I don't want to go with them. I will be more obedient and obedient in the future."

Song Fengwan's eyes turned hot, he bit his lip and said nothing.

"If you don't want to leave, no one can take you away." Fu Chen stroked his little head.

"Pull the hook." Huai Sheng said very seriously.

"Okay." Fu Chen stretched out his hand.

When the two went downstairs, they naturally had a different feeling in their hearts.

When Song Fengwan sat at the table, he felt that the atmosphere was very strange, especially the atmosphere between Fu Chen and Jing Hanchuan, which was very strange.

"Eat." Fu Chen took the lead in putting Song Fengwan in the food.

"Yeah." The two interacted frequently, and although they didn't behave excessively, they were very intimate.

Duan Linbai has long been used to it, Jing Hanchuan squinted his eyes, he finally stayed at his house to finish eating, did this guy just come to feed him dog food?

"Eat more, you are too thin." Since returning from military training, Fu Chen wished he could give Song Fengwan an extra two catties of meat.

He looked at the Jing family not far away, "Call me and ask if the fish at home have been fed? Don't starve my fish to thin."

Duan Linbai laughed out loud.

People have daughters-in-law, but you have fish?

Jing Hanchuan, do you want to be so arrogant?


Dare to eat dinner, at about nine o'clock in the evening, Master Pudu arrived. After a brief exchange with Fu Chen, he went upstairs to accompany Huaisheng, and Huaisheng's tragic cries could be heard downstairs.

What happened today obviously frightened Huai Sheng a lot.

"If you have a little conscience, you can't force your children like this. They are all sons, so they are treated differently?" Duan Linbai was speechless.

"The sick boy is his brother?" Song Fengwan checked the news, only to find out that the boy was already thirteen years old, and there was a fifteen-year-old sister on top, "There are sons and daughters, why do you want to have another one? "

And there's a lot of age difference.

Many things in the news are only half-told, and many things are not mentioned.

"The boy had an operation six years ago, and the leukemia recurred."

"Then the little monk was born for the umbilical cord blood, right?" Duan Linbai chuckled. In fact, there are a lot of people who have a second child now to save the child, but they throw it away when they are used up.

This is so unethical.

"I haven't used the umbilical cord blood yet, but I found a suitable match and performed the surgery in advance." Fu Chen explained.

"Do you think it's useless to conceive?" Duan Linbai was dumbfounded, "I guess I didn't expect the disease to recur again, what a retribution."

"Why don't you go to the previous donor?" Song Fengwan asked.

Fu Chen: "I checked that person. He was almost 50 when he donated. After six years, he is getting older and his health is not good. The process of donating bone marrow is not comfortable. I don't want to donate again."

"This is really karmic reincarnation, but this family is really wicked. They don't know how to repent, and they want to use public opinion. People who don't know now think that the Fu family is obstructing it." Duan Linbai was speechless.

Song Fengwan looked at Weibo, and the first hot search was [Fu's family], followed by [Fu Lao] and [Fu Sanye], and the Fu family almost went up one by one.

However, the Fu family has never had a black spot, and there are limited things that everyone can talk about.

At most, it is Fu Zhongli's family. Let's mention Sun Rui's family. There is nothing else for netizens to delve into.

"Hanchuan, why don't you speak?" Duan Linbai reached out to him, "Don't you feel angry?"

"Strongly indignant." Jing Hanchuan nodded.

"Don't condemn me?" Duan Linbai was stunned, at least he said something to cooperate with himself.

Under Duan Linbai's expectant eyes, he said four words lightly, "Strongly condemn."

"If I were there today, I would have to kill those two, right?" The two over there were a couple, and Duan Linbai could only cue Jing Hanchuan non-stop.

"Well, it's easy to wipe two people off." Jing Hanchuan said calmly.

"That's right, Fu San, kill them!" Duan Linbai was excited and indignant.

Several people chatted in the living room, and Jing Hanchuan was planned to bid farewell and go home.

The reason is [Chuanbei street lights are too dark, it is not safe to go home. 】

Duan Linbai vomits blood, which way do you want to go, the King of Hades dare not touch it, are you afraid of the dark?

bro are you kidding me?

Duan Linbai went to inspect the new area today, and he was in Fu Chen's car. He didn't bother to call his assistant over, so he took Jinghanchuan's car and went back.

On the way back from Jing Hanchuan, he had already opened the coconut cake that Song Fengwan had given him. Duan Lin Bai just reached out to grab a piece, but with a "pop" sound, he was hit on the back of his hand.

"You are too protective of food."

Jing Hanchuan turned his head to look at him, "Any comments?"

"No objection." Duan Linbai leaned on the back of the chair, "I went to Nanjiang to bring you coconut cake before, and I have never seen you so precious."

"Your one is not authentic and tastes bad."

After all, the Yan family is from Nanjiang, so they can naturally buy more authentic food.

"How's your project inspection in the new district going? Do you still need investment?" Jing Hanchuan ate food calmly and gracefully.

"Not bad, do you want to invest? Are you still short of money?" Duan Linbai chuckled lightly. The ghost knows how much money the Jing family has. Anyway, he thinks that Jing Hanchuan spends every day, and he can't spend it all in this lifetime. "Fu San's investment is Why do you earn so much money to support your daughter-in-law?"

"Dig fish ponds and raise fish!" Jing Hanchuan chewed on pastries, who can't raise something.

Duan Linbai was stunned, can raising a daughter-in-law be the same as raising fish?


other side

Song Fengwan had just taken a shower and was on the phone with Qiao Aiyun when Fu Chen opened the door and came in.

"...All the things are delivered, yes, I will stay in the dormitory tonight." Song Fengwan dared to say that he lived with Fu Chen. Qiao Aiyun always felt that they owed Fu Chen too much, and she was not allowed to harass Fu Chen.

Song Fengwan looked at Fu Chen, put his index finger on his lips, and made a silent gesture, telling him to move gently.

Fu Chen held the ointment in his hand, closed the door softly, and walked into the room.

"The roommate went out to play, but they are not here, so it is relatively quiet..."

"I will definitely study hard."

"Mom, I'm going out to take a shower, so hang up first."

Song Fengwan quickly hung up the phone.

Fu Chen smiled, "I'll give you some medicine."

Song Fengwan reached out and touched the side of his face, "It will disappear soon, it's okay."

Fu Chen opened the ointment, and with the milky white ointment sticking to his fingertips, he applied it on her chin.

"I just accidentally got slipped by that person's nails. I think it will be fine tomorrow." Seeing his tense expression, Song Fengwan wanted to talk about something else. For a long time?"

"More than twenty years."

"Is he really the same as the legend, killing people like hemp? The methods are spicy and outrageous?"

"Now is a society ruled by law, what do you think?" Fu Chen chuckled.

Maybe the Jing family was too famous before, and I don't know when it started. Jing Hanchuan is a big devil through and through in the eyes of everyone.

Moreover, the source of the rumors could not be found, which made Jing Hanchuan depressed for a long time.

Some parents even threatened their children, "If you are disobedient, I will throw you to northern Sichuan."

The more rumors became more and more mysterious, some people even said that he didn't get married because he was hard-pressed to suppress his wife, which gave him a notorious reputation as a demon.

In fact, Jing Hanchuan is not only engaged in investment, but also fishing and listening to operas at home. The pear orchard that their old lady often goes to is run by the Jing family.

A typical example of making a fortune in silence.

Song Fengwan smiled, "It seems that he is not a very bad person, but he likes to eat sweets?"

"Late night..."


"He said he wiped people out, not just for fun, their family really has such strength."


"He's not a nice guy."


Song Fengwan smiled and said, "You say that your friends are not good people and like attracts like, what about you?"

"I'm not a good person either, very bad."

On the other hand, after comforting Huaisheng, Master Pudu planned to have a good chat with Fu Chen, but was told by Huaisheng that he was not in his room.

Master Purdue, who is over sixty years old, shook his head when he heard this.

"Now the little benefactors are really incredible, sins and sins, good and good."



After Jing Hanchuan returned home, he sat by the fish tank and fed the goldfish.

"Why do you think people like Fu Chen can find girlfriends?"

A group of Jing family members on the side looked at each other.

With the appearance of the sixth master of their family, he must be likable, but when they heard that he was from the Chuanbei family, they immediately ran away in fright. No matchmaker has set foot in the door of the Jing family for a hundred years.

Madam also wanted to find a matchmaker for his marriage. After all, in the capital city, there are hundreds of women in a family begging, but in the end it didn't work out. They all said [cherish life, stay away from the Beijing family].

So his sixth master doesn't like to see others show affection in front of him.

Even the fish raised are all male.

Absolutely no cubs...

The third watch is over~

Tomorrow will start to abuse the scum, I am afraid that half of the abuse today, you say I am Cavin, and you will send me blades [cover your face]

There should be more three updates recently, and I may give you an update next month, so I will start to work hard and save manuscripts, and try to give you more.


After the appearance of the sixth master, you may often see him and the third master fighting each other on a daily basis.

[A sprig of pear blossom presses the crabapple], the third master really wants to kill someone, haha

I found a lot of people in the comment area who are obsessed with Liu Ye and can't help themselves. Girls, if you are addicted to Liu Ye every day, don't forget to leave a message and check in to vote...

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